*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

:happydance:Rebecca fabulous news about the high school volunteer. I couldn't imagine going back to work right away. I was SO wanting Bernie to get in for you guys, you might have stood a chance at women's benefits like mat. leave and better healthcare but well, maybe in another 4 years America might get another opportunity to vote for those things:cry:
The scan did not go well. At 35+5, he is estimated at 4lb 12oz and they are going to deliver him tomorrow. I'm in hospital now, unable to sleep. He was breech at the scan. I'm praying he has turned (midwife thought he might have done), so I can have an induction. Otherwise it's a CS in 5 hours' time.
My poor baby will most likely need to go to SCBU and I don't know how he will be. I'm so worried but excited to meet him.
The scan did not go well. At 35+5, he is estimated at 4lb 12oz and they are going to deliver him tomorrow. I'm in hospital now, unable to sleep. He was breech at the scan. I'm praying he has turned (midwife thought he might have done), so I can have an induction. Otherwise it's a CS in 5 hours' time.
My poor baby will most likely need to go to SCBU and I don't know how he will be. I'm so worried but excited to meet him.

Ellie you've done your very best and at 4lbs 12 (mine were 4 14) he will do just fine. They'll likely put a feeding tube in his nose and he may use this for a few days and then they'll start him on a slow feeder and then a faster regular nipple. He'll likely be in a heated bed for a week and then out in a regular bassinet for a few days before you take him home. They'll show you how to change his nappy with all of the cathodes attached and do a bath with you. They'll also want you to bf and ensure your latch is good. It's a slow guided introduction to your cherub. And he'll have the skinniest little bum you've ever seen. Take a photo of things that shock you because in a week or two his little bum and legs will fatten right up and it'll be a memory. I have very few photos of those early days and none of them naked. I guess I really like to hold onto every memory but I was so busy running back & forth & preoccupied with my own health concerns I didn't take enough photos in the NICU. What I did like is they gave us the tiny itsy blood pressure cuffs and cathodes for them to keep. And a few really cute knitted caps.
I hope this gives you an idea what it might be like. They'll set you up on a really good schedule before you go home. I almost feel lucky my babies had some time in the NICU, the nurses really helped set us up for success. Rebecca would you agree?
Ellicain I'm sorry to hear. I know you're disappointed and I totally get that! My son joe was 4lb 13oz whe he left the NICU at 5 ½ weeks.
My babies were born a few ounces short of 3 pounds.
Don't worry so much about the weight, he'll catch up pretty quickly. At 35+ weeks he'll probably be eating pretty well by bottle already, he may need assistance breathing but likely not.
Don't worry, it's not as scary as it sounds.
I hope you can deliver vaginally but if not CS is a good option.
We're here for you if you need any support!

Hugs and can't wait for the pictures of your LO!
First off, thinking of you Ellie Belle. Modern technology is so awesome; I'm so glad for all of us that we are living in THIS era and getting the medical care that we do. All the best for your delivery hun, I'll be checking in regularly to see how you are doing (IF you feel like updating ). Xx hugs!!

I'm smitten with all the gorgeous pics of little bubs!!

Froggy- nice to hear from you, Gage looks like a happy little baby. I'm glad that you are doing well with feedings and that he is growing well.

Also glad to hear that Alisa is picking up weight Rebecca. Good job! And how nice re the high school volunteer, it should definitely help if she can take your busy toddler off your hands just for a while! I think your dd will enjoy the exclusive attention too.

Rq- thanks for the Vday wishes, your twins are just scrumptious <3

2have - your family pics are delightful. You all look really happy and tranquil ;) even though I can't imagine it's always tranquil having 3 small daughters, you captured the best part of it!

Afm- I was made to be a mom lol I enjoy it SO MUCH! My studies, my job etc in which I always take pride- nothing compares to this. Can't wait for #2 already haha. I think it's easier because he sleeps 5-6 hours at a time at night so I'm not tired. The only thing I'm struggling with is very, very low milk supply. I try to bf a few times a day, then I pump as well and mix the few oz I get from pumping with formula for 3-4 bottles a day. I had breast surgery a few years ago and have started to suspect that my glandular tissue got damaged. But I'm doing what I can re getting some breast milk in his lil tummy :). Motherhood = happiness. Oh and H has agreed to counselling.
Fern I'm so happy that H agreed to counseling that's great news! I hope you guys can work it out!
I'm sorry you're struggling with a low supply, it can be really frustrating. You're doing the best you can for your LO and that's the most important!
Thinking of you today Ellie, looking forward to an update and picture of finlo.

Fern that's so awesome that you can start counseling together. You both will just have to keep in mind that you didn't get where you are over night, so your solution won't be over night either. Big hugs to you! Also, I know what you mean about feeling like you were meant to be a mother. Every second of every day is so amazing no matter how tired I am. I would go through our struggle ten more times just knowing that I get my little boy out of it, he is worth it!
Hi all

Gosh Ellie i'm thinking of you! Hope you get your V birth but a section is ok honest :) its interesting how they see things differently only across the bridge. My boy is not much different to yours and they are not worried so you may be surprised when he is born and he will be bigger and stronger than you think. The other girls have given great explanations - my first Harrison was in SCBU and they are brilliant with them it will be hard to see Finlo with tubes etc but you will be surprised how quickly he will be home with you and it will be all go and you may even miss the help they give ;)

Fern i'm so pleased H has agreed to getting help and also i'm pleased you are LOVING motherhood how exciting! I'm also praying my boy sleeps as Harrison didn't sleep for 6hrs until his second birthday!!

All the pictures are gorgeous!

Well as for me I had an appointment today too and it didn't go exactly to plan! I have to see the cardiologists tomorrow as my heart is doing a few funny things (nothing i'm worried about as happened last pregnancy too) but they are playing safe so thats ok with me. I have been given a date for section of 8th March assuming the cardiologists don't bring it forward....which i'll know tomorrow. They also said that i may not make it that long and go into natural labour. Think i'm the last....

Ellie hope you are ok!
Ninbec I'm sorry that you're having heart issues I hope the cardiologist does not find anything concerning.
If you go into labor naturally will they let you try for a VBAC?
Good luck today I hope it goes well
Fern I'm so glad you're enjoying motherhood this much AND thst your OZ
H agreed to counselling! Were you able to get done colostrum? That's the liquid gold and if you were able to get some to baby G you've done your part for his immune system. The rest is all about bonding & feeding, both of which you can happily do with putting him to the boob & formula supplementation. I'm sorry it hasn't come in as you liked but it sounds like you're doing a fabulous job with what you've got. Great news all around:happydance:

Nimbec sorry to hear about your heart issues, hopefully it's ok and you & baby are fine xx

Ellie I can't wait to hear from you. I hope everything went ok!

We just got back from our 40 week gestation GP appt and the girls are 7 pounds 7 ounces and 7 pounds 9 ounces. Teagan has a herniated belly button which she said will go away naturally and Piper got a perscription to help her with her reflux. They have strong necks, Teagan can almost lift her head by herself.
Hi all

2have wow they are growing super fast how exciting. Good you managed to get something to help with the reflux Harrison suffered terribly with it and in the end I bought crib raisers and tilted him - it really helped.

As for me didn't quite go as expected I'm currently wired up to a mobile monitor and have been told by cariologists they would like me to deliver sooner rather than later due to pressures on my heart &#128580;. If the results of my current test are not good they will deliver next week if they are ok...or ok ish they will deliver the following week but no later - hmmm so will I have a February baby or a March?! I'm all ready and not to worried as I will be at least 37 weeks which I am pleased about.

Rebecca they won't let me deliver naturally sadly due to a spinal fracture and condition I have from when I was younger I asked loads of times!!

Ellie thinking of you hope all is ok.

Hope everyone else is ok too and enjoying your weekend!
Ellie - hope you are doing well. i saw your profile pic change

Nimbec - thinking of you and hoping for the best with your heart.
I'm sorry nimbec sounds rough. Glad you got this far and hopefully they'll give you another week. Better to be safe than sorry tho.
2have- great weights, well done! Are you exclusively breastfeeding?

Nimbec- you have NOT had an easy pregnancy! Well you are nice and far along and it's almost done. Good luck for the last week or two, please take care!
Thank you for your kind thoughts.

It has been an insane 4 days. I'll update another time but I've put some on my journal. Link is second picture in my siggy.

Good luck Nimbec xxx
Congrats Ellie!

Hang in there Nimbex, I hope your heart issues allow you to carry as long as possible. You've done a great job making it this far already!

Fern we're doing half n half. They drink 2.5 ounces each at least every two hours, and most times a full 5 ounces as we do diaper change afterwards which stirs them for a top up. I'm happy to be supplementing with formula. I'm terribly anemic right now and while I'm trying to get my hemoglobin back up it would effect them negatively if they were on bm exclusively. Anemia impairs cognitive function & development so it's the one thing I've been super careful of during pregnancy and after. Formulas all have lots of easy to digest iron.

The twins picked ip the head cold that MacKinley had:dohh: so it'll likely be one more week of sleepless nights. They sound aweful and we've been having to suck their snot out with the snot-sucker tool. I feel terrible for them. They sound just miserable right now! On the positive, DD is on the mend.
Gosh Ellie how worrying, I'm pleased to see things are heading the right way now he's a fighter!! Keep us updated I'm sure he will be home before you know it and you can enjoy cuddles all day long &#128512;.

No news here got appt thus and they will deliver either Friday or one day next week...watch this space unless of course he comes before! 37 weeks today I feel so happy as I was determined to make 37 this time having had an early arrival last time I'm sure you can all relate &#128077;

2have you must be exhausted look after yourself too :)
Hope everyone is doing well!! Ellie, thinking of you and your son!!

Gage had his one month check up and is in the 97th percentile for his height of 23 inches, and the 70th percentile for his weight of 10 lbs 7 1/2 ozs. He sleeps really well at night with 3 to 4 hour stretches. During the day is a whole other story! His naps are awful, I don't get much done during the day but that's ok. DH has been wonderful with picking up my slack with the house chores when he gets home from work. Are any of you going on birth control? We weren't going to, but then we decided the other day that maybe I would go on track pill just for a year, and then he off and ntnp for six months before we go in for an embryo transfer. Chances are way way low for a natural pregnancy, but it's not completely impossible, and we really didn't want to go so close in age.
Nimbec- hope all is well, keep us updated after your appt today! Wow when I think of all the years you and I have posted here together I can't believe both our sons are (almost) finally here!

2have - wow they chow down a lot! :) mine only eats 2 hourly when he's really hungry and that's usually after bf. When he has formula or a combo feed he goes 3-5 hours. Last night he had a formula bottle at 10 and I had to wake him at 5 am (!!) For a 120 ml feed. But then he cluster fed this morning to make up for it which I don't mind lol!

Froggy- gage is a big boy! I think a vb might have been super ouchy ;). Good to hear he is growing so well. I want to go back on my bc pill because we don't want to try "naturally" before using our embies (thinking of FET next year April/may) and also I need to keep my endometriosis in check. I'm going to ask my gynae at my 7week postpartum visit.
Hi all quick update I was admitted last night contractions and keytones in urine I see consultant 11am and they seem to think they will deliver me today or tomorrow unless my body insists right now lol!

I'll reply properly later x

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