Ah, LOL...I wonder how much there really is, and I'm sure there can't be 100 or so still waiting from the whole month of April still? Surely a lot of them have given birth already? Such a puzzle, I'd really like to know!
Congrats to all the new mummies and baby out vibes to all those still waiting!
Mommyof3girls I'm so pleased kinleigh is home, must be the best feeling!
Afm, lowenna lost 10% by day 3 so we're back in the world of bf, top up with ebm and then express again - this time round though I've easily got enough milk when I express to express a full top up and I'm struggling to get that topup in her purely because she's bf so well, there's much much more milk than when I was here with jocelyn so fingers crossed it was just my section that meant things took a while to come in! She'll be wrighed at 11 and I'm hoping for a good gain!
Minstermind, your bump is gorgeous!
mrsraggle, the good thing is though that you could go into labor anytime no matter what it looks like! I hope this sweep takes though and you go soon!
kermie219, that really sucksHow could the midwife forget about you!?
Well the appointment went well this morning. My blood pressure was up a bit and they didn't like that. It turned into 'you're booked tonight for the induction but if they don't have room they'll call you and it'll be tomorrow' to 'no you're definitely going in because of your blood pressure'.
So..I'm going into the hospital in about six hours to get started softening my cervix. I've had no progress dilating otherwise. Now I'm getting super nervous but really excited!
Thank you on the bump comment...I can't decide either if it's boy or girl! I've had 3 dreams about having girls so if someone forced me to choose what I think it'll be, I'd guess girl. LOL
Hi girls I had my little boy Theo Jeffrey on 25th April, he weighed 7 lb 2 1/2 oz and he is so gorgeous!! Congrats to all the other ladies who have given birth this month!! xx