April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Nimbec sounds like we should get our friends together lol. I am sorry you are having the same thing with yours, it sucks for me and I haven't even been through as much as you have. And to know she knows that would drive me mad!!! I feel the same way about my friend, we are very different, have very different views so...:shrug: Also, 17 weeks seems like so much!!! I feel like I'll never get there (even though it'sonly 5 days lol!)

TeAmo I'm sure having your son taken in with a rash was horrible. Glad to hear he is feeling better now, and the scare is over. And :happydance: about hearing the heartbeat!

UKgirl, seriously, she deleted you from facebook? Is she a moody teenager...or just acts like one!? That's ridiculous. And like you say, if she's happy enough to cut you out that quickly, she's not worth bothering over.

Steph, I only feel my LO moving between 8 and 10pm!! So it could be that your LO is being active while you are (between 8 & 10 I am on my butt on the sofa!!) and that's why you don't feel it.

Readytomum, same thing happened to me with some dodgy tomatoes about 2 weeks ago! I hope your kids do better than before as well. It's so disheartening when they do badly, makes me feel like I'VE done something wrong. Just marked a test for my 12/13 year olds. One kid got 6/75. SIX. I could have throttled him. Next lowest mark was 10/75......

Maybesoon talk about mixed signals from OH. :wacko:

Afm...home time :)
Ukgirl - Aw, your nan reminds me of my mom. :dohh: My mom started a ton of drama last year after dd was born. One night my husband realized she wasn't on his facebook friends list anymore. So I called her all like "Um... wtf?!" and she denied it over and over again. She finally admitted she had "blocked" him. :dohh: Um, guess what blocking someone does... DELETES them! Idiot. To this day she claims he's the one who deleted her and she's so offended that I believe him over her (she still fails to realize that blocking someone breaks the friendship on facebook). I KNOW she's lying because she straight up said "He deleted me and facebook gave me a notification that he deleted me so when I saw that, I decided to block him." First of all, no, facebook doesn't notify you when someone deletes you. Second of all, if your story were true (and I know it's not), you're saying you're so childish that when someone deletes you from facebook you block them instead of putting on your big girl panties and talking to them about why they may have deleted you? Ugh. Also, it's effing facebook. Who really gives a shit? I really don't like my mother. :nope:
LittleSpy the ignorance of people & the lack of filter on their mouths kill me sometimes.... I'm a really small girl, have been my entire life & I started getting comments about my "boobs" a month or so ago.... Oh the joys. Yes, they are getting bigger & NO it's not fun!!!
Maybesoon!! WOW what a turn around!! Hopefully his good behaviour will continue and he will step up! xxx

I do generally tend to ignore people or just agree with them to avoid the hassle but since I've been pregnant I just feel a need to stick up for myself. I dont know why. My best friend thinks it's because I'm usually so quiet and let things build up, she thinks my family causing trouble was the last straw for me and I finally broke. I am ignoring their comments and calls now though, I said what was needed to be said and now it's over in my eyes.

Doggylover- we did have to have a little giggle over the immaturity of it all!

Littlespy - she had all my family calling me until past 12 last night, calling the house phone when the kids were asleep but she never once tried to talk to me herself! I had to laugh when I found out I was off her friends list though! I was omg... a 70 year old women has removed me from facebook... FACEBOOK!! my mum isn't on Facebook she hates it, she says it causes too many issues and she's right. Your mum sounds like she knows she messed up then tried to back track and say it wasn't her lol!! xx

Hopefully the drama has finished now and we can move on with life.

On the plus side, yesterday I went to get some bits from the range becuase I'm making my own save the date cards for my baby shower in March. I'm impatient! and this girl starts talking to me about how her friend got married at 17 and is divorced already with 2 kids and how her friend should have listened to her and kept her legs shut.... I was like... I got married at 17 and I have 2 kids and I'm divorced and now I'm engaged and on baby 3... I have NEVER seen anyone back track and arse lick so hard in my life!!! It was hilarious!!! I just had to share haha xx
Congrats on 17 weeks Nimbec- me too- almost!

FB is such a source of drama. I usually don't notice people have deleted me until they show up in that bar of "do you know..." people. :haha:

I am dreading have to sit through other people's horrific birth stories. And I am really, really dreading random people touching my belly. I am not even going to be able to be nice about that. Unless you are family (that I like) or a really close friend I do not want you in my personal space let alone rubbing any of my body parts... and yes a pregnant belly is still MY body part regardless of whether or not someone else's body is inside it. Ugh.

I just felt baby while I was reading the posts :happydance: Probably because I just had hot chocolate with my breakfast. I feel baby when I am sitting on the couch, and especially when I am in some kind of moving vehicle- possibly another indicator that this is a boy :haha:. I think I might not even have noticed some of the movements if the first one I felt hadn't been so big. I have no idea what the kid was doing, but I was on the bus and suddenly felt the popcorn popping. Compared to the other movements since then the kid must have been flipping and flailing. Now I just feel little taps every now and then. I really hope that's what it is anyway! I know I would be worried if I wasn't feeling that because my belly is still so small I think, I mean it looks fat but not like a bump and I can still do up all my pants. How is an onion and my swollen uterus all fitting in there with my buttons done up still?!

I have my midwife appt in a few hours. Can't wait to hear HB! Also going to ask her my questions about the flu vax and ask if my uterus has tipped to "normal" now. It doesn't make much of a difference apparently. I am just interested to know all that's going on in there!

What is WIC? I am going to have to start looking into all the bf stuff. So much to learn about so many things!
kristabelle.... I'm with you on the touchy feely stuff. It was weird enough yesterday having my oh touch my belly. Which is weird because he's half responsible for this baby growing in my tummy, but he hasn't touched it once this whole time & after all the distance he chose to do it in front of his family. I noticed I pulled away from him at first but then grabbed his hand & held it there for a second so he would know it was ok. It was just a shock. I can't imagine others touching my belly though. I'm just not a touchy feely kind of girl & I don't want random paws on me!!!!
ukgirl..... I'm sure hoping... But then again. I haven't heard from his since..... So I'm thinking it was just a "big" show for his family....
Little spy lol at you saying its Facebook- so true! Some people I have on my Facebook act like it is their entire life, and publicise their entire life on it. It's quite scary that some people have nothing better to do. I have one girl who updates her status at least 6/7 times a day :dohh:

So I need some advice. Apart from my school principal nobody at school knows I am pregnant! I have been dressing carefully but really it's too difficult to hide now. I am not super close to them, although I would say I have some friends among the whole staff, but I just don't feel the moment has arisen for me to blurt out that I'm pregnant.

Can anyone give me advice on how to go about it?! I know they'll be thrilled for me, but I feel like now I have left it for such a while its even more awkward!! :blush: I just don't want to be in the staff room and basically yell out "IM PREGNANT!" Which is what I'm afraid I may end up doing just to get it out!!!!
Awww maybesoon that would be very sad and mean if that was his motives xx

doggylover i like to just drop it in the conversation like its a normal thing haha.. lkke one of my friends was with me on the school run and I said oh I hate the school run but its much easier now the morning sickness has passed... she practically squeeled haha its funny doing it that way :p xxx
kristabelle.... I'm with you on the touchy feely stuff. It was weird enough yesterday having my oh touch my belly. Which is weird because he's half responsible for this baby growing in my tummy, but he hasn't touched it once this whole time & after all the distance he chose to do it in front of his family. I noticed I pulled away from him at first but then grabbed his hand & held it there for a second so he would know it was ok. It was just a shock. I can't imagine others touching my belly though. I'm just not a touchy feely kind of girl & I don't want random paws on me!!!!

I'm totally the same way! I have NEVER been a touchy feely person... I don't like hugging people other than family when I go to visit, and I just don't like being touched in general. I've worked in daycares and I have no problem with little kids climbing all over me, so I'm not worried about physical contact with my kids, but I am DREADING random people, and even friends, wanting to touch my belly.

To be honest, I get a little weirded out even when DH wants to touch my belly. I'm hoping that once there's movement there I won't feel so weird about it because then he can actually feel something. But I do really have to try and intentionally fight back the urge to push his hand off and he even asks first! Maybe I'm just nuts. :wacko:
Awww maybesoon that would be very sad and mean if that was his motives xx

doggylover i like to just drop it in the conversation like its a normal thing haha.. lkke one of my friends was with me on the school run and I said oh I hate the school run but its much easier now the morning sickness has passed... she practically squeeled haha its funny doing it that way :p xxx

haha, I just told a friend last night in a very similar way! She was asking DH and I about how brunch went on the weekend with my MIL, and so were talking about how it was really nice to catch up and see her again, and how good the timing was because she brought me down some mat pants from Value Village since I was having trouble finding some here.

And then we waited for it to sink in! :haha:
Oh I like this casual way of doing it! I really missed a big opportunity today, talking about the cost of children...perfect! But I am just too shy about it! Which is stupid because I am not shy at all! I don't know what it is...I'm a total idiot! :dohh:

Ok, I'll try to be casual tomorrow. (Cue me walking in and saying "morning everyone I'M PREGNANT" and not be casual at all!!

I feel the same way! I feel that since its "old" news, its weird to just bring it up... I started by telling the receptionist at my work and I knew it would kinda spread from there. Not really sure that its made its way around yet but I make sure to drop it in in conversation. Like I'll walk by (while others are standing there) and say: sure, make the pregnant lady do all the work lol.

Sooner or later they will notice anyway lol :haha:
Well I think what makes it weirder is another girl at work is pregnant and I make jokes about the others doing stuff to her like your 'make the pregnant lady do it'...but haven't mentioned anything about me. I'm such an idiot :dohh: I'm pretty sure one guy at work has worked it out as he looks at my belly before my face! But he very kindly hasn't said anything...but I wish he would so I don't have to!!

You ladies are all much cooler than me to slip it into convo like that! I'm just too awkward! :blush:

I'm hoping someone will ask what I'm doing over half term and I can say "starting to sort out baby things" even though its a lie, just to bring it up!
doggylover maybe he's scared to offend you in case it was a food belly instead of a baby belly hahahaha!! xx
What is WIC? I am going to have to start looking into all the bf stuff. So much to learn about so many things!

WIC is Women, Infants, and Children. Essentially it's a federally and state funded nutrition program for well, pregnant/breastfeeding women, infants, and children. You have to meet financial qualifications. I think the limit is 185% of the poverty level. Varies from area to area based on cost of living there, I think (I could be wrong about that). They count the unborn baby as a family member (so me, dd, hubby, and Deucey have to bring in under the limit for a family of 4). Your state's department of health website should have more information (here it's the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control - DHEC. Of course different states call that department different things). And if you qualify for WIC that means you also qualify for Medicaid while you're pregnant (and your children will qualify for Medicaid later) because that limit is also 185% of poverty level. I think it's hard to qualify if you're married and you and hubby both work full-time, though. We wouldn't qualify if hubby worked at all. Anyway, the program provides nutrition classes and consultations with a nutritionist and breastfeeding support and vouchers for food (including formula if you need it) each month that you can take to redeem at the grocery store. Women qualify during pregnancy and up to 6 months postpartum if they're breastfeeding. Children qualify through age 5.
doggylover maybe he's scared to offend you in case it was a food belly instead of a baby belly hahahaha!! xx

:rofl: sometimes I still wonder myself!!! My friends told me they had guess but were too afraid to mention it in case (their exact words) I was "just getting a bit fat"!!!!
Yay for all the movement feeling!

I'm still feeling squirmy rolls several times a day but that's about it. That's really all I expect to feel for at least a couple more weeks.

So sorry some of you have friends who aren't being good friends. My friend at work came up to me yesterday and said "Aw, you're at that stage where people who don't know you're pregnant just think you're getting fat." :dohh: Thanks.

And on that note, I'm now prepared for all of the really stupid stuff people think it's okay to say to pregnant women. :haha: Prepare yourselves! It gets weird.

I cant wait to know 110% its the baby and feel it regularly.

haha i never had anything too weird said to me. Although my Mom used to ask me if I was going to fit into places like booths in restaurants etc. LIKE SERIOUSLY! IM NOT A HOUSE.

I feel the same way! I feel that since its "old" news, its weird to just bring it up... I started by telling the receptionist at my work and I knew it would kinda spread from there. Not really sure that its made its way around yet but I make sure to drop it in in conversation. Like I'll walk by (while others are standing there) and say: sure, make the pregnant lady do all the work lol.

Sooner or later they will notice anyway lol :haha:

Haha, I've been doing the same thing. Well, my "friend" (yeah the one who told me I'm looking fat) does it all the time, at least. She pretty much just calls me "pregnant lady" all the time now. :dohh: "Hey pregnant lady." "Pregnant lady: do you want to sit down?" "No! Don't bend over and squish the baby!" (what? :dohh:).

Last week I organized a used book sale here for charity and I asked my committee to help me sort through the books. I just stood there watching while they lifted really heavy boxes of books. :rofl: Then one of them kind of gave me the side-eye so I said, "Um... I promise I'm not being lazy. I'm pregnant." :haha:
doggylover.... lol... My co-works/main boss knew the same day I did. My boss was scheduled out of town that day so I brought the pg test to work with me. I came out of the bathroom holding the darn test & look up & my boss is standing there. My response "Ben what are you doing here?!!!" His response "What is that in your hand?"... Yeah, well come to find out, he had a blowout on his car on the way out of town & decided to come into the office for a minute while his car tire was getting fixed..... BUSTED!!! So it was out of the bag really early for me....

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