***April Sweet Peas*** 204 Babies

Well i am still here this morning. I was awake most of the night with shooting pains in my cervix and intense pressure after the :sex: but baby is still happy in my tummy lol. I am having pains in my stomach but I wouldn't call them contractions because my stomach isn't going rock hard.. its getting firmer but not rock hard. They are semi uncomfortable like shooting "bathroom" pains but I dont need to use the bathroom. its kind of hard to explain.

I really wouldn't normally be trying to rush my baby out, I'm just still freaked out about him being estimate 8lbs 10oz almost a week ago. I know they can be off but I tend to have big solid babies anyways and its been 2 growth scans now to say hes big so I'm leaning towards believing it and if he gets up near 10lbs the dr wants to do a c-section which I really dont want. So Im hoping he comes before that point and before that decision needs to be made.

Today I am off to my cousins baby shower who is due 2 weeks after me but anytime after that today would be a good time for a baby :) LOL
I had a nice long warm bath earlier and slept most of this afternoon. I had planned on doing lasagne for dinner and woke to find my DH has prepared it all, I just have to put it in our oven 30 minutes before he is due to finish! One of the benefits of living on site. He realised how much pain I am in at the moment, usually I would have to ask him to do that. And even better, he made up two lots so we have dinner for another day this week ready!

Days like today make me think I will take the early induction if offered!
my BH's keep coming and going but getting worse each time so hoping something happens. monday i find out if they are gonna induce me or not.....well nervous xx
I had a nice long warm bath earlier and slept most of this afternoon. I had planned on doing lasagne for dinner and woke to find my DH has prepared it all, I just have to put it in our oven 30 minutes before he is due to finish! One of the benefits of living on site. He realised how much pain I am in at the moment, usually I would have to ask him to do that. And even better, he made up two lots so we have dinner for another day this week ready!

Days like today make me think I will take the early induction if offered!

How lovely of your hubby!!
Nothing much going on with me except standing up from sitting is becoming more and more difficult and everytime I do it I'm desperate for a wee!! Littlebug punched me in the bladder earlier and forced a little bit of wee out - I need to start doing my pelvic floor exercises. Still suffering with heartburn which is worse in the middle of the night, but Gaviscon is helping that (my new best friend!).
Gaviscon is my new best friend too. 1 500ml bottle a week, thank goodness for free prescriptions! :lol:

Baby H has been moving a lot today, it's really uncomfortable and painful at times. Some of my BHs have been so painful I have screamed out loud and been close to tears

I have felt sick and nauseous all day, been sick a couple of times too. It seems to have temporarily disappeared so hoping I can manage dinner tonight, which I need to make a start on.
HAVING RAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR CAN'T COPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! day.

Well i woke up fsrely easily this morning, managed to get out of bed and miraculously managed to sleep witout waking through the night, BUT man am I paying for it. I've been sooo irritable today an my kids including Oilvia have driven me up the wall. My pain has gone through the roof, and I'm just counting down the hours until the next dosage! BUT HEY HO!

I had a nap today today but it didn't help any, my kids have driven me insane, I did managed to make an easter bonnet with my son for his parade tomorrow, but otehr than that I could strangle someone, definately not joys of spring today!

Walked round to tesco, (it's like on corner of my road) to get bits I knew I couldn't let DF to get like snaitary towels etc, he will get them for me, it doesn't worry him, but I don't wear pads i wear tampons and I'm allergic to some of them so it's like a first bloody period me looking at all the sanitary stuff, trying to remember what I had with Olivia just over a year ago! Plus cheap knickers, I had no idea what size to get, firstly I don't know what size in tesco's cheap pants I am normally and seconly cos some of my knickers are rather uncomfy right now, and I know bump will still be there but it won't be as solid. Anyway hen loked for a dressing gown, was perfect lightweight one there not my size. Looked for mat pads, none on shelf! Couldn't get baby nappies cos I forgot the voucher. And couldn't find any white hat and bootee's/socks. So yeah not a great experience went thinking I could finish my hospital bag, but there are still tons of things I need to get! I'm going insane today!

Anyway sorry rant over, I hope everyone else is ok, but Ihad to get my GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR's out seriously like bad bad bad pmt today!
hugs xx
Goodness, what a day!

Mine got off to a pretty bad start yesterday too - I had to go to the local pool to book Freya into swimming lessons. We missed the rebooking day last year so she hasn't been going all year. The public bookings opened at 9am, so I got up and got myself down there by 8.20... only to find a queue already waiting. We had to queue in the pool foyer, which is all hot and muggy and smells like the pool, and of course has no seating. My was having a lot of trouble breathing, and lower back pain, but stuck it out because really, Freya needs to have swimming lessons.
Finally 9 rolled round and they opened the window. And one of the staff members came out and yelled out the names of the classes that were already full.

Of course Freya's class was one of them. :hissy: I was SO angry - they'd been there for hours. How hard would it have been for them to put up a sign with the full classes on it BEFORE we all stood there for ages waiting? I called OH and just burst into tears!!

The rest of the day was nice though. We went out for brunch and had a wander round town for a while.

I have my hospital appointment this morning, when I finally find out when Stinky will be arriving!! :dance:
AND we might even have a real name for Stinky!! I've been worried about it, because OH has come up with some pretty dodgy suggestions... But last night at dinner he suggested Ollie, which I LOVE! Oliver is on my list so it might just be the one. :yipee: We'll just keep calling him Stinky for the meantime though, and tell people the real name once he's here.

Sorry for the long post. Hope everyone else is doing OK. I really feel for you girls with SPD - it's painful enough for me getting up and walking around and I don't have it. :hugs: to all.
KimmyJane84, that's some pretty big news to take in so close to your due date, but it sounds like you're both ok with it and things will work out in the end, so that's good!

Yeah, big news indeed :( We'll get around it all somehow though. Keith usually manages to fall on his feet when he's let down on a job. Will be quite nice to have him home for a few weeks after bug arrives :)
rah I am feeling so crabby and angry. No reason, guessing it's hormones but I feel just generally furious. Rah.
I had my daughter on March 20th.. she's not a boy nor was she an April baby!!
6lbs 2on, 6:29pm!

Saw the consultant on Friday and NOT happy!! Having been told (by various midwives and the consultant himself) "you will only be allowed to go over by 1 week, not 2 this time and you will not be induced", we have now been told "if you are still pregnant in 6 weeks (will be 41 weeks, 4 days) then we will see how far dilated you are and try to break your waters and then get you on to a drip to induce you"... Um, what happened to the original plan then??? He also wants me to have an epidural, which I've specifically said that I DO NOT want an epidural. Needless to say he's backed down on that idea having been told by me exactly where he can stick his epidural!!!

He didn't really give us much more info, other than to say that he thinks baby should be about the same size as Harry was (8lbs 3oz at 42 weeks and 2 days) and to say that I'm 4/5 engaged :)

Seeing midwife on Wednesday, so fingers crossed she will shed more light on our options.
I had my daughter on March 20th.. she's not a boy nor was she an April baby!!
6lbs 2on, 6:29pm!

Oh wow! Congratulations! I was following your threads before when you found out your baby might not be the gender they first told you. It ended up being a surprise in the end anyway eh? :)
So many April moms going early! Congrats Arielle, even though I said it in your thread as well. Also Chele had her LO and I sure hope that mommyof3girls has had or is having hers as well!

I wanna be one of the ones to have mine early (about 38 weeks is good for me) too! All these births are making me even more impatient! haha
So many April moms going early! Congrats Arielle, even though I said it in your thread as well. Also Chele had her LO and I sure hope that mommyof3girls has had or is having hers as well!

I wanna be one of the ones to have mine early (about 38 weeks is good for me) too! All these births are making me even more impatient! haha

I'm still here but I'm having strong contractions, and I have been nesting like crazy for the past several hours.
I've been contracting for about 7 hours now but they are still 15 minutes apart. I also had more plug come out last night and a bit of bloody show this afternoon. I don't know if this is the "real" thing yet but I feel I'm close and if not tonight, in the next day or two. Hopefully tonight though!!
So many April moms going early! Congrats Arielle, even though I said it in your thread as well. Also Chele had her LO and I sure hope that mommyof3girls has had or is having hers as well!

I wanna be one of the ones to have mine early (about 38 weeks is good for me) too! All these births are making me even more impatient! haha

It never dawned on me that she would come early. Mine was brought on by sex. It was scary because my bag ruptured and there was blood everywhere. Everything was ok though!!!

Your baby will come soon enough! Im waiting to see everyone else have there baby now!!
wow im suprised so many going early-congrats guys must be the full moon. babynumber1 should be a mummy soon too (waters went yesterday), keeping an eye out for an update that will be another one for the list. how exiting-& a little scary how close its getting x

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