April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Maybesoon her family are obsessed with weight. It is literally all they talk about, it's insanity. And good for you to say that to your family! Why should you be criticised for being healthy?!

Ukgirl I live I'm unbuttoned trousers at the minute haha! I need to get more dresses definitely!!

doggylover and ukgirl: I'm defintely super bloated right now too, and I know that I look like I've put on a bunch of weight. In reality I think I've actually gained maybe 1.5 pounds! :haha: But the bloating makes me look like I've got a beer-belly going on. No one has said anything to me about my weight, but I think part of that is because no one knows other than my parents, and the first time I see them in person will be almost 12 weeks at Thanksgiving. None of my friends that I see reguarly know yet, and I just try to wear baggier clothing when I do see them so it's not so obvious! I'm not sure how well my secrecy tactics are working... between the beer belly and not drinking I think people are starting to wonder.

maybesoon: In my family my sister is the skinny one, she's always had a super high metabolism and she's a runner, so she burns off a lot of calories on a pretty well daily basis. She makes everyone want to slap her though, because she'll complain about "arm pit" fat or "chin fat" or some other ridiculous thing which doesn't exist. I keep telling her I'd take "arm pit" fat worries if I could wear size 6 clothing in a heartbeat! I think she'll be kind of devistated actually when her and her partner try for a baby next Spring and she goes through the weight gain process. I have a feeling she'll look back at her pre-baby form and realize it was pretty damn good when she joins the rest of us who have to struggle to stay fit.

It funny though isn't it...? No matter what we look like, and what our body type is, or hair colour is, or height is etc, we're still never happy. Society sure does have us all brainwashed about what perfection is, and what beautiful is! I almost dread having a daughter, because I feel like it would be easier to raise a son who understands inner beauty, than to raise a girl and have to convince her against all odds that she's perfect just the way she is!
Hello April Ladies! I haven't posted on here in weeks. We just moved house so have been super busy. Feel like I have missed tons of stuff. Was so sad to hear about Mummyconfused's MC!! So, so sorry! Hoping for a beautiful rainbow baby for you soon!! :hugs:

There are so many new people! I am now 11 weeks and 1 day, and my due date got changed at my 1st scan to 4/4/12. Baby's heartbeat was nice and strong at first scan and we are going for our NT scan next week, which will be 12 weeks.

I am also in the mega bloated but not really a bump club and have had to start adapting my clothing to accommodate my bub chub. My pants still button but shirts and sweaters involving any sort of lycra type tightness are gone from my current wardrobe choices. And for the first time this morning I couldn't wear my fave dress because it buttons up the front and I couldn't get it buttoned over my chest :blush: I have been holding off on getting new bras, but I think its going to have to happen soon. Does anyone who already had a baby know how to deal with the bra buying thing? Do you just have to keep buying new bras as you outgrow them, or do you buy a certain style of bra that is more adaptable? I am clueless on the world of maternity bras so any info would be a great help. I am usually a 32D but have to put my bras on the last hooks now and things are still tight even with that, but I don't want to have to keep buying loads of bras in different sizes, that just seems so wasteful.

I bought a couple of Bella Bands on sale. If anyone else is wanting those the "original" style are on sale at the Ingrid and Isabel website. I don't work for them, just sharing since a bunch of us might be getting into that stage, so hope that is fine to share! And I did get one cute maternity dress on sale, even though I can't wear it until I have a real bump! :happydance:

Still feeling really exhausted, nauseous and all the rest of it (which was GREAT state to be in for for moving house!). Hope all is going well for all the other ladies. The other early April ladies will be approaching the end of the 1st tri- can't believe it!! We have almost made it ladies!!!
Hello Ladies! I hope everyone is doing well. Thanks to all those who posted info on the cloth diapering. This is something I am seriously considering.

Littlespy- I am glad to hear your spotting is tapering off! Hopefully it fully stops soon!

Doggylover- I'm sorry that your SIL was so rude to you! We are not fat, we're pregnant - there is a difference! :haha:

Kristabelle- I am no help to you with the buying new bras thing, as I am trying to figure that one out myself, too!

AFM, I went to my 2nd appt yesterday. Dr did an U/S and found the little bean just wiggling and kicking away. It was hard to get a decent pic because it was moving around so much (that and the dr's in office machine isn't the best). So for those of you that are interested in looking at a crappy U/S pic, here ya go! Seeing it yesterday really calmed me down a lot and let me feel like everything is going to be okay (although I know I will still have that worry in the back of my head :dohh: )


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Bjs wow that scan picture is so clear! It looks wonderful! Congratulations!

Kristabelle, glad the house move went ok, and thanks for asking about bras - this is something I have wondered about but haven't brought up yet! I'm definitely interested in what the experienced ladies say! Also I LOVE the phrase "bub chub"!!! That is what my bloated area is now officially called!!

Readytomum oh my gosh I never even thought about having a girl in terms of society pressure, now I'm terrified. Working with teenage girls, I can see how much earlier they are "expected" to mature these days; wearing make up and clothes that wouldnt look out of place on a street corner, and we such cruelty between girls about how the others look. It's terrifying. All we can hope is that the world flips in the next 13 years and girls realise its ok not to look like the magazines. I don't want my daughter to hate me because i refuse to let her buy make up etc too young...!!
I think I have cystitis, looks like out of hours for me :(
Nasty, drink some cranberry juice!

I've just had a 2 day migraine with vomiting, thankfully baby still sounds ok when I listen in :flower: what a vile 48 hours! :dohh:
Ukgirl hope you aren't feeling too awful with it.

And dan-o sorry to hear you are having a crappy weekend

:hugs: to you both, and feel better soon.
uk girl: Oh no! Hoping it goes away really soon!

dano-o: That sounds awful. :( I'm sorry you're feeling so sick.

Bjs- even if the scan photo isn't as clear as you'd like, I'm glad you got to see your little bean wiggling away in there! I'm so excited for my 12 week scan to be able to see a little mini-me in there.

kristabelle- I have no advice to offer on the bra situation either. Sorry! I don't think I've really changed sizes yet, but they sure are tender!

An exciting day planned here... course planning, laundry and grocery shopping! :haha: There are some plans later this evening though to go bowling with a group of friends. We haven't done that in ages, so it should be a good time! I'll just need to make sure I grab a nap later today first so I'm not a zombie!
Thank you im just in the bath deciding wether or not to go to the hospital for antibiotics. I dont know what else to do with it :(
My breasts kinda grew even before my :bfp: and by the time I was around 6 Weeks it was tight around my chest so I bought bra extenders. So far so good, I am still using them. Although some of my bras that have a tighter cup fit don't feel comfy anymore, but the others are ok. I guess this works for me as I always have bloated breasts before my period and so have some bras where the cups are a bit bigger.

Here is where you can order some bra extenders if you want to try it. Hope this helps :)

Hi ladies sorry I've been so quiet just feeling very rough! Dano so sorry to hear you are feeling rubbish too ((hugs))

Ukgirl cystitis is horrible def call out if hrs gp or get something quick it will only get worse! Hope u feel better soon

Bjs so fab to see your bean!! And any pic I a good monento i thinks it's fab you can see now you have marked it!

As for bras I went to Braviasimo as they do fittings specially for pg ladies they where amazing and I'm now soooo much more confer table plus they recon it will last me till the end as its slightly stretchy I'm normally a 32D and this is a 36F BUT so supportive and comfy not too big at all !!

As for nappies I have to admitt I'm not going to use cloth - hope you don't think less of me! I just want an easier life plus oh would never use them :S

Hope I have t forgotten anyone! I've spent the day in bed and in not planning on getting up any time soon lol! Unless I miraculously feel a million dollars!!

Oh yes I got my scan date 26th Whoo hoo but found out I have to pay privately for NT scan so have that on the 24th! Can't wait to see my bean again!!
Not long to wait now then nimbec!!!

I have to say I'm actually surprised by how many people DO cloth nappy, or want to, I imagined most people don't, or that would be my experience. If my dh wasn't up for it I probably wouldnt either, but I was pleasantly surprised when i pitched it to him! I had never even considered cloth until about a fortnight ago...no idea where it came from, but it's now my new thing lol! I think it just gives me something pro active to do!!!
I went to out of hours, lol. I got some penicillin, the dr said I had pus in my urine, which indicates an infection (yuk!) but I also got something different for my constipation so no more ikky fiber gel! yay!

yay for the scan! and my OH wasn't very interested in cloth nappies :/
Glad you got sorted Ukgirl! Hopefully you will start to feel better soon!!

Doggylover I know I'm counting the days down hehe! I wonder if we will all be the same in 2nd tri waiting for our sexing and anomaly scan?!
Today was a Martha kind of day! I was feeling pretty good so I needed to take advantage of it! I got some laundry done, made a huge grocery run, and made up some meals for the next few days. Homemade Chicken Burgers and Stuffed Peppers! Tomorrow morning I'm planning to make some chili to throw into the crock pot to cook for the day.

I need to start making myself eat better again or I'm going to gain a thousand pounds. No more carb heavy meals! I'm going to try and make stuff ahead of time when I can, so I have ready to go healthy meals ready to grab when I need them.

How is everyone else coping with making meals and eating healthy??
Hi Ladies,

Kristabell, I also ordered the Bella Band from I&E and love them! I spend a little more and bought the lace one... Its amazing... All i've been wearing to work (that way the pants and skits can stay unbuttoned ;)).

OH made a comment tonight that my boobs look fake these days lol. They are much fuller, so I really only have one bra that still fits. Trying to hold off buying a new one too soon.

nimbec, We are not using cloth either. I did some checking online and there is no cost advantage. It actually seems more expensive then the disposable.

Roma, yay for the doppler! I dont know how I would deal with the time between US without it :haha:

ReadytoMum, I need to start cooking too :dohh:. I have used MS as an excuse to eat way to many carbs! Need to pick up some fresh vegetables and fruits for snacks. No more bagels and toast for snack lol. I think I'm going to steal my moms juicer for a while and start making myself a vegetable smoothy (carrots and oranges) everyday. Just to make sure I take in some good stuff with the unhealthy lol.

How are you girls doing with the weight gain? I'm trying to hard to keep it at a minimum. This morning was the first day that I was .5lb abve my original weight. Not bad but I feel like its going to go up quickly now, if I dont watch out. :dohh:
I was just below the overweight BMI line before :blush:, so I want to make sure it does not get out of hand.

AFM, feeling much better this past week. The MS is mostly gone and the fatigue was never really that bad for me (most likely because I kept working out im guessing). My main "complaint" is the bloating by the end of the day lol. I look VERY pregnant by the time I go to bed :haha:
Steph- I've had a hard time with the weight gain. Granted I'm only 9 weeks, I have gained about 2lbs... some of it could be bloat and or water. But just seeing that is really hard for me.
I'm having an issue with the whole image thing haha. My face is breaking out like I'm in jr. high again. And I feel just blah. It's that middle stage between not showing and showing lol.
Glad you got sorted Ukgirl! Hopefully you will start to feel better soon!!

Doggylover I know I'm counting the days down hehe! I wonder if we will all be the same in 2nd tri waiting for our sexing and anomaly scan?!

I'm already counting down to my 20 week scan! It's on November 21st, so 9 weeks and 3 days today :haha: it seems like FOREVER away!

In terms of weight gain, I haven't gained at all since I found out I was pregnant, most likely because my poor diet (crisps are all that is getting me through at the minute) has been off set by the fact that I can only eat very small amounts. I'm expecting to balloon any day though!

So I was babysitting my nephew last night, and was reading some of their parenting books (and got given a nice stash to take home!)

So I've a stack of reading to get through now! Although it's still early as they are all about what to do with a baby once it's here. Just reading one book last night made me think "how the hell am I ever going to do this???" I'm now officially terrified and wondering what I let myself in for!
Hi ladies, hope everyone's well this morning :hugs:

I'm feeling a lot better today, just a bit exhausted as my dog had an emergency csection on Friday night (doing well now and 4 babies survived)
My son also needing me more as he's either teething or feeling poorly and very irritable/not eating well... can't quite work out what's wrong with him. DH has also had a very busy few days at work, so I've not seen him during daylight hours lol! :dohh:

Regarding weight gain, I've not gained anything, but my waist has gone up a dress size and my bust and bum have got smaller! I think if I wasn't pregnant I'd have lost a few pounds!

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