Hi ladies!
Sorry I've been so quiet past few days. Too much going on around here. But I'm ok. But first...
Nessaw, I am glad that the process was easy for you at least and that you were able to pass all of it. Nothing worse than complications on top of an already painful and difficult time. I am so relieved for you that it was "easier" for you.
I do hope the drs are able to use that sample and hopefully find out what went wrong. Hopefully it's either something that can be easily helped or maybe just a chromosome issue (meaning a run of bad luck). Please keep faith that you will get your rainbow. In the meantime take all the time you need to grieve and heal both physically and emotionally.
StillPraying, I'm so sorry you're having it so rough.
It does sound like they are being a bit harsh on you but then again, I know how the military is. Hopefully once your contract is up you can be a sahm/wahm!
And only 6 weeks mat leave??
Wow! I'm surprised they don't give you more than that. That's just barely enough time to begin to physically heal from birth!
Try to hang in there and I hope today is better for you!
Ummi, YAY!
That is awesome! I'm so happy for you! And what a cute scan pic and adorable little bub!
You must be so relieved and reassured and I'm so so glad for you that it went well!
Button, how are things going for you hun?
Mowat, how are you and the twins doing? Praying there has been no more bleeding for you and that you've been able to enjoy some "calmness" in the pregnancy lately!
Munchkin, how are you doing? I'm sure you've just been busy lately but please touch base with us.
AFM, not a whole lot to report to be honest. My queasiness/gagging came back after 2 days of being minimal and all my other symptoms have continued. Oh, and other than craving banana sweet stuff, I am also constantly craving cheese pizza! I cant get enough of it!
Apparently this baby likes cheese pizza! lol! Meanwhile, we went to six flags yesterday because DH had free tickets from work. DH did most of the riding rides while I sat down and watched. The only rides I rode were monster mansion (a slow gentle boat ride through this house thing with cute monster scenes) and sky buckets which is another slow ride. Both of which are slower and more gentle than riding in a car to be honest. So I knew they wouldn't pose any risk of harm to the baby. The rest of the time I sat and watched DH ride coasters and drank lots of water. By 4pm though I was done and ready to go home out of exhaustion (thankfully DH could tell I'd had enough and brought me home) and when we got home I got straight into bed and stayed there the rest of the evening and even drifted off once before dinner time (and DH even made us dinner, God bless him). Which is not how I would normally be at all! lol! Normally I'd stay till closing time and even then be bummed that it was time to leave.
So despite all of my resting I did yesterday by sitting, I think the fact that I was that worn out is a good sign. Needless to say, I'm taking it easy today.
Anyways, 4 days till my next appt and scan. Part of me is a little excited but honestly still nervous and paranoid.
However, not as much so as last time around! I still cant find my doppler but I've also not had much of a chance to really hunt for it either since I have to wait for DH to check the boxes in the attic since climbing ladders is a no no. So I think that if Friday's appt goes well and baby is wiggling and bouncing around for us and growing perfectly then I will let myself relax a good deal more as I'll be 11 weeks at that point. I'm praying that when the tech puts that probe on my belly we will immediately see the baby moving and wiggling all over for us!
That would be reassuring right there hehe! I'm also eager to find out what the baby's HR is because if it's still high then I really think we have a girl on board.
Oh yeah! I also bought a little teddy bear in a gift shop yesterday for the baby! A teddy bear for gummy bear hehe.
Now I'm just praying that I didn't jinx anything by doing that!
But I'm trying to think positive that everything will be good with gummy bear.