April Hatchlings <3 twenty12[8 babies!!]

Tilly87~ I can get shots of a drug called nubain but it doesn't help with the pain at all it just makes you sleep in between contractions and then when the baby is born and your out of pain you just feel very drugged. I had it with my first daughter and hated it. So it's drug free for me. I have had 3 drug free births but it's been over 7 years sense I have had a baby and I am worried about the pain..lol

KittieB~ I would be so upset if my Dr lied in my chart and didn't do the checks! What is a antenatal class? Is it like a class to teach you how to deal with labor?
I hope that you can get it all worked out.

DJF~ Oh I am so sorry that your baby is head up too. The pain it causes me is unreal. I hope that your baby flips too! I have never had a c section and I am scared of having one. has your OB/Midwife brought it up to you yet? Your nursery is looking sooo sweet!!

missangie~ Happy birthday!!!

Mari30me~ I wish that my daughters bed had arrived today too!!

AFM~ So UPS was going to deliver the co sleeper that I ordered today so I sat here all day jumping up and going to the door everytime I heard a car or truck but 4pm came and NO BED :nope: So I checked the tracking number and it said that he had came to my house and nobody was home...well I got mad and called UPS and told them that there was no way that he came because I have been home all day they told me to look on my door to see if the note they leave was on my door and it wasn't there so they called the shipping place near me to see if he would bring my bed to me..the the guy that was driving the truck said no he didn't have time after his last drop off to bring it back. The last stop was 2 streets away from my house!!! I am so mad about this!! Now I have to wait until Monday and I was looking forward to going to the fabric store with my mom to buy the pink ribbon and pink tulle to customize her bed. I just want to get everything ready for her and it's driving me nuts that I can't. I don't have a room that I can turn into a nursery for her so I just wanted something to do to get ready. I am going to make a place in my living room for her because I sleep on the couch (my bed hurts my back) and then when I get my big crib I will be turning my room into babyville or maybe the dining room because we never use the table and I could turn the nook into her own little space. What are all of your thoughts on using the dining nook for a nursery? Sorry for my little rant but I just want to sit and ooh and aww at my baby stuff and I can't yet :cry:

I know what you mean i have been through labour twice and it still scares me lol. I'm sure you will manage once the time comes, you are very brave having no drugs at all!!

So annoying when you wait in all day and deliveries don't turn up, hope it comes monday. I think if you don't use your dining space then it will be fine to use as a nursery x
Wantingbbump - yeah antenatal classes are where they teach you about labour and what to do in the first few weeks of your baby's life, they do a session specifically on breast feeding too :) I think a dining room would be fine to use a nursery, we are using our study.

DJF - I love your nursery, it's so cute! Must be so exciting being able to go into baby's room and see things starting to come together :)

We have bought our cot, but haven't put it together yet. Baby's nursery is currently a study so we're going to turn it into a nursery once I have finished university in March.

Going to order our pram later... so excited!!
Mari30me - that's so exciting that you got your crib. Definitely post some pics when you get it set up! Can't wait to see it.

wantingbbbump - my OB isn't too concerned about her being breech yet. She said she has a lot of time to still turn around. I have a 3D ultrasound next week as part of a research study and a growth scan Feb 13th so hopefully she will have turned by one of those scans. My OB said she would start doing ultrasounds around 35 weeks to check on her position. I really don't want a C-section either but I have heard it is pretty painful when they try to flip the baby and it doesn't always work. So if she doesn't flip I will probably just get the C-section. This is my first baby, and as crazy as this sounds, I did want to experience labor - but it is what it is and I have no control over the situation. Has you Dr or midwife brought it up with you yet?

brookettc3 - can't wait to see pics of your room!
wantingabump - that totally sucks they could not deliver your bed. How do you not have enough time when you are 2 streets away?? Sorry you are in so much pain.

DJF - My baby was breech until last week. I just hope he does not flip again! I hope your little one flips soon:) I will definitely post some pics of the nursery soon:)

KittieB - That was so not nice of your MW to lie on your chart. I would be so upset too. I hope she does not do it again!

I have a growth scan on Monday and I am so excited to see my little guy again:) I will let you ladies know how it goes. My husband is going to setup the crib to day, and we are going to finish decorating the room. Hopefully I can post some pics by tomorrow night! I am also book in for a massage next week, so we will see if it helps my sciatic pain.
As most of you know I got pregnant by using donor sperm and the donor is my step dad. Well I have also had issues with my mom after becoming pregnant but now she is really getting out of hand as I am getting closer to having Airyonna. She is now decorating a nursery in her home for my child after I told her how much it's upsetting me that I have never got to do one for my kids and with this being my last I never will. She is out buying a wardrobe for her and bought a car seat. Now I don't drive and my mom takes me where I need to go when my oh is at work so why does she need her own car seat? Whats wrong with the one I bought? Also where does she think she will be taking my baby without me? She knows that I am going to be breastfeeding so she has bought me tons of storage bags and bottles to pump my milk into so she can feed Airy while she is there overnight. I was going to buy a breast pump next month so I had milk on hand if I needed to use it but now I am waiting until May or June so I know/have a excuse to not have her take Airy overnight so soon after birth. The other things that are driving me crazy is that she had the nerve to ask me how long I was going to hold her after she was born and then followed with that she didn't think it should be over 10mins because she wants to have bonding time with her too. Now I get that this is a baby that she has always wanted but I don't want my baby bonding to anyone other than me!! I went through this with my first daughter and it took years for me to get a motherly bond with my baby because I was young and my mom took over like she was her baby. I don't want that to happen again!!! The other thing is she has a ton of cats!! The smell can get very bad and sometimes I can't breath because of her cats. I don't want my babies lungs to get messed up!!! I don't want her sleeping in a bed that smells like cat or that cats have been laying in. I don't want her in clothing that stink of cats either. My parents also take care of my nephew that had a ton of issues and will throw things, tip things over and well I am worried about my baby being hurt while over at their house. I have seen him throw a toy across the room and hit my newborn cousin in the head with it, I would lose it! I feel bad for saying that I would lose it on my nephew because I understand that he is special needs but how could I not. I do want my step dad to have time with his only child more than anything but how in the hell do I talk to her about all of this without setting her off and it will if I say the wrong thing or she takes offence to what I'm trying to say. How do I get her to understand that Airyonna is MY baby and not hers!! I get upset watching the video I made of the U/S where we found out gender, you can hear her saying "So I get MY little girl" I was so angry when she called Airy her little girl. Um I am the only little girl she had, this is MY little girl!! She is just the step mom/grandma!!! I feel like I'm going to have to fight for my own child!! I just don't know what to do anymore!!

Sorry this is so long but if I didn't get it out I think I would of exploded on my mom and I don't want that, I don't want to hurt her in anyway because she is my mom and I love her more than anything!!
They told me that I must be further than I think because of how his face looks so they measured him and told me they have an EDD of 3/29/12 but there is no way


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Noooo you can't leave me! I always look at your tickers to see where I'm at lol! He's little face is adorable I have a 3d ultrasound Feb 18th!
OH I definitely wont be leaving I think he is just gonna be a big boy. There is literally no physical way I could be that far along. I know exactly when I ovulated and everything :) Thank you he was so cute! he kept yawning and making cry faces it was so awesome. They did tell me because of my anterior placenta if i would have waited any longer we wouldn't have seen anything.

Almost forgot he is head down and very low already & keeping his feet in my ribs... he loves kicking mama
They told me that I must be further than I think because of how his face looks so they measured him and told me they have an EDD of 3/29/12 but there is no way

Brooke - he is just so cute!! When I was pregnant last time, one of my scans dated me 5 days earlier, but I knew there was no way either. I did end up having a big boy @ 9lb7oz, probably why he was measuring ahead.
As most of you know I got pregnant by using donor sperm and the donor is my step dad. Well I have also had issues with my mom after becoming pregnant but now she is really getting out of hand as I am getting closer to having Airyonna. She is now decorating a nursery in her home for my child after I told her how much it's upsetting me that I have never got to do one for my kids and with this being my last I never will. She is out buying a wardrobe for her and bought a car seat. Now I don't drive and my mom takes me where I need to go when my oh is at work so why does she need her own car seat? Whats wrong with the one I bought? Also where does she think she will be taking my baby without me? She knows that I am going to be breastfeeding so she has bought me tons of storage bags and bottles to pump my milk into so she can feed Airy while she is there overnight. I was going to buy a breast pump next month so I had milk on hand if I needed to use it but now I am waiting until May or June so I know/have a excuse to not have her take Airy overnight so soon after birth. The other things that are driving me crazy is that she had the nerve to ask me how long I was going to hold her after she was born and then followed with that she didn't think it should be over 10mins because she wants to have bonding time with her too. Now I get that this is a baby that she has always wanted but I don't want my baby bonding to anyone other than me!! I went through this with my first daughter and it took years for me to get a motherly bond with my baby because I was young and my mom took over like she was her baby. I don't want that to happen again!!! The other thing is she has a ton of cats!! The smell can get very bad and sometimes I can't breath because of her cats. I don't want my babies lungs to get messed up!!! I don't want her sleeping in a bed that smells like cat or that cats have been laying in. I don't want her in clothing that stink of cats either. My parents also take care of my nephew that had a ton of issues and will throw things, tip things over and well I am worried about my baby being hurt while over at their house. I have seen him throw a toy across the room and hit my newborn cousin in the head with it, I would lose it! I feel bad for saying that I would lose it on my nephew because I understand that he is special needs but how could I not. I do want my step dad to have time with his only child more than anything but how in the hell do I talk to her about all of this without setting her off and it will if I say the wrong thing or she takes offence to what I'm trying to say. How do I get her to understand that Airyonna is MY baby and not hers!! I get upset watching the video I made of the U/S where we found out gender, you can hear her saying "So I get MY little girl" I was so angry when she called Airy her little girl. Um I am the only little girl she had, this is MY little girl!! She is just the step mom/grandma!!! I feel like I'm going to have to fight for my own child!! I just don't know what to do anymore!!

Sorry this is so long but if I didn't get it out I think I would of exploded on my mom and I don't want that, I don't want to hurt her in anyway because she is my mom and I love her more than anything!!

Sorry you are having issues with your mom. Remember, you are the mother, so whatever you says goes!
I have my ultrasound in less than 2 hrs!! So excited to see my little guy on the screen again:) It is just a growth scan to see how big he is. I will updated you ladies when I get back:)

I hope everyone is well.
wantingbbbomp - I am sorry you are going through that. Like Mari30me said you are the mother so what happens is up to you.

brookettc - adorable!
They told me that I must be further than I think because of how his face looks so they measured him and told me they have an EDD of 3/29/12 but there is no way

Brooke - he is just so cute!! When I was pregnant last time, one of my scans dated me 5 days earlier, but I knew there was no way either. I did end up having a big boy @ 9lb7oz, probably why he was measuring ahead.

Thank you ladies :)
I am kind of worried about having a big baby because during labor with my son my doctor told me that I woudn't naturally be able to deliver a baby over 7 lbs...

Good luck at your scan cant wait to hear the measurements my little boy weighed 2 lbs 10 oz
I am back from my ultrasound, and everything looks good. They would not tell me his measurements, I have to wait until my OB appt next week. I will let you ladies know how big he is then. He was being a litlte uncooperative today and would let us get a shot of his face! lol So no nice profile shot this time:(
Well I am sitting here waiting for ups again. Man they better bring her bed today or they will have one ticked off pregnant woman to deal with..lol

Brooke~ Your little man is so sweet looking in your US picts.

Mari30me~ You are so lucky to have had another ultrasound!! I am not sure when I will get one again but I am so going to ask on Thursday at my apt. Thanks, your right I am the mom and people will have to understand that what I say goes!
Awww Brooke your baby boy is just so cute. I hope everyone is keeping well, I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy is flying by....I'm making sure I enjoy every min despite pelvic girdle pain as this is my last baby. I love being pregnant and how my husband takes extra special care of me, he refers to me as preggars and is really protective, it's so precious :)
Omg the pain :( I have severe SPD and am in constant agony feels like someone us ripping my pelvis apart x
Omg the pain :( I have severe SPD and am in constant agony feels like someone us ripping my pelvis apart x

I am so sorry you are in so much pain. You should call you doc and see if they can do anything for you. I have had the exact same pain, it is a bit better now, but I know exactly how you feel. Try not to overdue anything and rest your body when you can. I hope it get s better soon. :hugs:
I just got back from the hospital a bit ago, spent 3 hours there being monitored since I called the advice nurse at 3am since I was having some dull constant cramping and lower back pain. (nothing that hurt much but just something I hadnt been experiencing before) Plus, I have not been feeling my little guy move much for the past week, I still felt him a few times almost every day but before he was punching and kicking like crazy daily. So the advice nurse said to go to labor and delivery to be checked out. He was moving like crazy once we were there, I could hear him on the doppler kicking and squirming and rolling and moving. They checked my cervix and everything seemed fine. She said she could see some small activity on the monitor with my body but nothing to be concerned about and finally they sent me home to just relax and take it easy. I have a feeling Ive been doing too much at work (I teach gymnastics and work 45 hrs a week) and my body was just telling me to slow down! Anyway, all is well and I see my midwife on Friday to make sure everything is still a-o-k (and to do the gestational diabetes test and get my Rhogam shot...)

Hope everyone is doing well!

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