April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Uk girl that is disgusting, that poor baby! Keep us updated! Lilly glad ur uti free! I co slept with my dd for the 1st year of her life, I did try to put her in her cot but she was having none of it! Only recently has she started sleeping in her own room! But it's still touch and go, sometimes she is really good and sleeps the night in her cot, other nights she won't... And the way I'm feeling now, I need space in bed and unbroken sleep. I can't sleep comfortably with her in bed with us! Safe to say I will not be co sleeping this time round! Won't be any space with dd in bed with us lol! Afm I'm feeling very rough, I've caught a cold from oh and dd so I'm on the sofa feeling sorry for myself with ms too so not fun! Gonna pop to the shops in a bit to pick up some biscuits and honey and lemon! Hopefully that will make me feel better! Hope every one is ok xx
DH and I are headed off for our belated honeymoon holiday tonight at 3AM EST..LoL We have to be at the airport at 5ish AM to board our 7AM flight. What a mess, but I'm up most of the night anyhow so what's a bit of moving around. I'm excited, glad its my first trimester and traveling is encouraged now, except for the random bouts of nausea. bleh! We are going to San Francisco, CA and I am going to miss my little boy so much! 6 days we will be gone and I'm sure I will have fun, but thinking about a day without Liam is already making me tear up. Hormones right? :blush: I'm fortunate in that I have one of the mothers that is great and loves him so much and takes any chance she can get to hang out with him and do fun stuff, so I know he'll be in good hands. We'll have FaceTime on our iPhones so we should be able to call him every day and see in on one another. Oh wow. Its just becoming so real now. I probably won't be around for the next 6 or 7 days so I'll have a ton of reading to catch up on, but be safe mommies! Keep your chins up and face your futures as the mother's of the next generation. :)
Yay for the prune!

Liamsmum... have fun on holiday!

Has anyone else got their appetite back? Im worried. im 10 weeks and eating like a horse when last week I could barely finish a sandwhich :/
Hey Hun I'm the same been Ill from 5 wks and from yesterday I'm able to eat still picky about wot I want but back to wanting food think it eases at 10wks Hun. X
Thank you Im glad to know im not the only one. its reassuring xx
Do we have any other homebirthing mamas here? How about- although I highly doubt it but would be thrilled to be proven wrong- any other unassisted birthers??

You all already know I cannot wait to go through labor and birth again. It is the most exciting part of this whole journey for me. Such an awesome pain. :) It's looking like we may be able to go unassisted again and that thrills me!!!!

I sooo wanted to give birth at home with a midwife, and DH was supportive of it. A close friend had her 1st baby last spring in her apt and she was very happy. BUT it is very expensive to go that way, the insurance doesn't cover the expenses and it ended up being twice the money it is for a fancy private clinic. So I will aim for natural birth at the hospital without drugs, limited monitoring, and try to get back home asap. One good thing is that the hospital is ok with that plan, and they increasingly encourage it. Plus I will have my baby with me the whole time. it is the best I could do at this time and I will not complain.:shrug:
kealz194 get well soon hun! Congrats on the prune!!!

liams_mom aaaw so cute you already miss your little guy! Don't worry I bet he will be so spoiled the following days, try to enjoy your honeymoon and relax!

ukgirl23 yes I'm pretty hungry today, had porridge for breakfast (a lot) and just now I had a big bowl of spaghetti... Now I feel indigestion but in an hour I'll be hungry again bleeehh!
Do we have any other homebirthing mamas here? How about- although I highly doubt it but would be thrilled to be proven wrong- any other unassisted birthers??

You all already know I cannot wait to go through labor and birth again. It is the most exciting part of this whole journey for me. Such an awesome pain. :) It's looking like we may be able to go unassisted again and that thrills me!!!!

I sooo wanted to give birth at home with a midwife, and DH was supportive of it. A close friend had her 1st baby last spring in her apt and she was very happy. BUT it is very expensive to go that way, the insurance doesn't cover the expenses and it ended up being twice the money it is for a fancy private clinic. So I will aim for natural birth at the hospital without drugs, limited monitoring, and try to get back home asap. One good thing is that the hospital is ok with that plan, and they increasingly encourage it. Plus I will have my baby with me the whole time. it is the best I could do at this time and I will not complain.:shrug:

This is exactly the birth I desire! Maybe the next one will be a home birth, definitely not unassisted tho! :).
I like the idea of a quiet hospital birth. I had a lot of help the past two times but I felt like the midwifes I had were mostly almost as if they werent there even when they were in the room.

well it turns out that the lady who killed her baby was drunk and rolled on him and killed him that way. But the worst thing is I know the lady. We used to be friends when we were younger. Its so sad.
What a way to start the morning...dry heaving out the back door. I actually thought as I came downstairs "huh I don't feel too bad today, and the smell of the kitchen hasn't been bothering me at all!"

Oh how foolish.
Ugh! That's just not a good way to start the day! Hope you get to feeling better!
Well, I never got a phone call back from my doctor because she was in labor and delivery yesterday, but the nurse did call me back after listening to my panicked message I left on her phone.

It turns out I have UTI, which I will be taking antibiotics for and the "abnormal" lab result was for the hemoglobin test, which means that I have low iron. I need to up my iron levels. Thank goodness it wasn't anything too serious, but I was still very worried.:wacko:

ukgirl - I am in my 9th week right now and I can't seem to eat too much yet. I was craving tacos yesterday and then only ended up eating two of them. I checked my weight this morning and it turns out that I lost half a pound....what the heck is going on....Shouldn't I be gaining weight?:shrug:
I've just heard the most sickening thing on the school run... there is a lady who lives near my mum in the same flats as her friend and apparently this woman who lives there came home last night steaming off her head and murdered her 6 month old baby boy. I wanted to cry when she told me, they walk past the house in the morning on the school run and saw the ambulance and police cars, apparently the woman hadn't called the emergency services until this morning. My mums friend and all the other people who live in the block have to be investigated to find out if anyone knows what happened. I remember my own son at 6 months old, he was a happy gorgeous little boy and I could not imagine ever being able to hurt him. Some people in this world are actually evil monsters. I wish I knew who she was I would go there right now and kill her myself.

Lily - I co-slept with both of my babies, it was much safer in my oppinion because when it was too hot I could lower the blankets and when it was too cold I could put more on us, babies are terrible at regulating heat so this was a good way for me to know if baby was too hot or too cold, also my babies slept much better next to me and who doesn't love a midnight cuddle with the one you love most in the world? I breast fed in my bed and as long as you put a plastic lined sheet under the sheet and some muslin clothes to catch any leaks then the bed stays clean. Just be careful not to fall asleep when you breast feed as it can make you extremely sleepy and if baby chokes they make no sound. My daughter was sat right in front of me drinking water one day and turned red in her face that was the only way I knew she was choking, she didnt wheeze or cough or move it was frighting. And always make sure you put a pillow next to the edge so the baby cant roll off. Babies roll sooner on soft surfaces like beds because they know it wont hurt when they roll over. I totally recommend co-sleeping I loved it!

I probably wont be able to co-sleep with this baby, because OH is built like a brick shit house and although he sleeps still he rolls very fast and suddenly in the night and I don't think it would be safe for baby to be crushed by him! fat git! lol..

Your mum probably feels that it;s her baby having a baby so she wants to make sure you get everything you need and get it right but she doesn't understand that she's interfering rather than helping, She is meaning well but coming off the wrong way. Hopefully she will calm down before baby comes :) x
Oh MY! That is horrible news. How sad. It never ceases to amaze me how things like this can happen. We had a local woman with 3 kids from 6mths to 3 years. Her husband is in the military & overseas. They found the 6mth old dehydrated to death, the other 2 were air flown to a childrens hospital & were in intensive care for 2 weeks. It's just so very sad such things happen.
Well, I never got a phone call back from my doctor because she was in labor and delivery yesterday, but the nurse did call me back after listening to my panicked message I left on her phone.

It turns out I have UTI, which I will be taking antibiotics for and the "abnormal" lab result was for the hemoglobin test, which means that I have low iron. I need to up my iron levels. Thank goodness it wasn't anything too serious, but I was still very worried.:wacko:

ukgirl - I am in my 9th week right now and I can't seem to eat too much yet. I was craving tacos yesterday and then only ended up eating two of them. I checked my weight this morning and it turns out that I lost half a pound....what the heck is going on....Shouldn't I be gaining weight?:shrug:
chig, glad to hear little bean is ok! Sorry about the UTI that's never fun! I also have low iron, but I have my entire life.

My appetite is the same. I get hungry but then can't eat 1/4 of what my eyes think I can. I haven't gained a pound. But my OB/GYN told me last week that it was pretty normal to lose a pound or two in the first trimester if you have all day sickness and if you gain any it should only be about a pound. So I think we are right on the money with it. She stated her main concern wasn't weight gain at this point but to make sure I was drinking plenty of fluids so I don't dehydrate from being sick. So that has eased my mind a lot.

Hope you have a great day!
elohcin -- I want a hospital birth, which is good because it's all my insurance will cover. :wacko: I will labor at home as long as I wish and then go to the hospital. I'm hoping to avoid induction this time mainly because I want to labor some at home but apparently my babies don't like the idea of being born, so I guess I'll have to just see what happens. :haha: My labor/delivery with Maisie was very smooth. There was very little intervention from nurses or doctors. We went hours at a time without anyone coming into my labor room. That was totally fine with me. Then when my daughter was born, I knew we were both in awesome medical hands which is exactly where I'm comfortable being in that situation. :flower:

ukgirl -- That's just awful. :nope: Every time I hear something like that I just have to run and hug my daughter. I was diagnosed with severe PPD but never EVER would I have actually done anything to hurt her. :nope: A girl I went to high school with just had her 9 month old released from the hospital on Monday. The baby's father shook her. Violently. She wasn't expected to make it at all. She's been in the hospital for a month and will have to have nurse care at home but it's amazing she's even still alive and has been making such progress. Doctors initially said she'd never be able to do anything more than what she was already doing at 8 months, if that. In just a month she's regained most of what she was able to do (sit up, she's starting to drink from a bottle, etc). She still has a long road of recovery and at least a couple more surgeries in her future but is doing better than anyone imagined.I just can't even imagine. Like, when I first heard the news, I wanted to kill the baby's father. Wasn't even my baby. I've never even met the baby. It just brings out a hardcore mama-bear in me I never even knew existed. And it makes me want to love on my babies even more than I already do.

I had a baby girl dream last night! Crazy fast labor and unexpected (unassisted) home birth. :haha: That part is unrealistic for me given my history but it all felt so real. My other dreams have been boy dreams so now I'm starting to migrate from thinking I'm having a boy to thinking I may be baking another little girly. Don't care either way. Just have to know! 4 weeks 1 day to go. :haha:
Littlespy that is terrible! I had severe pdd with my dd too and went on antidepressants for a few weeks but I could not ever hurt my baby. I have raised 2 completely alone in another country too with little to no help. I had times where I was bubbling up with anger and frustration but I used to give myself tine outs and sort my head out for five minutes remember its a baby and has no defense and go back in there and attempt to calm them down again.
Chig.. that is normal dont worry your weight will pick up in the next two trimesters :) xx
From the sounds of it though, birthing at a hospital in the US is much different from the UK or other parts of the world. At least the majority of US hospitals. It's all about liability here. I feel like I'd have to fight for everything that is important to me (and the other way around). I don't want monitoring during labor, don't want to be restricted, don't want people bothering me, don't want baby bathed immediately, don't want the cord cut until it's limp, don't want most testing done on my baby, don't want baby taken away from my room EVER, don't want to stay for a full 24+ hours (unless absolutely necessary, obviously), etc. And for goodness sake, denying all that here even puts me at the risk of a nurse calling CPS "out of concern." It's happened! (not to me, but to enough others that it scares me!) It's so ridiculous.

She came over yesterday and started busting balls about arranging how we should move the furniture and what kind of cot I'm buying etc. I told her I 'm not getting a cot for the baby as we will co sleep as long as I'm breastfeeding, and that would be from minimum 6 months to maximum 1 year, in which time we might even move to a bigger place so the kid will have its own room. Until then no fancy furniture buying. A co sleeper bassinet will be sufficient.
She (of course) freaked out and told me that co sleeping is disgusting and unhygienic. All the while I'm thinking that millions of parents co sleep and they are not having hygienic problems of any kind... Anyways I tell her what are you gonna do, be the 24h cop who regulates our sleeping behavior here? It is up to me and no one else, sorry for being so freaked out, but there is nothing you can do about it. I would love a fancy house with a big nursery, but this is not a the case in this apartment, we have very little space for now and we have to make the best of it. She started saying we should set up a nursery in the living room which is roomy but too far away from my bedroom, absolutely inconvenient for mothers and babies. She finally shut up about it and sked what can she buy me then? and I gave her a catalog from Chicco and jotted the BF items I need, pillow, pump etc. She made a sour face and said she doesn't want to buy those ugly disgusting things. Well I told her they are necessary and this is what I need the most, it is up to her to buy them if she is refusing I have nothing more to ask. So she complied and said the pillow is very cute.
I think she liked the cute pictures of the baby sitting on the pillow...

Oh my, how is co-sleeping unhygienic?!! That's silly. We've done it with all of our kids for the first year or two of their life. What a crazy argument against it...I've heard a lot of them, but never that one!
elohcin -- I want a hospital birth, which is good because it's all my insurance will cover. :wacko: I will labor at home as long as I wish and then go to the hospital. I'm hoping to avoid induction this time mainly because I want to labor some at home but apparently my babies don't like the idea of being born, so I guess I'll have to just see what happens. :haha: My labor/delivery with Maisie was very smooth. There was very little intervention from nurses or doctors. We went hours at a time without anyone coming into my labor room. That was totally fine with me. Then when my daughter was born, I knew we were both in awesome medical hands which is exactly where I'm comfortable being in that situation. :flower:

Yes, my insurance only covers hospital births too. In my state it only covers homebirth with a CNM, but CNM's CAN'T do homebirths here. So stupid! We didn't have any care provider costs for my UP, but with my 2nd pregnancy where I had some midwife prenatal care, we found a wonderful DEM and she was only $1500 total (though only $500 for us and our situation), which is less than we'd pay for an insurance-covered hospital birth.

I live in a pretty rural area, too, so hospital selection is very slim. We have ONE here, a tiny one 30 minutes away, and several bigger ones over an hour away. I could probably find a decent birthing experience at one of the bigger ones, but the idea of driving that long in a car during labor is completely unappealing to me, you know? That and I don't want to get there too soon, but my labors have been interesting and either really quick or longer, so I feel like I'd run the chance of having the baby at home or in the car anyway just from waiting, and THEN I'd have no desire to go in. LOL

But like you mentioned, it's all about where mama is comfortable. Lots of people are more comfortable in a controlled, medical setting, and that is what is important....that you feel comfortable. Labor is safest and most successful when mama is comfortable. I am just one who isn't comfortable at ALL in a hospital so I know it's important for me to have an out-of-hospital birth if everything looks good.

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