Mommy of 4 amazing kids!
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Well ladies I am feeling pretty let down today. As you know I had my check up today and a repeat ultrasound to check fluid. Last week i was 2cm and 60% effaced. I saw a different dr today since my usual dr is on vacation. He asked me what I was last week. I told him, he checked me for seriously like ONE SECOND and said "Yup you are about the same, no real change". He also said the babies head is still pretty high up. I don't know how he determined all of this in seriously like 1 second, but he did.
So I was a bit dissapointed since there was no cervix change at ALL after having contractions for HOURS and HOURS last night. Well then the dr says he wants to add on another growth check this week. So at 35.5 weeks baby was said to be 8.3lbs, at 36.5 weeks 8.10 lbs and today at 37.5 weeks 9lbs even.
Today his legs are measuring 40 weeks, his stomach measures 41 weeks and his head measures 42 weeks around. His head is measuring 14.32" already.
I tihnk I am going to skip the amnio I just don't want to go through one. So at 39 weeks if I have not had him yet (and I pray I have) we will then do either an induction or a c-section. I don't want the C-section but if he's pushing 10lbs I might just go with it. Also his head is alraedy measuring 14.32". My 1st had a 14" head and I had a heck of a time getting him out. My last 2 had 13 and 13.5" heads and they came out so much easier, so it seems like that extra 1/2" really made a difference. And I'm afraid it will be a full inch by the time 39 weeks rolls around.
So I'm sitting here bouncing on my ball, after having
with hubby earlier and praying something starts soon because this kid just keeps growing and I really don't want to get to the point that I have to decide to do a c-section or not.. I'm praying he just comes on his own before then. But with NO cervix change this week after TONS of contractions i'm feeling pretty hopeless. I know it's early still but 2 of my 3 babies were already born at this point, and knowing how big the baby is getting (and I do believe the accuracy since its been a steady growth, with different ultrasound techs measuring, and each one does 3 measurments of each part and they all match up and show a steady growth week to week). So anyways, I'm just feeling down tonight 
So I was a bit dissapointed since there was no cervix change at ALL after having contractions for HOURS and HOURS last night. Well then the dr says he wants to add on another growth check this week. So at 35.5 weeks baby was said to be 8.3lbs, at 36.5 weeks 8.10 lbs and today at 37.5 weeks 9lbs even.
Today his legs are measuring 40 weeks, his stomach measures 41 weeks and his head measures 42 weeks around. His head is measuring 14.32" already.
I tihnk I am going to skip the amnio I just don't want to go through one. So at 39 weeks if I have not had him yet (and I pray I have) we will then do either an induction or a c-section. I don't want the C-section but if he's pushing 10lbs I might just go with it. Also his head is alraedy measuring 14.32". My 1st had a 14" head and I had a heck of a time getting him out. My last 2 had 13 and 13.5" heads and they came out so much easier, so it seems like that extra 1/2" really made a difference. And I'm afraid it will be a full inch by the time 39 weeks rolls around.
So I'm sitting here bouncing on my ball, after having