Thanks ladies! Things are going well at home. Kallie is just the most content baby (knock on wood). She is a great eater and sleeper and is now up to drinking 3 oz at each feeding. DH and I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop because she rarely really cries. She also sleeps for about 4 hours between feedings at night, and I have to set an alarm for us to wake her up sometimes. She is getting breast milk that I have pumped. I am lucky that I have a good supply so i am about a day ahead with the pumped bottles, so she gets bottles of milk that I pumped the previous day. With her sister in the NICU, it has been a huge relief to be able to give her breast milk, with the added bonus that other people can feed her so I can be at the hospital without worrying about rushing home to nurse. I'm also a little Type A and I love knowing how much she is getting each feeding so I know she is getting enough. Since she is a preemie I was really nervous about straight nursing and not knowing if she was getting enough.
As for Aidynn, yesterday her swallow reflex kicked into gear!
I went to the hospital yesterday and they told me she drank her whole bottle without having problems. This was out of the blue after struggling to take more than 8-10 ccs from the bottle. If this keeps up, she could be home in about 10 days. She has to work up to taking all her feedings by bottle so they can take out her feeding line, but they think that since the swallowing is a reflex, now that she gets the hang of it, she should progress quickly. She is getting breast milk fortified with formula so that she is getting extra calories and so the consistency of the liquid is a little thicker. The thicker liquid allows her to control what is going into her throat better, so she doesn't panic and start gagging. I cant wait to see how she does today! She has the dubious distinction of being the healthiest baby in the NICU, the nurses joke that it's like they are babysitting her. So I really just can't wait to bring her home since she is healthy!
I hope the last weeks of everyone's pregnancies goes well. Wantanerd, I hope the pre-e is not getting worse. You've done a great job so far getting to almost 38 weeks. Are u starting to get excited for his arrival?
Harvest, SG and mrssunshine, I hope u ladies are hanging in there. The last month of my pregnancy was so draining! Harvest, have they given u a date yet, you are getting so close!