As a mother who formula feeds..

Im all for BF i think you should at least try but i dont think any one should be force to do anything they dont want to. and we dont know the reason behind ppl choosing not to breastfeed.
i tryied to bf and could not but that would not put me off infact i blame the hospital for some of the reasons i could not.

1. he had tongue-tie they did not even look in his mouth till he was almost 24hours old and had not eaten
2. once they found that out i was just handed a bottle
3. it took almost a week for the snip on the tongue-tie meaning a whole week of bottles trying to just get some food into him
4. once it was snipped the BF'ing lady never came round liek she said she would.

And the staff at the hospital just put me off ever having a hospital birth again so my plan would be to have a home birth next time and insist on them checkign out next Lo's tongue. I no they say its not something you get from yoru parents however my Oh had tongue-tie as did his sister as did my Lo so i think there is something in that

If you're unlucky enough that something similar happens again, maybe try avoiding bottles? There are lots of alternatives... Cup, syringe, spoon, SNS...

Some of the stories on thus thread are making me really appreciate what I've got... Thank you ladies, for sharing :flower:

i would do next time but as a naive 17year old just had her first baby i just did as was told whilst in the hospital and never thought of spooing it in or syringe when the so called experts are saying just give a bottle.. I did however try and pump atlest 20oz for bottles a day for the first week or so :happydance: i had ALOT of breastmilk in under 2 mins i could pump over 5oz from one boobie :coffee: but i did not stick to pumping at set times if i had enough in a bottle and he was hungry i just gave him the bottle and would forget to pump while he was eating so supply started to go and i would keep forgetting to pump so gave up pumping was trying to get latch on everyday but never got there :dohh:
I've just read this whole thread and it's late and i'm on my phone so sorry if this gets jumbled!

Firstly, i BF and have been lucky enough to have no problems and i feel for those of you that it didn't work out for :flower: i know some of you went through horrible things and i admire you for trying and then making the decision to do what's best for YOU. After all, a happy mummy makes a happier baby!

If i had trouble feeding and knew someone didn't even try, i would feel a bit sad... i have difficulty understanding it but would never judge anyone for doing it (or not doing it as the case may be). Having said that, if i speak to someone who is pregnant i do encourage them to give it a go. I tell them why i love it so much and the benefits for both mum and baby. I still believe it is up to them but would like to see a culture of every woman at least seeing if it works for them.

FF/BF debates always seem to get heated so quickly, imo because sometimes hearing an opinion that's different to yours feels like a judgement on your parenting. I've been accused of being elitist or patronising which hurts a lot as i'm just not that kind of person! However i try not to rise to it as i don't feel that anyone should have to defend their decisions.

With regard to the 'i chose' section of the article, although it is written in quite an accusatory tone, it is true when talking about those who make the decision to ff without trying to bf whilst knowing all the benefits of BF. I would like to give an example... if your child was poorly and there were two types of medication available, one of which you were told is ideal and made to combat that illness and one which doesn't quite do as good a job but was made to mimic the actions of the ideal one, surely you would choose the first? Of course, if that wasn't available you would obviously choose the latter over letting your child remain poorly. Add into the equasion that the ideal medicine is free and the substitute requires you to pay to a corporate company and i can't understand why anyone would prefer the substitute. This is how i see the choice of BF or FF.

We all want want is best for our children and when it comes down to it, generally a mummy's gut feeling is right and not one person should be ashamed of following that instinct!


I like the analogy :) I think of it like blood transfusions. If lo needed blood and there were 2 types available (real and free, or artificial, inferior by comparison and expensive) which would you choose? I mean, it's not really a decision, as such, when you think of it like that. It's a no-brainer. (not the best analogy I know, as some ppl refuse transfusions due to religion, but you get the idea :) )
You made much more sense than me madasa! Late night ramblings are never wise :dohh:
But what if for some reason the "artificial" was better in that case.

I think it should be the persons right to decide, not someone who doesn't know the situation at all.
But what if for some reason the "artificial" was better in that case.

I think it should be the persons right to decide, not someone who doesn't know the situation at all.

That's why i put that if the first option was not available, for whatever reason, then of course the artificial one is better than nothibg :flower:

It is up to each individual, but personally i just can't understand why someone wouldn't want the natural stuff if it was possible :shrug:
But what if for some reason the "artificial" was better in that case.

I think it should be the persons right to decide, not someone who doesn't know the situation at all.

That's why i put that if the first option was not available, for whatever reason, then of course the artificial one is better than nothibg :flower:

It is up to each individual, but personally i just can't understand why someone wouldn't want the natural stuff if it was possible :shrug:

couldn't have said it better myself :)
But what if for some reason the "artificial" was better in that case.

I think it should be the persons right to decide, not someone who doesn't know the situation at all.

That's why i put that if the first option was not available, for whatever reason, then of course the artificial one is better than nothibg :flower:

It is up to each individual, but personally i just can't understand why someone wouldn't want the natural stuff if it was possible :shrug:

couldn't have said it better myself :)

I bet you would have typed 'nothibg' correctly :blush: stupid teeny keypad :haha:
But what if for some reason the "artificial" was better in that case.

I think it should be the persons right to decide, not someone who doesn't know the situation at all.

That's why i put that if the first option was not available, for whatever reason, then of course the artificial one is better than nothibg :flower:

It is up to each individual, but personally i just can't understand why someone wouldn't want the natural stuff if it was possible :shrug:

couldn't have said it better myself :)

I bet you would have typed 'nothibg' correctly :blush: stupid teeny keypad :haha:

actually, i probably wouldn't have lol! Thank goodness for the edit button cause i always go back atleast once or twice :haha:
Having tried BFing and failed the only thing I can really say now is that I wish the MW's made it known that it doesn't always work.

The whole way through my pregnancy I had BF rammed down my throat (not a very nice way of putting it but that's just the way it was)..I was forever being told "breast is best" and having the benefits for mum and baby drummed in my ear.. I was never told that it's not always successful. Even when I couldn't get LO to latch on the MW didn't offer support or make me aware that there ARE people that can help. So when she said "Perhaps best to try with a bottle" I jumped at the chance because I just couldn't stand to see my little girl so worked up about being hungry. As far as I was concerned if it didn't work.. You gave a baby a bottle :shrug: It wasn't intill I had her and visited the BFing forum that I realised how much help is available IF you know who can help. And by that time it was too late for me :nope:
But what if for some reason the "artificial" was better in that case.

I think it should be the persons right to decide, not someone who doesn't know the situation at all.

There's some cases where it's medically indicated, but they're fairly rare.... I didn't "choose" to bf becUse it's "better"; I'm automatically going to bf because it's the default, unless there are special circumstances. Like, I didn't "choose" to give birth vaginally, I just assumed I would, unless there were special circumstances :flower:
I didn't bother reading the last couple of pages but I want to respond to a few things from farther back (if I can remember them all!) lol

1- Yes, there are definitely some positive stories of support I've received from BF'ers, more than enough in fact to make up for the few unsupportive gits. I can't possibly name everyone! And Madasa is a great example- advocacy requires a very broad understanding of the issue as well as the ability to meet those you are trying to help in the middle, and I think she possesses those qualities in abundance.

2- Yes, 'failing' at BF has contributed to me being put off of having more children. I had plenty of milk, but Carmen was so thoroughly uninterested in BF that she would scream in every position, every time, and only even chewed on me a couple of times. She had trouble latching properly onto even a bottle until a couple of months old, and I felt so rejected I don't think I could take it again. Also, I feel like if the next one does BF like a champ, I'll relive the feelings of guilt with Carmen (and probably end up putting breast milk in her cereal even if she's five years old :lol:)

3- I might get my FF card revoked for this but I also have to bite back the urge to ask "but whyyyyy?" when someone doesn't want to try BF (while they're still pregnant I mean) and I truly wish everyone (who produces it) would give their baby colostrum at the least. Those of us who 'fail' at BF tend to get so sensitive and defensive not because we don't know the importance of BF or feel strongly about it- but because we DO. I'm not looking for arguments or requests to drudge up quotes okay? Just telling how I felt.

4- That article was vile. That woman isn't going to help anyone with that sort of attitude, and likely she's done more harm than good.
I didn't bother reading the last couple of pages but I want to respond to a few things from farther back (if I can remember them all!) lol

1- Yes, there are definitely some positive stories of support I've received from BF'ers, more than enough in fact to make up for the few unsupportive gits. I can't possibly name everyone! And Madasa is a great example- advocacy requires a very broad understanding of the issue as well as the ability to meet those you are trying to help in the middle, and I think she possesses those qualities in abundance.

2- Yes, 'failing' at BF has contributed to me being put off of having more children. I had plenty of milk, but Carmen was so thoroughly uninterested in BF that she would scream in every position, every time, and only even chewed on me a couple of times. She had trouble latching properly onto even a bottle until a couple of months old, and I felt so rejected I don't think I could take it again. Also, I feel like if the next one does BF like a champ, I'll relive the feelings of guilt with Carmen (and probably end up putting breast milk in her cereal even if she's five years old :lol:)

3- I might get my FF card revoked for this but I also have to bite back the urge to ask "but whyyyyy?" when someone doesn't want to try BF (while they're still pregnant I mean) and I truly wish everyone (who produces it) would give their baby colostrum at the least. Those of us who 'fail' at BF tend to get so sensitive and defensive not because we don't know the importance of BF or feel strongly about it- but because we DO. I'm not looking for arguments or requests to drudge up quotes okay? Just telling how I felt.

4- That article was vile. That woman isn't going to help anyone with that sort of attitude, and likely she's done more harm than good.

I couldnt have put it better myself hun, can I also say that for me Dopeyjopey is another great example of a bfeeder on bnb
I didn't bother reading the last couple of pages but I want to respond to a few things from farther back (if I can remember them all!) lol

1- Yes, there are definitely some positive stories of support I've received from BF'ers, more than enough in fact to make up for the few unsupportive gits. I can't possibly name everyone! And Madasa is a great example- advocacy requires a very broad understanding of the issue as well as the ability to meet those you are trying to help in the middle, and I think she possesses those qualities in abundance.

2- Yes, 'failing' at BF has contributed to me being put off of having more children. I had plenty of milk, but Carmen was so thoroughly uninterested in BF that she would scream in every position, every time, and only even chewed on me a couple of times. She had trouble latching properly onto even a bottle until a couple of months old, and I felt so rejected I don't think I could take it again. Also, I feel like if the next one does BF like a champ, I'll relive the feelings of guilt with Carmen (and probably end up putting breast milk in her cereal even if she's five years old :lol:)

3- I might get my FF card revoked for this but I also have to bite back the urge to ask "but whyyyyy?" when someone doesn't want to try BF (while they're still pregnant I mean) and I truly wish everyone (who produces it) would give their baby colostrum at the least. Those of us who 'fail' at BF tend to get so sensitive and defensive not because we don't know the importance of BF or feel strongly about it- but because we DO. I'm not looking for arguments or requests to drudge up quotes okay? Just telling how I felt.

4- That article was vile. That woman isn't going to help anyone with that sort of attitude, and likely she's done more harm than good.

Omg..I was definitely thinking this the other day haha!
I personally don't think I'll feel guilty if I succeed with BF my 2nd when I didn't with Claire. Of course, I can't say what I'd feel until it happens. I guess I keep reminding myself that every child is different, and just because I can potentially succeed with one doesn't mean that I failed my other in any way. :shrug:

BF just didn't work for Clarie and I. But her and my situation is unique. I know I gave it an honest go, I know I tried as hard as I personally could so there really isn't anything to feel guilty over (IMHO). Why feel guilty over something that was beyond your control?

As women (and especially as mothers) we all tend to beat ourselves up over things... it just isn't worth it. Spend that energy building yourselves up rather than tearing yourselves down. :hugs:
God. Her next follow up blog was equally irritating:
Nothing worth doing is easy. You are probably the same women who use your television as a babysitter and feed your children fast food. Here's a good one. Another woman said that she didn't want to disfigure her breasts. Really?!? Someone give this woman a mirror so she can check out her vagina!! Then again, she's probably one of those women who had an elective c-section. (perfect analogy, Aimee!)

Sure. C-sections are a walk in the park. I want to say so many words to describe this woman but will bite my tongue. All I can say is she seems to be lacking in education herself. Why would she put woman who has had elective c-sections especially after an initial one in that box. No, I won't have a scar forever...that's imaginary.
Nothing worth doing is easy. You are probably the same women who use your television as a babysitter and feed your children fast food. Here's a good one. Another woman said that she didn't want to disfigure her breasts. Really?!? Someone give this woman a mirror so she can check out her vagina!! Then again, she's probably one of those women who had an elective c-section. (perfect analogy, Aimee!)

Ex-fucking-cuse me?! Who the hell does this women think she is? Her attitude has nothing to do with supporting BF, she's just a judgemental bitch.
:ignore: She's not worth anyone's time.
I just think if women felt more supported then the BF rates would be soooo much higher. I really don't understand where she gets off. Maybe she should use her time thinking of ways to get support going instead of slating mums who have tried

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