April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Usually for me the kicks only come now and then until a few weeks later then I get kicked the crap out of me lol. I love wavey belly it is awesome and bumpy belly when baby sticks its arms and legs out and I get a massive lump sticking out the side haha that will be good to scare the kids with!! Xx
I can sure feel the baby because in the morning he thinks my bladder is a trampoline :O ouchy!
Do you get a sensation like someone's poked you in the bladder, from the inside? I've been getting that now and again in the last week or so, presuming its baby jabbing me!
I haven't had it so much Dan-o which I am glad for lol x
Yep that's the feeling, sharp jab to the bladder on the left were LO likes to hang out. And some kind of muted gurgling (can't express it as well as I would like) when I change sides in the bed, which I assume is the baby changing position too?

Hey tomorow we are entering 15th week excited or what? :D
I know its crazy.. 15 weeks! Can't believe how fast it's going! :wohoo:
Exactly! It was like yesterday that we were in the very beginning, time really flies! Now I just want to reach the avocado stage (16w?), it is my first milestone!
We are all getting so far along now :) it's great!

Ugh, so my friend and I have had a bit of a falling out, not a huge argument or anything more of a silent drifitng apart. She is pregnant too, so I text her today asking when her scan is (she's 11 weeks), how she is feeling etc. She literally told me all info about herself, asked any questions she had and didn't ask about me AT ALL. I don't mind answering her Q as she has nobody else she knows to ask that stuff to (like I have my SIL and you ladies) but is it really expecting too much that she would maybe ask how I am etc as well? I'm sad because I feel like our friendship is falling apart, but if she is going to behave like this, is there much point trying to repair it?
Hi everyone - sorry I havent been on here - have been plagued with headaches and the DH is now poorly with a violent sickness bug! Great!

Have been reading - exciting we are all getting scans soon and (potentially) finding out the sex if thats what you want! I personally cannot wait to find out - might even find out tomorrow at my consultant scan re: the bleeding.

Sorry to write and run - need to tend to toddler whos in the fridge again!! Will catch up properly soon.

SMTW hope your head and DH are feeling better soon! A child lock for the fridge may be good too! :haha:
Doggylover so sorry your friend is behaving like this - i have one doing a simular thing!! :wacko: She is 2-3 weeks behind me also having her first i thought we could get excited and enjoy it together but oh no.....how wrong was I?! As you guys know i've been very rough & in hospital - i still found the time to ask how she was but absolutely nothing whatsoever from her end and i know 100% she knows whats going on as my oh has been over there with her partner & her while i was unwell. I have always been the one asking how she is but nothing back so you know what i've given up! Sorry if that sounds harsh but we are totally different anyway & have very different views so now we will revert i fear to just the girlfirend of or oh's (they are good friends!) So i know how u feel :hugs:

I love feeling my baby boy bubbling around hehe - i definately notice him more if i'm relaxing and not running around tlike a blue arsed fly! So exciting i'm 17 weeks today :happydance: I can't belive how far along we are now!!

Stmw so sorry you have been rough & your oh is rough too - fx you will both recover very soon :hugs:

Hope you all have a good day ladies!!!
stmw - mine are 4 and 6 they are still raiding the fridge lol! Hope you and OH feel better soon and I hope you don't get his bug :hugs:

doggylover- Your friend is being a bit selfish I think. She should at least ask how you are too. I have people like that in my own family it is really depressing, because you go to effort to check on them and make sure they know you care and they don't really bother back with you. I don't know what to suggest really.

nimbec- your friend sounds horrible too :( I don't blame you for giving up! xx

AFM- I have had a massive, biggest ever falling out with my family, mainly my nan, she had been talking about my dad and my brother behind their backs and last night she started trying to make digs at my brother through my facebook, so I wrote on there that I was fed up with judgey 2 faced people and if people wanted to talk about people I love don't use my facebook to do it. I wrote more than that but I'm just slimming it down. Anyway my aunty was calling me non stop until midnight so eventually I answered it and she was saying I'm nasty and how badly I've treated nan etc etc, then she was telling me to call her and say sorry, which I dont think I should because she's the one who went round mouthing off about everyone. They all started trying to blame my dad and use him as an excuse which just made me madder, I told my aunty I would talk to my nan today but before I had chance she text me just saying goodbye and removed me from facebook!!! How childish!! a 70 odd year old women removed me from facebook!! I just left it like that. apparently I'm out of her will.. I dont really care. I dont need her money it means nothing to me. I'm more upset that less than 12 hours after falling out she's already disowning me.. shows how much me and her great grand kids meant to her!

I think I have the start of yet another uti, im trying to flush it out without antibiotics :(
Urgh families.... who'd have them!!!

How are all you girlies doing?? Ive been a bit hit and miss lately with not feeling well, the bleeds I was having and my little boy was taken into hospital on tuesday night with a rash covering his body from head to toe. It turned out to be an allergic reaction but we were concerned it was his kidneys playing up. He is 100% better now though thankfully.

So, I had my 16 week midwife appt yesterday. It was lush because I got to hear babies HB. :) In my last pregnancy I couldnt hear it at my 16 week appt and had to have an emergency scan. I was super stoked :) I still cant find it with my doppler though, probably cause I have a bit of padding lol.

Midwife did ask me if I have had flutters. there has probably been 3 or 4 occasions when I have definately felt that familiar tickling sensation. I cant wait to feel it more regularly.


I'm so jealous that you ladies are all feeling the baby... Nothing here yet :nope:
Steph are u really busy? I don't feel anything at all when things are hectic .... Don't panic the midwifes say it can be as late as 24weeks...
I do stay pretty busy during the day.... but once I settle down at night (or a quiet moment at my desk), I try to just focus on my belly and see if I feel anything. So far I think I only feel normal gas/stomach movements.
Asked the doc at my appointment on monday and she doesnt expect anything for at least 2 more weeks?? She must be crazy :haha: I can't wait that long :rofl:
ukgirl: sorry about the family issues!! I refuse to even engage people who are trying to be nasty through facebook at all. If someone makes a comment on my wall or status that I don't like, rather than get into it with them, I just delete it and pretend it never happened. That generally pissess whoever it was off more than if I had engaged it, and it saves me the headache and drama.

Steph: I haven't felt anything yet either I don't think? :shrug: It might be a little early for me though, since we just hit 14 weeks. I am super excited tofinally feel something though... a little more confirmation that Fraggle is indeed in there and doing well! I got to hear the HB on monday for the first time, and it was amazing!!

AFM, the last few days I've been totally exhausted. I don't know if Fraggle is going through a big growth spurt or something or what... but holy crap. I could just sleep all day. This morning I decided I want a breakfast sandwhich, so I took out the turkey bacon and it looked like it was probably off eventhough the date hadn't been reached yet. So I opened the package to smell it, and it definitely smelled off. And then I threw up. Thankfully it was *before* eating breakfast, so nothing there to really come up. After I threw out the bacon and left the kitchen for a bit I was totally fine. So random.

Hope everyone else is doing well. :flower: I need to create a mid-term today. Hopefully the little buggers do better this time around than last time. :dohh:
I'm super jealous everyone is findout out whether they're having a boy or girl & now feeling their LOs moving around.... Nothing here and I still have to wait until December to get a peak at our LO.

Went to the step-daughter's birthday party last night at my oh's house. It was pretty weird, but good. His parents & sister were also there. He was really pretty sweet. He did actually walk by me a few times & grab my hand or put his hand across my belly. Which honestly was the first time he has felt my belly since we found out I was pregnant. Then at the end of the evening when everyone had left & it was just us left alone in the kitchen, he hugged me, told me he loves & misses me then kissed me. I left and of course haven't heard anything from him since..... I text him last night when I went to bed saying that goodnight, it was great seeing them & I love you. He never responded to the text so I guess I'm back on the ignore list for a few days..... It's so frustrating to have him act like he cares one minute then completely be ignored the next.
LittleSpy.... I don't know about anywhere else, but one thing my bff has made really clear to me is that the lactation consultants at our local hospital really suck. She said they are great for the first 24 hours but after that you are basically on your own unless you are on WIC and they have fantastic consultants. So I have signed up for WIC just to have the lactation consultants later because I'm sure since this is my first I'm going to have several issues...... Nothing with me is easy!!!!

If you qualify for WIC then you qualify for Medicaid (just in case you didn't know! Save some money if you qualify -- IMO it's there to help people who are working hard and trying to help themselves :winkwink: I figure I've been paying into it since I was 15, I may as well accept the assistance if I qualify for it).

The LC at the hospital was completely worthless. She came by to see me right before I was leaving (after I finally called her) saying she "didn't know" I was there. Um... I was a freaking scheduled induction. I had been in the room the whole time (which at that point was like over 50 hours). Great job. I chose dd's pediatrician in part because they have a lactation consultant on staff. She was great but I didn't follow up with her enough. I expect to see her several times this time. There are also plenty of private lactation consultants. My OB office is advocating an in-home lactation consultant service so I may check them out. That sounds amazingly convenient compared to having to drive all the way across town to the LC on staff at the pediatrician. I've also joined up the local LLL on Facebook. I can't meet with them while I'm pregnant because they have meetings at 10am on Tuesdays (because apparently working mothers can't/don't breastfeed? :dohh: Don't get me started).

I believe WIC here even has hospital grade pumps they will lend but I'm not sure what you have to do to get them (agree to no formula or what?). I have an appointment next week and I'll be discussing my issues/situation with them (about how I fully intend to breastfeed but last time I breastfed/pumped all I could and still needed every ounce of formula they gave me each month and then still had to buy more). I know someone on WIC in Utah who signed a form agreeing to never ask them for formula and they GAVE her a Medela Pump In Style. I have a friend who works for WIC in Michigan and she said they will give anyone who wants one a manual breast pump. I know a lot of that varies from state to state, though. I don't know in my state. I only signed up for WIC after my daughter was a month old and I realized she was going to need like $200/month worth of formula on top of all of my milk. :dohh:
Yay for all the movement feeling!

I'm still feeling squirmy rolls several times a day but that's about it. That's really all I expect to feel for at least a couple more weeks.

So sorry some of you have friends who aren't being good friends. My friend at work came up to me yesterday and said "Aw, you're at that stage where people who don't know you're pregnant just think you're getting fat." :dohh: Thanks.

And on that note, I'm now prepared for all of the really stupid stuff people think it's okay to say to pregnant women. :haha: Prepare yourselves! It gets weird.

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