Assisted conception success - due 2018 xx

My first one sounds about right then compared to yours 5356 at 5+1 and tomorrow will give me a better idea. Thanks Koj
good luck, MrsH!! Mine were 823 or something and then 2300+ 2 days later but I have twins. I think my days were around koj's - 11dp5dt and 13dp5dt. I transferred on 5/12 and tested on 5/23 and 5/25.

ahhhh memories! :)
star, thanks, i am trying to keep meals small so i don't have these pains return! they are so uncomfortable... it's going to be a long 3 months.
so excellent your DD has only woke once in 5 nights! i wish i could figure out my DDs sleep issues. DH thinks i should sleep at my moms so i can actually get some sleep and let him deal with her. plus we think she is worse about bed routines and sleeping when i'm around... but of course i'm always around!!

wish, my stomach must be all squished, it would explain these issues. i also hate it when i respond and the internet does something and looses the response when trying to post!
you have done fabulous, i can't believe how close you are now!!

koj, sorry about the sore throat!!! hope it goes away quickly so you can be feeling good for labor!

mrsh, excited for you to join in !!! so tomorrow you find out second beta?
Juliet, that was my issue with dd, she only like me to deal with her at night not dh so he got up the first night and puts her to bed more, not that he didn’t do it before but I just done it more often, I find it hard not to interfere haha
wish- So glad your pre-op went well! Eeek, 6 days to go! :shock:

Mrs H- Welcome, so glad to see you here!! Here are my beta #'s:

(11dp3dt) 1st beta- 105
(13dp3dt) 2nd beta- 216
(16dp3dt) 3rd beta- 702
(19dp3dt) 4th beta- 2,080
(22dp3dt) 5th beta- 7,514

As you can see, they were never super high but all was well :) Good luck on the 15th!

star- That's so awesome you've gotten DD's sleeping issues settled! What great timing she has. :thumbup:

koj- I had a sore throat and was achy for about 3 days, but it never progressed into a full blown cold. Just felt crappy! I hope yours isn't too bad either.

Juliet- Oh no, that sounds so uncomfortable! I hope you're able to get some relief soon. On the plus side though, you're doing awesome at 25+4! Your big scan is coming up soon, isn't it?

dogmommy- Wow, that is crazy about your NST! I keep hearing stories about women having contractions and not feeling them, which is definitely a little alarming lol. How are you feeling now? How far along are you?

dancing- Wonderful checkup with the twins! So happy they're thriving!!

3chords- How is the batch cooking going? I had wanted to do that and then my in-laws got us this huge Omaha steak package for Christmas which took up all of the room in my freezer. We're starting to use it up now though, so I think I'll at least try and make some chili to freeze or something!

October- How are you doing hun? Not long now!!

I've got my next checkup on Thursday, with another scan which is cool. Last Tuesday baby looked great and was measuring about 6-1/2 lbs. And he's got a full head of hair! Having lots of cramping and BH contractions this past week or two. I still sort of have a feeling he'll come about a week early, but we'll know soon enough I guess ;) I wonder who will go next? Either Koj or Wish!
MrsH those are great betas. With this pregnancy I had low betas - only 1900 at 5+2 so you are way, way above that. Betas aren't really helpful at this stage so I am not sure why they are still doing them for you...hopefully you will get reassurance at the first u/s!

Koj - being sick at the end is the worst. The only thing I can say is that you'll at least be able to drug yourself once you give birth! Maybe try some zinc lozenges in the meantime?

scooby - so far I have this many dinners frozen from batch cooking: shepherd's pie (x4), beef stew (x2), bolognese sauce (x1), mongolian beef stir fry (x1). I also have 4 bundt cakes: pistachio (x1), lemon (x1), chocolate-pecan (x1), coconut (x1) and 3 trays of baked oatmeal, frozen unbaked, each tray should be 2 breakfasts' worth: raspberry (x1), strawberry (x1), mixed berry (x1). My next goal is at least 3 more containers of bolognese and 3 dinners' worth of chilli and in terms of breakfast a bunch of cinnamon and other sweet rolls and some scones if I have time.

34 weeks today! I have my scan and OB appointment tomorrow so we'll see where baby is on the growth curve. 22 days until c-section doesn't seem that long!
Scooby I have a feeling I will go early too, don’t know why, maybe because I’m feeling more than I did with dd

3c, you’re sooo organised! I haven’t cooked anything haha, can’t believe you only have 22 days to go!!

Had growth scan today, last scan and hospital appointment yay! Estimated to be 6lb 4oz and following the same growth line so all good
Just can’t wait now, so out of breath all the time and tired!
WOW, 3c!!! You're my hero!! that's amazing that you've been able to prep all of that. I can't even stand that long! My mom has apparently been baking b/c that's what she does in the cold, so I'm employing her to bake some stuff for us to freeze when she comes up here. I noted that you did this and she said she'd be more than happy to! Otherwise, I have some chili already frozen and a couple bags of broth I can use for soups but that's it. I've bought a couple packages of frozen things and many cans of soup, some boxes of healthier treats and some almonds but that's as far as I've gone.
Also, cannot believe you've only got 22 days left!!

scooby - I hope you can get a 3D pic of Moobley this time! good luck on Thurs!
mrsH, how did it go?

star, last night she slept 10-7 which was AMAZING for her. i am so happy and actually don't feel like i am dragging today... just normal tired, not extra crazy tired haha

scooby, my big scan is 1/29! still longer away then i would like... i have a regular obgyn checkup on 1/26 but she won't do ultrasound unless there's been an issue...
yay for your upcoming scan!

3chords, wow that is amazing to prepare so many meals!! smart thinking!!

star, great weight estimate!!! i remember being so out of breath last pregnancy, and i am starting to already get some of those feelings!!! ack.

you ladies are getting so close now!!! am i the only one due in april ??? i'll have to check the first post for a reminder!

so the stomach issues and discomfort went from like last wednesday to last night... feeling so much better now... so happy for that and hope it continues to be better, cause it was horrid. but my guess is i will have a reoccurring issue.
other then that i am doing pretty good. continuing to work on little projects around the house. trying to still figure out the best sleeping configurations for everyone, but at first will have baby in our room in a co-sleeper or pack n play next to bed. also thinking of twins birthday... it is not till april but that is when things are oging to get crazy around here, so might do earlier birthday get together. when i have my appointment on 1/29, i think it will help determine how the pregnancy will go... either there is still a hematoma/issue and i will be monitored frequently and have him earlier (i think earliest is 37 weeks)... or the issue resolved and i can go on as a normal pregnancy, and then consider c-section around april 14th. (39 weeks).
so definitely looking forward to find out which way things are going to go!
Hi everyone thanks for the we'll wishes etc.
Got my second and it was over 16,000 so more than doubled so its a good sign that my baby is growing this time. I feel hopeful that this time I might see a heartbeat.
How are you all doing??
scooby - I hope mine goes away quickly like yours! i started feeling something on Saturday, full blown on Sunday and Monday, slightly better Tuesday and today is basically the same as yesterday.. at least its not getting worse?? I'm hoping to work from home tomorrow and Friday so that I can kick this cold ASAP!! As for baby, I think at this point, Wish is next!!

3C - Happy 34 weeks!! Enjoy your growth scan! I can't believe you're only 22 days away!!

star - great growth scan! you're on the homestretch!

wish - 5 days to go for you! you're gonna be a mom on Monday!!! <3 <3 <3

Juliet - glad you're feeling better!! Do you have a preference if you'd rather give birth at 37 or 39 weeks? basically at 37, you're considered early term (or even full term depending on who you talk to!) so I think that would totally be ok too! My good friend gave birth last month at 37 weeks because of preeclampsia and her baby boy is doing fabulously!!

MrsH - congratulations!! Can't wait to hear about your first scan :) that fluttering heart at your first scan is the best thing you can ever see!!!

afm - I have a growth scan today! Can't wait to see the baby!
MRs that&#8217;s great news!

Ko, hope you feel better soon, definitely not a good time to be feeling poorly!
mrsH - that's awesome!! can't wait for your scan so you can get more peace of mind!

juliet - glad you're feeling better and only 'normal' tired haha! You sound very organized with all you have going on, that's great. Can't wait for your scan either! I hope that hemotoma hit the bricks!

koj - ohhhh I hope you kick that cold quickly. I did ask the doc about my cough I've had for a month and really, ME being the sick one after trying to keep out sick people from the hospital! She said it's just viral and I have to get over it and it'll be fine. So, you think you're going to go late? have you had anymore or any different signs? Can't wait to hear about your scan!!

star - you think you'll go early?

man, I thought I'd go 'early' too, earlier than now, that's for sure! These boys have really surprised me. I'm not feeling any differently except that maybe things feel a little lower. But I still have baby B in my ribs, so it's tough to tell. Still the same extra cm, loose stools, rough moving around. But hopefully I'll have the weekend to go run some errands. I need to do some laundry and clean a little before my family comes up on Monday too. Thank goodness I'm working from home and can spread this out to one chore a day or something!
star - thanks!! feeling achy everywhere is no fun but I think I'm feeling better so that's a plus :)

wish - I had more painful contractions last night but other than that, I just feel the baby really really low.. it feels like he's poking at my lady parts with a twig!! not comfortable at all!

so I just got back from my appt. Baby is still super low and his face is smooshed against the uterus (I felt bad his nose was pressed down so much!!). he's still measuring small but on track with what we saw at 36 weeks which is good. but because he's still measuring small (15th percentile) my midwife doesn't want to let me go much over 41 weeks so if I haven't given birth by then, we'll likely schedule an induction on the 21st (given they have an open spot!). I have one more appt scheduled for next Wednesday when they'll measure my cervix and see what kind of induction process will be best. eek! 11ish more days max!!!
koj - awwww, haha - I'd feel so bad too if I saw a squished nose!! can't be too fun in there. And apparently not to fun on your lady parts either! I'm glad everything looked good, though. 11-ish days! CRAZY!!!

well I got more done today than I thought - laundry is done. I decided not to rewash the crib sheets b/c I think since DH is going to be out for about a month, we'll just keep them in our room for the first bit in the pack 'n' play or rock'n'play or something. Swept, cleaned all bathrooms, emptied dishwasher. Good enough for today!
koj - so soon! How do you feel about being induced?

I had my ultrasound and BPP today. All looking good. At 34+1 baby girl is measuring 5 lb 15 oz (2700g), 80% percentile and fluid levels and cervix length all good. I go for weekly scans, BPPs and OB visits now. Three weeks to go!

My son has a nasty cold with a high fever, which is thankfully responsive to meds at least. I'm stuck at home with him for a second day and about to lose my mind. I don't think he'll be well enough to go back to daycare tomorrow so I have to pray for my sanity and hope he can go on Friday.
awesome appointment today, 3c! I'm so happy everything is looking so good.
Poor pumpkin (and Mama) at home, though!! FX'ed he can go in on Friday!
Hope he is better soon 3c, it&#8217;s the worst being stuck in and nothing you can do about it :(
Glad all went well at your appointment

Wish, I&#8217;d like to think I go early haha, hope you can take it easy with your chores , you need the rest while you can

Ko you&#8217;re so close!

Juliet, glad you had a good night with dd too, fingers crossed there&#8217;s more to come!
mrsh, that is fantastic!!!

koj, 11ish days?? no way!!! i bet you are eager for your next appt !!! keep up posted on things!!! and i think i prefer 37-38 weeks... my twins were 35w5d and did amazingly well, no NICU or anytihing. but then my 2yo was 41 weeks and big but went into NICU for some breathing trouble before we knew she had a heart problem. so i am a bit torn on what is best this time around since things always go a bit unexpected for me....

star, last night not as good a night before, but hoping tonight can be good... it seems like shorter naps are helpful for her to have a better, longer sleep stretch...

wish, thanks, it seems like organizing keeps me sorta going forward if that makes sense! and it sounds like you got a TON done today! way to go!!! i forget, are you planning a vaginal birth for them??

3chords, sounds like a great appt! yay!!!!!

afm, nothing new to report. ate too much tonight, making up for some hardly eating days... so took a couple tums. baby doing some weird, low kicks towards like i guess the bottom of everything in me?
i just need the 29th to come, so we can see what is going on with the hematoma issue! wish they would see me sooner, and they would of course if i had a bleed, but since i've had no issues like that in awhile, wait for the appointment i must do!

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