April Mummies 2011

Date through today. 21st July. Two more weeks of waiting but should get results back the same week :)
:rofl: dangleberries, LOVE it!

:hugs: Gertrude, you've made it through the last 10+ weeks, you'll manage another 3, not gonna be easy but you will. Use the canestan cream you buy in any old shop and see if it helps at all, even to just relieve some of the itch, it probably won't fully clear it up so you'll need to pessary which I'd get the dr to prescribe but the cream might help. If its worms the cream won't do any damage while you wait for an opportunity to get to the dr apt as its just external. Big hugs!

Dana, so glad you've had a good weekend!

Katherine, moan away hun, problem shared = problem halved and all that :).

afm I'm have a sickness bug this weekend, felt sooooo ill but wasn't actually sick somehow, just dry retching. Still managed to cook on Saturday though and help with bedtime, then just crashed myself. Had tones of dreams I was pregnant though as I felt like I did with alex at the start, oddest dream was I did a pregnancy test, that not only told me I was pregnant but was 20wks and a little scan pic came up with the test saying it guessed girl but not to rely on it as it wasn't that accurate :haha:, anyway 24 hours later thank god I felt 100x better. Only for DH to come home early from work tonight, very green and take himself straight to bed. eugh, hope the boys aren't next :(
Ughh tummy bugs are dreadful and so catching. Hope everyones feeling better soon :hugs:

Tobys been poorly this week. Hes had a cough, been so mucusy that its given him the runs and is hurting his tummy muscles from retching :( I had to keep him home from nursery today so he missed his first ever class trip to the beach (we live 500 yards from the beach but thats not the point), I feel really guilty even though I know it was for the best. So so hope he doesn't have to miss sports day tomorrow.

Gertrude, huge :hugs: I want to tell you 3 weeks is nothing. In the grand scheme of things its not but I know how time can drag... just remrmber we're here for venting purposes if the waiting gets too much. Xx

As for my having the hump with MIL... im over it. She had the twins overnight. Was meant to have them the following day then text to say they were to be picked up hours earlier than planned so I got no time to do anything id hoped. But like i said, im over it. I'll have "me" time when I'm 80 and retired.
Someone just asked me this morning was I pregnant :( I mean, I'm fat yes but I really didn't want to look pregnant. I want to hide it all away from everyone.

It's really upset me. I have 2.5weeks to know whether this is going to work or not and I really wanted to just hide it away until then :(
I'll have "me" time when I'm 80 and retired.
This really makes me cross on your behalf. You are MORE than a Mum, you are YOU too. You should absolutely get some fucking you time. Why the hell not?

I'd start with 1 evening a month (which lets be fair, is WAY less than it should be) where you go out and do stuff YOU care about. You're no less important than anyone else.
It's my 12 weeks scan tomorrow and my OH is away with work so I'm going alone. I really wish he was here (and I know he wishes he was too). I wish the scan could just be on hold until the CVS is through but I know it can pick up things the CVS won't so I know it has to be done but what if flump is so gorgeous? I don't want to be attached in case it's bad news again :( I just want to hide away.

There is no point asking them to look for soft markers because Lily didnt have any, so that wouldn't help :(. Fucks sake, I bet I don't sleep tonight :(
if i had the $$ i'd come over there in a heart beat and be with you. i'll be thinking of you. can you ask them to not put it over the screen, just do the u/s like they would before an abortion with no heartbeat and the mom not seeing anything?? i would definitely ask, but also have them put pics in your file so when everything is okay, you can have copies :thumbup:
Massive :hugs: Gertrude. That's going to be tough going alone tomorrow. I know it won't give you all the answers but I hope it goes well.

Just plodding on over here. Feel like I hardly get 5 minutes to myself these days. I'm sure having two is somehow more than double the work! But not quite sure how that works! :haha:
Gertrude I'm thinking of you so much and giving your a virtual hand-holding for tomorrows scan. I can understand your fears. At my scan, I went alone when I found out the news, so I really do empathise.

What time is the scan?
Thankfully my scan was at 9.10 so they hadn't had time to start running late! It was in the same room as the amnio was back in Jan so that made me cry. I'm not normally one for associating places with memories but I think seeing the sonographer I thought was shit and thinking i was going to have her I was already a bit emotional.

This sonographer was lovely though. Baby measuring spot on to my dates so I'm 11w6d today. CVS booked for 8.30am a week on Monday so I'm back to ignoring it all now.

Flump was very cute and wasn't really in the mood for pictures. The image was less clear than the scan last week. I opted out of the NT scan just because we're having the CVS.

The midwife at the end was lovely and tried to reassure me that just because I'd been the one before there was no reason I'll be it again - only someone has to be it again don't they. So why not us again?

So hopefully, 2 weeks tomorrow we might know where we stand. Wish time would pass quicker. Or I really wish the consultant had time next week to fit in my CVS rather than wait another week. I'll be just over 13 weeks by the time it happens and I was more hoping it would have been closer to the 11 tbh. Another termination at over 14 is going to be shit :(
Oh and she asked if I'd had a bleed as there was some blood but I haven't and I think (though might be wrong) it's not uncommon? I'll ask more once I have the CVS results tbh. The midwife also asked had I made my 16 week appointment and I said I'm not until I have the CVS results. Because until then I don't know if I need one :(
Gertrude, Sounds like everything went as well as it could. :hugs:

Isis and I flew to my parents house yesterday and left dh alone (poor guy). I really miss him but I'm having a blast here already! We picked fresh raspberries and now we're enjoying the nice dry warm air and playing in the sprinklers. Tomorrow we're going to the county fair with my sister and in the evening leaving for the coast. We'll be there all weekend with my cousins wedding on Saturday. Monday we fly back to Illinois. It's going to be a short trip but better than nothing. Tonight my parents have invited all family and friends over for a party so we'll get to see everyone. It'll be overwhelming for Isis but hopefully she'll warm up to her extended cousins quickly and play with them.

Monday after :sex: I noticed more spotting and now I'm having a full period despite being only in my second week of the pill and my IUD. The midwife told me she expected no bleeding while on the pill. It's light but I'm cramping and everything. I guess I'll just have to see what happens next.
Aww Gertrude. Glad it went well and I hope the two weeks fly by for u for your cvs xx

It's my 12 week scan tomorrow I'm really nervous more so than when I had one with poppy
Glad all has gone well so far Gertrude, hope the next couple wks fly by, it sucks they can't do it sooner though.

Good luck tomorrow ria! Xx
I expect pics tomorrow RiRi!!!!

Gertrude, I'm hoping everything is okay and I'm glad it went as well as it could. You're blessed to have such great medical staff that are understanding and sensitive to your situation. I just KNOW in a few weeks you'll be jumping for joy that she's healthy little peanut.
I can feel my anxiety levels going up by the minute. This is ridiculous. I might have to give ARC another call to talk it through with someone. I know it is very unlikely to happen again, but it can and it does. And if I've been the one before why wouldn't I be the one again. Lightening does unfortunately strike twice after all.

I can't bear to be excited. I just can't. I'm finding any excuse to avoid everyone for the next two weekends because I can't think of much else tbh. How the hell I'm going to get through work next week I have no idea. Thankfully my boss knows and is really supportive but I'm still supposed to be doing my job. I think everyone around me thinks I've gone mental or something.

Fucking hell I need this to just be over, one way or the other.

Sorry I'm turning this so into the all about me party. I have no where else to post really as no one knows and I know my OH is struggling too so I don't want to keep moaning to him about it :(
keep it coming!!! please don't ever feel like you can't talk/vent or anything else. if ppl don't want to read, they can skip the post. its a scary thing you went thru and even scarier doing it again. we're all here and would expect the same if any of us were going thru this too.

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