April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

lily omg men!! haha what a lot of trouble for a small mistake! I will go with Aaron everywhere when we have paper work to do after reading this :p Congrats on being a squash!! Are you feeling better now and off bedrest? xxx

Nimbec - yay no early labour!!! Are you drinking loads? When I was pregnant with Connie I had pre-eclampsia and she wasn't getting much and was just in small pockets of water in the last week but I was further along. I know that if your baby was to be born now he is viable but I'm hoping he stays in there for as long as he can! I really hope the next scan is good news for you xx

I'm considering taking action against Connie's school for the mishap I told you all about during the last month, where they were taking her out of class and questioning her behind my back. I'm thinking of making a formal complaint but I'm not sure if I'm being overly hormonal or if it is worth doing. I feel like she has been victimised for being shy and quiet and wanting to do her work well. Then yesterday when I sent her back to school with a form abotu allergies, I wrote apples and pears because when she eats them they bring her up in a rash around her mouth, she said the teachers were openly discussing her in class and she knew they were talking about her. Her teacher doesn't have any children of her own and I think she's a bit of a jobs worth, she's basically saying, it's not okay for Connie to be shy or quiet and because she is there must be something wrong with her, but instead of discussing the problem with me first she took straight to questioning and evaluating my child without even raising an issue with me. She caused me and Connie stress and worry and so now I'm just trying to think about the right way to go around it.
UKgirl, that sucks abut Aaron not being able to adopt both Connie and Lucas. But I suppose it's the fact that he is there and BEING a dad to them which is really important. And when Benson comes along you will be even MORE of a family than you are now. Why don't you book an appointment with the head teacher, and discuss your worries with him/her. Hopefully they will be able to give you some real answers, and listen to the fact that you are unhappy with how she has been treated. Then, if you aren't satisfied with the outcome of that meeting, you can make a formal complaint about their treatment of Connie.

Nimbec: :thumbup: super news about no early labour! Definitely worryinig about the possibility of baby not getting enough to eat, but hopefully by next week your fluid level will be back up, and LO will be staying in his cosy home for many weeks yet! Don't tempt me with videos for the kids...I could do that happily all day and have a wee snooze! Unfortunately we have inspectors in school today so may not go down too well!

Lily: :growlmad: about DH not adding you onto the registry. Can he not go back and change it now, add you and baby in together? I also need some nursing tops and more nursing bras. I actually bought a new bra yesterday, but managed to get the SAME size I am currently wearing when I need bigger! I haven't adjusted to the boobs being bigger. Luckily it was a cheap on, so not too bad!
Thanks doggylover I think that is a good idea. You are right about Aaron being here and that being the most kmportant thing. I guess the thing Im most worried about and it is very silly... but if I died suddenly my kids would have to go live with theor psycho father. Well Connie would and then her and lucas might get split up. I might try for adoption while we are processing through court. xx
lily omg men!! haha what a lot of trouble for a small mistake! I will go with Aaron everywhere when we have paper work to do after reading this :p Congrats on being a squash!! Are you feeling better now and off bedrest? xxx

I feel like she has been victimised for being shy and quiet and wanting to do her work well.

she's basically saying, it's not okay for Connie to be shy or quiet and because she is there must be something wrong with her

I'm just trying to think about the right way to go around it.

I gosh I know, just make sure he gets the paper work right, because then there will be all kinds of legal implications. Already they have misspelled his name at the hospital where i'm giving birth, I have to correct them :dohh: I hope my baby doesn't get a funny name because of this.

I'm much better thanks for asking, clear discharge and all. In fact I feel I need to go shopping tonight :happydance:
But I don't get much sleep :nope:

Oh bloody school... They should leave your kid be who she is, what is wrong with being quiet? I thought it was a good quality?
What is this new idea that ALL kids have to extroverted and hyperactive?
I think you should try to talk to her teacher once more, give her one more chance, it never hurts to keep communications open with the school and teachers, if she is still causing you guys problems and stressing you and Connie, then make an official complaint. But give her a chance first, as a complaint will make her defensive.
Moring all.

Doggylover, re your jab pain, i had problems with my whooping cough jab, it went all hot, red and swollen and the doctor thought it was infected and gave me antibiotics for it, i didnt actually end up taking them and its just cleared up on its own but seems its fairly common to get a bit of discomfort from it.

Nimbec, great that you arent in early labour, this all must be really worrying for you, i know everyone has already said it but just relax and take it easy for now, either way there isnt long to go so now so enjoy having the excuse to do not a lot!

UKgirl, i can understand how you must feel re connies school, it does all seem a bit weird and that they are going behind your back, i agree with doggylover that sounds like a good way to approach it.

Lily, that does seem weird why your husband didnt add you and i can see why you are annoyed about it, would it be easy for him to ammend it? And congrats on being a squash!

Doggylover, men are so annoying sometimes! Mine has similar traits i must admit, must be in the genes or something!

Sorry to those i havent mentioned, ive been trying to keep up.
Well i have officially finished work till May 2014! Its happened slightly earlier than planned but due to a combination of exaustion, stress of it all, and a complete lack of support at work, we decided for me to stop now, its a really nice feeling although not quite sunk in yet! It means we will have to find a bit of extra cash this time next year but that shouldnt cause a problem.
Been so tired lately too, not helped by the fact DS is still going through a stage of waking during the night. its so unlike him and exausting for us all. my mum had him last night so i could get some sleep and will be picking him up shortly, then later i have a shellac manicure and going out for thai food with a friend.
The only other thing is ive currently got an addiction to making cakes, yummy but not ideal for the waistline, my recent creation yesterday was a coffee cake and its so delish i had some for breakfast!
Thanks everyone ;)

Oh youre all making me nervous about the vaccine lol xx
What is this new idea that ALL kids have to extroverted and hyperactive?

In my classroom, I LOVE the nice quiet ones :haha:

Melissa, I am so unbelievably jealous that you are on maternity already! But I'm glad that you have been able to bring it forward to give you some time to rest, especially is DS isn't sleeping well. Lovely of your mum to have him so you can have a nice relaxing day, enjoy it!!

UKgirl, sorry to scare monger about the jab!! I'm as bad as the people I work with :haha: It actually feels a lot better when I'm moving it a little, I think it must have gotten stiff overnight, causing my pathetic-ness this morning!!! Also, it's definitely not silly to think about what would happen to Connie and Lucas if something awful happened to you. It won't, but it's definitely better to be prepared IMO, and have these things in place. I don't think any court would ever be able to find it in Connie's best interests that she is taken out of the country and sent to somewhere she doesn't know, to live with a man she barely sees, and be taken from everyone and everything she DOES know. That would be pure insanity. But then again, sometimes the courts ARE insane...
Morning ladies! :flower:

I can completely sympathize with those who have been overly tired recently. I went to bed last night at 8pm! And slept till 7:30 this morning!! I woke up several times trying to stay comfortable though, and it was so HOT in my apartment last night, I was actually laying in bed sweating. :wacko: I feel MUCH better today though after getting such a long sleep... I desperately needed it!

I'm still having some pretty intense sinus congestion going on, and the last few days here have been like spring! It's been around 12C and raining, so all the snow is pretty much gone, and there's been birds out singing! It's a bit disconcerting really... it is January after all. But I think the warm weather is messing with my allergies making them even worse.

ukgirl: I would talk to her teacher again privately first before making a complaint, and make it clear to her that if she has any concerns about Connie that she needs to speak with you about it, and that it is not appropriate to speak about a child in front of their peers like that.

doggylover: I hope parents night goes by super quickly for you tonight! I know how much of a pain those can be, and hopefully you'll get a good sleep tonight. I keep waking up in the night with numb hands and arms too. Usually if I get to sleep for more than three hours in a row without waking up to move around positions I'm doing pretty good!

melissabump: Ooooh, I'm a little jealous you're on leave now! Hopefully now that you're done with work you'll get a bit of energy back as the stress levels receed from not being at work! Enjoy you lunch date today too. Thai food is one of my favourites.

nimbec: glad there's no early labour!! Bubs needs to hang tight for a few more weeks. Hopefully by your next appointment your waters will be replenished enough. Just keep taking it easy and drink lots of water. I don't know if drinking water will help, but being well hydrated always seems to make pregnancy complications a little better.

lily: I don't really undertand the district thing... but that must be a frustrating situation! Politics stuff is always so complicated when it comes to paperwork, especially when it comes to getting paperwork changed! :dohh: Congrats on being a squash though!!

Right... I need to get to work and finish writing a paper today that I was supposed to submit on Monday. Sigh. Is it April yet?
Doggylover, sorry about your arm :hugs:. Hope the soreness does not last too long!! And Candy, don't worry yet, when I had mine, I never felt a thing after. I think it really depends on you! Hopefully you will be one of the lucky ones

Lily, I wish I had some advice for you, but all systems are different so I guess just make OH change it :shrug:
I think we can all agree, OH can do silly things sometimes (of course WE don't make mistakes ... Or at least that's what I tell my OH hahaha:haha:)

Candy, sorry your still dealing with school issues. I agree with Doggylover, I used to appreciate the quiet students ... That does NOT make Connie a target!!! Stupid teacher :growlmad:

Nimbec, REST! Even if LO comes now, you will be fine... But every week you can prolong, will make things easier!! I have also heard that fluid can rebuild but it just takes some time?!? I read that every hour, the body replaces 1 cup of amniotic fluid and uses water in your body... So drinking lots will help!!

Melissa, I'm so jealous that your are done working! Good for you! Enjoy the quiet and relax a bit!!

AFM, I met up with one of my closest guy friends last night and he brought his gf (whom I don't mind but never really "clicked" with). They have been together for a couple of year but and I know her, but not well. Well the first thing she said to me was: wow you've gotten huge :growlmad:!
About 5 min later, she asked me how much longer and when I told her 9 weeks, she started hysterically laughing and said: omg your going to get soooo fat!!
What the hell is wrong with her?!?:growlmad: . I just laughed it off but seriously??? No wonder I don't like her :haha:
Steph, I don't like her either. What a moron.

Nimbec, glad you are not in labour! Hope all ends up being fine with your fluid and cord.

Doggylover is the vax they give you there the DTAP? That is what they give here and its a combination of diptheria, tetanus and whooping cough. Tetanus shots often hurt. I don't know why they would tell you it wouldn't. They can't possibly know. Liars. I remember my tetanus booster really hurt as well, hope it feels better really soon and sorry everything is compounded by no sleep and parents night etc. You definitely deserve a good cry. I cried the other night signing my hospital forms as it basically gives you a list of all the things that can go wrong during L&D to make you "aware". By the end of reading it I felt like I was going to die. Most ridiculous form of all time.

UKgirl I feel like they have changed what is "normal" for behaviour in kids. I was quiet in school and teachers always loved me :haha: I agree with whoever said that there is an expectation now for all kids to be outgoing and hyperactive. But then they can't be tooooo hyperactive because then they must have ADD and need to be medicated. Every kid is unique and that woman should leave Connie to be herself. I would want to complain about her too. If I remember the story right she interfered multiple times with no real cause and I definitely think she shouldn't be discussing things from Connie's personal files in the class in front of all the students. What is her problem?!

Congrats on being a squash Lily! Hope all your paperwork probs get sorted. We are dealing with similarly annoying paperwork crap with changing our names. VERY frustrating.

Congrats on your mat leave Melissa's Bump. It will be nice to have the extra time to spend one on one with your LO before baby comes. And if your work wasn't supporting you then it is best to be out of there for the last weeks.

AFM I was exhausted last night as well. First time I have really felt like that since first tri when I was a zombie. Ugh, I hope the zombie thing doesn't come back now. Yuck!
Kirstabelle I think it might be the combined one, I did read somewhere that that's what you get, but midwife didn't mention if it was. That would make sense as to why it hurts so much then! And I know exactly how you felt last night- that's me tonight. Total exhaustion I have only experienced once before - in first tri! Early night for me tonight. Hope you are feeling brighter today.

Steph I can't believe that someone would say that to you!!!! That is so rude, what a bitch. And how many babies has she had to give her this expert knowledge? (I hope the answer to that is 0!) someone at work today told me I look ready to pop....thanks!
Oh my Goodness Steph! WHAT A BITCH! I don't know how you could sit there and not slap the shit right out of her. What is wrong with people to comment on a pregnant woman's size anyways! Geez!

I have been exhausted lately too but everytime i get woke up i stay awake for hours because Emmaleigh is so crazy in there. I got a good 3 hour nap in after DS went to school this am.

Ukgirl I am having the same problem with Landon's school. They took him out of class on Monday to discuss what he is feeling and why the change in behavior and what not. I called the principal and told her if they needed to know just call me and i would talk with them because he has enough stress on him as a 6 year old as it is without having to worry anymore about ADULT problems. I am looking at transferring them next year to a different school because the Counselor there acts as if we are all in danger of OH and has stated she don't know what Allen's intentions are! Like Aaron, Allen was called Daddy on the children's own recognizance and I never argued with them about it because i feel it is a respect issue and if they see him as a father figure then so be it. He loves them and would give his life for theirs i just wish the court could see how much we love them.

Ugh i am filling out these damned papers that i got in the mail yesterday which have to be turned in tomorrow...they want to know everything from my Facebook account to my email addresses all the meds i am on...then the financial means paper is so aggravating that i absolutely want to punch myself in the face at the moment. I am really hating this but hopefully it will all be over soon!!!
Evening ladies!!! checking in!

How're you all feeling? I feel so much pressure now. I think I have a lot of water for sure. I can barely bend and when i do I feel like a water balloon ready to go POP!!!

Cant believe only 10 weeks to go now. eeeek. So much needs doing around this place! omfg.

So was wondering, anyone here want to be my text buddy for labour?! I guess will have to be one of the uk girlies?!

oooh and heres the most recent 4d pics we got at the second session! Bubs moved her hand just towards the end! xx


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Great pics Teamo! Awww, they really are babies now!

Well I ended up having a day of drama. At about 1230 I realized that I hadn't actually felt baby move since I got up this morning. So I eat crackers, drink water, start poking her, and I shower, and I sit on the exercise ball and bounce. Nothing. At all. So I call the midwife who tells me I should drink a glass of juice and lie on my side. I do this and midwife calls back and I tell her still nothing. So she tells me I should just come in so that they can put me on the monitor. Slight panic becomes total meltdown. I call my DH and he says he will meet me at the hospital. In taxi I do start to feel some tiny movements. Feel slight relief that baby is actually alive. We are at the hospital and the baby's heartbeat is okay, but my MW wants to see more "variations" and "accelerations" so she brings me more juice and graham crackers (like digestive biscuits in the UK) and I start to feel a few kicks. The MW comes back after 20 mins and says she still wants to see the baby perk up a little so I drink some ice water and the nurse comes in at this point all the sugar seems to hit and baby starts moving so much that they can no longer get a good read on the heartbeat because she is facing forward and moving her arms and legs in front of the monitor so the nurse has to manually hold the monitors on my belly to keep them still with all the movement and we get a much better "strip" on the monitor and the midwife is happy with that. They told me baby might just have been in a really deep sleep and probably also in a posterior position so moving inwards towards my back so not feeling much. They were glad I came in because her movement was so different from usual as she is normally so active and I always feel pops and kicks and flailing etc quite often. Thanks for the heart attack baby! I feel very relieved though! So easy for someone so small to cause such drama!:baby:
ok so I get home from work & change into my pjs out of my work clothes. DH: Audry has a banquet tonight for making the A Honor Roll.... Me: oh ok, I'll go get dressed. DH: Well Lindsey (his ex-wife) filled out the reservation with only me, her & the kids so there's no reservation for you at our table. Me: ummm ok....


He left it at that & left for the banquet. I'm so upset right now.... It really pisses me off because I have already bought crap from her twice this school year for crap she has sold for school & now she is (or rather dh is) raising money for Jump Rope for Heart. When the time comes & he asks me for a donation I'm so telling him that since I'm not worthy of being a part of "their little family" for school purposes, don't ask me to donate or buy anything anymore.......
Kirstabelle: Scary business yesterday :hugs: But glad to hear LO is ok, and think of it as good news that you have a deep sleeper!!!!

Maybesoon: :hugs: Sorry dh and his ex are being idiots (again). That is so rude and unfair to cut you out of something so important like that. And also stupid of dh not to mention it until the last minute :growlmad:

TeAmo: LOVE the pictures!!! What a cutie you have in there! I think setting up some text buddies is a great idea, so I would definitely be up for that!

Afm, went to bed at 9pm last night and managed to get a little more sleep, so feeling better today than yesterday thank heavens!
Steph - OMG at that girl, she's obviously insecure over you for some reason and feels the need to put you down to make herself feel better. Yea you're gonna get bigger but you're pregnant it would be worrying if you didn't! lol that girl was looking for an easy dig and she got it. Just ignore the silly bitch xx Thank you for saying that about Connie, I hae lost total trust in their school because of all this. I am glad that teachers out there accept quiet kids too! Connie is the only kid in her class who has never been told off or lost her golden time and she is shy so they have singled her out as being scared but the truth is she has 2 boys who she plays with and doesn't get caught up in the girl drama on the playground and she likes being the only one in class who has a perfect record. I don't see a problem with that personally. At home she is happy and plays well with Lucas so I'm not worried.

mommabrown I'm also thinking of removing my children from this school they are at now because of the same thing. I don't think they should be allowed to question the children without permission from a parent first. Or at least giving a heads up.

TeAmo I love those scan pictures!! They are lovely, I will be your text buddy for labour if you like? I'm due a few days after you so you could be mine too :)

Kristabelle - I'm glad all is well with bubs, they are such little scare mongers aren't they!! Benson was very quiet yesterday all day, I had to get my HR monitor out to check him over he perked up after mcdonalds for lunch haha. It's amazing that they can sleep so deeply. xx

Sorry if I've missed anyone out, I'm feeling really poorly today, woke up in the night with stomach cramps and they are terrible this morning, I feel sick too :( I hope it's not that tummy bug that's going around.
I had to wait for Aaron to finish work before taking the kids to school which always worries me because last time they went in late Connie got questioned, I almost considered lying to the school and keeping them home today but Connie wanted to go in so Aaron's taken them. I know now really I don't want to have my children in that school anymore if I can't even feel safe sending them in an hour late when I have stomach flu.

I hope you are all well and feeling good. If I don't reply today it's because I have my head down the toilet xxx
Cute pics teamo!

Maybesoon i know how hard this has to be for you. I always allowed my douche Ex to bring his wife and her kids to my childrens school functions. He has not hardly even allowed me to go since he has had temp. Custody of the kids. I don't think it was DH fault it sounds like MOM don't want you there as she didn't even ask you if you wanted to attend.

Doggylover i sleep alot and if i don't i feel awful and cranky. Glad you are feelig better!

Kristabella what a scare! So glad she decided to wake up and give then some good readings.

Ukgirl i hope your not getting that nasty flu bug. Get to feeling better and maje sure you get some rest. I know how you feel about them being late. I don't see why the school feels like they should involve themselves if a child is happy healthy clean and feed and there is no sign of abuse just leave them alone!

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