I know what you're saying shining, really I do - but that's just the general trend from what I've seen in (professional) practice! And yes, if you're favourable chances are you WOULD have shown more of a likelihood to go into labour soon but that wasn't what I was saying, more how likely an induction is to be a successful one or a failed one! I'm sorry your spd is rotten at the moment, I hope it eases for you a bit today - I know I'd give anything for just a few hours of respite, it's horrid isn't it?
AFM still waiting here, I'm not showing any real signs beyond the period cramps which I'm still getting.. I'm seeing my mw today as bp still high and I'm going to ask her for a sweep regardless of whether there's anything in my pelvis or not, it's a difficult one because a sweep on a high head isn't great as if your waters break mid sweep you're at risk of a cord prolapse - which would then mean her sitting in the back of an ambulance with me to the hosptial with her fingers up my foof the whole way there pressing the head off the cord.. Hopefully wibbly will have engaged even just a little bit and I'll be able to have a sweep, I worked with this mw for all my community placements when I was a student mw and her sweeps usually had people in labour within 24-48 hours, she must sweep their tonsils while she's there!

Not so appealing now??!