April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

I still feel hesitant (I've been an emotional mess lately, still dealing with the grief of all the losses we've had in the last 18 months and feeling like I'm hanging on by a thread with this one), as I know even with a precious little heart beating away today, things can change in an instant, but praise God, I really needed this. 9 weeks on the dot and I finally picked up that little miracle sound at ~176bpm. I had trouble detecting it initially, and I was just praying that God would give me SOMETHING encouraging, and then I felt a little wiggle in the lower left, and put the doppler there, and picked it up right away!!! I had to get up and get my camera after I picked it up, so it wasn't as easy to find the 2nd time, and I was getting BH ctx during it. lol
Oh, and I should mention that I have a VERY retroverted/retroflexed uterus after my last little guy (I was opposite before!), so I hope that's encouraging! (as by the book, I should be the last one to find a HB)
We had lunch with my parents yesterday and my mom dropped quite the bomb yesterday: she wants to move in with us after the LO is born... EEEEK! I'm glad DH didn't hear her saying this. I told her she is welcome to come and help around during working hours (9-5) and in particular to help around the house, bring us lunch, do dishes etc. But there is no way it is convenient for anyone to live in. What about am feedings, she asked. And I answered, what are you going to do in the am? Milk me like a cow? I'm going to BF so there is no way you can help with the baby. You can help me, but there is no need to help with the baby in the early days. When it is a little older she can babysit all she likes.

Notes: she was appalled on the words BF (she didn't BF me or my sis) and she was disapointed that she is not allowed to play mommy on my expense.

Those with kids how do you prevent those too eager to parent your babies for you without your consent? I know it is going to be a toughy for me and my mom. She doesn't really want to help me, she just wants to play with the baby all day, while I do the housecleaning.

My partner and I have made it clear to our mothers that we will be primary care takers of our child. My mom is coming to stay for a while after baby is born, but mostly
To cook for us.

Boundaries need to be set from the beginning, so everyone has the same expectations and no one is disappointed.
Men are silly sometimes they can be quite selfish. Pregnancy for me is something that should be respected and experienced together.

newlook was really good and very cheap. they had some nice maternity coats too. the jeans werent great though lol. Mine plays xbox and fifa pisses me off big time. if hes mid match and I need help forget it.

my oh is usually very kind and sweet though he helps me loads and puts up with my mood swingsand constantly reassures me when Im feeling worried.

congrats on the scan roma!! Xx

I didnt think you could feel baby move until atleast 15 -17 weeks and 20 if its your first. so thats weird. good you found it though. I wish my doppler had worked :(
After reading some of this stuff I am suddenly so glad to have my mummy!!

She and I are pretty close, and I see her lots every week. We joke about her being a crazy baby stealer, but it's all in a good way. I know she will respect our boundaries, and she will provide unfailing support, no matter what I need her to do - walk the dogs, clean, or watch the baby while I get some sleep.
Maybesoon, sorry he is bring such an as and I hope he's realises how important you are when you take this break away from him.
Elohcin, could you share where you are scanning so I could try it again tomorrow? I Am really having a hard time picking mine up.
It's going to be different for everybody, but for me it was about 2" above my pubic bone, slightly to the left, and pointed down toward the right. (I couldn't get a HB at all as of yesterday, just FYI)

I have felt my babies move earlier each time (I've had 3 babies, but this is my 11th pregnancy). I won't talk much about that though, as I know most people go by the books with it, but I just think it's so individual. I am so hypersensitive to anything with my body, and to me a baby moving, even if it is just the size of a little berry, is something foreign and feels SO different than anything else. I used to think people feeling early movement were making it up or were mistaken, but I've since changed my perspective. :)
Elohcin, I am jealous that you can feel such early movement! I would love to feel my little prune fluttering about in there!
Elohcin, I am jealous that you can feel such early movement! I would love to feel my little prune fluttering about in there!

It's not much, it's usually very random (with my past pregnancies, it's usually been if I was hunched over or curled up and "squished" that area), and I only feel it maybe once or twice until about 11 weeks when I start feeling strong, obvious movements. But they are very different from gas or muscle twitches or anything. I'm pretty slender, and people have always said that makes a difference, but I don't think so, I think it's just being hyper-aware of my body and everything that goes on in it, you know?

But again....I don't really like talking about it because it's so frustrating to be told that I don't know what I'm feeling. I get that POV (because I used to share it), but like I said, I've learned that I can't judge what another woman knows is going on with her body, especially going by textbook...because we know THAT's been proven inaccurate for individuals more times than can be counted! LOL
Maybesoon, sorry he is bring such an as and I hope he's realises how important you are when you take this break away from him.
Thank you! But at this point I really don't think he is thinking of much of anything or anyone but himself. I haven't heard from him since last night when he text me a really sarcastic text about taking his "drunkass" to bed. So that tells me he's not too worried about how the stress he is causing is affecting me or our baby.

And honestly, if he didn't want this, then he should have spoke up before we got married. He knew my wishes 100%. And although inside I'm completely falling apart. I'm trying my best to sit in my office with a smile on my face.
Elohcin, "textbook" about women and pregnancy in my opinion are almost totally wrong! I get frustrated because I don't have any sort of standard cycle, and the dr the other day was telling me I must be 12+3 because of my lmp, and I was telling her I wasn't, I was 10+1. Guess who was right when baby was measured?! And she STILL wrote 12+3 on the file!! Very annoying I know!

Maybesoon :hugs: your oh is being a full ass. Try to stay calm and enjoy your time alone, just you and your baby!
I would love to feel my little bean moving too! Its the most reassuring thing x
Elohcin, "textbook" about women and pregnancy in my opinion are almost totally wrong! I get frustrated because I don't have any sort of standard cycle, and the dr the other day was telling me I must be 12+3 because of my lmp, and I was telling her I wasn't, I was 10+1. Guess who was right when baby was measured?! And she STILL wrote 12+3 on the file!! Very annoying I know!

Maybesoon :hugs: your oh is being a full ass. Try to stay calm and enjoy your time alone, just you and your baby!
Thank you! I'm trying my best. Luckily I have amazing parents & family. I don't know what I would do without them. They are my rock.

And as my Mom said when she read the text he sent me about staying with them & they could put up with me. My mommy said "Put up with you, there's nothing we love better than you being here so we can make sure you are taken care of. That's what you do when you love someone, it's unconditional". hmmmm yeah, that's what I thought too. Apparently, not everyone is raised that way!
Aww your mom sounds like mine, it's great have a good mummy to turn to when you are feeling awful for a big cuddle and some taking care of!!

I have such a headache again grrr. I thought my symptoms were finally starting to fade out. This weekend and today I have felt awful! And the one thing that makes me feel better(eating crisps) is bad for me. I have already had two packs and dh says no more! :(
awww Hope your head feels better soon!

And yes, I love that I have such an amazing mom! I couldn't imagine my life without her!
ukgirl -- I started feeling dd (my first) at 15 weeks. I felt a little twitchy at 14 weeks or so but I've also felt that since having her so I think it's nerves twitching instead of baby flutters. Soooooo excited about feeling it again, though I don't expect to feel it until 16-17 weeks.

doggylover -- It's great you have a great relationship with you mom! That must be amazing! I think that's how it should be and it's what I desperately want to have with my children. Both of my parents are crazy in opposite ways - my mom understands no boundaries and my dad doesn't bother at all (they're divorced... imagine that. :haha:). I've learned a lot about how not to be from them. And early baby movement feels so strange. Like someone tickling you so lightly with a feather from the inside. Unlike elochin, I don't think it feels that much different than a muscle/nerve twitch, but that feeling was a little later on for me.. around 18-9 weeks, I guess. Until then it really just felt like being tickled so lightly. I didn't know for sure I was feeling baby until I felt the same thing over and over again. Then like 2-3 months later it's all kicking the crap out of all of your organs and making you feel like your uterus is being ripped out by rolling over. Ah, magical. :haha: And that dating crap is exactly why I lied about my lmp this time. Luckily with Maisie, it was only a day off because I Oed on CD14 with her but this time I Oed on CD10. Baby has measured spot on with my dates at both u/s. :thumbup: You live, you learn. Hope you feel better. Fries and chips (um... chips and crisps :haha:) were all I could eat with my dd. I gained 13lbs with her 1st tri. :dohh:

maybesoon -- :hugs: My hubby and I had a rough weekend as well. I think we're going to try one last time to make it work for us. I really and truly hope we can, but if it doesn't I think it may be healthier for us to move on. :nope:

ebelle -- When I first found dd's heartbeat at 11+6, I found her near the hairline (sorry) right at my left hip bone! I also couldn't pick it up unless I was about to piss my pants. So, I'd hold my pee, then search for the heartbeat, find it, enjoy it for 15 seconds and then run to the toilet. :haha:

I still can't find baby's heartbeat with my doppler. I don't expect to yet, just giving it a go every few days to see. :thumbup: In both of our ultrasounds, it appears baby is loving hanging out near my cervix. I doubt I'll find the heartbeat at home for at least a couple more weeks.

I realized today I'm still in the delusional stage of pregnancy where I think everything is going to be fabulous and I'm looking forward to being huge and pregnant. :wacko: :haha: I'm losing some of my bloat. I didn't have to wear my belly band this morning and I've dropped a few pounds. I've only gained 1 pound so far, woot!
Littlespy, the experiences you've had with your mom mean you are and are gang to be a wonderful mum, who knows exactly what the boundaries are, and how to love her babies without taking over their lives!

Yeah I am a little nervous of gaining a pile of weight! Especially since I am too tired to walk the dogs at the minute and that's the only exercise I get!
maybesoon - I am so sorry that you OH is being so mean and ungreatful. You have to stay strong!

Afm - I have been really moody this past weekend and have had really bad headaches. I am able to control the nausea for the most part, but it still comes and goes throughout the day. One that I did notice was that when I weighed myself this morning, I haven't gained a single pound! That kind of worries me. I know that I haven't been able to eat too much, but I think I am still eating more than before...not sure what to think...When did you ladies start to gain weight?

As for the whole parents thing, my in-laws live with my husband and me, so there is no way for me to have my alone time. On top of that, my SIL is also pregnant and my in-laws have asked her to move in my house so that they can help take care of both babies. They didn't even ask my husband and I if we were even okay with that. I might sound selfish, but I kind of want this time to be special for me, but I guess I might have to share it with my SIL. I am excited to share the pregnancy with her, but I'd like to have my space too. I know my mom will also want to come and help, so my house is going to be a mad house....I am already stressing...:dohh:
ukgirl -- I started feeling dd (my first) at 15 weeks. I felt a little twitchy at 14 weeks or so but I've also felt that since having her so I think it's nerves twitching instead of baby flutters. Soooooo excited about feeling it again, though I don't expect to feel it until 16-17 weeks.

doggylover -- It's great you have a great relationship with you mom! That must be amazing! I think that's how it should be and it's what I desperately want to have with my children. Both of my parents are crazy in opposite ways - my mom understands no boundaries and my dad doesn't bother at all (they're divorced... imagine that. :haha:). I've learned a lot about how not to be from them. And early baby movement feels so strange. Like someone tickling you so lightly with a feather from the inside. Unlike elochin, I don't think it feels that much different than a muscle/nerve twitch, but that feeling was a little later on for me.. around 18-9 weeks, I guess. Until then it really just felt like being tickled so lightly. I didn't know for sure I was feeling baby until I felt the same thing over and over again. Then like 2-3 months later it's all kicking the crap out of all of your organs and making you feel like your uterus is being ripped out by rolling over. Ah, magical. :haha: And that dating crap is exactly why I lied about my lmp this time. Luckily with Maisie, it was only a day off because I Oed on CD14 with her but this time I Oed on CD10. Baby has measured spot on with my dates at both u/s. :thumbup: You live, you learn. Hope you feel better. Fries and chips (um... chips and crisps :haha:) were all I could eat with my dd. I gained 13lbs with her 1st tri. :dohh:

maybesoon -- :hugs: My hubby and I had a rough weekend as well. I think we're going to try one last time to make it work for us. I really and truly hope we can, but if it doesn't I think it may be healthier for us to move on. :nope:

ebelle -- When I first found dd's heartbeat at 11+6, I found her near the hairline (sorry) right at my left hip bone! I also couldn't pick it up unless I was about to piss my pants. So, I'd hold my pee, then search for the heartbeat, find it, enjoy it for 15 seconds and then run to the toilet. :haha:

I still can't find baby's heartbeat with my doppler. I don't expect to yet, just giving it a go every few days to see. :thumbup: In both of our ultrasounds, it appears baby is loving hanging out near my cervix. I doubt I'll find the heartbeat at home for at least a couple more weeks.

I realized today I'm still in the delusional stage of pregnancy where I think everything is going to be fabulous and I'm looking forward to being huge and pregnant. :wacko: :haha: I'm losing some of my bloat. I didn't have to wear my belly band this morning and I've dropped a few pounds. I've only gained 1 pound so far, woot!

oh NO :hugs:. I'm really sorry about you & your hubby. I truly hope yall can work things out. I know what you mean about it being healthier to move on. I haven't heard from him not once since last night. I don't know what to think. My first thought is "We (our baby & I) are the last thing on his mind as usual. He doesn't care if we are ok or that he's causing so much unneeded stress" Then I think "He realizes what an ass he is being & doesn't know what to say or do". As much as I'd LOVE to believe the latter, I'm pretty sure it's closer to the first thought.

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