April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Wow it has been busy on here!

Hello to all the fellow teachers out there, this is my third time around teaching whilst pregnant and I actually love the way the kids have been with me in the past. They are so concerned and want constant updates. The current lot of lovely teenagers don't yet know but I'm sure they will be the same.

There have been some amazing scans, congrats to everyone! I got my next date for the NT scan Monday 8th October so 3 1/2 weeks and counting. I'm not nervous about what it will show up, I'm more going so that I can see the baby, I had my first scan at 7 weeks so unless I have this scan it won't be until the end of November that I will next see my little sea monkey (that's what my two boys call it).

I am more worried to know that it's all still there and growing etc following a mc last year.

As for nappies I really want to go cloth this time we did try the last two times but both times the leakage was awful, bu I will have a look at all the ones recommended, hopefully they have improved since my last son was born over 6 years ago!

Hope everyone has a lovely day xx
these videos are good doggylover ,


Hey!! Had another scan today at 8+2. Baby measured 3 days ahead. 2.14cm, we could already tell apart the head, body and what will end up being the arms a leg. Sorry about the bad quality of the pic.
I'm so excited though! Its my bday tomoro and I feel a bit better now, knowing that everything is running smoothly :D.


And a video, just wished I had remembered to ask the Dr to turn on the sound!

Thank you so much ukgirl! Will save that to my favourites (I have a free period now, so will also watch it now!!)

Jenna, I think our teenagers will be the same. I find the kids at my school just so lovely (generally!) and they are so interested in my life, so I'm hoping that they will be like your students have in the past!

MollyMalone, what a great video!! And wondeful news about you lo! Congrats!
Oh my gosh the girl in that video is so enthusiastic she has managed to give me a headache! Probably the massive flow of information she spewed at me as well!! Will have to find her outher vlogs!
Ugh I just plucked up the courage to eat something for the first time today and now I feel even worse lol!
Poor LO is going to be entertaining himself this afternoon at this rate!!
Had a bit of a scare yesterday, similar to someone else's on here where all of my symptoms just stopped. I was a bit frantic so DH took me to the ER where they ran a full blood panel and a scan. Baby is fine but ER is confirming a second sac with yolk sac measuring 5 weeks. *sigh*. At 5w6d they thought there might be a second sac, but they didn't figure it would grow into anything. Now I find out that that The ER is thinking that there is now a yolk sack in the second sac, it's frightening me a bit more. maybe this scam at five weeks six days just didn't pick up the yolk sac, but I have to go into a high risk Center now so that they can confirm that the second sac is not a real pregnancy. Now I'm just worried that the other sprout a measuring fine and right on schedule uneven Mike HCG is a little bit higher than normal I guess I can rest assured that this baby is fine but now I'm wondering what's going to happen with the second. Everyone keeps telling me not to worry, that is a vanishing twin. No one really knows, and it's upsetting. :(
MollyMalone cool scan and video, your LO looks great!

ukgirl23 & doggy lover many many thanks for the cloth diaper videos, so much info I wanted to know and didn't know where to start!

liams_mom sorry you are so stressed about the vanishing baby... I really wish this clears up soon and whatever happens I wish you continue a healthy pregnancy with either 1 or 2 babaies. Most important is your own health and well being. I will keep you in my thoughts.

I'm having cramps today . It is house cleaning day of all days and I have to stop every 15 min to take a break :(
Aw Liam'smum sorry your going through this, hope it's all figured out soon! That's not what you need, extra worry! Thinking of you! Molly the scan pics and vids are amazing! Afm I am going with disposable nappies, tried cloth with my dd and they just didn't work for us! Well I have not rally moved from the sofa, useless its to live on the toilet floor with my head down the loo! Phoned my mother in law to see if she could come and watch my lo as even the smell of her nappy makes me run for the loo, but she is looking after my nephew, while the sister in law gets her newborn lo weighed at the clinic, then sister in law is gonna come and collect her for me thank goodness and dh will collect her on his way home from work! I feel bad but I need some me time as lo is seriously mummy needy at the mo! :( I feel so bad x
liams_mom I'm so sorry you are going through this. I can't imagine how you are feeling. And I don't know about you, but when people tell me not to worry it mostly pisses me off these days. I'm thinking of you. Best of Luck & please keep us updated.

AFM, I have my scan today!!! I don't think 1:30pm will get here soon enough. I had cramping yesterday evening & throughout the night. I'm sure it's just "growing" pains but between that & the excitement of the scan today I didn't sleep worth a crap. Plus it's ACTUALLY RAINING HERE today!!!! We have been in such a HUGE drought the last 2 years & today it's pooring!!! I didn't want to get out of bed, I just wanted to roll over and stay cuddled in my bed this am. But I pushed forward & I'm at work....

Hope everyone has a great day!!!
doggylover -- I should have also mentioned, try to find a cloth diaper co-op (may not even have to be in your area if they'll ship to you. Some willl, some won't). They'll place huge orders of diapers and you can get them at good prices while only ordering a few to try out. Also, there are lots of diaper swapping/selling groups on facebook. It's just a good way to get a few diapers of several different kinds. Then you can sell the ones you hate (I've sold most of my used diapers for more than I paid for them!) and buy more of the ones you like. :thumbup:
I am more worried to know that it's all still there and growing etc following a mc last year.

This is my worry, too. With my latest miscarriage, I had been at this point, everything seemed fine, still had whatever few symptoms I tend to get, no indication that anything was wrong, etc...but my baby was dead. :( And I didn't find out until a couple weeks later. So I'm not finding this point of unknown to be pleasant at all.

I'm excited about the prospect of using cloth nappies! I think my family will be a little surprised, as everyone has always used disposables, but then again, I am a Geography teacher, (and both DH and i studied Geography at university!) so they should expect us to be the most environmentally friendly!

I was the first cloth diaperer in my family too! They all thought I was kind of nuts at first, that we wouldn't stick with it. Ha! 6.5 years and 3 kids later, heck yes we have! It's like a hobby!! :)
elochin -- cding does become a bit of an obsession, doesn't it? I'm constantly wanting to try different diapers, get new designs, etc. :dohh:

Had my first bit of ligament pain today. Jumped up into the seat of my vehicle a bit too briskly this morning and paid dearly for it. :haha:

My spotting won't go away. :nope: Spots of bright red again this morning. Make it stop! It's much lighter now than it was Sunday/Monday but I'm sick of having any at all. Especially because it turns light brown and then comes so close to stopping completely and then the next time I go to the bathroom, it's red again.
elochin -- cding does become a bit of an obsession, doesn't it? I'm constantly wanting to try different diapers, get new designs, etc. :dohh:

Had my first bit of ligament pain today. Jumped up into the seat of my vehicle a bit too briskly this morning and paid dearly for it. :haha:

My spotting won't go away. :nope: Spots of bright red again this morning. Make it stop! It's much lighter now than it was Sunday/Monday but I'm sick of having any at all. Especially because it turns light brown and then comes so close to stopping completely and then the next time I go to the bathroom, it's red again.
I have been doing that since August 23rd! When I went to the ER & they told me everything was fine in fact when I asked where the bleeding was coming from the doctors words were "WE REALLY DON'T CARE AT THIS POINT AS LONG AS IT'S NOT IN YOUR UTERUS & IT'S NOT" I was blown away because I do CARE! That's when my DH started driving me nuts saying the doctors are saying it's ok, don't worry. You need to stop worrying & thinking negatively...... Are you freaking kidding me?!?!?! I am WORRIED. I have every RIGHT TO WORRY! I have had a previous miscarriage & I'm 36 freaking years old. I'm sick & tired of people telling me not to worry.

Sorry, had to rant!!!!!

It's scary & frustrating. Take care & hang in there. keeping my fxed for the both of us!!!
wow this thread has been busy....sorry I havent been able to catch completly up, but the ultrasound pics all look wonderful. I go for my next ultrasound next week. I am kind of glad they stopped bringing me in every few days because it stressed me out. Them bringing me in unitl they coud find the heart beat. mynext US will be 8 wks 3days...

I have been an emotional wreck, our best friend of 12 years past away while we were sleeping tuesday night. He was such a good dog and our daughter loved him so much. I have been crying on an off since then, its getting better butnot much. My daughter runs around the house looking for him and throwingher hands in the air, as if she were saying wheres he at. it breaks m heart and since she is only 18months we are just trying to keep from saying his name around her, hoping she will forget but the first thing she does in the morning in call his name...or pat the couch waiting for him to come running..got to stop talking about it...
Liam's mum, I'm sorry the second baby doesn't look like its progressing, glad the other one is ok though, you must be feeling such mixed emotions right now :hugs:

Littlespy and Maybesoon, I'm sorry you are both still spotting, it must be such a worry. Glad your babies are doing well despite the bleeding.

Ngodshands I'm so sorry you lost your dog hun :( :hug:
wow this thread has been busy....sorry I havent been able to catch completly up, but the ultrasound pics all look wonderful. I go for my next ultrasound next week. I am kind of glad they stopped bringing me in every few days because it stressed me out. Them bringing me in unitl they coud find the heart beat. mynext US will be 8 wks 3days...

I have been an emotional wreck, our best friend of 12 years past away while we were sleeping tuesday night. He was such a good dog and our daughter loved him so much. I have been crying on an off since then, its getting better butnot much. My daughter runs around the house looking for him and throwingher hands in the air, as if she were saying wheres he at. it breaks m heart and since she is only 18months we are just trying to keep from saying his name around her, hoping she will forget but the first thing she does in the morning in call his name...or pat the couch waiting for him to come running..got to stop talking about it...
I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your family member! I am such a huge animal lover & have never ever been without my pets. I can't imagine losing one of my girls right now. They are my rocks & help me keep what little sanity I have left!!!

Thinking of you & your family.
doggylover - I like the fuzzibuns and ka waii brands mostly but I like the ones with removable inserts so I can reuse the cover. OH needs a bit of persuading but I'm hoping if I get the easiest ones he'll come round to the idea, Cloth nappies look so much better than regular nappies too! I can not wait to get some in. Sorry the vid gave you a headache, the link below that one is better I thought and she doesn't talk to fast. I think the allin2s look best for me. Flats and prefolds would have DH running for the hills!

liam's-mom - I'm sorry you are having such a hard time, I don't think men understand the emotional pressure to everything. That is why it is so good to come here where we do understand! My OH can be such a knob sometimes it's unbelievable. I had severe constipation at 6 weeks and was in bad pain and my DH was saying the doctor would laugh at me for going there because I couldn't poo lol... they don't get it xx

Littlespy- I hope the spotting stops soon :( how is ms? still gone? talking of ligament pain, I had to sneeze with my knees up now to avoid the pain! lol

n_gods_hands - sorry about your dog xxx

afm- I am suffering with major headaches and my appetite is back with massive food cravings, I made OH drive me to get a mcflurry today, also loving fish sticks and pasta and smoked shredded chicken mmmmmmm ooh and dont forget the iron bru!! mmm

the kids are fighting like idiots and the ex is being a twat again but on the plus side our landlady is finally fixing our washing machine so no more launderette yay! Now I have to go drag some energy out of somewhere to cook dinner :( xxxxxxxx
n_gods_hands: I'm so sorry to hear about you dog. :hugs: I lost my first family dog when I was in grade 11. We got her when I was in grade 1 and that dog was my world. I know how much it hurts, and it does get better, but it never really goes away. That was almost 13 years ago now and I still miss her sometimes. But pets are such a blessing and they really are like a member of the family. Try to keep your chin up and it will get easier.

To everyone who is considering using cloth/does use cloth diapers you're an inspiration! I've thought about it before, but I'm not sure I'm committed enough to the idea to try and make it work. Especially with a higher risk of leakage. :dohh:

dan-o: Sorry you were having such a rough day today! I was feeling really queasy this morning for a while, but thankfully it finally went away. I've been trying to eat small meals more frequently during the day to keep it away, and so far I've been really lucky.

liams_mom: I hope things settle down for you soon and that you get the answers you're looking for! It must be difficult not knowing what's going on.

AFM, teaching is done for the week which is *such* a relief. The students have their first assignment of the semester due on Tuesday, so it will be interesting to see how that goes! I almost dread having to look at them! :haha:

I'm still totally exhausted. I just want to sleep. All the time. I was never a big caffeine person (I never drank coffee), but holy crap do I desperately want some tea or pop to make life easier right now! I've been allowing myself a small glass of pop or tea once every fews days... but it's so not enough!! :sleep:

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