Mrs, I always think the wait for the scan is worse than the 2ww too as I always test early so it’s never a long wait! What date is scan?
Ko, oh no I hope not, just stay hydrated as much as you can, even though I didn’t stop drinking water all day I was still very dehydrated, apart from that just vitamins really
I hope my body is strong ready, swear I kept losing bits of plug yesterday but it was after to bowel movements so probabaly why and then a bit more later
With dd I literally felt nothing, even 2 weeks late there were no bh, twinges or period pain feelings so I’m feeling more hopeful this could happen naturally without being induced
The good news is we moved dd to the bigger room and a proper bed and she sleeps soo much better, literally all night without waking up for the last 4 nights and waking up later in the morning 7-7:30
It means she doesn’t need to nap during the day as before she would wake up twice in the night and still be up about 5:30 and it was awful
Since being ill she refuses to drink milk, she used to be cuddled to sleep with her milk and still want it during the night which I let her just to get some sleep
She would never self settle and when getting up in the night it was at the point she wouldn’t go back in the cot or our bed, she just wanted to stay on my lap in the chair in her room
Now she goes to her bed and gets to sleep herself, I say I’m going down to get a drink but don’t go back up and within minutes last night she was asleep at 7pm til 7:30am
Sorry to go on I know it isn’t relevant but I’m so relieved to have her sleep sorted before we have a newborn in the house! Literally never thought it would happen