*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Rq great news about telling your boss. I plan to tell mine soon too.

Scan was great and so was my appointment. We sat down and discussed what my appointments would look like. I go back at week 16 and then at week 20 they do the anatomy scan at the hospital since they want a very thorough scan.
From week 20 until about 32 I go every two weeks (normally it's very 4 weeks) and then at 32 weeks until delivery I will go weekly. There will be a scan every 4 weeks to measure the growth and make sure both babies are growing equally.
Oh, and the tech said she's not too sure they we have two boys so we'll see more clearly in 4 weeks :)
Great news Rebecca. I'm glad your appt went well.
So awesome that your news is out rq! Your bump was bound to tell on you soon!!

Glad your appointment went good Rebecca!
Hi ladies, do you mind me joining in? I am a bit late to the party but I have been a little nervous about joining a pregnancy group until I hit my 12 week milestone. Plus all groups looked a bit scary and I am so happy I have come across this one. I recognise most of your names from the assisted conception thread, even though we may not have spoken and feel much happier sharing my jounery with ladies who also fought so hard to get here - Hi 2have :hi:
There are a lot of pages to read but I have gone to the beginning to try and understand how everyone made to it to here. I am sorry for everyone's struggles and I can certainly relate. Congratulations to everyone on their pregnancy and I hope you are enjoying every moment of it.

A little about me, we TTC for 5 years, after 3 OE cycles we moved onto DE last year, first ended in a double ectopic and my tubes were removed, the next FET was a bfn and finally a new donor gave us one beautiful heartbeat. I am currently 12w 4d and my EDD is 05/02/17 and planning to be team yellow. We've had 3 scans in total and our 12 week was on Monday and everything is perfect so for the first time I am truly believing this is happening for us.

I see everyone has got the munches at the moment, I so wish that was the case for me, I have been suffering with terrible nausea and tiredness since wk6 and it does not seem to shifting. I am totally off my food and struggling to eat, being such a foodie this is very depressing, I can't wait for the 'I want to eat everything' stage if that ever happens. In terms of exercising, I am struggling to even get off the sofa at the moment but hoping to join a local pregnancy yoga group and a prenatal aerobics class, I definitely want to try stay fit and healthy, I just need to get past this stage first.

Thanks for reading and I am looking forward to joining the thread and sharing our journeys together.

Hi pinkie!!! Wow what a journey! Congrats on your perfect bean! glad to have you here !
Hi Pinkie welcome & congratulations!! I'm so pleased to hear all is looking great for you :)

I just thought I'd pop in and say I got another cheeky scan today at the fertility clinic and saw the hb again it was so nice to see especially as hubby was with me - he wasn't there Monday! I feel spoilt 2 scans in one week! They are planning to scan me again in 2 weeks time and the early pregnancy unit locally will see me too I just have to say when :)

Good luck tomorrow Ellie exciting times!! What time is your scan?

Hi to everyone else !
Hi Pinkie and welcome. I know what you mean about this thread being safer. I'm on 2 due in March "normal" ones and I don't feel particularly connected because going through ivf gives this whole thing a totally different feel. I feel much more connected here.

Nimbec, lucky you with another scan! I've found some Groupon deals for scans already that I intend to purchase. I won't go more than a few weeks without seeing my baby. My first scan is at 1pm tomorrow, so excited and nervous. I can't wait to see the heartbeat!
Haha what a relief rq!

Froggy- lol I just don't want to post any personal details including names on here where anyone can view it. Anybody curious about our baby's name or any other personal info is welcome to pm me!

2have - to answer your previous question, the power company is state owned & administrated (that explains everything basically). Feel free to read about Eskom on Wikipedia; surprisingly a lot of facts on there! Africa has many lovely features but our government is not one of them.

Fern, New Zealand had the same thing happen in the '90's. They actually went bankrupt and couldn't support the power grid so Auckland was out of power for ~ a month. I worked for TransAlta in Canada at the time and they went in there, bought the existing infrastructure (cheap obviously) and fixed everything up. Many Canadian TransAlta employees moved to NZ (what a dream). My plan is to retire there. I lived there for a year in 1996. Loved it! Sailed with quite a few lovely South African folks in the local sailing club :boat:

Pinkie! You'll love this thread <3 very positive lovely ladies, all very supportive. Sorry to hear you're struggling with ms. Has your doctor suggested anything? Hoe you feel better soon.

Can't wait to hear about more scans ladies, bring them on!
Pinkie, I feel like I recognize you from one of the assisted conception threads.
So glad you joined :)
I'm just 5 days behind you with my twins.
I can definitely understand the not wanting to eat. There are very few foods I enjoy these days. Most of it I just eat to keep my belly full.
Pinkie- hi and you are so very welcome! I've seen you around on my stalking journeys ;) and am SO happy for you to be joining us. Congrats on your pregnancy!! I will add you to the front page.

Nimbec- yeyyyy for a growing baby!!!!

Rebecca - so glad you and the twinnies are still doing well. :)

2have - power out for a MONTH! Wow now a day doesn't seem that bad lol. Moving to NZ does seem like a dream come true :) maybe we'll meet up there when we're old!!

Ellie- looking forward to your scan results. :)

Phew what a day I've had! I'm quitting part of my job after MANY disputes and policy changes since January where I always end up losing income, have no job security at that place, etc etc... My loyalty has finally run out and now my baby is #1 priority so I have to take responsibility for my job security and rather expand my own business. I'm so angry and upset today, think my bp is sky-high. It means a lot of scary changes but all of the facilitators at that academy are being treated like dirt, not informed of policy changes, have lost at least half our income since last year etc. Ugh.

Ok enough of that. In other news, very grateful to be in 2nd tri <3 <3 thank you God!! The thing I'm most looking forward to is feeling baby move!
Pinkie I see you're due on the same day as Rq, just 2 days behind me :). We are a bunch due all at once; I can already see some of us having contractions & updating on the same day from our hospital beds/pools/etc on the same day lol (right after we've shared in Froggy and all the twin mommas' delivery stories!).
Fern, can't wait till that happens! Looking forward to having these babies and hearing all your experiences :)

Happy second trimester Fern!

Although my ticker shows second trimester I'll consider myself second at 13 weeks.
Thanks ladies!

By the way sorry everyone; I don't always "thank" posts, I'm usually on my phone and if I click on "thank" it takes my phone ages to refresh :)... just wanted to let you all know I love and appreciate all your kind posts; just mostly without officially thanking you for it :)
Hi everyone

Happy 2nd trimester Fern! Sorry to hear about your stress work is such a stressful thing at times, I'm sure you are making the right decision for your family...it maybe scary to take the plunge but once you see things working out well hopefully you will look back and think it was the best decision made :)

Pinkie I'm sure I recognise you too, it's clear we have all been around for quite some time - but hey we made it &#128512;

Ellie ....I'm on tender hooks.....any news?

Rebecca I know it's strange in the uk 12 weeks is classed as second tri whereas lots of other places go for thirteen - at the moment I'll opt for 12 as its closer &#128514;

Hope everyone else is ok?
Hi ladies, Fern sorry to hear about your job. Do you get maternity leave/pay where you live? It seems companies do everything in their power to save $$, not pay workers, and in my boat management is terribly unqualified. They quite often hire yes men rather than educated people who'd be competent at the job. But here's a little fun fact that might put a smile on your face. Women will take over the world. According to a study published in The Economist called Womenomics (google it), women are enrolled far more than men in university academic subjects, they have much better grades than men, they're taking over more management positions than ever before, when instituted on boards of directors and upper echelons in companies they make more profits and hold more peace between directing officers than men do. It's just wonderful! But at my workplace we have a looong looong way to go. Of all the designers my boss started grooming the one token male to take over for him when he's on holidays etc when this guy doesn't have half of the education or skill as some of the ladies, he's the least senior, he's not a people person and doesn't answer emails. Why does this ways happen?

Ellie stalking for those scan results!

Rant over. Feeling tired today. DD was up at 2-4am last night, then I couldn't get back to sleep till 6am. Thankfully DH is home or I could not have done her usual 7am wake up call! In 6 more sleeps well be doing the big NT scan. Very excited!

I hope everyone is doing well.
2have - I can SO relate to that!!! I agree, my female students are really grabbing life by the horns and applying for neurophysiology and engineering degrees; the students I have the most trouble with (lazy, don't work, don't listen) are mostly male. Not always, and I have some very weak female students, but it's definitely interesting and uplifting to see how women are advancing, albeit slowly! I watched "He named me Malala" the other day and was moved to tears by such a brave young woman and how change IS possible.

Yep some businesses here do offer mat leave and such, but I own my own business and clients (students) pay me per hour that I teach. So if I don't work, I don't get paid. The academy I'm quitting, is at least just 10% of my client base. So no mat leave pay for me, I'm saving up though to try and have enough cash flow for at least a few months.

Ellie Belle, thinking of you!
Hi ladies. Hope everyone is feeling well.

Welcome Pinkie. We are always open to having more lovely ladies in our group. When you have been through as much as some of us, then you deserve a safe and loving place to get support. Amazing story - congrats on your BFP.

I'm glad I got the office announcements out of the way yesterday. People keeping almost spilling the beans on facebook so I think hubby and I will make a big announcement this weekend. Sad story - my mom is crazy and about 2 months ago (right before I found out I'm pregnant) she called me and told me what a horrible person I was, etc. So hubby and I have kinda been keeping the news close and off social media. But we figure it is going to get out eventually and then get back to my mom. Sigh! It's sad that I have to worry about this stupid complication to my good news. Oh well, I'll just say a prayer and hope for the best.

Fun weekend plans anyone? Thankfully we have a low key weekend planned. I might go shopping for maternity dress pants. I had to dress up this week and I only had one stretchy pair of pants that fit. It might be important to have another pair for work.
Hi all.

Great news today! 1 baby, CRL of 6.6mm so on track for dates. Heartbeat was over 120 and I saw the little flicker. It was emotional and amazing, especially as my favourite nurse ever was doing it.

I'm exhausted now, after not getting much sleep at all last night. DH has freaked out this evening and we had a big argument because his laptops were all over the sofa and I needed to sit down. I ended the argument by shouting "I need to sit down because I've got a pessary up my ar*e"!!! It's all sorted now, but I'm worried that he's totally freaked out by the whole thing and seeing the actual heartbeat set him off (followed by terrible traffic and 3 hours driving home).
Ellicain- so happy everything went well. It makes it so real to see it on the screen.
Sorry you were fighting with DH, it can be so stressful and our hormones are haywire.

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