I haven't been on for a couple of days, but I thought I'd post today because I'm worrying myself sick
I went to see my MW on Thursday and asked her to have a look at my breasts because I've developed a rash around both areolas, she didn't seem concerned until she asked if I'd had itchy hands or feet and I had to own up that my hands and feet have been driving me crazy, especially at night. Her face just dropped.
I wake up all the time clawing at my hands & arms, and when I get up to go to the bathroom I drag my feet on the carpet to try to get some relief from my itching feet. The itching drives me crazy, and it is getting worse as the weeks have gone on because it used to only itch at night. My appetitie and mood have really gone down in the last 2/3 weeks, and I get overly hot all the time (which could just be the pregnancy though!) but I'm just concerned that so many of the symptoms of OC are present.
I hadn't read anything about Obstetric Cholestasis so I just put the itching down to getting too hot, but she said although it could be that she wanted to take my bloods to check (there is a sticky thread at the top of the 3rd Tri page which gives links to more info, I just hadn't read it before today

Thing is, I've spend the last couple of days reading up on it and she's only checking my LFT not for bile acid, so the results won't necessarily be conclusive

Plus it can take weeks for any issues to show up in the LFT results. She took the bloods on Thursday but said it would probably be the start of the week until I got the results back. I just wish Moreno had been at work on Friday because he's in the lab and could have gotten them for me that day. Now I'm just trying to climb down from the ceiling for the rest of the weekend!
If I do have OC it means they'd probably be delivering my baby around 37 weeks instead of the 39 weeks I'm booked in for the c-section.
I just feel so pathetic. As if the complications from the Crohn's and the anaemia weren't enough of an issue... honestly I'm totally embarrassed of how rubbish my body is, that's why I didn't say anything before now about the itching. What I wouldn't give just to have a normal healthy body.
I just get so angry at how pathetic I sound when I'm talking about my health.
Maybe I'm just feeling sorry for myself today...