April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

omg maybesoon I'm so jealous of the 4d scans! I really wanted one for our 30th week (now) but because of all the court stuff and fees we can't afford it :( I look forward to seeing your pictures though! It's amazing how much you can see on those scans xxx
Doggy Lover I wouldn't worry about not feeling BH very much. When I was on the monitor last week I was having BH's that I couldn't even feel. I had no idea I was having them until my MW told me. I do feel them most days so those must be the strong ones and then I have bonus ones that I don't even feel. If only all my preggo symptoms were things I could just be happily oblivious to :haha: Glad your shower went well and those lil Toms are totally adorable. I got myself a pair of wool fleece lined ones for work during the winter and they are bliss!! And I hope you go slightly past your due date, not uncomfortably so, but just enough to spite your annoying coworkers!

Hope all turns out to be well with Benson UK Girl. And definitely hope you can get in to the doctors asap to have your mind put at ease!

Nimbec, sounds like your baby can't wait to meet you! Sorry you are having a crummy time on bed rest and your back is bothering you. Your DH better be at your beck and call feeding you those mini eggs :haha: Now I really want mini eggs! I had mini eggs on the tables at my wedding instead of Jordan almonds, so they always remind me of that.

I also found out when I was on the monitor that I have had low blood pressure for my whole pregnancy. Its not that low that they are concerned and because it is steady and I have no weird symptoms they said it doesn't matter and is normal to have lower BP when preggo. But it did help me figure out why I haven't been able to do yoga for my whole pregnancy without feeling sick and dizzy and awful. They were asking if I ever feel light-headed when I stand up and I said no, but I always feel terrible when I try to do yoga and how terrible I feel doing downward dog (head upside down position) and the nurse was like "yeah, stop doing that now" :haha: Another preggo mystery solved.

Steph how lucky are you to have a hubby with sparky know-how. Send him over to my house, I have a lamp I want to use in my nursery that has gone all weird. At one point I think we put a bulb of the wrong wattage in it and it went all crazy and conked out and then now you can't use the switch anymore and have to plug the whole thing in and out to switch it on and off. I have to go and get it fixed because I feel like it being weird like that is dangerous for the nursery. Plus it means I can't use the dimmer switch on it. So, fingers crossed someone can fix it for me.
Bwahahah Kristabelle, I guess no more downward dog for you :haha:. The thought of being head down right now, makes me want to hurl lol
I don't think you lamp would be dangerous but better safe then sorry!!

Maybesoon, I'm with Candy! Super jealous of your scan and demanding pics ASAP :haha:.
How can you talk your doc into another scan?? 19 weeks was soo long ago and I would love to see Grayson one more time :baby:
Hey girls. How are all of you doing??

Steph My DR's office does them to between 28-32 weeks..I have opted out of mine since i got to see her at 22 weeks in 3D. I don't find it is actually worth the money for me. They are adorable tho!!!

Doggylover oh i am so excited to hear how your shower went! Mine is still 6 weeks away!

Readytomum how exciting it is that only you and DH know baby's gender!! I would be on pins and needles to tell everyone or i would slip up with letting her name out. I talk about her like she is here already! lol

We have started moving stuff out of the boy's room to repaint and decorate for my lovely little gals!! I have started to realize this is going to be a tedious process as i want things done now and DH is trying to work his normal 10 hour a day job and come home and do all this DIY stuff! We are making their closet doors to were they open like a door rather than slide into the fold up door and then we have this awesome paint that turns them into CHALK BOARDS!!!! It is going to be fabulous! Here is a link to what it will sorta look like!

Readytomum how exciting it is that only you and DH know baby's gender!! I would be on pins and needles to tell everyone or i would slip up with letting her name out. I talk about her like she is here already! lol

It's been a lot of fun to know ourselves without telling anyone else! lol Although both sets of parents have given us a hard time about not telling them. They've tried everything to trick us into telling them! :haha: We almost always use our nickname "Fraggle" when talking about LO, even when it's just us, so that we're less likely to slip up and give away our name and therefore gender. We usually say "he" more than "she" when a pronoun is required, but if anyone starts going off about how we've said he so it must be a boy, we tell them "of course it's a boy, the very scientific ring test said so!" which usually shuts them up. :rofl:

kristabelle: that's too bad that you can't do pre-natal yoga! I really enjoy it, although sometimes I feel a bit weird afterwards because I'll stretched out and I'm so used to feeling tight and awkward now. lol Have you tried doing yoga poses that keep your head above your heart? One of the ladies in my class has a similar problem, and that seems to help for her at least. :shrug:

Steph: I wish I could get another scan too!! I think the only way I get another one is if my doctor can't tell if baby is head down or not when the 40 week mark gets closer! The first scan was a nightmare, but the second time we had to go back was a much more pleasant experience!

maybesoon: have fun at your 3D/4D scan!! I still can't decide if I think they're amazing or if they weird me out a little bit...I think maybe it's a bit of both! :haha: The technology is certainly pretty cool to be able to see your baby in that kind of depth before they're born.

ukgirl: sorry to hear you're not feeling so well right now! Try to take it easy and hopefully someone will cancel tomorrow so you can get in for an appointment! Nice snag on the discount stroller btw! Our baby shower is next weekend, and I'm hoping we'll get some giftcards to put towards buying ours. I can't wait to have it!
oh no ukgirl hope its not!!!! could you call your midwiffe? rather than the GP? hope you feel better soon xxx

wow maybesoon i'm soooo jealous of your scans :) make sure you post some piccys

Well you all know how poorly i've been...i've just had a client demanding that i go help his daughter tomorrow in preperation for a dressage comp on sat!!!! eeeeerrr NO!!!! he was so rude to me! nearly made me cry. i just said in the end that i'm afraid my health and bubs health is too important to risk - i'm on bed rest and can't be trudging around an arena in the freezing cold! he put the phone down on me!!!!!!
Hi all

Been trying to keep up!

Doggylover, people really just need to shut the hell up sometimes, i keep getting told how big i am, "yeah you dont say" doh!

UKgirl, hope you are ok and can get a docs appointment tomorrow,, dont take no for an answer! Rest and take it easy tonight!

Maybesoon, enjoy your scan! I loved my 4d one, amazing to see what your baby actually looks like!

Nimbec, sorry to hear you are feeling crappy. Just keep remembering that theres not long to go now and it will all be worth it!
Re baby group/meeting people, for uk ladies, i have made a fair amount of friends on netmums, including one of my now besties. i def recomend it, its so important to get out and about after the baby and not get isolated, everyone with a newborn is in a similar boat too. We still have regular meet ups and am always meeting new mums, its really nice.

AFM, Just feeling huge now! Carrying on with normal life is getting tougher and tougher, i really am over being pregnant now and just want to meet my baby!
Stuffed my face at pizza hut today (including cookie dough) Tomorrow we are getting our final things down from the loft, ie moses basket, carrycot, car seat, steriliser etc so i can give it all a good clean over next few weeks and also am getting some things for my hospital bag.
DS is so cute, when we ask him where the baby is he points to my tummy! lol x
Thanks Ladies! I'm actually getting this 3D/4D because it was a package deal with the first round. The package included a 15 min session between 17 & 22 weeks & a 30 minute session between 28 & 32 weeks. That included gender confirmation, 1 CD with all the pics per session, 1 DVD per session of the entire session, printed pictures at each session, a welcome kit, you can bring as many family members as you want & those that can't attend in person can watch the session live via the internet webcam connection. And I actually got a pretty big discount on the package because one of my bestfriends gave me a coupon giving me $50.00 off of the package deal which was $150.00 to start with!

nimbec.... I hate that you are still on bed rest.... yuck! I can't imagine. DH has been threatening me with it every since a couple of weeks ago with my doctor threatened me to slow down or that's where I'd end up.... Hang in there & hopefully the time will fly by for you!

kirstabelle.... Watch that blood pressure & stop standing on your head!!! lol I say that only because at this point if I stand on my head I'm going to fall over & not be able to get up!

I'm so sick of people & their mouths.... So Saturday dh & I were out just junk (antique) shopping. Nothing big, just something to do. So we go into this one place & this lady goes on & on & on about how tiny I am & "There is NO freaking way you are 28 weeks!!!" I assure her that I am & we go on to the next store where another lady does the same thing. DH assures her this time that at our last doctor's appointment a couple of weeks ago I was measuring right on time & that puts me at 28 weeks 1 day. As thankful I was for him dealing with the issue, I really don't want him discussing my doctor's appointments with complete strangers..... Then today one of our clients walks in the door & proceeds to ask me when I'm due. So I tell them I'm due April 26th. They look at me & say, "oh, you are awful BIG for ONLY being 7 months, you are going to end up having to have a c-section if you grow much bigger".... UMMMM WTF! I know I have gained almost 30 pounds already, but damn people you don't have to be so rude. So now I'm freaking out over whether I'm too big or not. I'm afraid to step on the scales tomorrow at the doctor's office. I know per my prepregnancy BMI I should have only gained about 30lbs during pregnancy, I'm so going to end up going way over. And I don't understand because it's not like my rear or anything other than my boobs & belly are growing. ugh
Nimbec that is horrible! What a wretched man! Good for you for sticking up for you and LO, you just stay cosy in bed and don't think twice about that horrible phone call!

Steph I know I get another scan at 41 weeks if LO isn't here yet. But I think that's it. Unless she's not head down towards the end then I might get one in preparation for a section :( In the meantime I'm quite content to watch her from the outside, making my belly look like something from an Alien movie.

Awww, Melissa's bump that is adorable about your DS pointing at your tummy!
oh no ukgirl hope its not!!!! could you call your midwiffe? rather than the GP? hope you feel better soon xxx

wow maybesoon i'm soooo jealous of your scans :) make sure you post some piccys

Well you all know how poorly i've been...i've just had a client demanding that i go help his daughter tomorrow in preperation for a dressage comp on sat!!!! eeeeerrr NO!!!! he was so rude to me! nearly made me cry. i just said in the end that i'm afraid my health and bubs health is too important to risk - i'm on bed rest and can't be trudging around an arena in the freezing cold! he put the phone down on me!!!!!!

What a jerk!!!!!! Gosh I can't believe the nerve if some people :growlmad:
Maybe Soon, don't even listen to those people. They have no idea. They are not midwives or OBs and they just have absolutely no clue what is "normal". The way you carry your baby is unique to your body and this baby so nobody can say whether you are too big or too small and they should just all shut their faces. :growlmad:

As for the yoga, I only occasionally try to do yoga as it makes me feel lousy. I think I have tried 4 times total the whole pregnancy. I did it a lot before pregnancy so I normally enjoy it, which actually makes it more annoying to do it now as a lot of poses I like doing you can't really do in third tri. I have two different prenatal yoga dvds and both are really easy and not much of a workout. So, I have another prenatal workout dvd that I have been doing for ages and love it, so I usually just do that a couple of times a week. It has a few yoga type poses, plus some gentle aerobic stuff, resistance training and lots and lots of squats! Love that one, so not missing yoga too much. I'll be back on my yoga regime post-pregnancy I'm sure, once my BP is back to normal. :thumbup:
Awe Maybesoon, people are idiots! Don't worry about what you gain... You mentioned before that you were tiny, so your body may just need to extra lbs for bubs and you.

Kristabelle and readytomum, I guess I will just have to be patient. Watching my belly move is cool (and painful sometimes lol).

I'm not sure who was talking about it last week, but someone mentioned how the belly moving freaked out their OH... Well Rob had his hand on my belly this weekend (which I had to encourage him to do, since his finds the movements a bit creepy lol) and Grayson kicked is hand super hard :haha:. He instantly pulled away, like he had touched the hot stove ahahaha ... The look on his face was priceless :rofl::rofl:. After that, he put his hand back and Grayson just kept kicking away at him! If he moved his hand, Grayson moved his kicks lol, it was super cute.
I swear, he never plays that game with me :growlmad:. He just kicks all over, with no regard for my hands lol.
Then last night, rob came to bed late and put his hand on my belly. Grayson NEVER moves at night... But sure enough, as soon as his hand was there, he gave a few half hearted kicks lol
nimbec.... what an ass! I can't believe how selfish some people are! What the hell is wrong with the world today??? Seems the majority of people could care less about anyone other than themselves or what their kids want.... UGH!
I agree with everyone else nimbec... that client sounds like a total ass-hat! I can't believe he would argue with you when you're on doctor ordered bed rest. :growlmad: I'd like to slap him!

Steph: that's awesome that your DH got to play a little game with Grayson. My DH kept trying to feel LO kicking on Sunday and everytime he put his hands on my tummy the movement would stop! :haha: Poor guy. lol

maybesoon: Try to not worry about what other people say about how big or small you are... I honestly don't know why people think they can say such stupid things to a pregnant woman, or what exactly they expect us to be able to do about it anyway!? As long as your Dr is happy with your size and LO is doing well, that's all that matters! :hugs: I've gained pretty much all my weight in the belly and so far still none in the boobs... but I live in hope! :winkwink:
Steph: well done dh for being so handy round the house!

Ukgirl: hope you are feeling ok, let us know how you get on at the dr tomorrow. And I can't believe you had four prams with Lucas!! Crazy lady :haha: but there is so much choice it seems wrong to just get one, so good idea buying a cheaper one now!

Maybesoon: so exciting about your scan! I can't wait to see the pics! And I agree with kirstabelle, don't listen to those idiots or let them get to you.

Kirstabelle: I have a naturally low BP, but didn't know that pregnancy made it lower! I don't understand the numbers they tell me when they take it (I just nod knowledgabley :haha:) but I guess I've had no problems. I didn't know you could get fleece lined Toms :shock: I want them now! For me, not baby, screw the baby, my comfort is paramount!

Mommabrown: the shower went well thanks :mrgreen: got some cute bits, and overall it wasn't as horrendous as I imagined :haha: and nice to have someone to share it with to take some of the limelight! I LOVE the chalkboard paint idea!!! That's so cool! Can't wait to see your finished rooms!

Nimbec: I can't believe someone was that rude to slam the phone down on you when you said no! What a charmer :thumbup: he knows how to win you round. It's bloody freezing and blowing a gale out there - not suitable conditions for a woman who is 32 weeks pregnant!

Melissa: oh bless your ds! That is too cute! I'm sure when you get all the baby bits down he will seem huge, and you probably haven't noticed him growing that much! Super jealous of Pizza Hut....

Re: OH and baby movement, Steph my dh is like Rob...he gets freaked out by it all! This evening bubs had managed to stick their whole body up and to the right, and I was bulging, so I said to dh and he poked it gently, and because the bump was so hard because baby was pushing right up against it, he freaked out and squealed like a big girl :haha: then I found a little foot (I think!) for him to poke, and I thought he was going to faint! He keeps saying "that's so gross! It's horrible!....let me feel it again!" :rofl:
Steph: well done dh for being so handy round the house!

Ukgirl: hope you are feeling ok, let us know how you get on at the dr tomorrow. And I can't believe you had four prams with Lucas!! Crazy lady :haha: but there is so much choice it seems wrong to just get one, so good idea buying a cheaper one now!

Maybesoon: so exciting about your scan! I can't wait to see the pics! And I agree with kirstabelle, don't listen to those idiots or let them get to you.

Kirstabelle: I have a naturally low BP, but didn't know that pregnancy made it lower! I don't understand the numbers they tell me when they take it (I just nod knowledgabley :haha:) but I guess I've had no problems. I didn't know you could get fleece lined Toms :shock: I want them now! For me, not baby, screw the baby, my comfort is paramount!

Mommabrown: the shower went well thanks :mrgreen: got some cute bits, and overall it wasn't as horrendous as I imagined :haha: and nice to have someone to share it with to take some of the limelight! I LOVE the chalkboard paint idea!!! That's so cool! Can't wait to see your finished rooms!

Nimbec: I can't believe someone was that rude to slam the phone down on you when you said no! What a charmer :thumbup: he knows how to win you round. It's bloody freezing and blowing a gale out there - not suitable conditions for a woman who is 32 weeks pregnant!

Melissa: oh bless your ds! That is too cute! I'm sure when you get all the baby bits down he will seem huge, and you probably haven't noticed him growing that much! Super jealous of Pizza Hut....

Re: OH and baby movement, Steph my dh is like Rob...he gets freaked out by it all! This evening bubs had managed to stick their whole body up and to the right, and I was bulging, so I said to dh and he poked it gently, and because the bump was so hard because baby was pushing right up against it, he freaked out and squealed like a big girl :haha: then I found a little foot (I think!) for him to poke, and I thought he was going to faint! He keeps saying "that's so gross! It's horrible!....let me feel it again!" :rofl:

Bwahahaha men are too funny!!! I guess I could see how it would be weird to them but you would think they would be fascinated as well... It's really the I y physical contact they get with LO :shrug:
I had a dream the other night that baby pushed his foot into my belly and I could grab it :haha:. I could count all 5 little toes and I just thought it was the cutest thing! Told Rob about it and he was like: that is absolutely horrible !! Ahaha
I don't understand the numbers they tell me when they take it (I just nod knowledgabley :haha:)

That is me too! They tell me the numbers and I just nod and then they say "that's fine" and I say "oh, okay" and that's it. :haha:

Awww, I wish my baby would play the kick game but she just kicks wherever she wants to regardless of any thing outside the belly.

I just got some diapers in the mail. I ordered them from a place that is going out of business and they ran out of one of the colors I had ordered, so to make up for it they sent me three extra diapers and some wipes. Score! Also just got the adapter thingys for the car seat to stroller and had to immediately try those out. Took me a while to figure out how it all fit together because obviously I just had to crash around with all the various bits instead of reading the instructions :haha: Yay, love getting baby packages!! :happydance:
Yay for fluffy bum mail kirstabelle! I got a wrap in the post today as well - I had forgotten it was coming so a nice surprise! Not as nice as your free stuff though! That's amazing!

Steph: dh said earlier he could feel the toes on the foot! I don't know if that's true or if he's just feeling my rib or something :haha: and yeah, I thought dh would be all over my bump all the time, like you say it's the only contact they have, so I've been a bit surprised that he hasn't been. I asked him yesterday what he was looking forward to most when LO arrives and he said "the relief of knowing that s/he is ok, because at the minute I can't check on them to find out if they are ok, and that worries me" which I thought was incredibly sweet, and caring, of him.
One day when a total stranger makes these comments to one of us we should just grab our cell phones and be like "OMG I am calling my OB to let her know your expert diagnosis" :haha:
Awwww, bless your DH Doggy Lover!

I feel the exact same way, can't wait for baby to be here so that I can see that she is just fine!

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