***April Sweet Peas*** 204 Babies

ah thanks i was wondering if i should be expecting one anytime soon lol :D xx
Hi All :D
Not been on here since friday morning due to thinking my waters had broken... well as some of you who commented on the post would have known, it sounded to all like my hind waters had gone...called labour ward and they told me to go in... Only to be kept in for over 2 hours and then told i could go home as its only my show :( Was so annoyed... how can a show be so runny?? Grrrr I got my hopes up too which didnt help... a bit silly of me really but fingers crossed bump will come soon as my EDD is more or less one week!!!!!
Hope your all ok on this lovely sunny morning anyway. Off to get some more wall art for bumps nursery now. Have a nice day xx
Wow, sounds like you had a rollercoaster of an experience there, lol...anytime now for you though! :)

Going to my midwife today. Hoping baby's turned head down now from breech/transverse but I kinda doubt it as I'm accustomed to the head versus feet movements now and it seems the same, little bugger.

I have all the stuff for my hospital bag now but haven't actually bagged it yet. Think I'll do that this week. :)
i thought it was your waters! glad your ok hope its not long for you now! dont feel silly tho xxx
Kimmy I said that this morning on the spd thread - I really really wanted a vbac too considering the implications of not driving etc for 6 weeks when you've got a young toddler at home too! But, like you, I am starting to struggle with the pain now and it's not that I'm wanting the birth definitely at 39 weeks or anything but I don't know how my pelvis is going to go with the contractions, last time an epidural (that was very overblocked) did nothing for the pain in my pelvis, it was agony.. But I'm seeing the consultant on friday, at the moment the moment I'm going with still asking for the vbac but having it on my notes in big capital letters that if I can't cope with the pain in my pelvis that there is a very low threshold for section!

Well I've decided that I'm booking in to see the midwife tomorrow afternoon and then see the consultant on Friday. Sickness is still there, but I've stopped being sick. Pains are back and feels like baby is constantly prodding at my bladder (something I never really experienced with Harry). Think I just need for someone to tell me it's OK - Plus then I can go to the consultant with info on if baby is engaged etc, as he never does any checks himself. They just do a urine sample, BP and weight.

I'm kind of expecting a C-Sec anyway, as there are so many IF's involved that I'm convinced something will go wrong and we'll need another C-Sec.

Will keep my fingers crossed that all goes well for you x
Wow, sounds like you had a rollercoaster of an experience there, lol...anytime now for you though! :)

Going to my midwife today. Hoping baby's turned head down now from breech/transverse but I kinda doubt it as I'm accustomed to the head versus feet movements now and it seems the same, little bugger.

I have all the stuff for my hospital bag now but haven't actually bagged it yet. Think I'll do that this week. :)

Fingers crossed baby has turned for you x
Well yesterdays contractions were a waste of time lol, had them roughly every 5 minutes and were enough to make me stop and think, so ended up heading to the birthing centre for a check over. Pffft knew I should just have walked around the block or had a nap, after two V/E's (one normal mw and a student) her ladyship decided she was going to bugger off with this labour business and hide a little longer. Only 1cm dilated heck after two previous births I was hoping for at least a 2 lol, possibly an irritated uterus....not sure about that but certainly irritated mummy

But upside was got to have a little bit of a nose around the place as I never did get around to booking a tour
Thank you Mrs Raggle! Just got back and the midwife is -pretty sure- the baby is head down. She said my abdomen's tight so it's hard to poke around on my belly, but the heartbeat seemed to be found down lower as opposed to upwards like if the baby is still breech....so she reckons baby's head down. I'm CONSIDERABLY relieved at the news even if it's not 100 percent. I'll take anything positive! :)

Lol, that's funny KittenKat, though I know it must be frustrating too as you're excited and wanting baby to arrive...it is good to be able to see the place you'll be in though! :)
Woo Minstermind!

So who's been on a hospital tour? Where do you call to book it?
Hi All :D
Not been on here since friday morning due to thinking my waters had broken... well as some of you who commented on the post would have known, it sounded to all like my hind waters had gone...called labour ward and they told me to go in... Only to be kept in for over 2 hours and then told i could go home as its only my show :( Was so annoyed... how can a show be so runny?? Grrrr I got my hopes up too which didnt help... a bit silly of me really but fingers crossed bump will come soon as my EDD is more or less one week!!!!!
Hope your all ok on this lovely sunny morning anyway. Off to get some more wall art for bumps nursery now. Have a nice day xx

Some shows CAN be very runny - and it was something I remember a very senior mw telling me that women often notice their discharge is much more runny in the run up to labour as if their body is starting to prepare!
Kimmy I said that this morning on the spd thread - I really really wanted a vbac too considering the implications of not driving etc for 6 weeks when you've got a young toddler at home too! But, like you, I am starting to struggle with the pain now and it's not that I'm wanting the birth definitely at 39 weeks or anything but I don't know how my pelvis is going to go with the contractions, last time an epidural (that was very overblocked) did nothing for the pain in my pelvis, it was agony.. But I'm seeing the consultant on friday, at the moment the moment I'm going with still asking for the vbac but having it on my notes in big capital letters that if I can't cope with the pain in my pelvis that there is a very low threshold for section!

Well I've decided that I'm booking in to see the midwife tomorrow afternoon and then see the consultant on Friday. Sickness is still there, but I've stopped being sick. Pains are back and feels like baby is constantly prodding at my bladder (something I never really experienced with Harry). Think I just need for someone to tell me it's OK - Plus then I can go to the consultant with info on if baby is engaged etc, as he never does any checks himself. They just do a urine sample, BP and weight.

I'm kind of expecting a C-Sec anyway, as there are so many IF's involved that I'm convinced something will go wrong and we'll need another C-Sec.

Will keep my fingers crossed that all goes well for you x

I'm hanging on to the 75% of vbacs deliver vaginally (whether by maternal effort or by ventouse/forceps but the baby still arrives out of your foof rather than the sunroof!) and that's as good a stat as any one else going in to labour!

Fingers crossed for you too!!
i'm hanging on to the 75% of vbacs deliver vaginally (whether by maternal effort or by ventouse/forceps but the baby still arrives out of your foof rather than the sunroof!) and that's as good a stat as any one else going in to labour!

Fingers crossed for you too!!

Spoke to MW earlier and she thinks I've got a bug (hence the sickness) and that this may have irritated my BH's into action. She told me to keep an eye on things and to try and take it easy... Easier said than done!

Not feeling anywhere near as sick now though :) Even managed to clean out my fish tank, which now looks lovely and clean. Can now see my baby fish perfectly - Just feel sorry for him/her not having any playmates at the moment...

Anyway, generally feeling a little more possitive this afternoon and thinking VBAC VBAC VBAC... Now to get Harry's tea sorted before he wakes up screaming the house down!
evening ladies, well acid reflux has kciked in, done well to get this far tbh, so now eatin hard and not eating hard, cos all seems to push the acid into tubes and it'snot nice feeling.

Olivia elbowed me hard in the middle at the top of my bump tonight, it hurt, i cried out and now feel really sick! I don't think it wuld of done much damage just she prob caught me right between muscles or something and my belly was tight at the time too, so it hurt even more. Mind you saying that my belly's been tight for ages, not contraction obvs cos not fading, but it's not nice!

Mw tomorrow so she can check all out. Feeling emotional and tearful right now! bah humbug these symptoms.
Woo Minstermind!

So who's been on a hospital tour? Where do you call to book it?

I had one last night, but it was part of my antenatal classes (Parentcraft). We got to see a L&D room, and the birthing pool too. We couldn't see into any of the 4 bedded wards because they all had mums in there though... I couldn't believe not 1 of the mums in the group I was with wanted a water birth! I had my heart set on that before I was told I had to have the c-section.

I've hardly been online, just feeling miserable and uncomfortable since last week, so I've been sleeping rather a lot!

I'm really uncomfortable today, and I'm starting to get really grumpy too. I'm normally fairly breezy, but I just keep getting p'd off with Mo for no good reason :blush: He's not doing anything unusual, I'm just getting a bit short tempered!

Please tell me I'm not the only snappy one in the group this week?!

I've only got 29 days to go now, but I don't see the MW or consultant again until I'm 38+1 and I'm delivering at 39! It is just the way their clinics fall with the Easter weekend :shrug: I was a bit annoyed about that too, but like I say, I've been a bit annoyed about everything :blush:
I'm happy to announce that I am full term officially today ladies :) Woohoo! I had 2 of my 3 babies at 37 weeks so Ihope this guy comes soon :)
Hope your all feeling well ladies! my little boy and I had gastrointeritus last week which was horrendous, barely ate for a week and spent the whole time in the utility room washing sick out of everything, ahhh the joys! but now im feeling the best i have in months! went to yoga last night and feel like i could go for a run!!! not sure if its a sign but hoping it lasts xxx

best of luck to you all :thumbup:
I've hardly been online, just feeling miserable and uncomfortable since last week, so I've been sleeping rather a lot!

I'm really uncomfortable today, and I'm starting to get really grumpy too. I'm normally fairly breezy, but I just keep getting p'd off with Mo for no good reason :blush: He's not doing anything unusual, I'm just getting a bit short tempered!

Please tell me I'm not the only snappy one in the group this week?!

No, you're not. I've been doing fairly well since first trimester, hormonally speaking. But the last week I've seen myself getting irritable or weepy over small things. I read on some pregnancy site for 35 weeks along, that women may be feeling more moody at this time, so I'm guessing it has something to do with the hormone levels or something going on around this time...
I have been moody from start to finish, this time around though much more on the crying side than the snippy side. Not been too bad the last month or so, but last night I felt weepy for no reason, just walked from kitchen to front room and suddenly I am welling up, but then again I didn;t get a whole lot of sleep the night before, slept nearly a whole night last night with only one wake up so today I am pretty much back to feeling not too bad hehe
Been very snappy with everyone over the past couple of weeks :( Hubby is getting moaned at all the time, step-son can't do anything right and poor Harry has to put up with my moaning all day long... I'm honestly surprised we're all still living under the same roof and I haven't gone to my parents for a couple of nights because they're just annoying me sooooooo much!!

35 weeks and 2 days today... Had a bit of spotting last night (really light pink) and loads of back ache and BH pains :( Hardly slept at all AND had to get up to Harry a couple of times too. Going to talk very nicely to my parents to see if they can have Harry over the weekend and then I can get a bit of sleep/rest.

Got consultant on Friday - Starting to get a little nervous about what he's going to say now.

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