Vidal im still bleeding to but mines isn't that heavy i thought it would be heavier lol. I goes from heavy to light or red to brown like its the end of your cycle :S.. But i heard you can bleed up to six weeks aswell so i know not to get my hopes up for it to stop anytime soon lol.
I finally got both forms for the child benefit and child tax credit
apparently i keep getting told i can get workign tax credit to because im legally still employed
so when i go into the council to fill in the forms ill ask them about it and see what they say. Cause if im entitled to it may aswell take it right.. And im still waiting for this wage slip that meant to have been sent out :S not received at all like so ill be ringing them next friday to say im poping in and is it ok if i just pick my wage slip up then as i never received my last one and i need to for the council so they can charge me currently as my rent is 152 pound a month and i pay it all myself so ill need to get that sorted out.
ooh the new pump is innsense from mothercare SM its not to bad i just which that suction was stronger lol but its ok for now. I pumped manual and got 3oz more than yesterday guess i drank more today lol will pump again soon but with electric its noisey aswell
which i had got different one lol but this will do and it was the cheapest so i cant complain as i owe mum the money back for it.
I heard of that one you mention would have like a double pump one so i wouldnt need to switch. Next time i get pregnant that is want i intend to get lol I know its a good idea to pump along with breast feeding but from 6 weeks onwards i think it was or when breastfeeding was going pretty well. xx