Assisted conception success - due 2018 xx

Meant to congratulate you on passing the glucose test too!! One less thing on your mind!
Thank you for the support. I hope to get to tandem but we’ll see.
Haha the crib thing made me laugh. We had plans to keep them in the nursery. Well after the first disastrous night home with DH trying to sleep on a blowup mattress in the nursery and not using it AT ALL, we moved the cribs into our room along with all changing and feeding supplies. MUCH easier on all of us.
Wish it sounds like you are doing an amazing job, glad both boys are well and you too I hope!
wish, that is great all of it can fit in your bedroom!!!! for us, it was in our last house, i had a room next to my bedroom that had space for the two cribs and a full size bed for me. I slept on that a lot so I could watch movies while i pumped, then feed babies, then nap till the next pump/feed etc.
Our master bedroom was too small to fit the two cribs. Some times we tried the two rock n plays in our room, but it was hard cause they weren't like high enough up.
This time with one, I want to see if a crib will fit but we also have a co-sleeper that attaches to the bed that we know fits in our room. It just makes it hard for me to get in and out of bed cause I would have to like scoot to the bottom of the bed to get out. Still thinking it all through.

hope everyone else is having a good week! mine is off to a slow, draggy start with two kids not up to par. but it could be worse. DD tested positive for rhinovirus, much better then some other issues she could have had!
Hey ladies! Glad to hear everyone is doing pretty well. Lots of us in the home stretch now!

I'm 3cm dilated & 80% effaced. Doctor stripped my membranes yesterday & I had tons of cramping after which turned into contractions but then stopped. Lost more of my plug this morning & feeling lots of pressure today. If I don't go on my own by Monday we will schedule induction or C-section for Tuesday. (Still trying to decide which.) So by this time next week, I will hopefully have my baby in my arms! <3
Juliet, I hope DD feels better soon! Good that it wasn't anything more serious.

3c- So close now! Are you 100% recovered?

Star- it sounds like you have SPD too. Ugh, it's the worst! Every time I have to walk upstairs I pause at the bottom to psych myself up for it lol. Not long now!

Wish- I'm so happy for you, it sounds like everything is wonderful! So glad the boys are healthy & you and DH are happy.

Koj- how is everything going for you & your little guy?

Dancing, dogmommy, October & anyone else I may have missed- any updates?
I am having diabetes-related complications and while baby looks good on BPP today she has dropped from 85th to 70th percentile in the last week so my c section has been moved up to tomorrow. Unless I further deteriorate and have to go tonight which I hope not as I want my own doctor to do it tomorrow.
3chords, thinking of you!!! hoping things work out to have your doctor, i would feel the same way, but main thing is you and baby are being monitored closely. let us know how everything goes, we will be anxiously waiting for updates.

scooby, great you are already dilated! things should move forward now right??? that is exciting!!! i remember having contractions with DD, and i had DH rush me to the hospital, i was so uncomfortable and had a induction anyway schedule later that day (she was a week late), and come to the hospital to find i wasn't even dilated! so to me it sounds like you are on the right track! keep us posted!

how is everyone else doing??
how are the new babies??

my son seemed to catch the 2 year olds cold, so i kept him home from preschool this week, he is coughing and sleeping a lot.
i honestly have had some big cries this week. pregnancy emotions at their finest. was not emotional with my other two pregnancies. hoping this isn't a sign i'll be having baby blues.
but thinking of new projects around the house has kept me motivated. also thinking of making one of those morning routine charts for the kids. especially when they start kindergarten in the fall, will want them motivated to have a morning routine and hopefully get themselves ready haha...we shall see....
3chords- oh wow, good luck tomorrow! I hope everything goes smoothly and you have an easy recovery. I'm so glad you're well monitored & the doctors are on top of your care. Please check in when you're able to. :hugs:

Juliet- I think it makes total sense that you're more emotional this time around. You've been dealing with a lot! Worry about the baby, taking care of 3 kids, family being sick, the holidays, etc. I think you're doing awesome! I hope you're right & things are happening naturally for me. Really don't want to go overdue!
3c - good luck today!! Man I was nervous for the scheduled c-sec, I can’t imagine it being suddenly moved up! You’re going to do so well though. Strong woman you are!!

Juliet - agreed with Scoob - you’ve been dealing with one thing after another it seems, so cry when you need it!! You’re doing amazingly well keeping it all together!! 1 day from 3rd tri!!! :wohoo:

Star - how are ya?

I hope everyone else is well!! We are still doing great here. M decided to not sleep at all last night and cluster feed, so we are a bit deprived right now. But they had their weight check yesterday and did amazingly well. They had lost almost 10% of thei birth weight by the time we left the hospital (stop me if I’ve already posted this) and had a check last Fri where M lost a bit more but T gained a tiny bit. Well yesterday, M gained a 1/2lb and T gained 6oz!! So they are back to almost their birth weights! WHEW!! Clusterfeed away, boys! We want chunky babies!!
I have been reading post and trying to keep up. Congratulations to all of the mommies. I hope all of you and babies are doing great.

Juliet - I hope today is better for you. You are very strong and you got this mama!!

3C - Good Luck! I&#8217;ll be thinking of you and sending positive vibes.

Star - the insomnia, aches and pains of pregnancy is real. Lol.. The last few weeks have been rough. Hang in there. We are at the finish line.

Scooby- Good luck with making the best decision for you and Moobley. The days are passing very quickly. Hopefully, he comes on his own and make the choice for you.

Afm, OB found a small tear in my csection from 7 years ago. So, I&#8217;ll be having a scheduled csection tomorrow to prevent complications with laboring on my own. It&#8217;s definitely not the route I would have taken, but as long as we are healthy I&#8217;m okay. Please send good vibes for me and baby Aria.
3chords- been thinking of you all day & sending good vibes for a safe delivery!

Wish- that's excellent news about the boys weight gain! Cluster feeding sounds like a major bummer but I guess M knew what he needed to do. Smart little fella! Hope you can catch up on some sleep tonight.

October- wow, another surprise C section in this group. Glad they caught that tear so you are prepared! Very best of luck to you & Aria tomorrow, I will be thinking of you both & hoping for a safe delivery! Check in when you can.

AFM, T minus 2 days to my due date. Not too much going on today or yesterday so I guess my little guy is comfy where he is lol. As anxious as I am to meet him I want him to come when he's ready. Hoping it's before Monday so I don't have to decide what to do, but even if he doesn't it looks like he'll be here one way or the other by next Tuesday. So only 5 days max!
Wow scooby!!! I’m just so excited I can’t stand it!!

October- good luck tomorrow!!! Fx’ed everything goes smoothly. So glad they caught the tear.

3c - thinking of you!!!

I can’t get over the influx of babies!!!
October, sending good vibes for everything to go smoothly!!!!!

3chords, thinking of you and can&#8217;t wait for an update!!!!

Scooby, can&#8217;t wait to see how things pan out but you have a good attitude and it&#8217;s an exciting time, very soon he&#8217;ll be here!!!

Thanks ladies for all the positive comments. It made me realize though i might complain a lot cause it&#8217;s such a open and kind group! But things aren&#8217;t going too bad really.... i mean there&#8217;s the one big issue that I&#8217;ll know more about on Monday but other then that the sick kids i guess got me down. But I&#8217;m overall happy and positive! It&#8217;s just easy to sorta vent here... hubbys at work a lot and with the sick kids i didn&#8217;t link up much with friends this week which was abnormal for us. But kids are on the mend so that is good.
Tomorrow is my 28 wk checkup with my doctor. But it&#8217;s just a quick one with the Doppler. Then Monday I&#8217;ll report back for sure on my scan to check on the hematoma, baby&#8217;s growth, etc. hopefully there&#8217;s been progress with the hematoma shrinking.
Have a good Friday everyone !
Juliet I think you&#8217;re suoermum! I struggle with just one toddler at home! Hope your little ones are feeling better today

Wish, Madeleine fed 11 hrs straight on her second day , literally non stop haha but they know what they need to do!

October, been thinking of you and hope all has gone well today!

Scooby, I hope things get going more for you soon, already sounds like your body is doing what it needs to, thinking of you

Afm, not a lot happening apart from a very wriggly baby boy! He&#8217;s always on the move, my aches and pains have seemed to ease and less bh which I&#8217;m not entirely happy about lol

No more appointments now though so just less than 2 weeks to wait til induction, come on baby!
Hi ladies,

Baby Tessa arrived yesterday at 11:55 am by c section. 6 lb 12 oz at 36+2 is great! She had to go to NICU until about 10 pm for low blood sugar and low temp but did great and continues to amaze back in our room.
3chords! Congrats on your baby girl!!! Very happy for you!!

Star, thanks !! You&#8217;re doing awesome too. And only 2 weeks left ? Wow ! That is fantastic.
3c - congratulations!!! Welcome to the world little Tessa!! Great weight and so happy she needed minimal NICU time!!!

Juliet - I second star’s note. You’re a super mom and doing great. I can’t wait until your scan on Monday!!
Our little boy Finnegan James arrived safe & sound last night after 13 hours of labor. He's absolutely perfect and we're so in love. <3 He was 6 lbs, 13 oz and 20" long so nowhere near as big as we anticipated.

3c- Congrats & welcome to the world baby Tessa! (That's my favorite aunt's name.) How are you guys doing?

Wish- any updates on the boys?

October- hope all went well with your delivery!

Star- I think you're next!

Juliet- your appointment is tomorrow right? Good luck!

Finn is sleeping so I'm going to try & nap for a few minutes. I'll share my birth story soon, it was a doozy lol
:wohoo: :happydance: CONGRATULATIONS Scooby!!!! I’m so glad you’re both happy and healthy. I absolutely LOVE his name!!!
Take your time to recover and get back to us. We all understand!!

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