***April Sweet Peas*** 204 Babies

Congrats to all the new mummies and baby out vibes to all those still waiting!

Mommyof3girls I'm so pleased kinleigh is home, must be the best feeling!

Afm, lowenna lost 10% by day 3 so we're back in the world of bf, top up with ebm and then express again - this time round though I've easily got enough milk when I express to express a full top up and I'm struggling to get that topup in her purely because she's bf so well, there's much much more milk than when I was here with jocelyn so fingers crossed it was just my section that meant things took a while to come in! She'll be wrighed at 11 and I'm hoping for a good gain!
DD date today and nothing really happening...off to the midwife today...fingers and toes crossed something starts moving.... Congrats to all the new mums cant wait to join you. xx
Best of luck for Wednesday, kimmyjane84 - looking forward to your update!

I'm still here. Got a hospital appointment today - not 100% sure what to expect from it except an induction date. My MW said they may offer me a sweep. Hope so!
I can't believe there are only 6 left! I am so freaking sick of this at this point. Been having contractions every 10 minutes since sunday morning....going on 45 hours now:( been able to sleep in between hopefully will get some news from midwife visit today. Good luck to all the mommy's who have yet to give birth and congratulations to those who already have!
Morning ladies. I'm on antibiotics for a water infection and was in agony with my right kidney because of it. Had another failed sweep yesterday,cervix was too high and closed. She actually said to me that it doesint look like labour will start anytime soon. Why the f**k would you say that to someone who is overdue. It's just plain mean! :( xx
Well my nasty sweep yesterday has clearly failed. Due date today and nada, well except some more cramping last night, as has been every night for 1.5 weeks now. Why the heck do I keep getting all these so-called signs?!
Kermie219 and MrsGlitz, Aw that sucks! It seems a few women here and there experience this, what is it called, ''latent labor'' or something? Where you get contractions for days on end and nothing comes of it in a timely manner? MrsGlitz, so glad to hear they've compromised on giving you an induction date, but really hope you go into it before then!

xbabybumpx, I totally agree, that's not the thing an overdue woman wants to hear about. I'm guessing they want to put you in for an induction then pretty soon if things don't pick up on their own? I might face the same too as they reckon I might go overdue.

Let us know how you get on MrsRaggle!

That's awesome you're bringing in a lot more milk this time Sunflowers! I bet baby will be piling on the weight again very soon. I think they said some weight loss is pretty normal at first when breastfeeding too. :)
I took a pic of my bump a few days ago so I can put it in my baby book. I thought I'd share as I'm farting around on BnB this morning :)


  • Minnie's Bump 39 weeks 2010.jpg
    Minnie's Bump 39 weeks 2010.jpg
    69.7 KB · Views: 2
Well... bit disappointed to find out that my hospital do inductions at T+14 rather than T+10 so my induction date is 8th May... well a lot disappointed!! That's such a long time to wait.

Had a sweep (two technically - a student had a go first before the midwife). Cervix is:
*2cm long
*thick and firm
*external OS - 1cm open
*internal OS - closed
And my google searching means that sounds pretty negative!

Baby is -3 @ Ischial Spines so "the fetal head is unengaged (floating)".

Meh :cry:

Seeing my community midwife on Friday who will do another sweep for me but not sure what happens then because the hospital don't want to see me now until the induction. That makes me worry a little; I'd've thought they'd want me in to monitor how well the placenta is functioning or something!!

So now I'm all worried.
Sunflowers, hope Lowenna has that gain you're hoping for!

catkin1508, happy due date!! Hope things start happening soon for you :)

mrsraggle, have a good appointment and I do hope you get your sweep. Being overdue is sucking!

Oh man kermie219 :( 45 hours of contractions!? That's horrible. Things HAVE to be moving for you soon!

xbabybumpx, that is a horrible thing to say to someone that was overdue. Kind of like my doctor saying at my last visit that I probably won't go on my own and will need the induction. Thanks for the vote of confidence doc! Geesh!

MrsGlitz, Sorry your sweep didn't work but happy due date!

I have an appointment in about an hour and I'm hoping that they tell me to just go in for the induction today. If not, then I know it'll be tomorrow morning. I've been having some spotting so I don't know what's up with that either. Will find out! Hopefully I can update and say I'm going for the induction!
Gorgeous bump Minstermind! I can't decide boy or girl for you though...
Ooooh, exciting Sabriena! I hope to NOT hear from you the rest the day as you'll be busy being in labor! lol.. :)

MrsRaggle, that sucks major donkey butt. I'm not even due just yet but got similar news last week about my cervix being closed and firm, and it is just the biggest downer of information to get when you're really hoping to hear that things are on the move. So sorry you had such a disappointing visit. Trying to be slightly optimistic...maybe the two sweeps they did will at least help things move along a bit faster than not...

Regarding monitoring, I would have thought they'd monitor as well, at least once a week anyway? Here my midwife said that they would as they'd check me this week and again next week if I haven't gone. Maybe give a call and see if someone is going to see you before then, to monitor blood pressure and check on baby and all?

Thank you on the bump comment...I can't decide either if it's boy or girl! I've had 3 dreams about having girls so if someone forced me to choose what I think it'll be, I'd guess girl. LOL
Trying to be slightly optimistic...maybe the two sweeps they did will at least help things move along a bit faster than not...

I'm hoping that today's sweeps will at least prepare my cervix for another sweep on Friday and I have my fingers crossed that there's some change between today and then!

I'm most disappointed because my comm midwife says baby is 3/5-2/5 engaged but the hospital have said it's floating. So now I don't know what baby is doing. Playing tricks on me I think!!

Fingers crossed for you today sabriena!
midwife forgot me today:( was told to deal with pain until Friday if I cna't to go in. Great
Minstermind, your bump is gorgeous!

mrsraggle, the good thing is though that you could go into labor anytime no matter what it looks like! I hope this sweep takes though and you go soon!

kermie219, that really sucks :( How could the midwife forget about you!?

Well the appointment went well this morning. My blood pressure was up a bit and they didn't like that. It turned into 'you're booked tonight for the induction but if they don't have room they'll call you and it'll be tomorrow' to 'no you're definitely going in because of your blood pressure'.

So..I'm going into the hospital in about six hours to get started softening my cervix. I've had no progress dilating otherwise. Now I'm getting super nervous but really excited!
Minstermind, your bump is gorgeous!

mrsraggle, the good thing is though that you could go into labor anytime no matter what it looks like! I hope this sweep takes though and you go soon!

kermie219, that really sucks :( How could the midwife forget about you!?

Well the appointment went well this morning. My blood pressure was up a bit and they didn't like that. It turned into 'you're booked tonight for the induction but if they don't have room they'll call you and it'll be tomorrow' to 'no you're definitely going in because of your blood pressure'.

So..I'm going into the hospital in about six hours to get started softening my cervix. I've had no progress dilating otherwise. Now I'm getting super nervous but really excited!

Yay for Sabriena! Tonight's the night! Woo Woo! So excited for you! :)

Does that really leave 4?? I thought like yesterday there were 12 or 16 left!! Whoa! I knew I'd be one of the last most likely anyhoo due to my date being the 29th, haha..

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