*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Rq gosh family can be so difficult at times I'm so sorry you have this extra worry. Happy shopping though - hopefully you may find some good bargains!

Ellie yay amazing news!!! I was beginning to worry as we hadn't heard from you. Sorry about your other half sometimes men can be very odd creatures and deal with things in funny ways. I'm sure he is thrilled! You did make me chuckle I would have probably said the same 😂 They have no idea what we have to go through!!! Hugs hope all is ok now.

I'm exhausted went to work today very silly I'm still meant to be in bed rest but Hubby and I own our own company and my sales team needed a good kick up the backside as Ive been off so long they had got in to some bad habits!! After a few tellings business was back to normal - I am now formally named by management in the company 'the ball busting bitch' hahaha love it seeing as they only listen to me 🙄. I'm very nice too, I do have a laugh and a joke with them! they have excellent perks working for us and are paid very well. However I'm ruined now 😓 And still working 😓😓 not much left then a relaxing weekend!!
Nimbec- so glad that you have reliable staff to help you out, even if they need some "motivation" now and then lol! Hope you get some rest.

Yay Ellie congrats I'm so happy for you! Hope your baby keeps growing perfectly. X Sorry that you and your hubby are fighting. I think it's not too unusual, even though it really doesn't help matters now that you need his support & for him to take care of you more than ever. I posted about my woes with dh a while back and so many ladies posted advice and that they've also gone through the wringer with their SO!

Dh and I fought A LOT when I first found out I was pregnant. I expected him to be more supportive etc and, well, he was just as inconsiderate as always. And he got stressed out when we started talking about all the home renovations and financial implications of a baby (I swear that man still thinks having a baby costs nothing, it's just a small human who takes up almost no space!). Of course I was/am also hugely stressed over the financial side of things, and being fatigued and feeling overwhelmed didn't help. So we fought so much he threatened to leave a few times. After our first scan I told him well, this baby didn't ask to be here. We have the responsibility now to care for him/her so we have to figure out how to get along for the baby's sake. And selectively sent him a lot of articles on how intense fighting/screaming can adversely affect a fetus. He never, ever admits that he is wrong (not even to himself) but after that day he has stopped freaking out every time I ask him to do something for me. He has even paid for one or two baby-related expenses.

ETA: Well, scrap that last bit. The man just started screaming at me because I asked him AGAIN to email/forward me the account for the water&lights so I can pay it (I've been asking for a month). He has been screaming like a crazy maniac for about 30 minutes. I really hate him right now.
I'm sorry your DH is being such a dick right now. I think they don't have the emotional attachment to the baby that we have, and just feel the rather overwhelming sense of responsibility.

I'm going to back off mine for a bit, not say too much about the money side or any of the things we need to plan. I'm a very organised person and can cope fine doing the planning myself. I planned our wedding last year and, when it was clear he didn't know much about it and was too disorganised, I realised I needed to back off and just do it rather than end up fighting. Yesterday was mainly that it had been a long and emotional day, we were both knackered and it all came out sideways. We were both at fault but, to give him his due, as soon as he saw how wrought I was, he stopped and just held me and let me sob. It was the first time he's backed down like that and the argument stopped in its tracks. We are both so stubborn and we don't communicate particularly well at times!
Oh ladies what is wrong with these men 😡 I'm so sorry they are being idiots right at a time they should be being super supportive!! I'm sure it will all sort itself out over the coming months...just a warning my hubby had a mini meltdown when Harrison was born he couldn't and didn't want to accept the change in our life and as much as he loves Harrison he was an arse for a while until he realised the error of his ways! He is hugely apologetic about it now and can't believe his behaviour he is normally such a considerate character so these little bundles of joy totally change things - he promises he won't be the same this time and I know he won't be we are in a very different place and the shock will be no where near as big! If I can offer some advice it would be to some how prepare them later on before the birth about the changes...something I should have done more of. Hugs to you both!
Hi ladies. All these stories of men are making me smile a little. Not that anyone is having issues with there loved ones, just the little frustrations every relationship goes through.

I ran around all day today and I am worn out. I had an appt to get my air conditioning in my car fixed. And then I went to several stores looking for maternity dress pants...no luck. Then hubby and I gussied up and took announcement photos at the park. Then dinner with his parents because they are moving to Florida next weekend. Now we have some friends over and I am laying on the couch.
My issue these days is that I have zero libido and my husband drives me nuts trying to get me into bed. No interest!! I feel bad for poor hubby but in freaken carrying his twins!
Deleted. I vented about my marriage again but at this stage I shouldn't be posting anything about it.

Baby and I'm ok, can feel my uterus stretching and growing :) I'll focus on all the good stuff instead!

Hope you are all having a good weekend. X
Hi Fern please do not feel you have to delete your post (I did see it before it went and there was nothing to worry about) for some reason my reply has disappeared! I think this is the perfect place to vent where all of us women face challenges and understand each other. Men can be such idiots at times, well lots of times and you shouldn't have to deal with this childish behaviour on his side 😓. I think you are right to focus on the positives, you & your baby and I would be completely selfish and do things that make you feel happy and secure - he will catch on eventually and realise he is missing out on time he will never get back. Sending you huge hugs and you are welcome to pm me anytime if you want to vent to somebody ((((hugs)))) xxx
Hey ladies. Back from a great vacation, went hoteling, exploring and beaching. Got to Manitoulin island one day and went swimming in a waterfall. It was so fun, then yesterday went to sauble beach and for crazy burnt on my legs.... Guess I forgot the sunscreen in some places.

Looks like I have missed a lot! Sorry I am slowly reading back but it looks like we got a new member. Welcome and happy healthy nine months.

It makes me sad to see that after all our struggles to get pregnant in the first place, with our significant others that the stress and sometimes anger are still on the surface of the relationship. I really hope the arguments and anxieties pass for you guys.

Thankfully hubs and I have been able to talk through most of the financials and life things prior to actually getting pregnant as we were intending to adopt, and it is one of the things that they force you to talk through during our sessions with our social worker. I am crazy lucky he has been super supportive.
Hi ladies,

Thank you for the warm welcome.

Sorry to hear of the DH troubles, pregnancy hormones and men not understanding don't go too well together, hopefully they will get there soon enough.

Fern, please don't feel you needed to delete that message, I too saw it this morning on my phone and feel free to rant away. I agree there is more to this and my advice is to have it out with him even if it causes another argument, it will only continue to play on your mind and cause more anxiety in the long run. Find out what is wrong, if he has messed up and lied then deal with it and move on. He needs to realise this is not good for you or the baby and after everything you have gone through to get where you are this should be his priority. Good luck. On a happier note love that you are feeling the stretching and growing.

Ellie, congratulations on the scan, glad it went well. I don't really remember mine from crying so much, it's a wonderful feeling.

2have, only a few more days until your scan, hope you are feeling ok.

Myshelsong, hi, your break sounds wonderful glad you had a good time.

How was everyone's weekend? Mine has been fairly chilled, I am still not feeling great so not a lot I can do, I feel the sickness is easing a little but have been suffering with terrible headaches. Friday I went to a friends, we were planning to head to a coffee shop for lunch, I had to share our good news as soon as I arrived because I couldn't face going out, she was very kind and I spent the afternoon lying on her sofa while she feed me salted Pringles and water.
Hi ladies,
Myshelsong, sounds like a great vacation!
Fern, my DH and I fight all the time. Yesterday I waited around for him till 1pm to go to a festival we had planned yo take DD to. After her 10am nap he thought she might need yet another nap before we go (she only takes 2/day now). So I'm reading in the bedroom and hear him crack a beer in the living room. He's not trying to put her down, apparently it's time for a beer. It gets insanely hot between 1-3pm in the afternoon so I told him the next time he wants to delay, delay, and delay some more until it's swealtering outside, I'm going to leave him at home with her and go fo my own thing (I could quite happily go to the gym). So we'll see if this happens again, we're going to another festival on Monday. Somehow I don't think he'll be cracking a beer at 1pm!

Hi Pinkie, sorry to hear you're still not feeling well! You know a goid friend when they don't mind lazing with you <3 for the ticker, if you click on mine it takes you to the bump and there you can set one up. Copy the BB code into your signature here.

Ellie, I'm glad your scan went well. I too planned our wedding and recidved very little thanks for it frim DH. Had I left it to him it would have been done last minute snd it would have been a catastrophe. Our venue would have booked put and we would have paid a fortune whatever we'd done. We were married overseas in Scotland, it was alot of work!

Rq congrats on the announcement photos, when are you releasing them?

Rebecca, we're just the opposite, DH never wants to BD and I've always had a healthy libido, pregnant or not. Apparently one person always wants more in every relationship, c'est la vie!

I'm just sitting here with a catty grump of a 10 month old who refuses to have her morning nap.
Myshelsong - your vacation sounds amazing. I'm counting down to mine in September.

2have - we were doing to post the annoucement on Facebook this weekend but I decided to wait until the Materniti21 test results come in. Then we will know we have 2 healthy babies in there. I think they should come in about Wednesday this week.

Here is what I think will be the announcement.


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Ohh RQ that's SO sweet! Love it, these things always make me tear up. :cry:
Rq I just love that!!!
Can't wait for Wednesday! It will be amazing :)

I can't believe I need to wait 4 weeks until we see our babies again. I haven't gone more than a week without seeing them until now. I have no idea how I'll make it 4 weeks.
Rq, that's perfect, I'm crying here! So much good luck for the test. I'm currently trying to decide if I want to get Harmony done and, if so, whether I do it at 10 weeks or wait until after the NT test at 12w.

We are most likely going to announce after the 12w scan, assuming the NT test is clear. I've got a very cute plan for our FB announcement and I needed one prop. I bid on something on eBay and I won it yesterday, so now I truly can't wait, even though I'm still finding it hard to believe I'm actually pregnant. Apart from sore boobs, massive tiredness, the odd cramp and some nausea if I get hungry, I'm just not feeling pregnant at all!!! Um, reading that list back makes me think maybe I'm just in some kind of self-protective denial.

When I go back to school in September (I'm a teacher), I'll be 11+6 and I'm hoping to get my scan done on 11+3, so out f the way before term starts. That way, I can do the FB thing at the weekend and then my colleagues will know when I go back on the Monday and I can tell my tutor group on the Tuesday when they come back. My girls are going to be so excited!
Rq, lovely picture, you both look really happy,q enjoy sharing your news.

I must be the only one not making a big announcement I have told close friends and family but everyone else will find out as and when.

2have, sorry DH made you miss the festival, definitely leave him at home next time and go enjoy yourself.

Ellie, I was undecided about the Harmony test too, so I decided to get my nuchal done and I am waiting for the results of that. Depending on what the number comes back at then I will decide if to go for the harmony too.

Rebecca, I feel the same about not seeing baby. I have to wait until my 20 week scan which means going 8 weeks. I don't know how people only have two scans throughout their whole pregnancy.

Ladies, do you think I have any need to be worried? You all know that I have been struggling with sickness and eating for the last 7 weeks and I am a bit concerned that I am not giving my baby enough nutrition. I always told myself when I was pregnant that I would feed myself with lots of goodness and colourful foods but apart from a piece of fruit a day i have been living on dry foods. I am trying to have some milk and cheese plus if I can manage half a sandwich I try and have tuna. I haven't touched a vegetable in weeks, even the thought makes me gag. I am keeping everything down and drinking lots of water. I am also taking my multivitamins each day so hoping that is substituting my lack of intake. I just feel a bit disappointed in myself that I am not treating my body as I always imagined I would.

I hope everyone has a good day x
Pinkie- don't be too hard on yourself, your terrible ms is not your fault. Just look at Kate Middleton who had HG and still had a perfect little boy (nice public example lol!). You are doing your best, multivitamins will definitely help. I definitely suggest making sure you get your 27mg iron and enough calcium daily (don't take it together though! I take my preggie vit in the AM, extra folic acid, salmon oil and iron at lunch time, then extra calcium at bedtime). Can you stomach diluted fruit or carrot juice at all? Btw we're not doing a fb announcement at all, I dislike fb. Also told our families & close friends over the phone. But I'm thinking of a gender-and-name reveal teaparty for our close family just so I can see their faces when they find out!

Rq- that is soooo lovely! Looks like you had fun :) you both look happy and relaxed. Congrats on your announcement! Will you be finding out the gender too, from your tests?

2have - your nt scan is coming up soon right?

Thanks for letting me vent... I just think I should be careful of posting too many details in case we split up. Don't want to give him any more ammunition than he already has. He is refusing to sort things out and things are horrible; I'm so upset just because every time I try to talk to him he shuts me down & tells me how many problems there are in my personality... so many verbal attacks. This morning I finally told him about the PAPP-A results and asked if he could just leave me alone so that my bp doesn't sky-rocket (he knows I had to get a bp monitor but hasn't asked ONCE how I'm feeling or how my bp is doing; or even why I had to get the monitor in the first place). He still didn't apologize or make a commitment to help keep my bp down by not upsetting me so much; after I told him all about the diagnosis he ignored it and turned the focus on himself again. I sincerely hope he just completely ignores me from now on because he clearly doesn't care about me or our baby. I said I'm going to stay out of his way but like an idiot I keep going up to him and asking if we can sort things out.... which always ends in me upset and him feeling superior. If I had any options at all, I would leave him. :(

Andddd I have another horrible cold/flu with body aches, can't breathe, cold shivers, omw what a terrible weekend! And tomorrow I'm telling the head of the academy that I'm quitting! Turn, wheel, turn! Things can seriously only get better from here on. :/

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