Assisted conception success - due 2018 xx

star and dog, thanks! i am eager for that next growth scan cause my belly is really getting big now it seems!!!

dancing, good to hear from you... how is balancing work and home life going? i am sure it is a juggle and will take some time for routines, but so good the babies are in daddys good hands!!!!!

star, i have been thinking about you today!!!! so tomorrow is your thursday right? i bet you are so excited! are you being induced or csec,,,? i can't remember your plan, as baby brain is seriously taking over in my head. i hope everything goes smoothly! looking forward to hear about it when you have the time!! enjoy your little guy and all those snuggles!

i am starting to get more like uncomfortable with moving, sleeping, getting up and down, and even sitting on the couch i feel like is a challenge to go from stand to sit without causing some discomfort like the couch back feels too far away... maybe i need to set up tons of pillows so its a quicker transition. i told hubby today that i can tell February is going to be tough but march will be hell. BUT i am happy i am pregnant (i know many people would love to be in our shoes!) and i feel so excited and blessed to have this sweet little boy, it will all be worth it... just the end is always hard for me!! i guess if i have him around 4/14, then i am almost two months away. it feels like it should be closer!! thankfully some appointments will come up on the 26 of this month and then march 13th is the growth scan. not to mention all the kids appointments, like conferences with teachers and kindergarten tours, etc! and valentine celebration! all exciting and it just helps to have things on the calendar ya know?

so how are all the new mommas and babies?!?! seriously need to hear how everyone is doing!
Good luck star!!!

Juliet, wonderful news that everything looks ok! 30 weeks is right when I started to get really uncomfortable too.

Dancing- so happy to hear the twins are thriving! My DH & I are toying with the idea of him sometimes staying home while I work. He's a great dad!

Wish, dogmommy, October & koj how are all of you guys?

Life is pretty good here. My little man Finn is asleep on my chest as I type :) he's a real sweetie (except for when he's hungry & then he goes insane lol). Starting to settle into a good routine now, which is nice. Very tired but it's all worth it <3
Juliet, hope the last 10 weeks or so fly by for you. I also always struggled so much in the end of pregnancy, come think of it my pregnancies were basically just awful almost the entire way through which is a large part of having my tubes removed this time. I hope that you can manage some rest with your other kiddos around.

star - thinking of you today! Can't wait to hear the good news and see photos of your little squish! You've been way more patient than I would have managed.

scooby - newborn snoozes on your chest are the best things ever. My DS was really big so he kind of grew out of that stage super fast but now I have a tiny little dancer and she will be able to do it for a long time.

We are doing well here. Tessa is finally emerging out of her preemie sleepiness and spending more time awake and alert every day. Which is good in terms of feeding her (she was hard to wake before) but I won't lie part of me will miss being able to just relax and cuddle her all day rather than trying to entertain and put her down for a nap.
Hi all, glad to hear you are all well

Caleb Noah arrived at 21:38 last night 8lb 15oz

Ended up being pretty quick, thu broke waters at 12:30, drip went up at 2:30 as contractions weren&#8217;t happening, they upped the dose 3 times before contractions properly got going about 8pm, before that didn&#8217;t really feel anything much, by 9pm they we&#8217;re pretty bad and I was 6cm then 38 minutes later he was here!

Had another episiotomy and haemorrhaged but half the amount I lost with dd so don&#8217;t feel as bad as I did after with her, my placenta was bloody huge though haha

He&#8217;s so squidgy and dd will be here soon to meet him for the first time

Juliet, hope you can get some rest but sounds like you&#8217;re doing an amazing job with your other children too!
Congrats star!!! You make it sound like a piece of cake :) enjoy him and DD!

Juliet I hope it goes by quickly for you. It does seem to drag after 32 weeks. But you're already 30 weeks down.

Scooby and 3c I can't wait for those snuggles!

Afm induction is scheduled next Friday!
I take it back about losing half the amount as with dd, it was 850ml so not quite as much but enough

Dogmommy, haha it didn&#8217;t feel like it at the time, I was just in shock at how quickly I suddenly felt his head coming! Good luck next Friday but sure will be on here before then
Happy birthday little Caleb! Great name too!

Yikes, that's a lot of blood star. Hopefully you can replenish your iron and feel strong soon. He is a big boy, you did great!
Star so happy to hear a update !!! I&#8217;ve been checking periodically to see if you had written ! Glad he&#8217;s here and all is well !!! Hope your recovery goes well and so exciting for DD to meet him today! How long do you stay in hospital? And very cute name!

Dogmommy youre so close now! Final stretch!

Thanks everyone for the positive thoughts! I&#8217;m about 30 weeks now so thinking I&#8217;ll have 9 weeks left !! They are just going to be long ! Had a bit of a cry today. Pregnant emotions i guess !
Thank you everyone for the congrats, we&#8217;re all very happy

Sat night he had a marathon 12hr feed, unfortunately this started at 5pm so carried on all night, eventually I got an hr and a half&#8217;s sleep
Sun night was better, managed about 5 hrs sleep but he didn&#8217;t settle til 1am as was very windy
Last night was better between 9pm and 6:30am he was up 3 times and I managed 7hrs sleep so feeling better today
Other than that he is very calm and content, he&#8217;s much happier in his cot during the day too than what Madeleine used to be as she was always sleeping on us so I hope this is a good sign

3c or Anyone with Frosties, do you know what you will do with them if you don&#8217;t plan on using them? I&#8217;ve got 4 and at the moment we have said we won&#8217;t try again but I&#8217;m not so sure as who knows how I might feel one day
I had a dream last night we were donating one to a single man, it meant I had to be pregnant and we were going for a scan and I couldn&#8217;t go through with it and said I was keeping it, it felt so real like I really had to give away a baby and really made me think About my embryos and how I don&#8217;t like any of the options other than using the more myself!

Juliet, how are you feeling?

How are all the babies?
star - we will either donate ours to embryonic stem cell research or discard. We do not want more kids and have 7 frosties. We did consider donating them but ultimately did not feel comfortable with the idea. If our fertility journey hadn't spanned the last 5 years we probably would have gone for #3 but now I am too old and too tired and my body hates being pregnant. I got my tubes removed/tied during the section and I am at peace with that decision as well. Truthfully I have not regretted it for a moment. Sometimes I think I will miss that excitement of the days leading up to the new baby, etc but our family size really feels right now.

Juliet, you are in the home stretch. I found that after 30 weeks time sped up a lot. And you will have the baby in much better weather which I'm very jealous about!
Thank you 3c, at the moment I can’t bear the thought of doing anything but using them but I don’t really want to go through 4 more fets lol, who knows though, I’m not saying I do or don’t want anymore children, right now I couldn’t be happier but I will probably store them in case I do want to try again in the future
star, how have the nights been since the weekend? i hope you are getting some sleep! how is DD with him? how long did you stay in hospital?
my little one has loved seeing friends babies so i am hoping it is a good sign. but i bet there will be some issues when we have him and she realizes she is not the baby anymore.
oh and i have 13 frosties. a year ago we paid for a 2 year storage. hubby feels we are done. i haven't been sure....but we will have another year to decide.

how are all the other new mommas doing?

afm, so i am all over the place emotionally...sometimes i am like wow only 9 weeks to go! but most the time i am like, CRAP I STILL HAVE nine weeks??? pregnancy is getting hard...
i am starting to do that pregnant walk a bit where your belly is sticking out and your back position is sorta changed. sleep is crap. oh and i have random shooting pains to my crotch. i have round ligament every day but this is something different. and sometimes like he is kicking my cervix area? i don't know what is really going on down there but it can be uncomfortable and painful but always short lived. really looking forward to my appointments but they are all still a ways away!
Juliet, the pains you described was exactly how I felt the last few weeks, as I was 2cm dilated when I went in something was obviously doing what it should lol

The nights are iffy, mon night wasn&#8217;t bad but last night by 4:30am I had only had 2hrs sleep and then another 2-3 after that which wasn&#8217;t so bad but up til 4:30 was pretty tiring

Dd is really good, she&#8217;s interested in him and obviously loves him but not overboard with it like I thought she would be, she will ask to hold him but after literally ten seconds says &#8216;mummys go! And wants to pass him back, I think it&#8217;s because she doesn&#8217;t like to sit still lol

I had him at 9:38 thurs night and was home by 1pm the next say, they checked his blood sugars 3 times and all were ok so we were ok to go home

Day 5 yesterday and he&#8217;s lost 14oz, 9.6% so they want him weighed again tomorrow so midwife is coming round at some point, hopefully he has started to put it back on, I don&#8217;t see how not the way he feeds!
12 hour feeding! Oh my Star. Do you feel like a zombie. Is DH off to help you? I cant imagine taking care of baby and toddler.

Juliet time will start flying by. Try to rest when you can! My pelvic and RLP came and went so hopefully you get some relief too.

Afm i dont know if im going to do induction as planned on friday (39 weeks exaxtly) I have another us and NST test today and will chat with Dr. The more people i talk to seems like my c-section chance is much higher and my family is telling me to give another week to let her come on her own. Honestly dont know what to do hopefully dr can help with decision today.
Congratulations star! Love the name you picked. Sorry about the long feedings & sleepless nights, I hope he finds a good schedule soon!

Dogmommy- good luck today! I hope you decide what works for you. Whatever happens, you'll do great!

Juliet- I felt just like that my last 2 months. It's kind of good though because by the time you get to the end you're so ready to just be done that labor isn't as bad lol.

How are the other new mamas? Happy Valentine's Day to all! We had a little issue with our pediatrician trying to get us to let Finn cry it out instead of feeding him (he gained 1lb in 8 days) & it was a disaster. We were miserable & Finn was miserable, and DH and I couldn't deal with hearing him cry like that when all he wanted was food. So we're ignoring his advice! Finn is healthy & strong and I'm not worried about his weight. He's such a chill baby otherwise & goes 4-5 hours at night on his own. Why mess with that?
Thank you! I agree scooby, he&#8217;s a newborn baby and cries when he needs something, even if it&#8217;s just a cuddle, I could never do cry it out, they&#8217;re only little for such a short time every cuddle is precious and it&#8217;s a time to make the most of

Dogmommy, some days I&#8217;m a zombie and others I manage to deal with it and get on with my day, luckily the 12hr feed was a one off, dd done the same on her first proper day, difference was she started it at 11am so was done by 11pm whereas calves didn&#8217;t start til 5pm lol

How did your appointment go today dogmommy?
star, sounds like things are going well! DD sounds cute with him! hope the nights get a bit more routine but it will come together soon! they're only so little once!

scooby, you know what is best for DS! 4-5 hours at night sounds so lovely!

you mommas are doing great! love hearing your situations as it is getting me prepared for what is to come!

star, dog, scooby, thanks for the support!
i had a super painful RLP during the night! DD was crying for me, and i was trying to slide out of bed carefully but main it was painful and i couldn't move for a few long seconds.
yeah these last 2 months are rough but hopefully it is my body preparing for things! and baby getting what he needs before he comes.
i'm really thinking a c-sec around april 14th. i am just so excited to get him into the world and take care of him!
and to be honest, i am ready for the weight to come back off and get into some healthier routines and eventually get back to where i need to be but it wont be easy and i know it will take awhile but that is okay.
12 days to next appt....

how is everyone else doing?? only a couple of us left to have our babies i think??!!
Juliet, it&#8217;s sounds like that&#8217;s the best decision for you, I was so glad for Caleb to finally arrive as I was getting to the point of worrying too much that he was ok, moving enough etc so was relieved to actually have him here!
Hi all! Popping in as I pump at 1:30am! Just finished another feeding cycle for the boys - they are eating about every 3 hrs still at night. We are on just formula at night but I pump for the next day for Malcolm and the Timothy gets the breast all day. Seems to be working so far!
Everything here is wonderful! We’ve been very lucky (knock on wood) to avoid illness so far. This flu season is so scary! DH has either been off of work or has worked from home so thankfully it’s been easy to handle 2 babies. I do not know what I’d do if he had to go into the office full time!!
I’ve been able to lose all my pregnancy weight. Actually I lost it in 3 weeks. Still have a pooch of course but I’m so happy to be so mobile. But my legs and butt feel so doughy!! No muscle tone at all! Which is weird since I was just carrying around and extra almost 60lbs.
Ok T is about to explode in his crib. CONGRATULATIONS Star!!!
You got these last feweeejs, Juliet!! It’ll fly!!
Dog - good luck!!!

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