Assisted Conception Ladies Due in Summer 2012?

Big congratulations Michelle!! Glad you've got Kallie at home with you and at least aidynn looks like she's not going to be in hospital too long. Great news they're both healthy and lovely names. Hope you're doing ok :hugs:
Congrats, Michelle! I just noticed you're in the DC area. ME TOO! How weird!
Michelle!!! Huge congrats to you! Love the names you chose, so pretty :) Hope you are having a speedy recovery and enjoying mommyhood!!!
CONGRATS MICHELLE!! Love the names too :) When (if) you get a chance we would all love to see pictures of your precious miracles!
Thanks ladies! Things are going well at home. Kallie is just the most content baby (knock on wood). She is a great eater and sleeper and is now up to drinking 3 oz at each feeding. DH and I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop because she rarely really cries. She also sleeps for about 4 hours between feedings at night, and I have to set an alarm for us to wake her up sometimes. She is getting breast milk that I have pumped. I am lucky that I have a good supply so i am about a day ahead with the pumped bottles, so she gets bottles of milk that I pumped the previous day. With her sister in the NICU, it has been a huge relief to be able to give her breast milk, with the added bonus that other people can feed her so I can be at the hospital without worrying about rushing home to nurse. I'm also a little Type A and I love knowing how much she is getting each feeding so I know she is getting enough. Since she is a preemie I was really nervous about straight nursing and not knowing if she was getting enough.

As for Aidynn, yesterday her swallow reflex kicked into gear!:cloud9: I went to the hospital yesterday and they told me she drank her whole bottle without having problems. This was out of the blue after struggling to take more than 8-10 ccs from the bottle. If this keeps up, she could be home in about 10 days. She has to work up to taking all her feedings by bottle so they can take out her feeding line, but they think that since the swallowing is a reflex, now that she gets the hang of it, she should progress quickly. She is getting breast milk fortified with formula so that she is getting extra calories and so the consistency of the liquid is a little thicker. The thicker liquid allows her to control what is going into her throat better, so she doesn't panic and start gagging. I cant wait to see how she does today! She has the dubious distinction of being the healthiest baby in the NICU, the nurses joke that it's like they are babysitting her. So I really just can't wait to bring her home since she is healthy!

I hope the last weeks of everyone's pregnancies goes well. Wantanerd, I hope the pre-e is not getting worse. You've done a great job so far getting to almost 38 weeks. Are u starting to get excited for his arrival?

Harvest, SG and mrssunshine, I hope u ladies are hanging in there. The last month of my pregnancy was so draining! Harvest, have they given u a date yet, you are getting so close!
Sounds like everything is going really well for you, such great news that aidynn is doing so well, it'll be lovely if you get her home in 10 days. You both must be so so happy. It's great that you're producing enough milk to feed them both, such a fantastic achievement. Sounds like you're a great mammy!
I am a mix of emotions at the moment! 37 week appointment tomorrow! We should be setting the induction for 39 weeks tomorrow. It actually relaxes me a little knowing in a little over 14 days, I should be a mom.
Second week of pre-e testing showed I am staying in the mild area for now which is good. I am trying to take it as easy as I can but theres so much to do before he gets here!

I am really excited he will be here soon but labor does still freak me out a lot. The induction actually is appealing to me as I would be in the hospital and I wouldn't miss the opportunity for an epidural. Part of me wants to get it over with but most of me is hoping I hold out until the induction so he can have two more weeks to gain weight even though that means I have two more weeks of the 24 hour urine test, lab work and getting monitored.

So glad to hear your twins are doing well. I hope they continue to make progress!
I haven't really been on this thread much as I didn't really want to put a damper on it as everyone is doing so well, but anyway I'm just letting you know that we were given devastating news at our 20 week scan, twin 2 is very very ill, she has major problems with her kidneys and probably won't survive very long after she's born :cry::cry: Needless to say I'm really struggling with my pregnancy, am so up and down all the time.

Sorry to put a downer on everyone :hugs:
Good luck for your appointment tomorrow wantanerd, it must be so exciting being so close!! Good news that pre e is still mild :thumbup:
Mrssunshine... don't worry about being a downer! We're all here for you regardless!!! :hugs:

Michelle, that's an amazing update! Are you using a hospital grade pump? I desperately want to have enough supply so I'm trying to learn as much as I can about BFing and getting started.

I'm hanging in there. Been on bed rest since April 20. Getting used to it. Now being allowed to work half days from home. bleh... not that excited about it, but guess I'd better earn my paycheck! Things are looking pretty decent, though at my appointment yesterday they were concerned about how much my blood pressure has risen since last week. It's always something to worry about, I guess.
mrs sunshine-wow that is devastating news, I am so sorry to hear that. Please do not feel like you are putting a damper on the thread, we are all here to support you good or bad. Please keep us updated and hang in there xx

Wantanerd-so exciting to be getting a date for induction! You are on the final countdown now :) hang in there-everyday inside is a good day for your little guy!

Michelle-thanks for the update-sounds like your babies are doing great! Nice to hear your supply is good too, I am really hoping i will make enough for both babies and won't need formula, we'll see. Both babies are head down so right now just waiting for labour to start naturally :) I am on the edge of my seat waiting for it to happen I am so excited to meet our babies. Last week my dr said I was 1 cm dialated and 100% effaced so I think it is getting closer :)
mrssunshine, I am so sorry that you are going through all that. Please don't worry about being a downer, we are here to provide any support we can.:hugs:

wantanerd, I was walking the line with pre-e for the last 4 weeks or so of my pregnancy. If you are still in the mild range, there is a good chance you will make it to your induction date. So exciting that you will be a mom in just a few weeks!

SG, the hospital where I delivered had a medela symphony pump in every room which you could also rent upon discharge. I rented it for the 1st week I was home since I was comfortable with it. I had bought a medela advanced pump in style, and I tried it out a few days before I was due to return the rental to see if it worked as well. It did, so I returned the rental yesterday. The pump in style is more easily transported places, the only drawback so far is that it's louder than the symphony. I hear you on the worries, it felt like there was always something keeping me on edge!

Harvest that is so exciting! Your babies will be here before you know it! I was also worried about my supply, but once my milk came in everything has been ok. That 1st 3 days after delivering I was wondering where my milk was, but I woke up on day 4 looking like I had an overnight boob job!
:rofl: Sometimes I feel that way about my bump. I'll wake up in the morning and wonder how the heck it grew so much overnight! My bobbies haven't grown at all during pregnancy, though I had thought that was just a given! :shrug:

Thanks for the info on the pumps you've used. Glad things are going so well for you!!
thanks girls, as you can probably imagine my pregnancy is now a massive struggle, we can't get excited at all, no pram shopping, no nursery shopping, all i've bought are some essentials, like sleep suits and a few nappies.

wow harvest you must be so so excited, even more excitring because you're team yellow!! Your babies sound very well behaved both being head down, you really could be a mammy any day now!! :thumbup:
I can't imagine not knowing ahead of time! Waiting to 17 weeks was tough for me! :haha:

mrs s., :hugs: I think that's totally understandable, but I hope with time you'll be able to enjoy the time you have with each of your babies.
thanks mrs sunshine! yes we are so excited for the babies to arrive and can't wait to find out what they are. I had a dream last night twin a was a girl which is what i think so we will see! I am excited to start shopping for gender specific clothes :)

I am so sorry you are going through this, I can't imagine how tough it must be. It is so tough to carry twins as it is let alone knowing something is wrong with one of your babies. My heart really goes out to you :hugs::hugs:
Induction set for May 31st. So in the next two weeks I will be a mom! Its crazy!
Induction set for May 31st. So in the next two weeks I will be a mom! Its crazy!

:happydance::happydance::happydance: SO exciting!!! that is not far away at all, you must be so excited!!! Wonder if I will make it that far??? maybe our babies will have the same bday's :cloud9:

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