April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Mommabrown, I'm glad I'm not the only one needing a lot of sleep!!!

I was saying to dh yesterday though, what will I be like when the baby is here and I get NO sleep!?!?
At first it don't phase you especially since you will be up checking on LO anyways. I used to wake up scared to death something was wrong if they slept a bit longer than normal. But after awhile you finally get so exhausted when people come to visit you had them off and try to get rest. I was always tols to nap while LO did and it helps to keep down on exhaustion. But with that being said i never had 3 older children plus a baby so i am not sure how it will go this time around.
Oh you are a well experienced momma, you will be absolutely fine I have no doubt! I've heard to nap when LO naps as well, glad to hear it actually works!!
Lol I must say, as much as I tried to have naps when Paige napped, I found myself doing house work and catching up on chores I couldn't do when Paige was awake! And I never really slept 100% in between breastfeeding and waking to make sure she was ok lol! All in all the best sleep I've had was when I was about 3months pregnant with Paige! Haha! But of course she is completely worth the black bags under my eyes and I've mastered concealer amazingly!!!! Lol!
We are still struggling with Paige, she will not sleep in her own bed, only in ours, which as you can imagine is really not going to work when out little man comes along! We are gonna have to try harder!
Oh Kristabelle, so glad LO was just resting up lol. I can imagine how scary that cab ride must have been!!!

Maybesoon, I also think it was the ex, that decided you didn't have to go... But your DH should put his foot down!!!! You are his WIFE and not some random girl he is dating!!! The kids live with you (and him lol) when they are not with mom!!!! 100% unacceptable! DH needs to grow a pair and stand up for you with the ex!

Candy, when can you change schools for the kids? Do you have to wait for the school year to be over? I do think it is nice, that the teachers are looking out for the kids... But just because Connie is quiet?!? It's silly and you should not have to worry about risking your health, just so they don't pick on her more (risking your health by rushing to school when your very pregnant and sick)!!
I hope that maybe you just ate something bad yesterday, and that your not getting sick! Coming down with a bug would be no bueno!!

Doggylover, I expect to NEVER sleep again :haha:. And I'm still getting the daily remarks: your life will never be the same! Well no shit... That's what I was going for!! Why do people always have to make it sound like having a kid is a mistake?!? Ugh

Kealz, good for you, for keeping up with housework when Paige was/is napping. I plan to do no such thing :haha:.
Lol trust me Steph I really wanted to sleep I just couldn't, I worry to much that I'd fall into a deep sleep and not hear her haha! So kept myself busy instead lol x
Thanks steph - I would remove them over summer break so they started the new year in the school.

I was like Kealz I didn't sleep either I had washing and cleaning to do and spent my freetime loving the silence lol xx
Hey Ladies....

Well it was dh's fault.... When he came back home last night he felt like crap. His ex put 2 down for him & I to be there. She is a teacher at the school so she doesn't count as she has to hand out awards to her own class.... Which I kinda wondered about at the time, but didn't really think much about it because my feelings were already hurt. He was extremely appologetic for being so dumb & so we talked for a bit & made some progress so hopefully this doesn't happen again. He asked me last night why I didn't call him out on it before he left. As I explained to him, I am so stressed with work stuff & with the hormones & the fact we haven't been back together all that long, I just don't know what emotions I feel are justified or not & the last thing I want is to get into an argument right now. He seems to completely understand & is being really great about it. So PROGRESS is GREAT!!!

kealz.... I'm the same way about resting. I tell dh every Friday that we are sleeping in over the weekend & yet every Saturday & Sunday I'm up at the crack of dawn doing crap. It's pretty annoying.

Hope everyone has a great day!!!! It's time for the weekend!!!!
And I'm still getting the daily remarks: your life will never be the same! Well no shit... That's what I was going for!! Why do people always have to make it sound like having a kid is a mistake?!? Ugh

THIS! This bugs me so so much!!! People act like having their kids was the biggest burden ever in their lives, and it's so awful and I should somehow rethink (maybe a bit late for that?!) One woman at school said today "Oh, enjoy this quiet time while you can, soon your life will never be the same again" Well, yes, that is actually what I was aiming for, funnily enough, when I decided to have a baby...a different life which will be better for me, because my wonderful (obviously!) child will be part of it!

As for housework when baby arrives...I think I will be just like you Kealz. I have this awful, awful compulsion to TIDY. Last night I felt awful, literally could have cried because I was so sore and tired. And yet I still had to tidy up bits and pieces because I am clearly completely insane! I couldn't just leave it to today...I'm afraid when baby comes I will over extend myself trying to get everything done and end up even MORE exhausted than I would be!
Hahahah maybe you girls could come over to my house for a bit :haha:. I only clean and tidy because of laziness lol. I I don't do it everyday, I just know what it will turn into :dohh:...
Oh and I clean when I'm fighting with OH ahahah... Since he's not home enough to fight with, I'm back at where I started: cleaning because I'm lazy ahaha

Doggylover, no kidding a little late on the advice!!!!! I ALWAYS want to say that!! What do they expect: hmmm yes, maybe your right... I should NOT have this baby that I really thought I wanted!!
I spent 30 years worrying about myself and feeling like something was missing... I'm pretty sure, that I've thought this through :dohh:

Maybesoon, glad to hear that it was just a miscommunication! I rarely blame my hormones for when I'm mad and I really think that that's mostly why I argue with OH :blush:. I shall try your approach, and keep my mouth shut for a bit... But i will say, Rob is now trained enough (from being in the hot seat for 7months lol), that he will automatically back off, when I start to argue :haha:. Poor guy :blush:
Doggylover I think part of the reason people say those things is to not put your under a false pretense that life is going to be easy with a baby. It would be like saying don't worry anout labour... its not painful at all lol and also because being a parent is hard work and can really test you at times so its like them admitting in a backwards way that they arent perfect parents themselves. If you get what I mean?

Its easy when you are calm and well rested to imagine a grisly baby at 3am but when you live it and you have to be up early the next morning. The baby is teething and has a temp plus nappy rash to win an award with and they are all clingy its hard to stay calm and relaxed and there are many times in the first two years at least where stuff like that happens. I think when they say.. get your sleep now... its a way of saying its tough this side of the line without wanting to go too much into the downpoints xx

I meant to say yesterday maybesoon that it sounded a bit backwards that you wouldnt be invited when you essentially are part of a parent to those kids. If you were just a girlfriend that would make sense but you are his wife so it makes sense that you should go. Im glad oh admitted the problem laid on his side though and youre both working it out xxx

by the way is anyone thinking of contraception after birth? Im going for the coil 6 weeks after :D

also the hardest thing I found while I was alone with my kids was time to have a shower or go to the toilet haha.. I used to have to take them with me in their bouncing chairs... poor kids lol xx
lol Steph! Shane is about the same way. He told me last night that I shouldn't blame anything on my hormones because I have handled everything fantastic & that he realizes he is just going to screw up from time to time & I need to call him out on it. He also said there is no reason should feel like I need to hold anything back & that it breaks his heart that I would feel like I can't express how I'm feeling because I'm afraid of it causing more problems. It's great to know that he has realized this stuff & is now in a place where I can express myself without him getting defensive & placing blame on me....
Morning ladies!

I had my check-up this morning, and I'm happy to report that I passed my glucose test!! :happydance: So I don't need to do the horrid two hour one. I'm so relieved about that!

I asked the Dr about whether "gas and air" and TENS machines are used here during labour because I was curious about our previous conversations, and I was wondering what's common here. It sounds like gas and air is used sometimes right at the very end when you're pushing, and that TENS machines are pretty un-heard of for labour. I was advised against renting one because the nurses at the hospital would likely be uncomfortable with it since they have no experience with anyone using them. So that was good to know. I'm not sure I was considering renting one anyway, but I did want to find out whether they are normal here.

I'm also a little worried the "zombie phase" is starting to return...! I feel so much more tired now than I did the last few weeks, and I'm really hoping it's just because the weather keeps changing so drastically here! I don't want to join the walking-dead again, I have too much to get done still to slip back into stupid mode. :wacko:
Readytomum, from what I've heard, tens machines are all patient led, and it's really for pain management before the hospital, so I don't imagine the nurses would have much dealings with it. That said if they aren't common with you, they are probably pretty expensive anyway!

Candy, I totally understand what you mean, and I am definitely prepared (as much as I can be I think!) for the realities of parenthood. I've already thought through what to do in the scenarios where I am just at the end of my tether and feel like I cannot go on (the answer in these situations is a sobbing phonecall to my mother or SIL! to get them to come and take over while I have time to calm down and gain some perspective) I do understand what you mean by saying that people are just trying to be honest, and most people say it all in a jokey way - but my uncle does NOT. He has actually said the kids are one of the worst things that have happened in his life, never to do it, it's awful and you lose yourself entirely and your relationship is ruined etc. he has three beautiful boys and should be so grateful, not complaining all the time!!!! When people are only joking, it's fine, but when people are being serious, I get cross lol!
Great NEWS readytomum!! Glad that you have a DR that advises you well enough that your not left puzzled either! I have been way more tired lately too but i think that is to be expected this late in the game.

Ukgirl bahahaha I don't a freaking clue what we are going to do. They have recalls on the Mirena and some other birth control here and I am hoping that the breastfeeding alone will help stop ovulation...Not only that DH wants another baby and i have been trying to talk him into a vasectomy...which he will not hear of. I paid 4500.00 for my tubal reversal so there is no way i am going through that shit again.

Maybesoon glad that DH came home and told you what happened. I am very hormonal lately..if he seems to be acting off...i get all depressed and worried and think he is about to make another run for it, although it is nothing so I am sorta starting arguments.

Doggylover People are so idiotic with what they say... Even with this being baby #4 we are told "oh how your going to have your hands full!" LIKE I DIDN'T BEFORE!!! I actually like to think it will be a bit easier because now the 3 older children can help with little tasks for the baby and not be like it was when they were all toddlers together.
awww doggylover, that is not a nice thing for your uncle to say at all!! I agree with you about people like that!! No matter how stressed my kids have made me I would not ever regret having them! Even when Lucas wont eat dinner! lol I have to say your plan of action, to call your SIL is a good idea!! You need people to vent to, I've had nights with my 2 where I've been in norway alone and they just wouldn't stop crying, in those moments I was pushed to the absolute limits! I've had to actually put my child down in their cot and got outside the front door and say in my head.. she's just a baby she doesn't know better over and over for a minute or two and go back in to deal with the situation. It will be better this time as I'll have Connie and Lucas and Aaron around for help. So hopefully this time round wont be so bad x
I also find there are a lot of cleche's with pregnant women too, the most common ones I hear are... are you sure there's only one in there? wow you're getting big! Can't be long now! Not long now enjoy your sleep! ... lol xx

Readytomum the TENS machine sends a electric charge through the muscles in your back where the pain is during labour to numb the pain, if you start using it early on in labour it can work really well, Some women say they don't help though. You just hold a button when you get a contraction xx

Shit mommabrown!!! That's an expensive baby you are having then!! lol I tried to talk my OH into getting the Vas but he wont! I've heard a few horror stories about ladies who had the Mirena and it failed to protect them due to being implanted wrong, some lady got 10 thousand pounds in compo because her's perforated her uterus :/ It's quite scary, but my friend has had hers fro 10 years and swears by it. I was going to get it after xmas last year but then we decided we wanted a baby instead -.- lol. My doctor must think I can't make my mind up!! It wasn't long ago I was swearing blind that I was done having babies and begging her to tie my tubes!!

I've heard the.. oh you're going to be busy'' comment before... I'm like.. what do you think I do now??!!! lol x
My uncle has also said recently (his youngest is 5 months) "I only ever wanted two..." Which I think is horrific! It was especially hard for us as they announced my aunt was expecting just two months after our mc, and he was saying then how awful it was, and we just felt like strangling him and saying "you guys are in yur mid forties and have conceived three times with no issues - you should be fucking thrilled!"
And yep, I imagine me having to do a lot of baby in cot, a few minutes alone outside. I do have a temper and can get very irate, and I imagine that combined with pregnancy hormones could end up in disastrous moments where I am just so overwhelmed. But,at the same time, I'm hoping the fact that I recognise this and am going to be on the lookout is one way to prevent me getting too overwhelmed. I can't imagine how hard it must have been in Norway to do it alone :hugs: this time will be so much better for you with all your family around. And I'm sure Connie and Lucas will be so good at helping too! You can get them changing the nappies ;)

Afm...baby has been going insane today! Plus I can now officially feel feet sticking out at times lol!
Oh my goodness!! I would have had him!! My friend has pcos and has tried for years for a baby its so toigh. I hate people who get pregnant unplanned... if they really didnt want a baby they should have used something! Xx

i get legs and knees and elbows sticking out at night haha its weird isnt it? Xxx
Yeah I had a friend that had to have a hysterectomy because of the Mirena. I am really on the outs with it but my SIL has an IUD in her arm i am thinking to looking into that.
Yes Emmaleigh is an expensive baby! I am very thankful for her especially since we had a MC a year before her. DH is such a baby when it comes to being cut on! lol

Doggylover my dad always told me and my sisters that I was the only he wanted and they were always mistakes because the condom broke. That really does affect the children my younger two sisters don't have nearly the relationship with him that i do. And my mom and I don't have a great one because she says he trapped her. That is pretty shitty honestly.
Holy shit mommabrown :wacko: that is awful of both your mum and dad to make you and your siblings feel so bad about your very existence. :growlmad:

Ukgirl in terms of contraception, I haven't really thought. I don't want anything as long lasting as the coil, as I hope in a few years we'll be back in this position again (fingers crossed) :mrgreen: I had been on the pill but it had some pretty dodgy effects on me, so we we just condoms, and I imagine we'll go back to that. It'll be weird though as we were ttc for 11 months so using anything will feel strange!

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