April Mummies 2011

Thanks for the support re dh ladies xx
I know hes stressed out at work and hes bringing that stress home with him but we've had a talk and I've told him I'm not happy qith the way he talks to me. He used to use the term "like a ret*rd" if I did something he disagreed with but since he heard his dad say it to his mum, he realised how horrible it sounded and he hasnt said it since. He needs a reality check like that again, I just need to know how to deliver it.
Probably just being a toddler but its soooo extreme for him. Hes been getting worse for a while but last night and tonight hes been so... weird.
Like he'll cry hysterically over practically nothing but then his cries turn into maniacal laughter and giggles then back and forth between the two extremes without any reason or explanation. I dont condone smacking but I had to smack his leg to try to snap him out of it and he didnt even notice I'd done it. It was like he was so switched off to the world and his surroundings. He zones out like that a lot but usually only during bouts of hyperactivity which he snaps himself out of after 20-40 minutes but last night went on for over 2 hours. Hes lost what little fear of danger he had and has become so reckless and destructive and doesnt even know hes doing it. And he never ever stops. Even when hes tired, exhausted even.

BUT this never happens at nursery. At nursery he gets tired and whingy (or maybe just bored?) after lunch time and wants to come home. I'm wondering if theres something im not doing thats causing this change in him...
I do activities with him. We go out, when we dont go out we stay in and do crafts or water play or mess around in the garden.... sigh. I just dont know.
Hmmmm, that ford sound like extreme behaviour to me. But it's odd that he's. It doing at nursery as well. Unless he's just doing it purely to annoy you? :shrug: They are cleverer than we give them credit for sometimes. If it continues, maybe speak to your HV or doctor? Just to check out anything physical?
Argh!!! I don't know what is wrong with the boys tonight. Neither of them would settle to sleep. DH is in the car with both of them now driving around to try & get them to sleep. I give up on bedtime :cry: . I don't know how to make it work & have 2 happy sleeping boys. It'd be so much easier if Leo was having a bottle & DH could settle him. :cry: And the way he's been fighting me at feeds today, I'm starting to think a bottle might be better :cry: I don't know what's wrong with Leo today. He's had 2 periods of being happy & alert but aside from that, he's been miserable all day. Fighting feeds & fighting sleep. No idea what's wrong :cry: Feel like a complete failure today.

Sorry for the rant!
abby's started being defiant as well, but a quick time out cures that real quick. I know your DH has a different definition of parenting, so I don't know what to tell you since it's so different than anything I know.
Poppy completely lost it today in asda and hit and old woman in frustration I've never been so embarrassed in all my life!
She has been a proper threenager today! Arrrrgghhh
eeek on all the bad behaviour! we had a rough few days at the end of last week, I think the heat totally got to my boys, they just couldn't handle it so no one was sleeping well at night which made them grumpy, touchy and badly behaved!

Katherine does toby ever hurt the twins? I'm sure pretty much everyday alex seems to manage to whack eddie somehow at least once, usually because he irritates him in some way. Tonight though they were both playing with the garage nicely when alex wanted his car in the lift and eddie was stopping it go up, totally out of no-where alex smashed a metal toy car down on eddies head, there were 5 adults in the room and non of us saw it coming. The game got ended and alex got seriously told off but I know he'll do it again. So frustrating and I'm struggling to know how to handle that as people have suggested I give eddie all the attention and ignore alex but then he generally gets the toy he wanted while I console eddie so he kinda achieved his aim. Obviously I can take the toy away but he still ultimately gets eddie taken away from playing with him while I give him a cuddle which is usually what he's after, but I can't just let eddie not have comfort :/.

Did everyone have nice fathers days? ours has been pretty nice, family bbq this pm and generally pottering to shops and at home today.

oooh and this is so sad but we purchased a pressure washer and I used it on the highchair, it looks like new now! :D
that's not sad Caro, that's awesome! I love pressure washers! Interesting that UK has the same Father's Day as the US, but a different Mother's Day.
Pickle is much quicker to temper too, I think it's just the next level of frustration tbh. She's a lovely kid most of the time and I just have to remember that when she kicks off.

I got a call from my consultants PA this morning. EPU scan booked for 2 weeks today to get dates, then meet with consultant Thurs the same week to discuss testing. We've decided to go straight to the CVS. Harmony just wouldn't give me the absolute certainty that I need. And if this were wrong again, I would still need CVS/Amnio to confirm before terminating again (which we would do). By that time time is pushing past quickly and I'd rather not have to go through labour again tbh. Not just that but even though I know the harmony is better than the 1:10000 result but it still says 1: and I've been that 1 before so I don't think I would be reassured enough if it was low risk. And if it wasn't I'd still need the diagnostic testing.

So, I have 2 weeks to go before I even know if this is a viable pregnancy. I had a migraine last week I think from hormones and stress. I'm exhausted but I still need to plough on with my phd, because if baby is ill again I don't want to have wasted time :(

Katherine does toby ever hurt the twins?

CONSTANTLY. He pushes them over for no reason, is forever punching, hitting and making them cry.
Dylans started biting though. Done it twice, once to toby and once to eddie. Ughh. Never dealt with biting before.
lol well least I'm not alone! biting wise twice isn't all that worrying, fx'ed it doesn't become a habit! alex has biten a couple of other kids at nursery before when he was younger and they just distract and tell him its wrong etc, it didn't become common thankfully!

Gertrude, good call on the cvs, thinking of you xx
nothing like having to do laundry mid day because you've sneezed so much you've pee'd all your bottoms. :yipee:
Gertrude!!! Congrats on your pregnancy! Can't believe I haven't even checked this forum out for long enough not to realise?! So happy for you, but understand for emotions right now. I'm glad to hear you are under consultant care, and you know what to expect. Wow!!!!!

Ria- Comgratulations to you too!! Something is definitely in the water, again!

Bit World Cup Mania in my house. Jake is completely and utterly football mad. So much so, he has a chart on his wall and he has been keeping track of ALL the games! We are taking him to Arsenal Emirate stadium for a tour this weekend. Should be interesting!

I'm so annoyed. My miscarriage was 6 months ago, and I'm losing hair like mad. 50 strands come out just when I'm conditioning my hair. So fucking annoying. It isn't my thyroid as I had those tests not long ago. Including a gynae scan.

Also recently got told I may have a hiatal hernia, awaiting Endoscopy. So on heartburn medication till whenever. Bloody great! Apart from that, all is well.

Also have a stomping threenager hereB
Isis has her fits too but they're usually short lived. I take away a couple of her things for a sleep or two depending on length of fit. She's really a good girl overall.
This past weekend was pretty nice. Sil had a babysitter lined up for both Saturday and Sunday so we had time without the kids. Isis hasn't had a babysitter in forever! She was a little clingy and not comfortable with it but it all ended up fine. She had a great time with her cousins too!
It's going to be hot here all week! We had to turn on the air conditioning yesterday. Today it's already 28C and it's only 9:15! I'm going to try and brave the weather this afternoon and have Isis ride her tricycle around the neighborhood while I walk. We'll see! I'm trying to get in an hour every day and I already did 30 minutes aerobics so all I need is 30 more minutes is afternoon :)
this whole bathroom thing is really hard when you slipped a disc in your lower back. oh yea and my tummy isn't feeling so hot today either. weeeeeee!!! :rofl:
Toby has been sent for timeout upstairs. Hes pushing ALL the right buttons today. Its 5:30pm and im ready to put him to bed. I cant deal with him any more today.
Feel sorry for the neighbours... they probably think hes being tortured, the noise hes making. Urghhhhh.
Good to see you back on here, Rachel! :thumbup: Although I keep up with you on FB! Hope you get your health issues sorted soon.

Oh, Dana!! You're not having a good time of it are you?! :hugs:

:hugs: Katherine. They deffo know exactly how to wind us up. Rex certainly knows how to piss me off!

Just plodding on here. Off for a stay & play settling in session at Rex's foundation unit this afternoon. Can't really believe he starts in September. Madness! He's really ready for it though. He's already completely familiar with the school due to school runs with the childminder so this afternoon is more for me to see where he'll be. Can't believe I'll be doing school runs in September!!
Whaaaa I thought foundation year was 4-5? Pretty sure toby stays at his nursery til hes 5. Hes struggling with his 2 full days though bless him. Where hes waking up earlier since the babies have been here, hes so tired by lunch time that hes just unmotivated, tired and whiny in the afternoons and HELL by dinner time.

But yeah. So this happened. ...

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