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April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

You ladies with "sleeping through the night babies" can suck it :haha:. Me and my "4,3,2" baby, will keep waking through the night lol!

Sarah, feed the 8 hour sleeping baby (I'm not jealous or bitter at all :haha:) and drink a bottle of wine! :haha:
I thought it was externally unpleasant too the first time, but I didn't say anything because I just wanted to get trough it :blush:. It's gotten better every time.
Candy: Then he rightly deserved to be on that couch and he deserves to stay there for any length of time that you choose. There's no excuse for putting your fist through a door near a baby and if there weren't any mitigating circumstances, like a fight brewing, then I would have had him out of the house and at his mom's or brother's or sister's or a hotel for that matter! :hugs: I'm so sorry that there is this icky situation and now he's pulling the sick card? :growlmad:

Sarah J: I am thinking that Izzy sounds like she's going through her growth spurt. I don't claim to be "the wiz" when it comes to children, but usually when there's sleeping changes for a few nights, that's all it is. :flower: I wouldn't stress or grump over her, which I know you won't because you love that baby girl too much :cloud9: I've been reading your blog and its so spot on with all of the 'likes and dislikes'; so funny that they are all universal :wacko: Especially the bathrooms and their stinking, lying signs for "babies welcome here"! I have run into that at least 3 or 4 times and that's just with this baby!
Your labs are gorgeous as well. We have a beagle and a Hurricane Katrina rescue that is obviously a very mixed breed, but so lovable. Its the cats that have it bad in this house though. Cannot WAIT until Liam is 6 and running around chasing them and Jake is 3, just trying to squash them into some kind of toddler hug like Liam does now :dohh:
As for DTD, Greg and I practiced after Liam and once we got the hang again it was ALL good, maybe a little better. Its just a matter of getting over the sensitivity from the baby and allowing yourself to be sensitive in other ways I guess :winkwink: I won't lie, the first time after each baby was a little painful for me, especially with a condom, but once we got rolling it was very good :blush: We've only dtd twice since Jake was born but I think Greg understands that it just takes me some time to come back around.

AFM: Not much to report. Its a gorgeous day here and the humidity is finally going away. Jake went from 10-6:30 and was down again at 7. Like I said, a lot of sleeping through this leap. I checked my phone and we have our 2 month old checkup on Friday and there are all of the shots that go with it. Poor Jake. Not a fan of knowing he's in for that kind of trouble just before the weekend :nope: We had 3 poo-splosions yesterday after 24 hours without one - silly BF babies! 2/3 were with daddy and the first one happened while we were weighing him on his scale. Greg didn't know what had happened, he just heard the sound and stood there silent wondering what in the hell that noise was :haha: He looked down only to see all of the poo sitting under Jakes bum on the little super light blanket we have set on the scales. Greg now knows why I have a cover on everything :thumbup: The last one also happened with daddy while he had Jake on the changing table.. The diaper went on, the baby went POOOOOOP! Greg took the diaper off and was leaning over to get another diaper and the baby went POOOOOOP again right on his head. :haha: Fortunately Greg is a good sport about these kinds of things.

Steph: Grayson is so extraordinary in other ways though! You are a lucky momma! He's just telling you he loves you when he wakes you up to hang out at night :winkwink: When Jake started sleeping through the night I almost took it as a slap in the face saying that he didn't need me anymore! How dare that little spikey haired baby!?

Sarah J: I agree on the bottle of wine.
OMG, so I just want to mention my favorite baby part of the week:

His little chunky monkey wrists, that look like he has rubber bands around them (because he so chunky) :cloud9:
Sam :rofl: about Jakes little Pooventures with Greg :haha:. Good baby, getting daddy fully involved in the day to day lol.
I'm pretty sure Grayson's sleeping pattern is 100% related to things I do lol. For starters, he only ever nurses for MAYBE 10min (usually closer to 6 :shock:). I'm guessing that he doesn't bother filling up all the way, since I am more then happy to boob him at every chance I get :haha:. Secondly, I never let him really wake up at night. He will start to move about and suck his thumb and BAM, BOOB !! Ahahah. I'm so terrified that my supply with start to dwindle (from being gone at work), that I try to nurse him every possible chance that I get (and that he will accept lol).
Last night while watching TV, we had are first cluster feed in a long time :cloud9:. I'm actually not sure that it was a cluster feed, but he nursed for 10min and then fell asleep on the boob and kept suckling... For 90min :shock:. He would wake up every so often, and gulp a little, then pass back out.
As weird as this may sound, I kinda miss the cluster days lol
Oh all you all and your sleeping babies.....I get about 4 hours then up to fed another 2 hours then and hour and a half before she wakes with a big grin on her little face then we are up starting our day.

Lmfao at the pooventures! Only had the one mishap when Laurynn was changing her and poop was all over the couch.

Steph Grayson is such a cutie!

Nothing new here really still weathering the storm from Allen's wreck and trying to keep him going. I think tomorrow I am going to take Landon and Emme out for a hike.
Shell, is Allen doing any better? Any word on the passenger in the car?

I'm glad to hear, that you also have a "normal" baby (when it comes to sleep patterns) lol.
Lol yeah she isn't a sleeper and don't take long naps either.

Allen is very---different. He hates being in the truck and is easily upset when we are in traffic. The woman(it was a husband and wife) is stable and doing fine per Allens boss yesterday. I think it is going to take time for him to cope but as a husband and father he has really stepped up and been very affectionate and loving. Not to say he wasn't but it is a daily thing now.
Shell, it's good to hear that at least something positive came out of the horrible situation! I'm glad you both are getting closer as a family :hugs:
At this point, I'm sure it will just take time for Allen to heal and come to terms.
Btw, I LOVED the picture of Emme that you posted!! With the bottom up view she just looks angelic !!
She looks just like Allen! She has figured out how to laugh and Allen and I have been laughing so hard with her! She is also ticklish which makes Allen laugh. It was good seeing him in good spirit this evening.
Shell: That's fantastic that you and Allen had that fun with Emme last night. I think that its around 3 months when they really get their baby legs and start showing you their "gifts"! Those smiles and those laughs that you really know mean something from them are so special :cloud9: I remember them with Liam and I think Greg and I tried to record each and every one. Sometimes it pays to be Generation Y so we can have our phones at the ready any time something significant happens!

AFM: My birthday weekend is quickly approaching :happydance: We're having friends over on Sunday to just hang out and have a good time. Probably a BBQ style situation. Should be lots of fun! I'm hoping to get a session with my tattoo artist for my birthday since there's a lovely piece on my arm that I need to start finishing up! Its a "baby weight" tattoo that was started with Liam and every 20 lbs I lose, I have some color done. I've lost 30 so far so I'm a little behind on my tattoo and I certainly can't afford to have 2 color sessions in a row :dohh:
The little guys are doing well today. Expecting my cloth diapers any time now, but the inserts are on backorder through next week so I won't actually be diapering until then :thumbup: I'm really looking forward to trying my hand at it!
mommabrown: I'm so glad that you had a good evening with Allen! A little laughter goes a long way!

liamsmom: I hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend! I'll be out of town this weekend visiting my parents--so I'll wish you happy birthday now!!

Steph: How are you making out with the CD?? It sounds like you've got quite the little stash accumulating! How is Rob doing with them? Has he put one on Grayson yet?

doggylover: Did you end up picking up some toys for Izzy at Toys R Us? It's so funny that we were just talking about that the other day, because Adam's co-worker donated a huge shopping bag of toys to us. It's all the crinkly Lamaze/sensory stuff which is awesome for Peter right now. The toys we already had were for him when he was older, so now he has something he can start to play with now! At the moment I think I'm having more fun with than he is though. :blush: Except maybe for the Winnie the Pooh fabric book, it's crinkly and Peter really loves that one.

Afm, my little boy is 2 months today! It's so hard to believe--and he's growing so fast! He's still skinny but he's long... we're going to have to move to our 3-6 month sleepers soon because his legs are pushing right down against the bottom and he won't be able to straighten them much longer. He's also making so much noise now it's adorable how much he babbles. We have a little convo every morning when he wakes up. :cloud9:
This CD made my LoL, so I figured I would share it with you ladies!

Liams mom I agree! I have recorded most of Emmaleighs first moments. Things I don't have with my oldest 3.
Readytomum I know right! Where is time going??? I love having those morning chats and smiles with Emme too.
We have traveled down to Allens Uncle and Aunts today as he is helping them with a remodel. They are just gushing over Emme and she isn't holding back on throwing her fits for them either.
Hey ladies just thought I'd pop in quickly and share with you:

I went out for four hours last night to a BBQ and left izzy with Simon. I text him 3hrs in to see how things were :shock: she had refused to eat, was screaming the house down, nod he had phoned for help from my parents!!! So of course I left straight away and drove at 80mph to get home...she was asleep in her bed when I did! I cried the whole way home and snatched her up to feed her as soon as her eyes popped open. She'd been crying so much her eyes were puffy :cry:

I am officially never leaving her again.
Oh Sarah...i am tearing up with you. Poor Isabelle...it was nice of Simon to let you have your night out andtry to recruit mom and Dad but poor girl crying like that breaks my heart. I can iamgine in my head the facial expression she had when she seen you like food finally! Lol
Sarah, tyesterday morning Aaron was home from work as he was sick and said he would watch Ben while I popped the kids in to school I was fine with it but it was my first time apart from him and I did enjoy a bit of freedom and used my free time to go to the chemist for some lemsip for Aaron, when I got in the downstairs door I could already hear Ben crying. He had cried the whole time I was gone, as soon as I entered the door without thinking my top was coming off, I was snatching him up and feeding him lol. I felt so guilty and I had only been gone 15 minutes!! Craziness!

I feel lied to!! The Dr said that if you BF exclusively your periods either wont come or will be very light... I'm so heavy it's ridiculous, last night I had to actually get up and change my night time pad! It's awful! I'll be giving that dr a piece of my mind when I go for my coil fitting!!

We had baby massage today, Ben got hungry 5 minutes in then spent the last 10 minutes farting loudly drowning out the soft calming music hahaha!!
Awe Sarah J, you should never call when out. Expect that no news is good news (even if it isn't).

Sarah L, I tried the first CD last night when I got home from work. The only inserts that were prepped were the microfiber ones that I don't really like. I thought the diaper fit pretty good, but after 2 hours, part of the outside of the diaper was wet :shrug:. It feels like it leaked through the diaper (which is AI2with PUL). I have no clue... Lol

Sam, that diaper from etsy is too funny!

AFM, this is my first week back to work full time and my supply has greatly decreased :cry:. I've been taking fenugreek for over a week in hopes that it would help, but no such luck. I'm still able to pump at least 12oz, but I had to increase to 4 sessions a day (up from 3). I really hope this extra pumping will signal my body to produce more! I'll be devastated if I have to supplement after being successful for this long.

Candy, how are you doing with your supply? I know you were worried because of AF returning.
Steph try the go lacta if you continue having supply issues. Fenugreek did not much for me but the golacta i think works a bit. I found a place to get domperidone online so I am trying that next. I've also rented a hospital grade pump for a month. Those two things are my last ditch attempts to get my supply up and then I will just keep going as we are until I have no more milk. I will have tried everything then, so it is what it is. Oh yeah and leafy greens are also supposed to be good for supply as long as it doesn't make LO gassy. I have been eating kale every day and my milk is so yellow now when I pump after I've eaten it. Totally weird but I am assuming its probably good as kale is a superfood. So something from te kale is going into my milk.

Sorry I have been away from Bnb we have been going through a rough patch with annelise not wanting to eat properly or sleep properly during the day. She sleeps great at night though. Regularly does 5-6 hrs first stretch and usually 4-5 the second. The other night she did two 6 hr stretches!! It was AMAZING!!

Mommabrown omg poor Allen!! Glad emme is helping him laugh! Hope he comes to terms with it all soon. So not his fault the poor guy!!

I have been testing out some of my CDs too. The fitteds are so bulky. I sort of hate them and am thinking of selling them and switching to pockets. I still don't have time to really get to cd'ing. Once I get this kid eating and sleeping I will be able to. You can only do what you can. If anyone wants some green mountain workhorses let me know! I have organic newborn size and also bleached size smalls. The smalls have snaps and the nb are closureless. I am also going to get some flip inserts as I have loads of flip covers. They are supposed to be trim. Trim is what I want. Annelise is so small she looks totally ridiculous in massive diapers.

She is currently sleeping in her beco Gemini!! This is the first time she has liked it. So glad!! Daddy can use this carrier as well so that will help a lot! She has been asleep for 2.5 hrs!! She has been a nightmare these lat two weeks as she has been so grumpy from not eating and sleeping in the day. She will nurse for 5-10 mins and take maybe 1.5 - 2.5 oz from a bottle every couple hours so not starving or anything but not her usual. And she still gained 6oz last week which is still "normal". Hope this passes ASAP!!!

She is waking up now so must go attend to her every whim! But glad I am finally caught up and wish had more time to reply to everyone!!

Oh yeah candy I would have been livid about the sick sister thing as well!! Smoke would have been coming out of my nose and ears lol! My dh would have been breaking doors to escape my wrath!!

Oh and I am with the no AF crew and haven't dtd since birth either. It's hard with a kid who only sleeps in between you! And planning to try for LO 2 when annelise is 2. Hopefully I will get one of these lovely sleepy calm babies I hear about!!
Mommabrown I'm glad Allen is starting to feel better xxx

Steph, I've had the opposite, I've got more supply than usual! BUT only in my left boob, last night it was so engorged I had to hand express over the sink and it's starting to go that way again now. I got told my supply would struggle during my period but so far everything I've been told my body has done the opposite. xx

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