April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

I'm putting it out there...I bloody love Pizza Hut!!!! :haha:

Sarah, changed you due date, and glad that your one healthy bean is doing well! Do make a complaint to the private scan place - after all you paid for them to give you incorrect information!! Obviously it'll achieve nothing (these places never care) but it will make you feel better!

So big news...I DID NOT have to get up to pee last night! A full night in bed...insane! Also, thirteen weeks today!!
Yay doggylover no night time peeing!!!

Im 12 weeks today wohoo!
Congrats UKgirl!!

Ugh, so yesterday I was hip and muscle pain, today I have a horrible stomach ache!! It's a new painful thing each day at the minute :haha:
thank you doggylover!!

I'm right with you on the tummy aches... my kids had tummy bugs a week or so ago, then my OH had it.. I had a cold and thought I had gotten away with not catching it... turns out.... I have it now!! non stop running to the toilet!! :( At least I'm getting a good clear out after all that constipation though :haha: :p xx

So am I in the second trimester now? :D
Sorry if I missed anyone else! AFM, I am doing fine, except having a hard time getting comfy when sleeping-my lower back aches at night! I leave for out of town on Wednesday. I am flying to Philadelphia for a conference this weekend, but will first spend some time with family in Maryland before the conference. I am excited to take a vacay, even though part of it will be work.

My SIL had a baby boy on Saturday. He is cute and chubby! I can't wait until April to hold my LO in my arms. Also, I just found out my cousin's wife is due in May with her 2nd. It'll be exciting to have someone in the family to be prego with at the same time!

Good luck at the conference and I hope you have loads of fun with your family! I was very excited to spend last week away from home (no house chores, no cooking:happydance:) but at the same time I was so busy from 8am to 9pm I was totally exhausted... Make sure you don't spread your self thin as I did. Take it slow.

Congrats on your little nephew!!! You are so lucky, there are pregnant women in your life, and babies, so you will have someone to talk to about those things, and you will have fun play dates too!!!

I saw my aunt the other day, she is only a year older than me, and she has 2 kids, the older is 4 and the young is 1.5-2... I doubt they will be able to play with my little moomin, but she was kind enough to tell me to keep in touch so our kids can meet up.
I was looking at articles of recommended weight gain for pregnancy. It says 1 tri:1-4.5 lbs. I weigh myself today and I'm 6 lbs up. Indeed my butt is wider than my belly is big, but I'm hungry all the time what do I do???
Lily don't worry! Those are averages...and how many women are actually average?! I haven't gained any weight (not boasting, it actually worries me) so everyone is different. And you may not gain as much this tri, so I wouldn't fret over 1.5lbs definitely!!

My stomach ache is getting worse :( I was practically crippled when I tried to stand up after lunch....
ukgirl - I count 2nd tri at 13 weeks (2 days away, woot!) but lots of people don't count it until 14 weeks. Either way, you're close enough!

doggylover - I love Pizza Hut stuffed crust. And their cheese sticks. Even if they do give me the shits. :haha: After everyone talked about it yesterday, I went home and told hubby we're having Pizza Hut on Saturday. :rofl:

So, I got an interesting proposal this morning! My old director just came crawling to me (literally, she came to my office!) saying that the person she hired over promoting me months ago is leaving and now she wants me back. :haha: I left a month after I didn't get the promotion because my feelings were really hurt (she had me doing the job as well as doing my own work while she took her time filling the position - 2 months! She asked me to apply for it that time and all but promised the job to me and then in the end she hired someone else from a different agency. I was really upset, and rightly so).

I'm really wrestling with whether or not to apply for the job but I think I talked myself into it just for the money. It's going to be a lot of stress but it would be a big promotion and it should be a very nice raise. If she won't give me the salary I want, I'm staying right where I am. It's going to cost her a lot more this time than it was going to a few months ago as I make 20% more now where I am. Her own fault. :haha: Also, I know she's not just going to hand it to me. I know in my heart of hearts that she wants me to apply just so she knows she has a failsafe. And if someone else applies with more experience, she's going to let me down again. But at least I know this now, unlike last time. It takes a couple times getting burned before you realize you really can't hold people to promises (speaking of which, my current supervisor is promising me a promotion next month. But a little birdy told me she plans to promote me with no raise. So, that helps with my decision to apply for a different job). One good thing, too, is that my old director already knows I'm pregnant so I don't have to worry about that part at all.
Wow! So much has happened since I have not been in here much lately.

n_gods_hands... Hope you & LO are still doing ok. I am sure you are ready for that appointment to get here so you can get some answers. I can't imagine how crazy I would be if I were in your situation right now.

I'm finally feeling better after the tummy bug.... :happydance: However, like most of you ladies, I'm not sleeping well at all. For the last couple of evenings & throughout the night I have been having these horrid pains on my lower left side. They are achy shooting pains and are driving me crazy. Can't seem to find a comfy positition. I have around 5-6 pillows in the bed with me & it doesn't seem to matter how I lay, I'm just not comfy.

I have noticed in the last couple of days my nausea & gagging is down some!!!! WOOHOO!!! Although certain smells still take me out in a flash. And yes, fish is one of the major ones. Went to the grocery store over the weekend & almost barfed in the floor while walking past the fish section.... That would have been a tad bit imbarrassing!!! :blush:

The hubby & I are still on the outs. He has however admitted to being a full blown alcoholic but refuses to do anything about it. He says he has tried in the past & failed so there is no reason to try again. Well that tells me everything I need to know. I explained that I will not put myself or our baby in a situation like that & that I refuse to live that way so he can either get straight or not, I really do not care, but that we (LO & I) will not be around a person who cares more about his next drink than he does his family.

Hope everyone has a great day! Good Luck to those getting scans!
well after the last doppler I had being broken from the day I got it in the post, I sucked it up and ordered a new one. I couldn't resist :D hehe..
Maybesoon I'm glad your dh has made that first step of admitting his drinking problem, but you have done the right thing telling him a definite no unless he gets help. Not a safe environment for a mumma to be, or a baby.

Littlespy congrats on the progression with your job (potentially!!) it's always nice to be wanted and appreciated, especially after what happened last time. But definitely make it clear that you want as much as you are getting paid now!!

My stomach ache is finally gone! Weirdly (and I swear this is not an exaggeration) as my last class of the day left...they took my stomach ache. It just disappeared after crippling me all day! Hmmm...stress at work clearly.
awww Thanks doggylover! Sorry your tummy hasn't been well today. LOL that it is better after your last class!!!!
doggylover -- Oh no, I decided I'd expect a 25-30% raise from my *current* salary if I was offered the job (so about 60% more than I was making this time last year when I worked there before)! :haha: I'm not even joking. I'm not doing that job for any less. It's insanely stressful (hence her new person leaving after just 6 months. I put up with that crazy bat for almost 4 years!). She may laugh at me, but I know how much the last 2 people in that position made and it was a lot more than even that (to reach their salaries, I'd have to ask for 50% more! But they had more experience and both had Master's degrees as well, which I don't, so I'm aware I can't expect quite as much.). I'm also going to try to bargain for her to pay for me to take a training class that will give me a valuable certification. The training is like $5k & takes 18 months to complete. She was offering it to me before & paid to start me with some training which I completed last month (I bargained with my new employer to pick up the bill so I could finish the training). So glad you feel better!

I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed about this. I was distracted enough with a new job (I've been here 4.5 months) and being pregnant! I just feel like I need a minute to sit down and process everything. And I don't expect to have one of those moments until the weekend. I'm going to lose it before then. :wacko:

Blah, sorry to unload on you guys!
Little spy can I ask what it is that you do? I'm interested to know after hearing about the jobs! But yep, I think it's also right to ask her to pay for the qualification - lots of places do and it would be great for you to do!

Mmmm just had a delicious casserole. And enough left over to freeze for another day - I love when that happens!
Hi ladies well I hope I haven't forgotten anyone in on my phone so it's hard to go back and forth sorry I've not been on I've been at my parents and been shopping :) Whoo hooo I now have clothes that fit!

Ngodshands hope you are ok? ((hugs))

Ukgirl I don't blame you I love my Doppler it's so reassuring - when's it due to arrive?

Littlespy that all sounds very promising it's always good to be headhunted! I'm also curious as to what profession you're in!

Doggylover Yey to 13weeks!!! Whooo hoooo! Glad your stomach ache has gone hopefully u can have a relaxing evening!

Maybesoon in so pleased you seem to be sorting things out for yourself and that you have made the right decision as hard as that is it just shows what a great and strong character you are!!

Well as for me 14weeks tomorrow!!!! And I was in hospital for a pacemaker check Monday 200miles away from where I live and guess what?! I bumped into a familly friend (gynae consultant) whose greeting to me was 'aye aye what going on there then?' pointing to my belly LOL I'm officially showing and clearly looking pg now. I swore him to secrecy as if he tells his mum the whole world will know!!

Another busy day tomorrow I have clients competing at horse of the year show - a massive equestrian show that is super hard to qualify for so I will be helping them warm up and I'm as nervous as they are!!! Also a very long day 5.30am start midnight finish lets hope I'm feeling refreshed and radiant as they say you should in 2n tri :0
Now I feel bad that what I do isn't very interesting. :haha:

I handle employee relations for a large government agency. It's my job to keep the agency out of hot-legal-sh*t from an employment standpoint. :haha: And these managers don't make it easy. The agency I work for now is law enforcement so... it can be really tough. I'm here to stand up for the employee and the employer at the same time. So, whichever is doing something wrong, it's my job to put an end to it. It's a lot of legal stuff and policy/law enforcement and counseling. Also, it should be noted I was grossly underpaid in my last position, so even though I make significantly more now, I'm still not really raking in the dough. :haha:
Haha littlespy that is certainly more interesting than man handling groups of teenagers and forcing them to learn geography all day!!! Sounds very complicated :wacko:!!

Nimbec funny about bumping into someone you know! I'm wondering if I'm showing visibly now too..I'm wearing lots of scarves as a distraction! Good luck at Horse of the year tomorrow! I hope your clients do well - is it dressage they are competing in? I remember you saying before that's what you specialise in? (I think!)
I don't think I could handle teaching. Luckily, about 75% of my job is writing so I have a chance to sit down and think long and hard about what I'm going to say (when most of the time what I really want to say is "W....T....F...?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" :haha:). It's the counseling and mediation that I struggle with. I get so scared I'm going to accidentally say something really out of line and then get my a** personally sued. :haha: Wayward cops are quite litigious.

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