awww shes a little doll
Kay- I started Leo off on a teaspoon of rice mixed with his milk then after a week upped it to 2. This is the 3rd week of rice at teatime and he has about a tablespoon now. He has it with a half teaspoon of futapura mixed in with it to give it some taste.
Just start Jess off like that...Leo loves his food now!
Thanks hun, wots futapura?

U can tell ive done my reseach eh? Ive bought rice and i got cereal too and all the bowls, spoons etc so im good to go but just scared haha!
So to start 1 teaspoon with bottle? Is that just once a day or every feed?
oh no, just once a day to start with! I gave leo his around tea time 5-6 pm roughly an hour after his tea time feed, so inbetween his 5 pm and 9 pm feeds....mix it with warm milk and just add a little milk at a time to the rice or it goes lump. You want it quite creamy but not runny that it slides off the spoon. She will prolly spit it out at first but just catch it with the spoon and pop it back in her mouth, she'll get the jist! Leo even opens his mouth wide now when he sees me coming with the sppon!
Futapura is a 100% fruit purree in a yoghurt pot, comes in 4's. I waste loads though cos I just take a small amount from each pot, so end up chucking 99% of it

I tried him just on this but it didnt agree with him.
BTW, Does anyone know what it means when baby isnt having as many wet nappies as hes used to? The night leo slept 8.30 pm to 6.45 am (sat) i changed his nappy and he was virtually dry. he wet yesterday but i dont think hes wetting as much. He also feels cold/clammy to the touch and keeps having outbursts of bad crying....ideas?
Im wondering id its hurting him to wee, so took hims nappy off and hes asleep on his mat on the floor so I can see what happens when he wees, or when he next wees..