As a mother who formula feeds..

Yes but unfortunately some people take 'free speech' too far and they don't care who they hurt in the process. Such is life. Take these people with a pinch of salt, they don't make you any less of a parent.
Please don't take this the wrong way, but I almost feel like people who breastfeed feel they are elite.

I have my own reasons for this and im not tarnishing everyone with the same brush at all! Maybe if everyone was a bit more open minded then more people would like to breastfed. I felt like it was constantly being pushed on me! x

Sorry but thats as offensive as a BFer saying people who use formula are stupid and selfish :wacko: Practise what you preach and don't be so nasty :wacko:

FFers are always being put down and called selfish and such. Like I have already said it doesnt bother me at all, but I dont think she was being nasty, some FFers do feel BFers think they are elite, just like some BFers think FFers are selfish. Thats just the way things are.
We all know that breastfeeding is better, but there's nothing wrong with formula feeding either. Isaac has been FF since birth and it hasn't affected his health in a negative way. He's happy, healthy and thriving.

I don't pay attention to what other people say/think, but it infuriates me that someone can write stuff like that. It has the potential to really upset people. Out of the many people who have read it, there's bound to be a lot of people who have taken it personally. It's not right at all to try to guilt trip mothers who choose to FF. It's their own decision, not anyone elses. We don't deserve to have people trying to make us feel shit about how we feed our babies. >.<
Please don't take this the wrong way, but I almost feel like people who breastfeed feel they are elite.

I have my own reasons for this and im not tarnishing everyone with the same brush at all! Maybe if everyone was a bit more open minded then more people would like to breastfed. I felt like it was constantly being pushed on me! x

Sorry but thats as offensive as a BFer saying people who use formula are stupid and selfish :wacko: Practise what you preach and don't be so nasty :wacko:

FFers are always being put down and called selfish and such. Like I have already said it doesnt bother me at all, but I dont think she was being nasty, some FFers do feel BFers think they are elite, just like some BFers think FFers are selfish. Thats just the way things are.

I think you missed my point.
Please don't take this the wrong way, but I almost feel like people who breastfeed feel they are elite.

I have my own reasons for this and im not tarnishing everyone with the same brush at all! Maybe if everyone was a bit more open minded then more people would like to breastfed. I felt like it was constantly being pushed on me! x

Sorry but thats as offensive as a BFer saying people who use formula are stupid and selfish :wacko: Practise what you preach and don't be so nasty :wacko:

FFers are always being put down and called selfish and such. Like I have already said it doesnt bother me at all, but I dont think she was being nasty, some FFers do feel BFers think they are elite, just like some BFers think FFers are selfish. Thats just the way things are.

I think you missed my point.

Treat others as you wish to be treated? IE. if you don't like being called selfish for FF then don't call others 'elitists' for their feeding choice.
Treat others as you wish to be treated? IE. if you don't like being called selfish for FF then don't call others 'elitists' for their feeding choice.

I know, I was just pointing out it happens all the time and I dont think she was being nasty :shrug: I know some BFers who think they are Elite and I know there are some BFers out there who think I am selfish because I chose not to BF.
what a total bitch!

there really is no need for her to go about saying this sh*t.
i was a ff mummy, i did try to bf but it wasnt working and zane was much happier with a bottle and is a very healthy baby. maybe this has something to do with the fact he was bf for the first 4-5 days, but who knows.

i to dont get why ppl go straight to bottle and dont try to bf but i would never try and make someone feel bad about ff, aslong as the baby is being looked after and fed thats good enough for me
Treat others as you wish to be treated? IE. if you don't like being called selfish for FF then don't call others 'elitists' for their feeding choice.

I know, I was just pointing out it happens all the time and I dont think she was being nasty :shrug: I know some BFers who think they are Elite and I know there are some BFers out there who think I am selfish because I chose not to BF.

I thought this before. I used to get wound up by people acting like they were a better parent then me because they BF. Now my kids are older I realise that how you feed your child is only about 2% of being a good parent. FF or BF it shouldn't matter what anyone else does really. There is so much more to being a parent and articles like this are ridiculous (IMO)
what a total bitch!

there really is no need for her to go about saying this sh*t.
i was a ff mummy, i did try to bf but it wasnt working and zane was much happier with a bottle and is a very healthy baby. maybe this has something to do with the fact he was bf for the first 4-5 days, but who knows.

i to dont get why ppl go straight to bottle and dont try to bf but i would never try and make someone feel bad about ff, aslong as the baby is being looked after and fed thats good enough for me

I totally agree, I bf for the same amount of time too
Treat others as you wish to be treated? IE. if you don't like being called selfish for FF then don't call others 'elitists' for their feeding choice.

I know, I was just pointing out it happens all the time and I dont think she was being nasty :shrug: I know some BFers who think they are Elite and I know there are some BFers out there who think I am selfish because I chose not to BF.

I thought this before. I used to get wound up by people acting like they were a better parent then me because they BF. Now my kids are older I realise that how you feed your child is only about 2% of being a good parent. FF or BF it shouldn't matter what anyone else does really. There is so much more to being a parent and articles like this are ridiculous (IMO)

Things like this dont bother me at all. I mean in all seriously is there anyone here who truly cares how another mother feeds her baby ?? I mean be honest, cus I can truly say I dont care how another mother feeds her baby. I will be honest and say that I used to get very annoyed when another mother thought she was better cus her baby was on the breast and mine was on a bottle, but now like you have just said there is so much more to parenting and I dont let it bother me :)
When I was having trouble with feeding it was my HV who said to me in the end "dont feel guilty and dont feel pressured, feeding him formula and you both being happy and comfertable is alot more healthy for you both then breast feeding with you both crying and stressed"

Ill try it again with my next baby and see what happens, I may be more relaxed because im more experianced by then and it may work out better but im not going to beat myself up if it doesnt work because I know its not my fault, its not my babies fault its just one of those things in life and anyone who thinks it should be more black and white then that is either nieve or an idiot.

Plus I realy think that IF (and theres no way it ever could) it ever was made law to have to breast feed your baby then think how much PND would most likely sore and then youd have even more unwell mummies and babies in the long run.
When I was having trouble with feeding it was my HV who said to me in the end "dont feel guilty and dont feel pressured, feeding him formula and you both being happy and comfertable is alot more healthy for you both then breast feeding with you both crying and stressed"

Ill try it again with my next baby and see what happens, I may be more relaxed because im more experianced by then and it may work out better but im not going to beat myself up if it doesnt work because I know its not my fault, its not my babies fault its just one of those things in life and anyone who thinks it should be more black and white then that is either nieve or an idiot.

Plus I realy think that IF (and theres no way it ever could) it ever was made law to have to breast feed your baby then think how much PND would most likely sore and then youd have even more unwell mummies and babies in the long run.

i agree with everything uve said. i no dam well that if it was the law when i had zane, my depression would of been 10 times worse if i was also fourced to bf even tho we had the problems we did.
it is a stupid law to have and rediculas to enfource
Please don't take this the wrong way, but I almost feel like people who breastfeed feel they are elite.

I have my own reasons for this and im not tarnishing everyone with the same brush at all! Maybe if everyone was a bit more open minded then more people would like to breastfed. I felt like it was constantly being pushed on me! x

I know a few that think they are "ELITE" because they breastfeed :coffee:

Each and every mother does what she feels is right for HER baby. I really am sick and tired of hearing stupid comments about ff feeding, I personnally dont give a shit but I know there are a lot of ladies that are hurt by such comments, it is totally uncalled for. One mother shouldnt feel superior to another we are all doing the same job and we should support each other not try and put each other down :cry: again just my opinion :thumbup:

By the same token, I'm sick of hearing that BFing moms think they are "elite." So because you hear comments about FFing that offend you, you want to blurt out comments that put down BFing? How is that okay? It isn't "you hurt me, so I hurt you" type of deal and now it is all fair. This vicious cycle will never end, will it?
Treat others as you wish to be treated? IE. if you don't like being called selfish for FF then don't call others 'elitists' for their feeding choice.

but shes tarnishing ALL ff's with the same brush. i wasnt? everyone knows someone who thinks they are better than some mums because they breast feed.
FF is always slated. The looks I got when I said I wasn't trying breastfeeding. There is no support out there for FF mums, at all. In the hospital Jake wasn't drinking from a bottle properly and I had no help whatsoever. I had the attitude of " you're not breastfeeding, what's your problem" they had a lot more time for the mums that were.

It really got my back up and I felt completely alone!! x
I believe everyone has a right to an opinion but this part:

'To those women who choose not to breastfeed, I would like you to make the following statements&#8212;out loud, holding your baby, looking directly at their face:

&#8220;I CHOOSE for you to have a weaker immune system.&#8221;

&#8220;I CHOOSE for you to have a greater risk of having chronic ear infections.&#8221;

&#8220;I CHOOSE for you to have a greater risk of having asthma.&#8221;

&#8220;I CHOOSE for you to have a greater risk of having juvenile diabetes.&#8221;

&#8220;I CHOOSE for you to have a greater risk of having childhood leukemia.&#8221;

&#8220;I CHOOSE for you to have a greater risk of dying of sudden infant death syndrome.&#8221;

THEN say, &#8220;I make this choice because ________,&#8221; and fill in the blank with your excuse for not breastfeeding. Harsh, isn&#8217;t it? Those are the facts.'

I find completely unfair. Just like people can decide they want to BF, people can decide they DON'T want to. It may come as a shock but it is not the worst thing a mother can do to her child. I tried BFing. It wasn't the best for me or my baby so I stopped. And I would say, if you can, at least try it. If you don't like it then at least you can say you had a go. But some people just don't want to and everyone is entitled to a choice. We live in the 21st Century. We DO have choices. As sad as it may be that some people choose to use formula. Grace has grown up into a very healthy and bright 2 year old despite having had formula from when she was 11 days old. Infact, we were on a caravan holiday a few weeks ago. There were 9 of us and 8 of us all got a sickness bug and another 2 people who came to pick up some of us to take us home. Grace was the only one who didn't get it. She has a great immune system. And she is well advanced in her speech as many HV's and other people have pointed out to me since she was 1. I think it is really unnecessary to try scaremongering women into BFing like that, making out like people who don't do so are selfish and don't care about their children. I'm sure that is never to rarely the case
It is scaremongering!! I know people would jump on their highhorse if I were to write something like that about breastfeeding. I know there are problems with breastfeeding but no one ever talks about them. It's always formula feeding. We're too advanced in this day and age for formula milk to not be any good for a baby! xx
Silly woman, after the Gisele incident you'd think she'd know better tbh.

As for Gisele, well she's obviously very resourceful with her breasts, just a bit lacking in the brain department.

Just thought i'd post this. :flower: xx

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