April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Man, I'm hopeless at staying up to date!

uk, sorry that you are still in and out of hospital with bp issues. I hope you get to meet Benson soon! Have they set a date for induction if you don't stabilise soon? (sorry if I missed this info)

Doggy, you're overdue! I don't envy you right now. I am getting super impatient for my section.

Looks like I need to go and find the april fools thread for some light entertainment ;)

Both Kai and Theo have hacking coughs at the moment. Kai doesn't seem sick other than that but Theo has been sick for about a week. I took with with me to my dr appointment today because I am scared of catching a cold with a cough right before my section next week! That is the last thing I want. Dr said their chests and everything are clear and they are both on the mend so whatever they had is passing and if I havent got it by now I shoudl be fine, even if their cough continues for a few weeks. Phew!

9 days and counting til I meet my baby! Have I mentioned that we finally have a name? I can't remember if I posted that in the fb group or not. Well, we are not telling anyone until she is born but I can share here - Hazel Amity Marini. Don't worry we are aware of what her initials will be and have already nicknamed her out little ham sandwich!
Soph :rofl: at your ham sandwich! Hazel is a beautiful name, and pretty unusual these days (over here at least) so it's a wonderful choice! :thumbup: 9 days isn't long to wait at all, hoping it flies in for you. As also hope the boys are feeling better by then, last thing you want is a house full of sick boys and a newborn little lady!

Readytomum: :haha: your poor dh! I can imagine he sat the whole way through Mass praying "please don't let her have Peter right now...please not right now!" He probably didnt hear a word of what was happening.

Sooo remember I said I was washing my curtains? Yeah, be care ful if you follow in my footsteps. They SHRANK. On a 30C wash and air dried :wacko: but the lining did not shrink...so we are into a world of problems now with that.

This is roughly what my face looks like at the minute, and getting worse every day..
Sooo remember I said I was washing my curtains? Yeah, be care ful if you follow in my footsteps. They SHRANK. On a 30C wash and air dried :wacko: but the lining did not shrink...so we are into a world of problems now with that.

This is roughly what my face looks like at the minute, and getting worse every day..

Been there! Always wash curtains in COLD!!! :cry:

Silly bones, you don't look like that! But the pic is sooo funny reminds me of young and fat Schmidt from New Girl, do you watch it?
Ready to Mum!!! Yay on full term hun!~!
Don't watch New Girl lily, but that pic pretty much sums me up :haha: I told dh to put them on our coldest wash...I blame him for all curtain issues now :haha:
That said, the curtains do really look much cleaner now! And they were actually a tad long before!
goooood morning ladies :)

soph they send me in plan to induce me next day then send me home after an hour saying my bp has gone down so its ok now :/ lol xx
sorry to hear you have a poorly boy too :( glad it is passing and I love the name Hazel!! Are you nervoua or excited for your section eeeeekkk getting so close! xx

doggylover Ive done the whole curtain shrinking thing haha.. actually reading your post makes me want to get up and spring clean the whole flat so that is my plan for today now lol xx

Your post reminds me of what we were saying about Benson being a chunk already weighing so much.. Aaron is naturally ginger but it got darker over the years.. I love his colouring but there are parts of hair which are actually orange so we joked about Benson coming out looking like fat ******* from Austin Powers with a chicken wing under his man boob hahahaha.. we are allowed to say that stuff as his parents :p haha

I hope your face goes back to normal right after birth.. Im going to look like a deflated balloon! haha
Morning everyone and thanks for all the replys reg my bp issues! Got a check up tomorrow and going mad at home cleaning just incase they keep me in, but in all reality just think I'm panicking abit as I like to be in control lol...
I was laughing about the srinking curtains as the same thing has just happened to my friend.. Reg all the little ones that are under the weather at the mo, hope they are feeling better soon...
Reg going into labour at night I think there is some truth in it, although my waters broke at 6pm but I had already just an hour earlier been admited for induction so maybe it was the shock that made them go ha.
Sarah, you are a complete tool :rofl:! Your face does NOT look like that!:^o I'm sure of it :winkwink:. BTW, I just watched your Nephews video on FB and am in love :thumbup:. He is super duper cute!! Nothing sweeter, then hearing little babies and kids laugh!
I also complete suppressed that you lovely ladies all speak with an English Accent! I have a sick obsession with with English accents, so dont ever let me meet your OH :haha:. I sound like a cows (had to use it :haha:) comparatively! If you say something rude with an English accent, it still always sounds proper lol. Oh man, I so wish I could adopt the accent lol

OMG Candy, can you imagine Benson smuggling out some food from the womb! :rofl: As soon as you put him in the crib, you see him digging for food and chowing down :haha:
I dont think he will be as big as they expect. You dont look big at all!!!

Maria, your waters going because of shock :-k, that would confirm our scare theory!! I see another labor induction plan coming up :haha:

Soph, he name Hazel is beautiful :flower:. 9 days and counting! :thumbup:

ReadytoMum, Your poor husband :haha:. At least he was paying attention :thumbup:. Mine would have sat there obliviously and complained that I was on the phone ahahaha

Kristabelle, I cant believe your acupuncture is not evicting LO. Wednesday to top it off, will do the trick! for sure :thumbup::toothpick:
Just a quip, I have added a few of you to my instagram! My name on there is clever_accident if you'd like to add me and want to see my adventurous and entertaining life in pictures :)
Soph: I love the name Hazel! It's not a very popular name choice over here either. (Which I consider to be a good thing! Just look at how many Sarah's there are on this thread! :dohh:) Also, I have hazel coloured eyes... so maybe I'm a little biased. I hope your LO and your young man are feeling better soon!! All these bugs going around right now it seems.

doggylover: Oh no on shrinking the curtains! Hopefully they still hang ok without looking too funny and bunched up. That's the sort of thing that would happen to me if I were to wash them... which just confirms my suspicions that it's not a good idea!

Steph: I've tried to imagine before what everyone's voices sounds like based on where they're from. I also love accents! I have family in England still so I would say I'm some-what used to that accent, but I LOVE Irish accents. Then I saw a pic of doggylover's DH and melted a little. :haha: (He might be super squeamish DL, but he's damn handsome! lol)

ukgirl: how's lucas doing today? Hopefully he's feeling a little bit better at least. I'm so jealous that so many of you ladies have an idea of how big your LO is... I don't get any extra scans or anything to tell how big my LO is so I have no idea. Baby could be a mammoth and I'd never know it!

AFM, as Lily said, today is 37 weeks!!! :happydance::happydance:

I am officially 'full term' now!! Yipppeeee!!!!!!
Soph: I love the name Hazel! It's not a very popular name choice over here either. (Which I consider to be a good thing! Just look at how many Sarah's there are on this thread! :dohh:) Also, I have hazel coloured eyes... so maybe I'm a little biased. I hope your LO and your young man are feeling better soon!! All these bugs going around right now it seems.

doggylover: Oh no on shrinking the curtains! Hopefully they still hang ok without looking too funny and bunched up. That's the sort of thing that would happen to me if I were to wash them... which just confirms my suspicions that it's not a good idea!

Steph: I've tried to imagine before what everyone's voices sounds like based on where they're from. I also love accents! I have family in England still so I would say I'm some-what used to that accent, but I LOVE Irish accents. Then I saw a pic of doggylover's DH and melted a little. :haha: (He might be super squeamish DL, but he's damn handsome! lol)

ukgirl: how's lucas doing today? Hopefully he's feeling a little bit better at least. I'm so jealous that so many of you ladies have an idea of how big your LO is... I don't get any extra scans or anything to tell how big my LO is so I have no idea. Baby could be a mammoth and I'd never know it!

AFM, as Lily said, today is 37 weeks!!! :happydance::happydance:

I am officially 'full term' now!! Yipppeeee!!!!!!

Congrats on 37 weeks :hugs:!!!
I'm sure LO will NOT be a mammoth lol :winkwink:. As much as I want to know the size, I really don't! Right now, I can pretend that Grayson will fit into all his NB clothes :haha:... In reality, I will probably have to cut all the feet out, to accommodate for my large mutant child :rofl:
Congrats ladies on 37 weeks!

Oh DL I am sure your face looks nothing like that! Allen was playing with my neck the other day and said I have CUTE neck rolls! Omg!

Soph that is a very lovely name! I have exaxtly 7 days till my c-section and am getting a bit nervous! My 3 were all close and now with the 7 year age gap I have realized how much I have changed with my patience!

Steph lol I had dreams of her barely fitting into her NB clothes that all went out the window last week! My son is obsessed with the Boston accent and can actually sound like he is from Boston more than a southerner like his ol Mom. Lol

Candy that picture you posted was so darling! I had Landon pack his bag last night of games and things to do while sitting at the hospital. I even wrote out his rules for his Grandma who will be keeping him and a note to his teacher so she will be able to bare with him next week. I know I have been saying I am ready but now I think I am nervous and unsure of how ready I really am!
Happy 37 weeks to those of you who are there!! <3 xx

Thanks Mommabrown, I love how he climbs into bed with me when Aaron is at work and talks to me about random stuff, he's such a gorgeous boy, but I'm not bias :p It's good that you are all prepared! I am still trying to finish last little bits and stay on top of the housework which isn't easy with 2 children (tornadoes) home from school for 2 weeks :haha: packing a bag for hima nd rules for grandma is a brill idea! I'm sure last minute nerves are totally normal, nerves help me prepare for the big stuff!

DL I also loved your nephew's video hehe, he's a gorgeous little boy too! I love how when he got hit in the head, he carried on laughing and found it very funny! Simon is going to be a good daddy you can tell! Thanks to you I washed my curtains today... then I couldn't stop!! I washed the whole bedroom and kitchen, I've just sat down for lunch then I'm off to finish the other rooms!! I was actually on my hands and knees scrubbing skirtingboards just now hahaha!! HELP!!
So wait...everyone knew curtains shrink but nobody warned me?! Thanks a lot! [-([-( lol!

So yes, readytomum- do not under any circumstances follow my lead! Your curtains are fine the way they are - my other curtains shall remain stinkingly dirty for the rest of time!! And yay yay for full term!! And :rofl: about Simon being good looking!! I'll not tell him you said that or his big old head wouldn't fit through the front door!

Candy: haha benson will not be anything like fat ******* in Austin powers! Poor kid - his parents are already so mean to him and he isn't even here! I sincerely hope your curtains haven't shrunk! If they have, I apologise as I definitely feel like its my fault! I finally finished everything on my cleaning list - I was also on my hands and knees and I am way too big for that now! Thought I'd never get back up! And yeah, Jacob likes a good bit of rough and tumble, a smack or two round the head, a wallop off the floor etc just makes him laugh! He's so sweet (when he's in a good mood!) how is Lucas today?

Steph, my face seriously does look like that! Not as ruggedly handsome I'll admit though! That video of Jacob makes me laugh every time I watch it. His little laugh has become so infectious, he is hilarious, and he finds Simon absolutely the funniest person on the planet! Simon does have a great English accent it has to be said. I always think he sounds quite posh. A world away from me and my family with our northern Irish horrors of accents!
I think you and rob should speak solely in English accents once Grayson arrives and rear him with one!!! :haha:

Mommabrown: sounds like you are über prepared for next week! Is Landon going to be with you and dh most of the time at the hospital? And then going to grandma at night? And at least your neck rolls are cute:haha: that's something at least! My second, third and fourth chins have never been described as such!
OH goodness out for 2 weeks! That is definately a hand full! Allen has been very helpful with keeping everything picked up and in order so it will be easier on me. He isn't nervous at all and is such a help around the house. Last thing I have to do is sweep and mop all the floors today! And I don't blame ya for being biased! I am the same way with my kiddos! Landon used to crawl in bed with me but now he leaves me alone and lets me rest! Lol
Haha, my mum is so easy to scare. You can come into her house, the dogs wil bark, you open the door to the room she's in and...nothing. So anything you do next to try and announce your presence makes her jump up and squeal. Always makes me wet myself a tiny bit :haha:

pmsl!!! My mom does this sometimes. :coffee: Cracks me up. I know I am going to scare her by making another move and she always says 'SHIIIT!'

hahaha it is really funny! I used to pretend I had gone out of the door by slamming it then hide under the bed or in a cupboard. pmsl. I havent done it for a while. The best one is scaring them as soon as they come out of the bathroom after a shower. f'in hilarious.

I gave my DH a good scare the other day, and I wasn't even trying! We were at Easter mass on Sunday and I was getting lots of painful jabs in the side so I was rubbing my bump a lot trying to push the random foot back down. The choir they had singing was made up of only 4 people but they were so incredibly amazing singing in chant, that I wanted to record a little bit on my phone to show a friend who also sings.

Apparently poor DH thought I was timing contractions though because I kept turning it over and hitting a button, and then waiting and turning it over again at regular intervals! So he was sitting there panicing thinking I'd gone into labour at Church :rofl:

HEHEHE You could have carried that one on if only you'de known! :happydance:

9 days and counting til I meet my baby! Have I mentioned that we finally have a name? I can't remember if I posted that in the fb group or not. Well, we are not telling anyone until she is born but I can share here - Hazel Amity Marini. Don't worry we are aware of what her initials will be and have already nicknamed her out little ham sandwich!

Aww not long at all!!!!! 9 days til my due date so I will be thinking of you while I am going overdue! hahah. Lovely name.

This is roughly what my face looks like at the minute, and getting worse every day..

hahahaha You look like a man?

Sarah, you are a complete tool :rofl:! Your face does NOT look like that!:^o I'm sure of it :winkwink:. BTW, I just watched your Nephews video on FB and am in love :thumbup:. He is super duper cute!! Nothing sweeter, then hearing little babies and kids laugh!
I also complete suppressed that you lovely ladies all speak with an English Accent! I have a sick obsession with with English accents, so dont ever let me meet your OH :haha:. I sound like a cows (had to use it :haha:) comparatively! If you say something rude with an English accent, it still always sounds proper lol. Oh man, I so wish I could adopt the accent lol

ROFL re english accent. Mine changed from Canadian to English when I moved here and I can 100% say when we swear it does not sound proper! haha

AFM, as Lily said, today is 37 weeks!!! :happydance::happydance:

I am officially 'full term' now!! Yipppeeee!!!!!!

So wait...everyone knew curtains shrink but nobody warned me?! Thanks a lot! [-([-( lol!

So yes, readytomum- do not under any circumstances follow my lead! Your curtains are fine the way they are - my other curtains shall remain stinkingly dirty for the rest of time!! And yay yay for full term!! And :rofl: about Simon beg good looking!! I'll not tell him you said that or his big old head wouldn't fit through the front door!

Candy: haha benson will not be anything like fat ******* in Austin powers! Poor kid - his parents are already so mean to him and he isn't even here! I sincerely hope your curtains haven't shrunk! If they have, I apologise as I definitely feel like its my fault! I finally finished everything on my cleaning list - I was also on my hands and knees and I am way too big for that now! Thought I'd never get back up! And yeah, Jacob likes a good bit of rough and tumble, a smack or two round the head, a wallop off the floor etc just makes him laugh! He's so sweet (when he's in a good mood!) how is Lucas today?

Steph, my face seriously does look like that! Not as ruggedly handsome I'll admit though! That video of Jacob makes me laugh every time I watch it. His little laugh has become so infectious, he is hilarious, and he finds Simon absolutely the funniest person on the planet! Simon does have a great English accent it has to be said. I always think he sounds quite posh. A world away from me and my family with our northern Irish horrors of accents!
I think you and rob should speak solely in English accents once Grayson arrives and rear him with one!!! :haha:

Mommabrown: sounds like you are über prepared for next week! Is Landon going to be with you and dh most of the time at the hospital? And then going to grandma at night? And at least your neck rolls are cute:haha: that's something at least! My second, third and fourth chins have never been described as such!

No he is only going to be there the morning of her birth. I don't think he could handle sitting in the Hospital that long. He would have the place tore down! Lol he will be with Grandma for 2 days and he will love every bit of it because Grandma spoils him rotten!

Allen probably only calls them cute because i am so damned hormonal i go from crying to laughing to being mad and then crazy!
doggylover: The video of Jacob really is awesome. I wish we would have gotten one of Sam while he was here. When we was with us the first night for dinner he was laughing like a mad man, head thrown back and everything (for no apparent reason? :shrug:) and it was the funniest thing ever. Little laughs are totally contagious. Also, at least Simon has a nice small head to begin with... my DH has a huge head, and the more I think about it the more worrying it is! :haha:

TeAmo: I know right?! A perfect opportunity wasted. :rofl:

Steph: I kind of like not knowing too... because that way I can imagine Peter fitting into all the itty bitty clothes we have which are suuuuuper cute! lol Maybe if we're lucky he'll get to wear them once before he grows out of them. :haha: I also spend a lot of time wondering whether he'll have any hair when he's born and what colour it will be.... (and what colour it will eventually end up!) DH is quite fair, and I'm rather dark but we also have some hidden ginger genes that I'm secretly hoping might pop up. :blush:

mommabrown: You sound like you're all set and ready to go!! You've obviously done this before. Cheater. :winkwink: I'm sure Landon will have a wonderful time hanging out with Grandma, Grandma's are the best!

Also... who was it that was cleaning the skirting boards etc on their hands and knees??! Crazy woman! lol Although apparently being on all fours is a good way to get things going... so maybe you'll end up with a clean house and a baby today!
Hello my lovely ladies,

First of i would like to thank everyone for posting back to the girls on here for me very much appreciated it. My phone was being gay and wouldnt let me assess this site on my phone at the hospital :( so i apologies lol.

Anyways here a birth story for you all lol :)

Friday even i was just about to stand up and go pee after watching eastenders as you do lol. As i stood up this gush of liquid came running down and i said to Ryan ( i think i just wet myself but im not sure it was even pee) so i wobble to the loo. (If my waters, no pee oh crap) lol He rang his mum and i rang my mum while sitting on the loo. My plug was coming out as i wipe also. I was leaking quite alot of fluid which was still going as i got to hospital. Ryan rand the hospital up for me as i couldnt get out from being stuck inthe toilet and was told to come right now. We waited for his mum to pick us up which was just after 9 i think it was.
We picked up my mum and then headed to the hospital.

I was having contractions about a mind after my waters went and each one was getting stronger and they were coming closer together to.

We arrived at the hospital and i struggle to get out the chair as i was still leaking fluid i can to take a toilet with me so i didnt soak the car.

Waited for about 15-20 mins before getting seen as i stood up to follow the lady i had another big gush :( got to the loo and i had to pee into a bowl for them to check it :S lol my pj's were completely soaking (also should mention that i had changed my underwear like 3 times before leaving the house. My first pair of pjs were soaked so i put leggins on they were soaked :( so another pair pjs to the hosp lol).

Was then taking into another room to have my cervix checked and she felt around my bump. She said that paige was lying in breech position and was going to get someone else to check also as i told her about my 36 weeks app and my midwife noting it down as she was head down still :s i then got a scan to get her position and it was right she was breech. Heading back to the room i was in i was having a very strong contraction and could barely move. When my cervix was checked i was 2cm (i forgot to say this first) we waited in the room for a bit as i was still contracting strong, was giving pain killers which never kick in. I was then told id have to have a section and they told me what was going to happen etc. I had little cry to myself was i was scared to hell of having a section....

Some guy came in and told me what was going to happen when i got up there and how much longer i had to wait until they were prep up. Was about 10-15 mins later before we were taking up stairs. Have to say once my back gown came off all my modest went out the window :|.

I was put on a bench for the to put the epidural in my back. was little sore as you have you have you back arched right and i was trying not to focus on my contractions at the same time.

[Baby woke up lol so its taking extra 40 odd mins to get this post finished]

Finally after getting those jags in my back and helped to lay down and wired up to machines. My op started.

By 00.10am Paige was born into the world 30th March 2013 weighing in at 6lb 10oz (midwife said she'd weight 8 pound something lol)

Took ages to stitch me back together and we were off to a on site thing as they could get my heartrate monitor right through the op so i was hook to a monitor for a while before being taking of onto a labor ward.

Last few days have been a total blur but it was worth it. although on the 3rd i was really constipated and felt like crap and had mention to the midwife about going to the loo so much i did had some diarrhea so i was moved into a single room with a toliet attached. Felt like i had a virus because they had to wash there hands coming in and out or the room and wear a apron to. they thought it could have been something else but im glad it wasnt. was hard to go to the loo with a baby and no one to watch her lol most of the time it was gas trapped lol but it was super on comfy.

Glad im home now, Paige is a handful but i wouldnt change her for the world.

Hope the rest of the babies make there way into the world very soon for you ladies. xxxx


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wow cherrybump what a lovely birth story! What a rush too! I'm glad you are both doing really well, Paige is beautiful <3 xxx

Steph I know for sure this baby takes after his dad so he'll have eaten me out of house and home before he's a year! lol xx

DL and readytomum, he's looking much better today, he hasn't been sick since sunday so I'm hoping thats the end now, he had an upset tummy yesterday but he's getting his appetite back slowly now :)

oh gosh I'm a nightmare today, everything has to be tidy and perfect, I threw a bitch fit because Sainsburys didn't have the mop I wanted ... Poor Aaron was glad to go back to work! I don't know what's wrong with me I feel like I have PMS!

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