***April Sweet Peas*** 204 Babies

I know im rather late but can i join this thread please!! Im due 17th April with a boy. Yippeeeee! Just looked through list, cant believe how many people on here are due in April!! Hope everyone is feeling ok!! :happydance:

Yay, another 17.04 baby! I know the sex of our Bean but for the purpse of the interweb, we're staying on yellow ;)

Not long to go now!

Also, congrats to the early April mummy!

Nicola xx
I know im rather late but can i join this thread please!! Im due 17th April with a boy. Yippeeeee! Just looked through list, cant believe how many people on here are due in April!! Hope everyone is feeling ok!! :happydance:

Hi and welcome to the sweet peas. I just pulled my lazy butt out of bed lol so when I'm a little more awake I'll add you to the list.
But what I'm stuck on is whether I should start introducing a bottle feed kind of early on so that the baby is at least used to the feeling of a fake nipple in its mouth!


I know I'm not supposed to do it until 6 weeks so there is no nipple confusion, but there is a bit of contention over that advice.

It's so hard to know ahead of time what's going to work. Before we had Freya I spent a fortune on 'natural'-type bottles for when we decided to introduce a bottle.
In the end she got sick at around 3 weeks old and we spent a bit of time in hospital, where I used the hospital pumps (brilliant) to express. They bottle-fed her, using real old-school shaped teats. I don't know how to describe them, but there is nothing much natural about them and here you can buy them really cheaply in the supermarket.

Anyway, when we got out of hospital I continued to bf for another couple of months, supplementing with formula when my supply was not enough.

She point blank refused to use the expensive bottles, but other than that we had no trouble switching between bf and bottle.

That probably hasn't helped you much, if at all. :shrug: Just thought I'd share my experience.

No, that was really interesting! Thank you :)

I think I know what you mean about the old fashioned teats and it is good to know Freya didn't have a problem swapping between you and the bottle :)
I am due 1st April for Team Pink, can you please add me to the list... :)
I haven't been on for a couple of days, but I thought I'd post today because I'm worrying myself sick :(

I went to see my MW on Thursday and asked her to have a look at my breasts because I've developed a rash around both areolas, she didn't seem concerned until she asked if I'd had itchy hands or feet and I had to own up that my hands and feet have been driving me crazy, especially at night. Her face just dropped.

I wake up all the time clawing at my hands & arms, and when I get up to go to the bathroom I drag my feet on the carpet to try to get some relief from my itching feet. The itching drives me crazy, and it is getting worse as the weeks have gone on because it used to only itch at night. My appetitie and mood have really gone down in the last 2/3 weeks, and I get overly hot all the time (which could just be the pregnancy though!) but I'm just concerned that so many of the symptoms of OC are present.

I hadn't read anything about Obstetric Cholestasis so I just put the itching down to getting too hot, but she said although it could be that she wanted to take my bloods to check (there is a sticky thread at the top of the 3rd Tri page which gives links to more info, I just hadn't read it before today :dohh:)

Thing is, I've spend the last couple of days reading up on it and she's only checking my LFT not for bile acid, so the results won't necessarily be conclusive :( Plus it can take weeks for any issues to show up in the LFT results. She took the bloods on Thursday but said it would probably be the start of the week until I got the results back. I just wish Moreno had been at work on Friday because he's in the lab and could have gotten them for me that day. Now I'm just trying to climb down from the ceiling for the rest of the weekend! :dohh:

If I do have OC it means they'd probably be delivering my baby around 37 weeks instead of the 39 weeks I'm booked in for the c-section.

I just feel so pathetic. As if the complications from the Crohn's and the anaemia weren't enough of an issue... honestly I'm totally embarrassed of how rubbish my body is, that's why I didn't say anything before now about the itching. What I wouldn't give just to have a normal healthy body.

I just get so angry at how pathetic I sound when I'm talking about my health.

Maybe I'm just feeling sorry for myself today...
i cant believe how many of us r due in april . the hospitals r going to be busy with all us in april hehe
I haven't been on for a couple of days, but I thought I'd post today because I'm worrying myself sick :(

I went to see my MW on Thursday and asked her to have a look at my breasts because I've developed a rash around both areolas, she didn't seem concerned until she asked if I'd had itchy hands or feet and I had to own up that my hands and feet have been driving me crazy, especially at night. Her face just dropped.

I wake up all the time clawing at my hands & arms, and when I get up to go to the bathroom I drag my feet on the carpet to try to get some relief from my itching feet. The itching drives me crazy, and it is getting worse as the weeks have gone on because it used to only itch at night. My appetitie and mood have really gone down in the last 2/3 weeks, and I get overly hot all the time (which could just be the pregnancy though!) but I'm just concerned that so many of the symptoms of OC are present.

I hadn't read anything about Obstetric Cholestasis so I just put the itching down to getting too hot, but she said although it could be that she wanted to take my bloods to check (there is a sticky thread at the top of the 3rd Tri page which gives links to more info, I just hadn't read it before today :dohh:)

Thing is, I've spend the last couple of days reading up on it and she's only checking my LFT not for bile acid, so the results won't necessarily be conclusive :( Plus it can take weeks for any issues to show up in the LFT results. She took the bloods on Thursday but said it would probably be the start of the week until I got the results back. I just wish Moreno had been at work on Friday because he's in the lab and could have gotten them for me that day. Now I'm just trying to climb down from the ceiling for the rest of the weekend! :dohh:

If I do have OC it means they'd probably be delivering my baby around 37 weeks instead of the 39 weeks I'm booked in for the c-section.

I just feel so pathetic. As if the complications from the Crohn's and the anaemia weren't enough of an issue... honestly I'm totally embarrassed of how rubbish my body is, that's why I didn't say anything before now about the itching. What I wouldn't give just to have a normal healthy body.

I just get so angry at how pathetic I sound when I'm talking about my health.

Maybe I'm just feeling sorry for myself today...

Just wanted to send you some hugs :hugs: Sounds like you are having a tough time, don't beat yourself up hun. You are doing an amazing and special job - don't forget that :flower:
Just wanted to send you some hugs :hugs: Sounds like you are having a tough time, don't beat yourself up hun. You are doing an amazing and special job - don't forget that :flower:

Thank you so much! :hugs: I'm just a bit down today I guess...
I haven't been on for a couple of days, but I thought I'd post today because I'm worrying myself sick :(

I went to see my MW on Thursday and asked her to have a look at my breasts because I've developed a rash around both areolas, she didn't seem concerned until she asked if I'd had itchy hands or feet and I had to own up that my hands and feet have been driving me crazy, especially at night. Her face just dropped.

I wake up all the time clawing at my hands & arms, and when I get up to go to the bathroom I drag my feet on the carpet to try to get some relief from my itching feet. The itching drives me crazy, and it is getting worse as the weeks have gone on because it used to only itch at night. My appetitie and mood have really gone down in the last 2/3 weeks, and I get overly hot all the time (which could just be the pregnancy though!) but I'm just concerned that so many of the symptoms of OC are present.

I hadn't read anything about Obstetric Cholestasis so I just put the itching down to getting too hot, but she said although it could be that she wanted to take my bloods to check (there is a sticky thread at the top of the 3rd Tri page which gives links to more info, I just hadn't read it before today :dohh:)

Thing is, I've spend the last couple of days reading up on it and she's only checking my LFT not for bile acid, so the results won't necessarily be conclusive :( Plus it can take weeks for any issues to show up in the LFT results. She took the bloods on Thursday but said it would probably be the start of the week until I got the results back. I just wish Moreno had been at work on Friday because he's in the lab and could have gotten them for me that day. Now I'm just trying to climb down from the ceiling for the rest of the weekend! :dohh:

If I do have OC it means they'd probably be delivering my baby around 37 weeks instead of the 39 weeks I'm booked in for the c-section.

I just feel so pathetic. As if the complications from the Crohn's and the anaemia weren't enough of an issue... honestly I'm totally embarrassed of how rubbish my body is, that's why I didn't say anything before now about the itching. What I wouldn't give just to have a normal healthy body.

I just get so angry at how pathetic I sound when I'm talking about my health.

Maybe I'm just feeling sorry for myself today...

I have no advice I'm sorry but lots of hugs! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
It's hard but try to keep calm over the weekend and wait for the results. xxx
I haven't been on for a couple of days, but I thought I'd post today because I'm worrying myself sick :(

I went to see my MW on Thursday and asked her to have a look at my breasts because I've developed a rash around both areolas, she didn't seem concerned until she asked if I'd had itchy hands or feet and I had to own up that my hands and feet have been driving me crazy, especially at night. Her face just dropped.

I wake up all the time clawing at my hands & arms, and when I get up to go to the bathroom I drag my feet on the carpet to try to get some relief from my itching feet. The itching drives me crazy, and it is getting worse as the weeks have gone on because it used to only itch at night. My appetitie and mood have really gone down in the last 2/3 weeks, and I get overly hot all the time (which could just be the pregnancy though!) but I'm just concerned that so many of the symptoms of OC are present.

I hadn't read anything about Obstetric Cholestasis so I just put the itching down to getting too hot, but she said although it could be that she wanted to take my bloods to check (there is a sticky thread at the top of the 3rd Tri page which gives links to more info, I just hadn't read it before today :dohh:)

Thing is, I've spend the last couple of days reading up on it and she's only checking my LFT not for bile acid, so the results won't necessarily be conclusive :( Plus it can take weeks for any issues to show up in the LFT results. She took the bloods on Thursday but said it would probably be the start of the week until I got the results back. I just wish Moreno had been at work on Friday because he's in the lab and could have gotten them for me that day. Now I'm just trying to climb down from the ceiling for the rest of the weekend! :dohh:

If I do have OC it means they'd probably be delivering my baby around 37 weeks instead of the 39 weeks I'm booked in for the c-section.

I just feel so pathetic. As if the complications from the Crohn's and the anaemia weren't enough of an issue... honestly I'm totally embarrassed of how rubbish my body is, that's why I didn't say anything before now about the itching. What I wouldn't give just to have a normal healthy body.

I just get so angry at how pathetic I sound when I'm talking about my health.

Maybe I'm just feeling sorry for myself today...

Oh honey, don't feel pathetic. You're doing your best to give your baby the best start in life. You're worrying, taking care. It's nothing to do with you. My health is awful. Honestly, if I tell my boss I have been leaking fluid or bleeding one more time I swear she'll laugh at me. they can never find anything wrong. I feel like I'm one long list of health problems. Asthma, nut allergy, pregnancy problems, highly sensetive skin, allergies to god knows what else, constant nose bleeds and more. I even have discs in my spine that are too big. I'm an encyclopedia for illness! BUT IT'S NOT OUR FAULT!
Your baby will be so proud of you caring so much. Keep an eye on everything, and go straight to hospital if anything new arises. Any concerns you have over what should be tested and hasn't, TELL THEM. They can only tell you no.

Good luck hon x
i know im rather late but can i join this thread please!! Im due 17th april with a boy. Yippeeeee! Just looked through list, cant believe how many people on here are due in april!! Hope everyone is feeling ok!! :happydance:

yay for 17th!! <3
Oh Ann :hugs:

I feel rubbish. I am so up and down. I won't be going back to work, having been off with severe SPD since 11th January. And today I have just miserable.

I am terrified of giving birth. Baby H moves into the most uncomfortable positions just as I am trying to get to sleep. Then when I finally am asleep I wake up every 2 hours or sp through heartburn or SPD pain, and when I wake Baby H decides to start dancing, meaning it takes some time to get back to sleep again, and so it continues all night.

Also, my Angel's due date is this week and I am really struggling, having barely thought about it too much as I caught again so quickly and I know I am lucky. But still. And my step sister is due the same day.
Oh honey, don't feel pathetic. You're doing your best to give your baby the best start in life. You're worrying, taking care. It's nothing to do with you. My health is awful. Honestly, if I tell my boss I have been leaking fluid or bleeding one more time I swear she'll laugh at me. they can never find anything wrong. I feel like I'm one long list of health problems. Asthma, nut allergy, pregnancy problems, highly sensetive skin, allergies to god knows what else, constant nose bleeds and more. I even have discs in my spine that are too big. I'm an encyclopedia for illness! BUT IT'S NOT OUR FAULT!
Your baby will be so proud of you caring so much. Keep an eye on everything, and go straight to hospital if anything new arises. Any concerns you have over what should be tested and hasn't, TELL THEM. They can only tell you no.

Good luck hon x

D'you know, it is kind of pathetic, but in a way it is good to hear that I'm not the only one with a bit of a crappy body! :rofl:

Not that I'd wish your health problems on you, but it just feels like such a long list sometimes that I'm embarrased to even mention, so it's nice to find a kindred spirit!

BTW, I've never heard of that disc problem, has it always been like that?! Can you actually feel them? Or am I picturing it wrong, are they too high as opposed to sticking out the way? Is it pregnancy related or just the way you're built?

I will have to ask about the bile acid test if the LFT comes back low because as much as I'm looking I can't find anything else that would account for the symptoms...
Also, my Angel's due date is this week and I am really struggling, having barely thought about it too much as I caught again so quickly and I know I am lucky. But still. And my step sister is due the same day.

Now that puts all my issues into perspective :cry: I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine what it must feel like to have your little Angel's due date approach. Is there anything you can do to mark the day? Does you're OH communicate with you about it? (I imagine most men would struggle with that)

As much as it took us a long time to conceive (21 months) there was never even a hint of a pregnancy until this wee one hung on, so we've been really blessed never to have had a loss.
I have no advice I'm sorry but lots of hugs! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
It's hard but try to keep calm over the weekend and wait for the results. xxx

Thank you sweety :flower:

I'm trying to keep busy making all the thank you cards in advance of the baby coming, then all I'll have to do is print up the inserts once the wee one is here. I'm making a card for my neice's 13th birthday too, she's convinced this is the BIG birthday! :haha:
I have no advice I'm sorry but lots of hugs! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
It's hard but try to keep calm over the weekend and wait for the results. xxx

Thank you sweety :flower:

I'm trying to keep busy making all the thank you cards in advance of the baby coming, then all I'll have to do is print up the inserts once the wee one is here. I'm making a card for my neice's 13th birthday too, she's convinced this is the BIG birthday! :haha:

And then there's the 16th, and the 18th and the 21st lol! They'll all be BIG!
Also, my Angel's due date is this week and I am really struggling, having barely thought about it too much as I caught again so quickly and I know I am lucky. But still. And my step sister is due the same day.

Now that puts all my issues into perspective :cry: I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine what it must feel like to have your little Angel's due date approach. Is there anything you can do to mark the day? Does you're OH communicate with you about it? (I imagine most men would struggle with that)

As much as it took us a long time to conceive (21 months) there was never even a hint of a pregnancy until this wee one hung on, so we've been really blessed never to have had a loss.

Thank you. Neither of us really talk about it to be fair. DH just says she wasn't well (we both got an immediate feeling it was a girl) and we both made a concious decision to focus on this pregnancy. Which has mostly worked apart from the odd wobble, until now.

DH is working all day and I can't do a great deal, so as much as I would like to do something I don't really have any idea what!
Thank you. Neither of us really talk about it to be fair. DH just says she wasn't well (we both got an immediate feeling it was a girl) and we both made a concious decision to focus on this pregnancy. Which has mostly worked apart from the odd wobble, until now.

DH is working all day and I can't do a great deal, so as much as I would like to do something I don't really have any idea what!

Maybe you could write her a letter and send it off tied to a helium balloon?

Though that might actually make you focus on her loss more than you'd want to... I don't know, it is a tough call to make.

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