Due to my late ovulation last month I have 2 apps predicting af on 17th and one on 12th. I’m not obsessing this month, no OPKs no nothing. My motto is if it’s meant to be it’ll happen. Last month was way too stressful for me. If no af by 20th I’ll test as long as I can hold out that long!!!
I’ll be testing May 18th or so! After tracking my cycles for 9 months now I have self diagnosed with a short luteal phase (8 days) and am trying Vitex and progesterone cream for the first time this cycle...
AF is due on the 28th for me so please put me in but I'm not hopeful because:
A) my cycle is all screwed up after my mc so it's hard to know what's going on in general and to time things right
B) OH is away every week in May for work and only back on the first two weekends which is going to make it all much harder!
Tested this morning at 6 DPO bc POAS addict here. I thought I saw something! Came back hours later to find this. Probably an Evap but stay tuned! May not even show with the reduced image size but there is something vvvf there.
Hey. Expecting AF around the 7th, so put me down for then. It's been almost two years since my last BFP. This is a long shot but I'd love to be part of this group anyway. We BDed around O so there's a slight chance.
Good luck to all!
Expected AF April 22/26 (some cycles are 33 some 35 days) and haven't had any sort of AF symptoms. I have had nausea, frequent urination, and tingly breasts/nipples. Hoping to test on May 1st. I would also appreciate any advice; TTC#1
I failed! I said I wasn’t gunna use OPK after the stress last month but fancied trying for a sneaky look to see if o was anywhere near with it being late last month. Well, all be it late at night here it is. Figure o may be close??? Still refuse to obsess however. I’ve kinda told myself I’m too old and it probably won’t happen
Hey!! So had a confusing month as temps and CM and CP haven’t aligned so well! But going to trust the temps and accept that I have Ovd!! So AF due on the 8th and I am really going to try to wait it out until AF is due to test this month!!
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