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*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Hi Ladies

Sorry for the slow reply it's been a bit of a whirlwind here. Currently on the children's ward waiting results of the second blood test to see if he needs light therapy for Jaundice, he was borderline Tuesday. He is also suffering with terrible reflux and is vomiting his milk up and even 2hrs later being sick in to mouth and swallowing it again poor boy!! Then on top of that I now have a Rhine infection and today my wound has opened so just been upto the postnatal ward to be glued back together - I'm just about holding it together lol!!

I LOVE all the pics - I can't work out how to put one on...as soon as I figure it out I'll post one of Hugo.

Ellie I'm reading your journal and really pleased to see you have been downgraded and are closer to home - all positive steps! You have been through so much please keep strong and remember to look after yourself as Finlo needs a well mummy.

Fern sorry you have to go back to work, sadly I will be in the same position :( who looks after him when you are teaching?

RQ 7 weeks blimey where has that time gone!

Rebecca gosh good weights and wow I'd kill for 4hrs sleep 😴 You must be so proud of them. I don't know how you twin mummies cope I take my hat off to you all!

Hi to everyone else. Sorry I don't post much I do read but I'm so tired I can't think straight at the minute 🙈
Oh no nimbec you can't catch a break! Hope they sort out Hugo's jaundice and feeding issues. Did they give him medicine for the reflux? And having your c-section wound reopen...! I hope you are ok and that you can catch a few good hours' sleep.

I also don't know how the twin mommies do it. I really want another baby but I'm already worried about how I will handle a toddler and a newborn at the same time & work & household; yet billions of others do it lol I'm such a worrypot.

Rq enjoy the last of your leave! And gl with getting your house sold and getting ready for your move.

Rebecca I'm glad to hear alisa is catching up.

Froggy - that lil man is sooo cute, has he started smiling already!?

2have - to answer your earlier question I don't think we will bd very often, I can't remember the last time we dtd. The pill or depo provera or whatever will be more useful for keeping the endo in check so that I have a chance of falling pregnant again with the planned FET. Yah endo sucks. I'm glad my son will never have to suffer with it. Glad your twins are over their colds. I can imagine it's so hard to care for 3 sick girls.

Afm we're doing well, I did get a nanny/cleaning lady but G is still so small and fragile that I don't want to leave him alone with her yet. (My mom looks after him for now but she is very busy usually so she will only be able to do it for a few weeks). The nanny doesn't have any education and I had to teach her proper hygiene eg washing hands etc. So I want to wait until G has had his 6 week vaccines and until his immune system is a bit stronger (8weeks) before I'll feel comfortable letting her feed him and hold him. I will have to sit with them the first few times she does that. And I bought her a new overcoat that she has to wear when holding him, she once put his dummy back in his mouth in the middle of cleaning my house, so her hands were not washed and her overcoat was obviously not very clean ugh. I can't afford a trained child care professional and don't want to take him to daycare so I'll just have to train her.
Nimbec I'm sorry you're going through all of this when you really should be enjoying your wee cherub. Heal up fast!! He's in the best place to deal with the reflux. Hopefully they can get him on some meds and teach you & the family how to feed so to reduce reflux. I found my mom tends to very quickly go back to holding the babies very horizontal when feeding (which is very natural isn't it?) but reflux babies need to be held quite vertically and then vertical for a good half hour after a feed. It's hard to stress that with DH, my mom, and visitor who want to hold & feed the girls. The nurses were quick to correct my mom on a number of occasions but I'm afraid it doesn't stick unless the babies puke all over. And that's not nice for them and a hard way for us adults to learn too.

Fern, good on you for training up your nanny! Basic hygiene is so important around newborns with zero immunity. And for me first aid with choking and CPR was essential basics for our family and babysitters to have. Very easy to teach too. I'm pretty sure we'll be in the same situation as you with a nanny. They know how to care for children not necessarily primed in CPR, first aid, or careful hygiene. And even if they have some level of training I'll have eyes in the back of my head for those sorts of things along with safe food handling. No one cares for your children as well as you do. All it takes is a toddle choking for a minute or two to have a brain damaged child. There's no way a medic would make it to the house on time. And my mom would have simply patted a baby on the back for a choke and really that lodges the blockage further right? So mom, sis and babysitters all have child & infant first aid & CPR. You're right with the toddler/baby difficulties. With two babies you're making 2 bottles, warming two blankets, changing two bums, dealing with the same vaccination woes, and they go through all the same development stages. With an opinionated toddler, who's just found her legs, learned three words one of which is no, and is curious, and able to get into e v e r y t h i n g, and has a fit when you turn to sort the baby, it's a little more challenging for sure! What doesn’t kill you...:rofl::headspin::help:
Hi Ladies just to let you know we have been in hospital a few days now and he has had phototherapy for his jaundice he looked super cute with his funny mask on under the lights. Jaundice all sorted but sadly he has been very lethargic and the docs are concerned. They can't find a reason why at the moment but are running some more tests in the morning. He slept through giving blood and being examined several times 🙈. The reflux situation is frustrating me they have seen it as he has puked over nearly everyone lol but seem reluctant to recommend anything o me other than keeping upright and crib tilted which I already do argh!

2have I find it hard with a nearly 4yr old at home never mind a younger one I take my hat off to you!!
Nimbec sorry about the photo lights, my twins had that too! Baby Joe vomited quite often while in the hospital to the point that they took X-rays of his stomach. He did thankfully outgrow it and start to gain weight. He was quite small and frail during that time, about 1300 grams or smaller I can't recall. Hopefully your little guy will outgrow it too. One thing that was helpful they put his feeds on a pump and it slowly dropped into his tummy over two hours. His way he had time to slowly digest the food.

Glad everyone is doing well! Joe is now 8lbs and Alisa is 6.9. Alisa is still struggling to eat.
Nimbec how is Hugo doing?

Hope everyone is well! We saw the pediatrician yesterday and G weighs 5kg now so he's growing well. He's starting to smile a bit. Time is flying by!
Hi everyone 👋

Fern that's a great weight! Time is flying by and it only gets quicker. Harrison my first is 4 tomorrow - can you actually believe it?!! Also made me realise that we have been chatting on here for about 6 years 😃 Wow! I'm so pleased you are enjoying being a mum and I'm sure your lady will learn quickly for you at least when you teach someone they do it how you want it done rather than their own habits.

We are HOME and well yay!! My mum has come down to help to which has been a godsend. My hubby is great but he is fully snowed under with business as I'm not working and also getting Harrison ready etc. It's lovely to have some mummy cooked food 😂

Ellie great news about Finlo I'm really pleased for you - I've been reading your journal what a journey and I'm so pleased to see you are closer to coming home! How much does he weigh now?

How is everyone else? Hope you and your little ones are all ok. Thinking of you all.
Still waiting on my little miracle to arrive! EDD is Saturday. Hope everyone is well xx
All the best ES, how exciting! Can't wait to read your birth story. Hope everything goes really well :).

Thinking a lot about all of you ladies. I guess we are all really busy with babies etc but you are in my heart and in my thoughts :). Hope you are all doing well! We're still going strong, G is growing and smiling and seems to be a healthy baby. I struggled a bit with feeling overwhelmed when I had to go back to work (still do) but my mom has been helping out a lot. We're going away for the weekend this coming Friday, to a bushveld retreat. Can't wait!
Eek Es not long now!!!

Fern I know the feeling I'm working and it's tough! Glad all is well though 😀

We are ok had a bit of a rough ride in and out of hospital for various things but now on the mend - well apart from I have mastitis which is horrid yuk!! Hugo is 4 weeks tomorrow how did that happen?!

Hope everyone is ok! X
Hi all. Life has been crazy. My sister in law lives with us after a divorce last fall. Her ex-husband commited suicide 2 weeks ago. A week later my almost 11 year old Boston Terrier passed away. He was my original baby. Then I hosted my best friend's bridal shower and attended her bachelorette party. This is my last week home before going back to work. I'm working next week and then DH, babies and I are heading to Mexico for the wedding. Also, I booked airfare for DH to go to Florida May 5th to look at houses. Plan is to put our house on the market May 1st.

Whew! That was a big update! Claire and Oliver are doing great. At their two month visit Claire was almost 11lbs and Oliver was 9.25lbs. Oliver is a happy boy and has been smiling for a while. Claire is more introspective and I just got my first smile last weekend. I'm so thankful DH is staying home with the babies. They have been so healthy so far and I'm glad to be avoiding daycare germs. Still getting up every 3.5hrs to eat at night but it's just because they are twins and one will wake up hungry before the other at different times during the night. I thank God for my little miracles every night. We are so blessed with two amazing, beautiful babes.

Hope all you mommas are doing well. Staying busy I'm sure! Nimbec I hope all is well with everyone's health.


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Wow rq seems tough! Your babies are adorable and glad they are well!
Nimbec will you be going back to work soon?
Fern I'm glad G is doing well. How is H handling with him these days?
Es bang in there can't wait for your birth story!

Joe and Alisa are good! At their check up on march 7 joe was 8lb 6oz and Alisa 7lb 4oz. Alisa is still struggling with eating and gaining but she's come a long way. They are both super fussy and need to be held all day. Work is busy and it's really been hard with working and caring for them. We have a nanny but there's still so much to do.

I'm still pumping around the clock and they're drinking bottles with breast milk.
Wow rq that's a lot! I hope that life can calm down a bit for you, but seems doubtful with a move in your future.

Fern so glad to hear all is going well, our boys will be 2 months on Friday! So crazy!!

Rebecca I don't know how your doing it, even with a nanny I can't imagine how busy you stay!

So excited for you es! It will be here so soon!!

Gage has his two month well child on Friday, I'm not looking forward to vaccines but very curious to see his growth! We had to move two weeks ago because dh got transferred for work, so that was fun with a six week old and two dogs lol. Gage was also going through a spurt during the move so I was basically stuck to the couch breastfeeding while dh packed the house and loaded the truck.
So nice to hear from everyone!

Oohh ouch nimbec, are you getting treatment for the mastitis? Glad to hear everything else is better :) and that hugo is over 4 weeks already! Urgh work sucks lol. Who looks after Hugo when you are at work?

Wow rq that's hectic. Sorry to hear about you ex bil and your little doggy that passed away. HUGS. Hope you find an amazing new home. Aawww your babies are lovely!

Happy 2 months Froggy!! How did Gage fare at his well child visit? Was he OK after his shots? Shame my baby screamed sooo loudly I immediately started crying and lactating (and I don't even really breastfeed lol!).

Rebecca- sorry to hear that the twins are such a handful. If it's any consolation, my sister also has twins (and an older daughter) and she says if the parents can survive the first year with twins, it becomes much easier. Hers are 18 months old now and play together, keep each other busy & are just sooo cute. Well after H agreed to counselling he suddenly became calmer and started helping out a lot with baby G. It's as if he's scared to actually carry out his promise to go to counselling and now he's being nice. I don't understand him! But he has been nice for weeks so I'm not complaining.

So we are having a blast at our weekend retreat! We were here in 2014 when I was still ttc and now I'm here with my baby. Bliss :). Went for a walk in the bushveld with the pram this morning. Phew what a good workout. Saw a lot of wildlife and G enjoyed the rocky pram ride.
One more thing (if I may brag!) Baby G has started stretching out his night feedings more and more; as from 3 nights ago he sleeps all night! From 7-9 pm until 6/7 am. He makes up for it by eating more frequently during the day. Because we are sooo very lucky with an easy baby, we want to do FET soon for #2 (thinking of September if I start getting regular cycles again).
I cried too fern! That was just so awful! I just held him and loved on him the rest of the day, and offered him breast more often to see if that would comfort him. He weighs 12 lbs and 1oz and is 23 1/2 inches.

So glad that things are finally going smooth for you and your husband. I really hope they continue! And wow on planning your fet! How exciting! We are thinking about maybe august if 2018. That would put Gage and the new baby a little more than two years apart and also my OB didn't want me getting pregnant until after a year to let the CS scars heal on my uterus. Your retreat sounds fun! We are thinking about getting out in a little while for a little market they have on saturdays on the river walk.
Froggy- Gage is too cute!! Lots of hair.

We got Easter pics today. I'll be interested to see how they turn out. One week today we will be in Mexico!
Froggy- gage is seriously beautiful :).

Our weekend away was so nice. I love bushveld holidays, it's absolutely one of my favourite things to do and as it turns out it's much more fun with a baby. We went on game drives with him in his carrier, had barbeques outside with him kicking contentedly on the grass, went for walks etc. We all had a lovely time, in fact we extended our stay with one night and got up at 4 this morning to drive home before dh had to go to work.

I'm seriously starting to diet today. I've been eating the same way I did when I was preggies, PLUS drinking wine and ciders, so the weight is not coming off and I'm tired of being fat! Atkins time. We'll see how much I've lost a week from now, wish me luck.
Fern glad to hear you're enjoying this time and I hear you with enjoying the treats! I've been having too msny at night when I stay i with the girls and need to roll it back a bit. Our girls were troopers with their vaccinations. We split them up so they only get 1 jab per vosit. They got the dtap and oral rotavirus on their first visit and that cause some tummy upset. Piper howled like I've never heard a baby cry that evening. They go back Tuesday again for the pnemoniacoccal strain.

RQ sorry to hear all of the bad news, I turn into a blubbering mess with death, either human or animal. Sending you big hugs! Love the pic, they are sooo sweet!

Froggy how adorable is he!! Gage is such a handsome lad!

Rebecca your schedule soundd hectic. I hope all you moms that had to go back to work are still able to find the time to enjoy your cherubs.

Nimbec how are you doing? Are you all healed up now and how's the mastitis? That's got to be the worst. My nurse told me to take advil to help woth the swelling when my milk came in. I've had almost completely blocked up milk with MacKinley last year on a ski vacation where I dodn't pump or feed for too long a period. Just about cried it was so painful. Don't wish that on anyone!

I hope I didn't miss anyone. Hope all you ladies & babies are doing well!
It's warming up here so we've been doing daily walks with all 3 girls. The babies are approaching their 3 month birthday on a week. They're more alwet and everyone comments on how they've chubbied up.
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I thought I'd pop in here. Finlo is now 6 weeks old and has gained so much weight since being home. In 3 weeks, he gained 1lb 10oz and is now 7lb 1oz! I'm really proud that he's exclusively on breast milk. It's been so hard at times, I've got blisters on my right nipple and my whole boob is agony, with shooting pains. I'm determined though and have carried on.

Here's my handsome little man:

https://i66.tinypic.com/112g95c.jpg https://i64.tinypic.com/29du783.jpg
https://i68.tinypic.com/2v29xz8.jpg https://i64.tinypic.com/2wr47ed.jpg

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