***April Sweet Peas*** 204 Babies

Congratulations Laughing Girl!

I would imagine your previous history probably does have something to do with it and the fact that this is my first? Maybe they're extra cautious with first timers? Still, we'll see, all these pains and contractions the last few days HAVE to have done something, surely!
My goodness. I go MIA for a few days and have about 17 gazillion pages to catch up on.

Firstly - mommyof3girls - :yipee: for Miss Kinleigh coming home!!! That is fantastic news! :happydance:

And HUGE congratulations to everyone who has had their LO. There are just far too many for me to even think about naming all.

And I really feel for you girls still waiting. I went two weeks over with Freya, and that time was so miserable. I hope your time comes really soon.

Ann - it's your section day tomorrow! 20th is a great date - it's my birthday!!
Good luck!

And me? I've just been hanging out with Ollie. He's been pretty great so far. He's sleeping reasonably well, and eating like a champ - managed to regain (and go past) his birth weight within a week!
I'm pretty tired. My OH has been great though. Just quietly getting on with all the jobs - cooking, cleaning, looking after Freya - leaving me to pretty much just feed Ollie and rest.

I'll hopefully be around more as things settle down.
Take care everyone. :hugs:
ah i love seein Ollie's name in your posts...its such a beautiful name! glad hes doing well xx
Congrats Laughing Girl!!

I'm doing my best at staying calm about my induction tomorrow. But I am getting nervous!! I don't think I'm gonna be able to sleep tonight!
Congrats laughing girl!

Shining how favourable you are hugely affects whether the induction is likely to evenwork at all or not - I had 13 days of daily sweeps and was still relatively unfavourable but they went ahead with an IOL at my (somewhat desperate by hat point) request, 4 lots of pessaries later my waters finally broke, after 15 hours of contractions though - supplemented by the drip, I was still only 1cm.. It doesn't always mean the induction will be successful - the better inductions I've done have been more favourable!
All updated girls.

Congrats on all the new births. You girls are keeping me busy. I sign in to BnB like 700 times a day.

Countdown until Kinleigh comes home is 7 days. I'm getting excited.
Grrr, how can bnb be busy at this time of morning! Bloomin connection just timed out and lost my reponse! RARRR!

Ok so I had said, I do remember you saying before about induction etc but of course gona be more successful if your favourable cos your half way there anyway and would pb go it alone shotly enough! (don't mean to be rude, just opinion.) I was completly unfavourable with Olivia Perhaps I was lucky and a drip and six hours later I' gone from 1 cm to having my baby girl. Thing is even with my son I got to 6 cm myself but all stopped and then had drip and four hours later after drip connected he was born. Maybe it's just me my body needs the drip to kick the last phase. I just would of hought that if they were inducing for any reason it would be regardless of how favourable you are and more on the fact you need induction! If you don't need induction why interfere, if that makes sense?

Anyway I wish you all luck in the world Mrs G as you know!

I seriously thought I was going into labour last night from 10.30 until just after nidnight had really strong contractions, not obviously gas and air strong but not far off, they kept waking me up from a doze. Then suddenly all stopped again! WHat on earth is going on! I just keep praying it'll all kick off really soon, andam dreading going to hospital and they say 1 cm (Was auto 1 cm while pegnant with Olivia due to second bubs so assuming prob am now.) and I'll be like well what the hell have these contractions been then, cos I know they're contractions, I do remember them from my son! Vaguely admitedly but I do remember the natural ones as well as the induced ones!

SO as you can see am awake at stupid o'clock in the morning! I've only had four hours kip! And the same the last three days but I cannot settle back down to sleep again! SO got up made son's lunch, made myself a hot drink and a fried egg sarnie well 2 actually was hungry and now am sitting here waiting for DF to get home I guess! I know I'm still tired, lol but I cannot settle!

My spd had been hellish the last two days, I really thought that it was subsiding for my labour but it appears not. Perhaps to do with over doing it at my son's party who knows, or maybe the baby has finally gone down I'm not sure?

OH WELL we shall see how things go but something tells me I'll still be sitting here sleepless weds night.

Good Luck Ann for tomor, completly forgot, wow bubs in arms really shortly! Can't wait for pics.

Hugs and labour vibes ladies!
Well it's currently 7.33am and I am wide awake in bed reading BnB on my phone..

Hubby left for work about half hour ago & now I'm listening to all our neighbours leaving for work etc.

I hurt all over and can't even roll over without hurting myself more :( Just kissed hubby goodbye in tears because I really didn't want him to go to work..

Ooh, that's Harry awake!

Well, when I say awake.. He was having a bad dream, so he's now asleep in bed next to me..

Probably better get myself up before Harry wakes up more, just really don't have the energy.

Congratulations to all those who have had their babies now. Good luck for all those being induced or due for c-secs and LOTS of labour dust for all those who are overdue now.

Kim xx
Another quick updatey thing before doing school run (slowly ouch I ache still)

Musgrove are pretty good about a quick turn around if you want out and you and bubs are good to go and delivery went smoothly. My actual discharge took longer than wanted or what could have been normal seeing as the Bracken Birthing centre were run off their feet with births, and from the sound of the midwife who came to see me yesterday (also later than expected) they are still manic there. To te point you would think it was the full moon
I know what you're saying shining, really I do - but that's just the general trend from what I've seen in (professional) practice! And yes, if you're favourable chances are you WOULD have shown more of a likelihood to go into labour soon but that wasn't what I was saying, more how likely an induction is to be a successful one or a failed one! I'm sorry your spd is rotten at the moment, I hope it eases for you a bit today - I know I'd give anything for just a few hours of respite, it's horrid isn't it?

AFM still waiting here, I'm not showing any real signs beyond the period cramps which I'm still getting.. I'm seeing my mw today as bp still high and I'm going to ask her for a sweep regardless of whether there's anything in my pelvis or not, it's a difficult one because a sweep on a high head isn't great as if your waters break mid sweep you're at risk of a cord prolapse - which would then mean her sitting in the back of an ambulance with me to the hosptial with her fingers up my foof the whole way there pressing the head off the cord.. Hopefully wibbly will have engaged even just a little bit and I'll be able to have a sweep, I worked with this mw for all my community placements when I was a student mw and her sweeps usually had people in labour within 24-48 hours, she must sweep their tonsils while she's there! :rofl: Not so appealing now??! ;)
Hi ladies- gosh even more births!! I moved house this weekend which has been very stressful especially as the man we hav contracted to do the work has decided the only room that doesn't need doing is the nursery which is just a bare room at the minute :-(

I'm now 5 days overdue boo hoo - really want my princess now but feeling quite scared about labour- my OH and mum are my birthing partners and I really don't no how my mum is going to cope because she started crying y.day just thinking about me being in pain!! Hehe

well congrats to all the new mummies and good luck to everyone being induced etc xxxx
I know what you're saying shining, really I do - but that's just the general trend from what I've seen in (professional) practice! And yes, if you're favourable chances are you WOULD have shown more of a likelihood to go into labour soon but that wasn't what I was saying, more how likely an induction is to be a successful one or a failed one! I'm sorry your spd is rotten at the moment, I hope it eases for you a bit today - I know I'd give anything for just a few hours of respite, it's horrid isn't it?

AFM still waiting here, I'm not showing any real signs beyond the period cramps which I'm still getting.. I'm seeing my mw today as bp still high and I'm going to ask her for a sweep regardless of whether there's anything in my pelvis or not, it's a difficult one because a sweep on a high head isn't great as if your waters break mid sweep you're at risk of a cord prolapse - which would then mean her sitting in the back of an ambulance with me to the hosptial with her fingers up my foof the whole way there pressing the head off the cord.. Hopefully wibbly will have engaged even just a little bit and I'll be able to have a sweep, I worked with this mw for all my community placements when I was a student mw and her sweeps usually had people in labour within 24-48 hours, she must sweep their tonsils while she's there! :rofl: Not so appealing now??! ;)

:rofl: you paint quite the picture! :D

Thanks for the well-wishes girls, I really appreciate it... Today is my last full baby-free day! :wacko: I can't get my head around it... I'm just finding it hard to beilieve that after 32 years, 16 of those with my DH, I'm going to be sharing my heart with somebody else too!

I'm actually going to have one of those tiny little damp bundles snuggled in my arms soon :cloud9:


I don't think I'm going to stop grinning like a lunatic all day today! :blush:

Anyway, to stop my dawdling, I need to get ready, I've got a long day ahead filled wiht last minute stuff, but I'm sure I'll be back on to catch up a bit before dinner!

Just to say, I haven't swapped numbers with anyone because I get free internet access on my blackberry, so I figured I'd just give you a personal update when I had some news :)
Sunflowers, fancy getting your midwife to come and do my sweep today please?! :rofl:

No change here. I did have a couple of really strong painful BHs last night, just as I was gring ready to go to bed, typical! All the 'labour type' pains are all round my back now, the BHs last night, backache, cramping.

My pelvis feels like it's falling apart still. I am dreading the shorn walk to and from the bus stops today. They take me about. 10 minutes at the best of times and today I feel so much pressure and pain down there I know it's going to take twice as long but my best friend (who I would have asked for a lift) has gone on holiday, brother is working (frustrating as he's had several days off for dental treatment recently) and a taxi is about £20.
Oh to explain the bus stops are literally 50 yards from my front door and 150 yards from the maternity hospital.
You too! Hopefully lowenna-bump isn't taking after her sister!
Another quick updatey thing before doing school run (slowly ouch I ache still)

Musgrove are pretty good about a quick turn around if you want out and you and bubs are good to go and delivery went smoothly. My actual discharge took longer than wanted or what could have been normal seeing as the Bracken Birthing centre were run off their feet with births, and from the sound of the midwife who came to see me yesterday (also later than expected) they are still manic there. To te point you would think it was the full moon

Oh, don't joke about the full moon - I noticed on the calendar yesterday that the full moon is 28 April, the same day as our c-sec is booked!!

Glad they let you out quickly hunni and that your back home with your family. Can't wait to read your birth story (if you're going to post one) and hope you got the birth you wanted this time :)

Sending big hugs xx
My show just kept coming and coming all night! also had cramps so got myself a hot water bottle! Woke up this morning - NOTHING!!! It has all stopped! Baby still moving about nicely so not worrying!

Hubbie is getting annoyed now as he was hoping not to go to work this morning! ITS NOT MY FAULT!!!!
My show just kept coming and coming all night! also had cramps so got myself a hot water bottle! Woke up this morning - NOTHING!!! It has all stopped! Baby still moving about nicely so not worrying!

Hubbie is getting annoyed now as he was hoping not to go to work this morning! ITS NOT MY FAULT!!!!

That sounds exactly like my husband! I had contractions on Friday night and even though they had stopped on saturday morning he took the day off telling his manager I was in labour! Cheeky git. Now every night he talks to Baby H saying "Come out, stop teasing mummy and let daddy have two weeks off work!". He really does seem to think that two weeks with a newborn will be easier than working!
As if it would be that easy!

Also i feel like a bit of a sadist, wanting pain! There has to be something wrong there!

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