April Mummies 2011

Alex is really scared of peop dressed up as characters too. Frustrating!
Completely!! Poppy will run and scream the place down if she sees one. But she's ok if they are on a stage and knows they won't come off lol.
I dread kids party's when I know these things appear lol
that's really how I found out ria, my friend had a giant fireman sam, even him giving out presents wouldn't convince alex to go anywhere near! at peppa pig land he saw peppa and George come out and got all excited so we went to say hi, got within a few feet and he realised how big the were and totally backed off. From a distance he doesn't mind them too much, just keeps an eye on them but we're never going to get the cute pic of him having a hug with one! :dohh:
I feel your pain! Hoping she will grow out of it.
Abby's the same way. She's fine if they stay a few feet away, but if they come near her she screams like she's being murdered :haha:

had an awesome mini vacation with the family this weekend, i'll type more when i feel up to it. i find myself wanting to share less and less and just keep stuff to myself lately, which is weird for me.
I really thought I had responded. Oh well.
So I think I just joined the ranks of soccer mom... I just signed Isis up for tiny tot soccer for August through October. I told dh he has to be in charge of taking her. I've never played soccer and he has. Tiny tot requires a parent to help with the child. I'll go too but only to take pictures and it might not be every weekend. I think this will be something great they can do together to bond again. I already spend enough time with her :)

Girls, I have a drs appt tomorrow. I'm a little worried of what they'll find. But honestly I really need to know. I'm so glad dh has the time to come with me. I don't think it is, but I have symptoms of cervical cancer. I honestly think I have abrasions from dh and I acting like bunnies and my thyroid isn't fully controlled causing long bleeding. Anyway, I'm a little freaked out. I also tried to use diet pills to lose weight and while they worked I had so much anxiety I couldn't stand being awake. I've been off them for a full day and I'm already feeling so much better. It's been a rough couple months...
i hope everything works out Danielle :hugs: you need anything, you've got my number!
hope your ok Danielle!

hope you're ok too dana? entirely up to you what you share though, but don't feel you can't if you want to.

we've had a rough week with eddie starting nursery, but yesterday went significantly better than Tuesday so that's positive. The poor guy is struggling today with napping at home though as I'm now not feeding him during the day in preparation for going back to work next Tuesday. He's not had it tues or wed but I wasn't around either as he was at nursery so it wasn't an option, today I'm here and he's struggling, poor thing! xx
it's not that anything is too personal to share, or that anything is wrong, i'm just wanting to keep our adventures and time we spent together for just us.
everything is boring over here, thankfully. DH and I are working on building our friendship again as I think that's what's been missing. somewhere along the way I stopped turning to him, and he started rejecting me when I did. hopefully we can change that and get back on track as friends and as husband and wife. we celebrated 5 years together on friday, had a weekend together just the 3 of us, which i immediately want to do again.
ok, i'm done rambling, lol.
I think that sounds sensible Dana. I know when me and OH are around each other and communicating well I don't post so much. Whereas like now, when he's away AGAIN I have too much time on my hands but too tired to use it wisely so post online instead.

ION I have my viability scan on Monday, to which my OH can't go. Then on thurs my consultant appt and dating scan, to which he can't go either. And I feel very alone.

It was Lily's due date on Saturday and no one mentioned it. I even emailed my brother to apologise for not going to see dad and take his Father's Day cards because I'd been trying to distract myself and seeing dad is depressing these days, I told him what the date was. I haven't heard anything back from him. I told my mum it was the date and she was so blasé I don't know how she didn't just say "and?"

So am feeling pretty on my own now. Which sucks. And fat, so very very fat :(
I think that sounds sensible Dana. I know when me and OH are around each other and communicating well I don't post so much. Whereas like now, when he's away AGAIN I have too much time on my hands but too tired to use it wisely so post online instead.

ION I have my viability scan on Monday, to which my OH can't go. Then on thurs my consultant appt and dating scan, to which he can't go either. And I feel very alone.

It was Lily's due date on Saturday and no one mentioned it. I even emailed my brother to apologise for not going to see dad and take his Father's Day cards because I'd been trying to distract myself and seeing dad is depressing these days, I told him what the date was. I haven't heard anything back from him. I told my mum it was the date and she was so blasé I don't know how she didn't just say "and?"

So am feeling pretty on my own now. Which sucks. And fat, so very very fat :(

Oh honey I wish I knew/remembered that was her due date :hugs:
Perhaps that's how your family morn, by chosing to ignore? Regardless, it sucks, I know a little of what you feel and while time does start to heal, your heart will always miss her. I'm sorry again dearest :hugs:
Oh hugs Gertrude! Sort to hear u feel alone you have us lot.
Good luck for your scans etc. I have everything crossed for u xxx
oh Gertrude, :hugs: so sorry non of us knew/remembered it was her due date. You'll always miss her. Sad your family can't see that :(.
I have everything crossed also for Monday for you xx

glad things are looking better with your DH Dana, I think I ought to follow your lead, sometimes I feel we live together but don't massively see each other, plus he's always at work, I know it pays the bills but he's been late home 3/4 nights recently, as in midnight Friday, 8.30 Tuesday and about 9.15 last night! find it really tough putting the boys to bed by myself, and he's finding on the nights he is here alex just wants me not him, probably cos he's just not used to him reading a story weeknights :shrug:
Dh and I are working on a lot over here too. That's why I haven't been posting much.
Anyway, my appt went ok. No real answers but she thinks that the mirena is irritating my uterus causing it to she'd too much. She put me on bc pills continuously for two months, no spacers to try and help it calm down. After that if things don't regulate she'll take out the IUD and we'll go from there. Since my last pap was normal she going to wait to do a pap in sept when I'm up for a new one. Fingers crossed. My mom had something similar happen to her and she ended up with a hysterectomy because they couldn't stop her bleeding. I feel like I'm heading down that road. Oh well, not much point in worrying about it.
We leave for vacation tomorrow and I have so much to do! Paying bills because it's end of the month, getting our dog to the kennel, shipping stuff for my business, packing! Ugh! I shouldn't be on here but I wanted to give you guys an update.
thanks for the update Danielle, hope its just the iud irritating things, glad the dr wasn't to concerned xx
I forgot to add, :hugs: Gertrude! Sorry no one remembered or seemed to care. I hope your scans go well! We're all here for you!
hi everyone just a quickie.

gertrude; im sorry kn-one remembered the due date. I completely understand how you feel, with each of my angels due dates, i feel so overwhelmed with grief and dh never remembers (but he cant even remember the majority of birthdays, if im honest!). Big :hugs: for you. I hope all is well on Monday. Please do let us know how you get on xx

Danielle, im glad your doctor saw you and you have a plan of action. Cervical cancer can take a long time to develop, and if your last smear was ok, then the chances are very fractional. My nan had cervical cancer, but she had it for a long time. back in the 50's and i dont even think they had smears then, so science has come so far, we are very lucky to have the opportunity for smears. Sounds like abrasion, I hope its something simple to treat. (sorry for terrible typos and grammar. I am rushing on a laptop that is a bit nutty!)

So sorry if I have missed out anyone?!

We are pottering about today. Did some market research with the kids today. They had to sample different milkshakes. It was so funny as I had to ask Amelia if she liked the milkshake, was it strong enough or too weak, and the colour etc. Well, you can imagine how that went?! Everything was "yummy" there was no other option lol! We had to use ipads to enter the answers and they kept pressing different screens etc. Mind they did get 2 treats afterwards, and a fiver each!
i'm having a good day. DH and abby played outside in her water/sand table for a good couple hours, my hair is behaving (now that it's getting a little longer i'm really liking it. i vaguely remember saying to chop it a little shorter so it lasts longer, and now i know why), my new purse came, and i found my sunglasses i lost in december. makes me want to go shopping :haha:

**edit** sun is shining, it's warm, and now the A/C is on. possibly hitting the water with the boat later to do some fishing/sun bathing. good day indeed.
Hey ladies!
Miss you guys so thought id come say hi while I have chance... ironically at 3.13am ha!
Ive been crazy busy with the end of first year college, health etc.
Had an end of year party tonight :) went well.
All my works in now yay!

Oh I was in the Jeremy kyle audience yesterday... will be airing in 4-6 weeks. My tv debut lol! It was crazy! Also walked past the blonde girl off cbeebies but she looked on a rush so didnt stop her :/ I just love mediacity though. Heres to hoping ill be working there one day!

Aaaaand I should be driving soon! My nan gave me a car and the money for my test :D over the moon!

I hope everyone's well. Ill be on here more now its summer :)
Good to hear from you Gem! Sounds like youre doing alright at the mo.... excellent news with the driving styff. Youre sooo lucky! Im 30 and still cant afford the money or time for lessons haha

Ive got the hump a bit. Ive forgotteb what its like to be bored and I dont mean that in a good way. I havent stopped all month and today was meant to be my day of NOTHING. Th children are with family for a couple of hours and dh was meant to be helping his sister move furniture... only hes faked a car breakdown so he doesnt have to do it and is now at home on a mission to "gey shit done"
In other words hes sent me upstairs with a shitload of stuff to tidy and clean and just... whatever he wants really. Then hes invited his fam (along with the children I've sent away for the day) round for lunch. Arghhhhh.
I had a lovely day planned of doctor who, blogging, munching toffee popcorn in my pjs... and now im dressed and doing housework.

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