***April Sweet Peas*** 204 Babies

Thanks glitz!

My bp was right up yesterday morning so came in to daw, I had protein in my wee but thankfully bloods were normal. It stayed high all day (150/102) and is significantly up on booking (100/60) so they've kept me in for a 24 hour urine collection and started me on nifedipine (can't have labetalol because I'm asthmatic) and it has brought my bp down a bit. I'm hoping they'll let me home tomorrow (fingers crossed) and see what happens! Just had my bp checked again and it's 140/80, coming down!! Woo-hoo!!

Congrats to all the new mummies!!
I think im there!!

Went to bed with cramps, and was woken up with contractions. Started off every half hour, then down to every 15, struggled to get comfy so had a bath. Got to every 10.

Taking paracetamol, which helps. so inbetween im feeling quite normal, but the contractions do hurt a bit!

Midwife was coming over anyway to monitor BP, so she said she would still come and let me know how i was getting on! So she will be hear in about an hour!

Knowing my luck its nothing!

But fingers crossed its LABOUR!!!
Oooh good luck minikat!!

AFM my bp is 140/90 this morning, I need to stay in until my 24 hour urine is finished, if bp still down then I can go home with daw review on Friday. If bp up by this evening then I'll stay in, have some more nifedipine and be reviewed in the morning regarding delivery..
Congrats to all the new mums - Can hardly believe we've now got 92 births and a few more in labour or with inductions/C-Secs booked... It really is a busy month.

MiniKat - Will keep my fingers crossed for you that baby is here soon :)

Sunflowers - Really hope things calm down for you and that baby comes along of their own accord when they're ready. Fantastic news that baby has turned back to head down though :)

Mommyof3girls - Only 5 days to go... Bet you can't wait to have your family all together. Probably won't be on much over the weekend/next week as the day Kinleigh is due home is also my due date, so will look forward to reading any updates when I do manage to get online etc.

As for me - I have my last midwife appointment at 2:30pm today. Then if we're still pregnant on our due date we're off to the hospital for the pre-op and then back on 28 April for the C-Sec... Either way (all being well) our little Jessica will be here with us in a week!!
Hey ladies, thought I'd pop in and let you know that my beautiful daughter Maya Violet was born on the 10th, weighing 8lbs 11oz. She's absolutely perfect and everything is going so well, we couldn't be happier. :cloud9:

Anyhow.. congratulations to all the new mums and good luck to those still waiting for their little ones to arrive! xx
Congrats to new mummies! It's all happening so fast!

Nada from me now. I am fed up with this stop starting business. Still, it stopped all night last night and I managed to get decent sleep.
Shamrockerjo - Lovely name hunni - Huge congrats x

MrsGlitz - you must be soooooooo fed-up with stopping/starting now :( Sending :hugs: your way x

I've been getting tightenings all morning (no patern to them yet) and they're now starting to get more painful. Got midwife in 3 hours, so fingers crossed she can let me know if it's BH's or contractions because at the moment it doesn't feel like either!!
I had my beautiful baby boy at 00:29 18/04/2010 !!!!

I am home from hospital and will update all details later.
Just a quick update to say Gabriella Pia was born at 11.18am, weighing 8lb 11oz!

She breastfed for 2 straight hours once we got out of recovery, and has been sound asleep on my chest since 2.30pm!

Just waiting on the visitors then at 8pm were going to wake her up for more skin to skin and another feed :)

I don't know how to get my photos off the blackberry to photobucket so unless I figure that out you'll need to wait till I'm home!

Thanks for all the wishes this morning girlies! :friends:

sorry i know im thread hopping but just been pointed in the right direction my minstermind.:winkwink:

sooo happy for you Ann. heres to a speedy recovery adn cant wait to see piccies xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Midwife came and confirmed i am in early labour 1 cm! She gave me another sweep to get me going a bit quicker! No guarentees tho!

Pain has got worse but not more frequent!

She also said if i havnt had the baby by fri eve to call her and she will book me in for induction! I hope that isnt the case as 1 i dont want an induction and 2 i cant stand this pain for another 2 days with nothing!
Yay for being in labour! Let's hope things move along themselves now.
had my baby boy 10 days lateon 14.4.2010 weighing 8lb 5oz named him kairen jay thompson will post a birth story soon but basically went brill got to 5cms without any pain relief and then had gas and air for the rest and was home the next day!
Well I'm still here - Contractions got to about 15 mins apart, but then just totally stopped :( Managed to get a full night sleep for once, but now feeling very achey and tired again (and it's only 10am!!!).

That is the way I was right before I went into labor with Kinleigh. I hope things hurry up for you.
89 births!! But still not mine!

Will be interesting to see what was the most popular name at the end, i havnt seen many duplicates which is interesting!

Still nothing from me, apart from i seem to be having a bloody show again? First one was sunday after an unsuccessful sweep so maybe it was just bleeding from the internal and this time its the show?

OMG tried to DTD last night to disastrous effects, including me screaming at him JUST DO IT!!!!!! Got the foreplay going nicely, then couldnt get comfy, then had really bad acid reflux and kept saying im going to be sick, then couldnt get angles right, then i completly dried up, and couldnt get it in! He was saying come on this is silly lets just cuddle, i dont want to hurt you, its not much of a turn on you keep retching at me! We gave up in the end and i felt i had let him and myself down, and was really cross! Looking back though it probably wasnt a good idea, and im glad it was dark as i must have looked hilarious trying to get into position!

Dont think we will be doing that again!!

I'm so thankful that I don't have to worry about DTD while pregnant anymore. We did it the day I went into labor and it was so uncomfortable.
Saw the HV today and got given the Red book and Birth to Five. I was cramping all the way through the apppointment and she asked if she could feel, so she did and declared that I am not cramping but am in fact having contractions. I thought they were too often to BHs but they aren't painful enough to be proper labour contractions.

So, Day 4 of this sort of pain. I am in agony and spent an hour crying and shouting at DH earlier. So had another bath and managed to get my head down for 1.5 hour nap.

I hope it is over for you soon.

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