Hi girlies. You all well? Hmm anyone wanna go hunting for our weights board?
Layla slept in her cot in her room last night for first time. Went down at 9pm and woke at 7.30

Stirred at 3/6/6.30 but went back off ! Let's hope it gets later and later haha! Oh and I slept on her floor with her as she's only little and I was kinda worried, evn though her monitors arrived yesterday!
Baby Rice next! (When her sickiness from jabs has gone) as now she's waking later, she's dropping milk, she's only on 4 bottles a day @ 6oz. Last milk being 7-7.30 at night, so can't really get her to have much more at 8.30 topup!
Other than our sexy hunky boys

anyone else on food/rice yet?