April Mummies 2011

:hugs: Casey! Fb is such a double edged sword. Nice to be able to vent but then it's out there for the world in a very public nature. At least in here it's not our real names so we have that anonymity. I feel much more comfortable airing things out in here than on fb. I also found that when dh and I were apart (not as apart as you are from your dh!) I posted way more on fb. Without that person to bounce things off of its somewhat comforting to post it. Anyway, I hope the next couple months fly by!

So we're heading to the home improvement store to buy a chainsaw. Not sure I'll have the guts to use it. I still have a hard time using dh's band saw or most electric tools actually...mostly because I've never been properly trained to use them.
Annnnd I'm going to be alone for Mother's Day. My parents are both going out of town to different family members.

So not only did my parents ask if I was interested but the people they are going to see my step grandmother and my godmother didn't wonder either...

You're not going to be alone, go out with the 2 people that MADE you a mother. Enjoy what I'm sure will be a gorgeous day with your little ones :thumbup:
Casey :hugs: Danas right though... have a special day with the kiddos. Do handprints or messy play with pasta/cereals/lentils. Or anytging to enjoy the compamy of your little ladies.

I've got the hump. MIL has spent all day letting the babies crawl in and out of the kitchen. Thats not unusual, I often ask her if I can give them free roam of the downstairs. What she neglected to mention is that she put ant killer down this morning. I only just noticed it at 4pm and had to ask her what the white powder by the washing machine was and then remind her not to let my children in a room thats got poison in it. Seriously.
Thanks for the suggestions (though me and the girls play everyday anyway so it isn't anything special) but I told my roomie how my parents (not intentionally) ditched me and she invited me to her parents house. We are all going to make flower planter boxes and at the very least the girls will have interaction and I will have interaction. It's going to be really nice. I'm glad it all worked out like this.

I don't know about anyone else's children but Josie and Ember (though with less notice because she's still a baby) behave better when it isn't just me. Josie especially, is a very social girl. She needs lots of interaction among different people.

Eek!!!! Glad you caught the bug stuff before one of the kiddos did, cottles.

Sunday was a pretty good day and today has been too.

Josie's starting to get nightmares at night. She woke up three times crying talking about snakes and spiders in her bed, and finally came to sleep in the toddler bed in my room. It's all related. Her over emotional tantrums, her nightmares. It's because michaels gone. Like more gone than ever before. The time before this when we were apart for training. We would Skype often and text and phone call even more and she would have at least his presence around. And get to talk to him. And right before the submarine deployment he came home on weekends and we spent a week together in the hotel. This is actually the longest she hasn't seen him the whole year. So the way I see it, the intense emotions I'm feeling about the situation (lonely, isolated, missing pieces) is how she is probably feeling too except she can't express it or even begin to understand it. A parent is extremely important. Josie and Michael have always been really close. Me and Josie have always been really close. I hate calling her a daddy's girl because she's almost equally attached to the two of us, I just know she bursts with light whenever she sees him. I can't even begin to imagine what's going on in her emotionally immature brain on how to cope with this situation. And I'm also very glad this is hopefully our ONLY deployment.

Josie's been talking a lot more lately about missing him. We talk about how he's on a submarine like the octanauts but he will be back soon. And how much he misses her.
I think taking that time to let her talk about it even if she doesn't understand it is helping her deal with it. :) I am also glad Ember is almost out of wonder week 5. I get to have more Josie cuddles when Ember can interact with toys. Josie likes that too.
Well, we had a great weekend over here! Friday I left Abby with DH and went over to a friends house avoiding the paper i had due for that night :blush: (oh well), and helped her get ready for her son (my godson's) 2nd birthday. Lots of work these parties!! Saturday was puppy party day and we ended up staying til 1030 pm having so much fun! Sunday was chill/homework day, where DH ended up taking Abby to his brother's to give me quiet to do homework.
Writing it down sounds very "boring" and "everyday", but it was a weekend spent with the ppl i love, so it was fantastic!
Friday is DH's awards banquet for school and from the sounds, he'll be loading up! I'll have to get him a photo album or something to put all of it in.
I thought May would never get here with all the things that need to happen, we're financially stressed to the tippy top and if things don't happen exactly as they need to, we could stand to lose literally everything. *sigh*
:hugs: casey, when I need to vent its either on here or on a secret fb group from when I had eddie, maybe we should actually start a fb group!? that's where the july sunbeams went from eddie and Sam's ruby, non of us ever post on bnb anymore lol.

glad you had a lovely weekend dana, sod the essay, sometimes fun is more important!

we've had an exhausting but good weekend too, had a birthday party for alex's nursery friend at a local farm place with loads for kiddies to do so stayed longer than the party to make the most of it. Then we'd been putting up a playhouse for the boys all weekend, it looks great! will get some pics for fb soon.

Really trying to deal with alex's tantrums in a calmer way and it seems to help, hopefully I can keep it up once I'm on my own with him again!
Caro- something that seems to help with Abby is either not acknowledging or tell her I just don't believe her. Usually they're around wanting attention, so it quickly disappears. Good luck!

I totally agree about the fun. I wanted to graduate with a 4.0 and now I know that I could, but it would mean giving up things I just don't need to. I handed it in late, who cares.
A 4.0! Overachiever! :)

We spent our weekend doing what we do best, drinking and working on the yard :) this place is a disaster! I absolutely love landscaping but I hate removing hedges. I hate hedges more though! I have the flower beds up front marked I just need to get them sprayed and then mulched. I've bought a bunch of plants to put there so I have to get this done soon. I also have to get our garden in! My potatoes are already a couple weeks late! I also want to work on tearing out the back deck so I can clean the concrete patio below it. I would prefer if the pool was at the same level as the patio and the deck is a good 8" higher than the pool surround. We also put my hummingbird feeders out this week. I haven't seen any come feed at it yet but it's still a little early. Our apple trees just started blooming and that's when my mil always said to put them out.

Casey, Isis has started having nightmares too. One night she woke up screaming three times. I don't know what's causing hers but most of the books I've ready about toddlers say they're common at this point in development.

Cottles, glad you found it! That was pretty bad of her not to tell you! Insecticides can be very harmful!

Caro, I handle Isis's tantrums by ignoring them or if they go on too long then I start calmly taking away her toys for a certain number of sleeps until she calms down. I usually go directly to her favorite toys first. Mean mommy :)

Can anyone tell my why my daughter will eat the crap out of grape tomatoes straight from the container but will pick tomatoes out of anything I put them in, like guacamole? Drives me nuts!! Looks like I'm going to have to start puréeing all veggies!
sounds like you're busy Danielle! tomato wise we have the same problem, and he's beginning to reject all sorts of veggies too :/, guess its another age thing as he always used to eat them!

Ashley we've had a few nightmares too, he wakes up covered in sweat, its so horrible, says he had a bad dream but can never tell us what it was about :(.

I'm sooo going to regret this later but eddie's still napping and its 4.45pm, the peace is soo nice though!
In my familys never ending story of mild illness, eddies now over his cough but toby has slapped cheek and is therefore off nursery this week. GROAN. Although im silently hoping chicken pox will follow just to get it out of the way.

I've got my pill check next week. Im too overweight to renew my current pill and i had awful luck with the minipill so im seriously considering getting my tubes done. Hmm.
I'm sooo going to reggret this later but eddie's still napping and its 4.45pm, the peace is soo nice though!
Toby fell asleep at 4:30pm today. Hes really not gonna sleep til morning. We are clearly gluttons for punishment :haha:
Isis fell asleep at 6:45 the other night. I put her to bed and of course she woke up shortly after we came up to go to bed so she slept in our bed the rest of the night.

I gained all this weight from my thyroid over the course of the end of summer and fall last year so I have no summer clothes that fit really. I'm hoping to get some cheap clothes that will at least get me casual clothes for the summer at a low cost.
They don't let you get the pill if your overweight?? That seems silly....
Something to do with it being a fraction of a percent less effective or something... and blood pressure things and I dont even know! I just know that its the only pill ive tried that hasnt given me migraines or made me bleed for 6+ weeks. Also every time ive changed pill its made me gain even more weight so it seems pretty pointless going through that.

Toby was up at 4:55am. Urghhhh. Everyone's in a right horrible mood and the weathers grim so we cant go to the park.
Katherine, what about an IUD? Mine is as effective as having my tubes tied and I'm fertile the day they take it out. I have mirena so its only good for 5 years but the copper one is good for 10 I think.

Isis woke up in quite the mood today too. I don't know what I'm going to do with her.

I bought a bunch of grass seed yesterday and we're supposed to get rain tonight so I need to get it spread on the new septic drain field. Maybe being outside will help Isis's personality issues...
Hey ladies.

I took a break from the site and went and lived a little. Done a fair bit to help keep my spirits up and not dwell on what I did the other week.
But now I have pleurisy so im cuddled up on the couch off college sick aha.

I went out with bf and his friends on the weekend. I haven't been so drunk in aaaages. Wow. I was wasted haha but had a lovely night despite paying for it the next 2 days!
Its bfs bday this month too so got him a watch :) hope he likes it. Spent ages picking it.

Anyway hope everyone is well :) x
:hi: gem, good to have you back. oh no for being ill again, speedy recovery!

Katherine, he took until 10pm to go to bed that night....never doing that again! then was a grumpy mare all yesterday and a bugger to get to bed last night and tonight. I paid for my peace on Tuesday! Hope your boys are better soon!

Danielle, hope getting outside helped isis' mood!

alex has been rather moody lately too and bedtime is becoming a real battle. I just don't need it the way I've been feeling lately, gaaa!

Sarah...how are you getting on hun? xx
I can't forget how much outside helps Rosie's attitude. And she naps again!! But only after being outside. I'm sure the mile walks I've been going on help. She has to walk it too.
3 is a difficult age.
We can't take Aleena anywhere without her wanting stuff, whining and freaking out .
She wants to bring everything home , anything she sees. And if we don't allow that, she will throw a temper tantrum, and hers don't just end , we'll have to drag her out of the place kicking and screaming lol.
So DH has been going grocery shopping because she won't sit in the cart, wants to walk but then runs off and starts grabbing everything she can. And I can't carry her as I am 38 weeks pregnant .
So annoying but I've been trying to avoid going places, I'm just too pregnant to deal with her and she won't let DH carry her and she won't sit nicely in a cart or stroller, and she won't just walk next to us or hold our hand either.
LOL it's impossible!

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