*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Have to run some errands today and while we are out I'm going to stop by craft store and pick up materials for these boxes using this necklace instead of the brown peanut in the pic. If all goes well at the US in a week and 1/2 we will tell parents.


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Well poo, it only allows you to attach one pic. That was a pic of the necklace, here is the box.


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That's an awesome idea rq!

I just blurted out the news of my second beta over the phone to my dh and close family. Boring!

Does anyone else have a cute story of how they broke the news? Or, oohh a gender reveal idea? :)
That is really cute Rq. Apart from a good friend of ours (the only one who knows we were doing IVF), we haven't told anyone our great news but I will be peeping in to steal your ideas :)

This is our gender announcement. And name announcement. I was going to do a gender reveal party, but I didn't have patience, and it was hard to schedule a time that I could get everyone in one place this summer! So I grabbed a pair of shoes we already have, had dh hold one, and I held the other, then just played with the editing
awww that's cute froggy everyone is going to love that and it's a nice keepsake you can even get printed on a plaque, fridge magnet etc.
I'll take pics of our boxes when we are finished but we found wooden boxes that we are going to stain and glue flowers on.

I'm doing boxes for my mom, DH mom, sister in law, and my best friend (because she is going to be an "aunt"
Rq I love you idea!

Froggy- when do you plan on sending out the announcements?

Since I had my miscarriage I don't plan on telling anyone until 12 weeks. At 12 weeks I'll tell parents/in-laws.
Everyone else can wait till 16-20 weeks. I too afraid to tell people earlier
I'm not waiting. I'll have my ultrasound this week and then I'll know on my heart everything is good. Since he was genetically tested our chances of miscarriage are way low, so I feel good about him sticking around.
We told our close families (inlaws, brothers and sister, a few of my cousins who are like sisters to me) and our bffs. They knew we were doing ivf (we were quite open with needing fibancial support etc; we asked for small donations instead of birthday gifts) so they kept enquiring how the process was going. I made sure to tell them all that we haven't seen a heartbeat so we are being cautious. Sheesh but news spreads fast. My husband keeps blabbing to everyone. His boss started telling the parents of all the kids my husband coaches. Yesterday he was on the phone to this old lady who works at his tennis club and I heard him starting to say "yeah we've got good news"... so I jumped up and shushed him otherwise she would have told the whole tennis club. If there is no heartbeat he gets to tell about 100 people about it.
We were planning on telling a few more people after the first u/s (after a heartbeat is seen/heard on 8 weeks the chances of mc drops to 5%) but I think the whole city is going to know before then!

I definitely want to do a cute gender reveal though and see the looks on my family's faces :) maybe a cake.

Love that you get to reveal the gender and name already froggy :)
I love all the announcement ideas and how you guys are so over joyed you are telling people already. Super fun and excited for you all.
We have told 2 people but that is about it, my cousin and best friend (who lives in florida so she isnt telling anyone). I dont want to tell anyone until 12 weeks or more, but hubs wants to tell his parents since they are both really sick right now. I guess he wants to give good news in the middle of the bad, but I really dont want to let them know until we see a heart beat. I dont want to be pessimistic but after five years of trying I cant help it but feel this still isnt real.
Does anyone else feel like that? I know it is because we were LTTTCers - like i convinced myself that i would never be pregnant and we were on the adoption route before we decided to give IVF a go. Hell we are "adopt ready" already in ontario as of March lol. I am so excited but terrified at the same time, I just dont know how to feel one without the other.
Omw yes I don't feel like it's real either! After so many years and so many disappointments I guess it's completely natural. Today at my parents' everyone kept making a fuss about me and I kept cringing and feeling like I lied to them when I told them I'm pregnant!
I'm sure we'll feel better after the first ultrasound. Xx
I feel similar to you Myshelsong. I didn't take my hpt until 14dpt and when I got a positive I went ahead and took 2 others as I couldn't believe after all this time I was finally seeing a BFP of my very own. We have told 1 person-the only person who knows we were doing IVF and really encouraged us through our ups and downs.

My plan at the moment is to wait until 12 weeks. Hopefully I can hold out :). In the meantime I've been window shopping for baby gear online, googling what to eat, what not to eat etc.
I just have to share this; I'm still chuckling & have been crying with laughter all day. First of many hilarious tmi posts I hope!
So you know that I've downloaded FIVE pregnancy apps! and keep sending my husband pictures of what baby looks like on 5weeks, etc. Turns out he couldn't view the pictures and articles that I kept sending from the apps unless he had the app downloaded for himself too. After much convincing he finally downloaded the Glow pregnancy app and tried to register as my partner, EPIC FAIL!
Firstly, for some reason he got registered as still "trying to conceive" so not only can he not view the pregnancy pics and follow our embie's development, but the app keeps asking him to log his sperm health data e.g how much he is exercising, intercourse data, even if he has masturbated (all of which he dilligently logged lmao WHAT did he think does it have to do with my pregnancy progress!!??) That already got me laughing hysterically.
Next thing he walks into the kitchen, very upset and says "I can't do this anymore!!". Turns out after struggling to view the pics I kept sending, he went onto the community forum to try and search for them, only to be greeted with a post from a woman announcing: "I am so annoyed that I was born with fat vagina lips"......!!!!!!!!!!

Needless to say he has deleted the app after trying SO HARD to be the supportive, modern enlightened husband!!

I literally bent double laughing and had tears streaming down my face. Have been laughing about it all day. Boy was he upset...!
Fern that's pretty funny. I wish my husband would be involved. He's too afraid to believe it's true so he's kind of in denial about the pregnancy. It's upsetting because he's the only person I have to share this with.
Here is a pic of my finished "announcement" boxes. I can't wait to give my mother-in-law hers, she has no idea I'm pregnant.


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Lol!!!! Fern that's hilarious! !!

Rq those are so adorable! I love them!
Rq-I love those they are adorable

Hi all so I went in this morning to do my first beta. Praying my numbers look good. She said the results wouldn't take long so I hope they don't have me on edge all day waiting to hear back from them. Fingers crossed my first beta numbers are great.

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