April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

By the way ummi I've put your :pink: news on the front page :) :happydance:
Yay for team pink Ummi! Funny how all three of us 21st ladies are expecting girls!

That can't have been nice for you Stillpraying or your DD.

I'm counting third tri at 27 weeks because I'm pretty sure that's what they go with here. Can't believe we're so close to us all being in third tri!

By the way I've decided I hate all maternity bras. I'm wearing my nursing bras at the moment from when I was feeding DS but they look a bit tatty so I went shopping to see if I could get new ones and just ended up in a strop. Baby is sat so high up that the band under the bust just ends wedged right in and is so uncomfortable. I ended up really out of breath after a few shops.
Still: :hugs: to you and your DD. Not nice, but I hope she recovers very soon.

Your right Button, 21st of April is going to be a girly day. I wonder what will actually be the date??

2nd is passing so quickly, much quicker than first tri! And then we'll be soooo big in 3rd tri!

Ds2 was in the scan room with us, he understood straight away when she said it was a girl. So as soon as we left the scan room he ran to his brother who stayed in the waiting room and told him the news. They are quite happy because she won't play with their transformers! Lol! Ds1 is already worried about where she is going to sleep when she's 5 yo! (We're in a 2 bedroom house, but the room in the attic is divided in 2, so both boys have they're own space). Silly boy! Both boys came up the other with some baby names, but all boys names, none girls!
Dh is really happy about it too. He's been a bit crazy about it all day yesterday!
Yay I bet all your boys are excited :) not sure about her not playing with the transformers though, I think they'll be in for a surprise!! I am biased but I love love love having a little girl.
I'm so tired today. I keep waking before 5 and it's killing me. I have no idea why, I get up for the loo and a drink of water and then I can't get back to sleep but I feel like I could spend all day in bed. Yawn!!
Yes, I know, transformers were some of my favourite toys. I so much wanted to ask my parents to buy me some, but never dared to!
But I thought best not to tell them now that she might very well like those too! Haha!

I know what you mean about being so tired. I'm always tired too. I can't sleep in the evening because I have to go to the loo every 1/2 hour, sometimes even every 1/4 of an hour. And then I can sleep a bit better because I 'only' wake up every 1 hr 1/2, it's not so bad. But I end up knackered all day long. Ms has been back too for the past couple of week, and I'm being very sick. But I'm ok, trying to convince myself that it can't be worst than 1st tri!
We're home after our holiday! Nice to get away but so nice to be back. I'm hoping DS starts sleeping better now he's in his bed. He's been up 2-3 times a night while we've been away and started wanting to come in our bed which he hasn't done since he was about 14 months old.
I'm having sleeping problems here too---doesn't help that I've had a cold for 4 weeks. poor DH has been sleeping on the couch for weeks. When I'm not up coughing, I'm up rolling around trying to get comfortable.
My DH is about to start sleeping on the couch I think.. He says I take up too much of the bed when he is trying to come to sleep. As much as I like having the space, I sleep better when he's in bed with me.. so I hope he doesn't move to the couch!
I still have to share the bed with the cat so it's not great. Cat doesn't complain if I snore though!

I know what you mean about bras Button. I tried to switch to one without underwire and it just makes me ache in my upper rib area. I switched back to my regular one today and I'm much better. I really need to get to the bra store but I'm not wanting to spend the money right now. I had horrible pain in my upper ribs with DS---I think some of it was from the bras.
I literally stopped wearing bras when I'm at home! I feel so much better! My boobs get quite sore since I'm pregnant when I wear one. The ones thta I wear though are not maternity bras, but they are quite good and don't hurt with the underwire. It's just the soreness that is uncomfortable.
lol!! I'm still squishing myself into pre preg bras :( my nursing bras from my dd are so saggy I'll have go chuck them out and buy new I think :( my rib cage has expanded hugely too so the normal bras I'm wearing will be stretched and ruined too!

I've got my first growth scan today. Really hope baby's doing well. Can't say I'm not nervous!
Good luck with the new bra Mowat!

More good luck to you munchkin for your growth scan.

Anyone else considering selling their first born? Mine is being such a pickle! I'm having trouble sleeping anyway and then he was up twice last night.
:haha: button! I'm afraid I'm not currently in the market for one of those. Try eBay? Freecycle?!?
I can just imagine the EBay ad! I don't think I'll get much for him.

25 weeks today, not quite sure where the time has gone! Off to ikea on Friday to look at cots which is a bit scary.
Eek! Yes I'm getting a bit twitchy about the nursery / dumping ground now! Just had my growth scan, waiting for consultant now but looks like baby is a good size and head very down and back on my tummy. Hope it's like that in another 12 weeks ;) maybe this mornings yoga for it into a nice position!!
Glad your growth scan went well. You'll have to remember what positions you did nearer the time and do the run up to your due date.
Yeah it was a DVD, I'll be doing it every day!! At least it looks like baby knows how to get there!! And my placenta is nicely out of the way now too x
Congrats on the scan Munchkin!

Maybe we could trade kids Button? Mine is pretty good with other people but he's like an annoying teenager with us (he's only 5). Jealous if Ikea! WE live in the middle of nowhere (really).
I'm up for that Mowat! Although I'll pass on the twins when they get here. The thought of three against one scares me!

Munchkin you're so good, I had a dvd from my pregnancy with DS and it's still in the plastic wrapping! I am doing classes on Saturdays though.

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