At-home Artificial Insemination - HOW TO and success stories.

dear all,
i am new to this thread but facing same issue like many of you. my DH has ED so was trying for insem by syring. it feels as if everything oozes out immediately though i had put pillow below my hip still it was BFN. we tried it on CD11 & CD 13 th.
am i forgetting something or am i doing it wrong? anyone pls guide..


check this thread out more info and input :)
awww...I was gonna link that thread too. lol! We tried softcups this cycle for the same reason. I'll let you know how it turns out on
dear all,
i am new to this thread but facing same issue like many of you. my DH has ED so was trying for insem by syring. it feels as if everything oozes out immediately though i had put pillow below my hip still it was BFN. we tried it on CD11 & CD 13 th.
am i forgetting something or am i doing it wrong? anyone pls guide..


What I did was lie for 30 mins with 2 pillows under my bum and also made sure I had an orgasm (or 2!!) as it helps draw the sperm up into the uterus x My little syringe baby is nearly 9 months old and we are trying for another x
1. If you used a donor (rather than your spouse), how did you find your donor
Our donors were a gay couple that had offered. We laughed about it for years and then when we got serious about wanting children had a conversation about it and found that we were all pretty serious. We put both men through thorough medical testing (each one, twice and 6 mos apart) because of the risk of HIV/AIDS. They were both clean as a whistle so we proceeded.

2. What method(s) did you use to track ovulation
Started off using temping, but it drove me a little crazy after a while. Mostly just tracked and used OPK sticks which sometimes worked. Sometime cervical mucus was a better indicator than the strips.

3. What method(s) of insemination did you use
We used a 10mL oral medication syringe from a drug store. In the last few months, I started using 1.5mL of pre-seed about 5 minutes before insemination. We would insert the semen within 30 minutes of ejaculation and I would prop my hips up on 2 pillows for 30-45 minutes afterwards. Sometimes I would orgasm afterwards, but not often. Was too difficult in that position for me.

4. How many times per cycle did you inseminate and what was the timing relative to ovulation (e.g. 2 days before and day of)?
Usually 3-4 times per cycle. I would anticipate ovulation and we would try once the day before, on the day of and on the day after. If my OPKs indicated that I ovulated late, then we might try again the following day just to make sure our bases were covered.

5. Logistics. Where did you meet your donor and how did the donation occur?
Over the course of many months we found it easiest for him to "make his deposit" at home while we were on our way over. We'd wait outside and he'd bring it out to us when he was done, then we'd go home and inseminate me in our bedroom about 15-20 minutes later. The month it worked though, he had moved further away and we were worried it may not work because the drive was longer and we were pushing 35 minutes.

6. Did it work? If so, how many cycles did it take?
Yes, it did work but we tried for 15 months and took one cycle off in that time.

7. If you used a donor, what is the relationship you have (or intend to have) with your donor?
Our donor and his boyfriend want to have "uncle" status. They would like to be involved and know the child as it grows up but have no interest in parenting.

8. Anything else you think people should know?
Do not take risks with your health. If using a known donor, make sure that ALL of the appropriate STD tests are done. We paid for and arranged the tests for ourselves specifically for this purpose. I wouldn't take anyone's "word" about anything, even if they are friends. There are plenty of clinics that you can pay out of pocket to get the testing done and it's only about $250.

When using a known donor, protect yourself and them by getting the necessary legal documentation done before you start. We went to a lawyer and had a donor agreement drawn up saying that they intend to relinquish parental rights when a child is born (because in our state you can't do it sooner). In the agreement, it said that if he chose not to sign them over, then he agreed to pay a ridiculous amount of child support per month. Basically we made it so that he couldn't afford to keep the kid if he changed his mind. I know it's harsh, but our donors were okay with it once we talked about it. We feel a lot safer this way that we won't have anyone changing their mind at a very vulnerable time.

I also read this thread for over a year while we tried and I feel like it could be a little misleading. So many people got pregnant within the first 6 months and I wasn't. By biggest piece of advice is to not give up. Don't go into it expecting that it will happen right away, but be ready in case it does. This process can take a very long time and it doesn't happen right away for everyone. Keep at it because it can work and the success rate is pretty much the same as natural conception with sex.
my partner and I have been trying for going on 8 months. I'm wondering what is the point of pre seed and how i would use it? That is almost the only thing we havn't tried yet. any advice anyone can give us would really help!
has anyone tried AI with a tilted uterus? i am wondering if it would be better to inseminate in a "doggystyle" position in that case? and would you lay on your stomach afterwards instead of your back?
Tink80 = i have a tilted uterus, and used the bum in the air, missionary technique. i did keep my bum highly elevated for a good 30 minutes minimum afterward. and made sure i orgasmed :)
You could totally ask to use his bed :rofl: I guess if she softcup holds it right up close then its ok, I cud never get it to work for me, it kept coming half out and hurting me! I did get a bfp with it still tho,lol
My donor is gracious enough to let me use his bed. I'm going to really relax this cycle and kick my legs up at leas 15 minutes :)
FINALLY, I get to post in this thread!!

1. If you used a donor (rather than your spouse), how did you find your donor

I used many websites, and a few donors for that matter, but the donor who helped me conceive in August was found on Pollentree.

2. What method(s) did you use to track ovulation

Smiley OPK's from CD10, CM and CP tracking from CD10, CBFM, although not sure how helpful this was, and temping.

3. What method(s) of insemination did you use

10ml needleless syringe bought from e-bay. 1mg of pre-seed inserted about 20 minutes before insem; I didn't lay down after inserting pre-seed. I would open the syringe, pull and push the plunger once before putting the sperm in it. I would lie on a bed with a pillow or 2 under my hips and insert the syringe. I would leave the syringe in place for about 5 seconds to adjust to body temp and then steadily push the plunger to release the sperm. I would keep the syringe inserted and stay laying down for 1 hour. At the end of that hour, I would have the soft cup waiting to be inserted as soon as I took out the syringe; this for me avoided any leakage. I would then go to the toilet, wash hands etc and then lay back on the bed to orgasm. I left the soft cup in over night.

4. How many times per cycle did you inseminate and what was the timing relative to ovulation (e.g. 2 days before and day of)?

In the final months it was just one donation, well you only need one sperm timed perfectly :winkwink: on the morning of my smiley OPK, I would text donor to see if he could still donate that night. I would then get another smiley OPK the next day, OV day, and a temp rise the day after. So the donation was O-1

5. Logistics. Where did you meet your donor and how did the donation occur?

I travelled to my donor(s), anywhere from 1 hour - 4 hours distance! I would stay in a hotel for the night and donor would donate in the hotel room.

6. Did it work? If so, how many cycles did it take?

AT LAST, lol. I got pregnant on my 10th cycle but sadly miscarried. I then got pregnant on my 11th was 16 cycles since I started as I had to take 3 months off in 2011 and one month off after the MC.

7. If you used a donor, what is the relationship you have (or intend to have) with your donor?


8. Anything else you think people should know?

I used EPO, 2 x 1000mg a day up until OV for CM; this may affect OV date. EPO didn't really help my CM too much, 2 litres of water a day did. That gave me watery CM which is still fertile and I used 1mg of pre-seed. Re the pre-seed applicators, I did re-use mine, I "washed" them with plain hottish water and then cold.
1. If you used a donor (rather than your spouse), how did you find your donor
I found my donor on after trying FSDW.It's been a year since he started donating to me, and we have a good working friendship now

2. What method(s) did you use to track ovulation
I used pee on a sticks, until I was put on Clomid for a short time, now I know that LH surge is day 14, and for me, the best day to conceive is 48 hrs post LH surge

3. What method(s) of insemination did you use
I tried syringes for months, until my gynae suggested I tried an endometrial sampler, and use it like a syringe. They are primarily used for sampling inside the uterus, but I found that by threading it in slowly and inseminating 4 times from one specimen worked. It's the only way I have conceived, and I made sure I inseminated right next to the cervix. It is fiddly though, you have to inseminate, back to the pot to fill up and so on.
As for how - I put a lot of big pillows on the bed, and sat on them, allowed myself to fall backwards so my hips were right up. I've found that the higher you get, the less leeks out!
Orgasm works. I've done it with and without, and the two times I conceived, I orgasmed.
I made sure that I had things to occupy me afterwards, as I get bored lying there. A book, the mobile internet and stayed put for 45 mins.
Then I got up and carried on as usual - making sure I had my shower of the day that morning and didn't bathe again til the next day.

4. How many times per cycle did you inseminate and what was the timing relative to ovulation (e.g. 2 days before and day of)?
I have tried on the day of LH surge and the day after with zero success. When, because of an issue with donor availability, I went for 48hr post surge - that's when I have conceived. (twice now) I now use the LH surge day as my marker and receive donation if possible on +48 hrs. Every other time has been day 0 or +24. So now I have 2 donations, +36 and +48

5. Logistics. Where did you meet your donor and how did the donation occur?
I spoke to my donor online for a period of time, then invited him to my home, my mother was there the first time as 'protection', but my donor is alright and now he pops in, we have a chat, he goes off upstairs to donate, leaves the pot by my bed and I pay him expenses and we say goodbye.

6. Did it work? If so, how many cycles did it take?
It's worked twice now, although I haven't managed to carry the pregnancy onwards. It worked each time I used the method and timing above. The failures have come by timing, which due to both myself and the donors working patterns is just pot luck

7. If you used a donor, what is the relationship you have (or intend to have) with your donor?
My donor knows I do not want co-parenting. He is happy for the odd email of news, to visit occasionally (birthdays/christmas) I wanted minimal contact, and twice a year and emails is good enough for me. He has also requested that if anything was to happen to myself, he would like to continue contact, or help raise the child with my parents. He will not be present at the birth.

8. Anything else you think people should know?
Be very clear with what you want from your donor, some are dead against any contact or the child knowing them, others want to help bring the child up. You need to decide early on what you want too. I initially wanted zero contact, but that has evolved into minimal since I have got to know my donor and I understand he is in this process because he is a man who wanted kids and it never happened.
You should find out STI status of course.
Be prepared for it to be a long process, it's undignified and emotionally draining at times. Be prepared to try a lot of different forms of insemination device - My gynae gave me a box of endometrial samplers as I was getting no where with syringes.
Speaking for myself, taking the LH surge as THE day to get insemination isn't always so. We're all different, so try different days - you could be like me and a latey!

Hope that helps someone!
I was wondering if anybody over 35 had had success with this method? Is it worth trying?
5. Logistics. Where did you meet your donor and how did the donation occur?
I spoke to my donor online for a period of time, then invited him to my home, my mother was there the first time as 'protection', but my donor is alright and now he pops in, we have a chat, he goes off upstairs to donate, leaves the pot by my bed and I pay him expenses and we say goodbye.
Hope that helps someone!

I have started a conversation with my potential donor as well. Your mother sounds great just like my husband who wants to be there as my protector too :thumbup: We are considering natural ejaculations though so it is going to be a little weird to have my husband watch :blush: Totally worth it for starting our family :happydance::happydance::happydance:
1. If you used a donor (rather than your spouse), how did you find your donor - We found our donor through yahoo NI groups after trying others including nationally and the local personals. The personals were the frustrating because there are a lot of flakes who don't understand the commitment it takes to be a donor.

2. What method(s) did you use to track ovulation - Pee sticks helped me develop a good tracking calendar and my biology is very consistent so I know my weeks to conceive

3. What method(s) of insemination did you use - NI with husband starting things by giving me an O :thumbup: and then we proceed with missionary :sex:

After the inseminations are finished my husband bonds with me :sex: for support and then helps me so I don't get bored with my hips elevated on pillows and just waiting and waiting and waiting for the swimmers to begin our family :blue:

4. How many times per cycle did you inseminate and what was the timing relative to ovulation (e.g. 2 days before and day of)? - We started with 3 inseminations and 7 days preceding my calendar ovulation and plan on daily :sex: on thru 2 or 3 days post ovulation just to be sure we completely cover the chances with as much :spermy::spermy::spermy: as possible.

5. Logistics. Where did you meet your donor and how did the donation occur? - We screened for a long time!! and considered me flying to this one donor since I do not work and have the free time to do this. He seemed like a perfect candidate but my husband definitely wanted to participate so it had to be a local donor. We eventually spoke to our NI donor thru emails, phone, and then invited him to our home without specific plans to start but once we met and with the timing being right, we decided to go ahead and begin. My husband and I primed my body with an O and then we started with inseminations with hopes that he could deliver like he said. For us it was perfect because he could indeed give 3 ejaculations.

6. Did it work? If so, how many cycles did it take? - Although we just started we know it might take more than one try. We've made it a clear stipulation that our donor be available thru my ovulation and he seems enthusiastic and says however long it takes so just hope, hope, hope that it's this first cycle :dust:

7. If you used a donor, what is the relationship you have (or intend to have) with your donor? - We looked for many qualities in the donor candidates and basically features that are like my husband except in a much younger version :winkwink: and then made it clear that we do not want co-parenting or contact after the conception. And the donor was not interested in the same goals.

8. Anything else you think people should know? - What each couple decides is best for them is how you have to make your decision. There are a lot of pros and cons!! :coffee: It was most important for us that we are natural and then emotionally bonded. Screening and trust of the donor is super important.

Hope that helps!
Hi there!

I had bookmarked this thread for the past 6 months and kept reading it all the time to get a positive feel. I am very thankful to all of you for your posts which landed me a BFP! Here’s my input.

1. If you used a donor (rather than your spouse), how did you find your donor
My spouse

2. What method(s) did you use to track ovulation
Used IC’s but the time it worked I used Clearblue digital ovulation sticks. They are much easier to use and the first time I used them I got pregnant!

3. What method(s) of insemination did you use
Used syringes, non spermicidal condom, sterile cup. I had problems getting the semen from the condom directly, so I transferred them to a cup and then drew it in. Inseminated asap and lied on pillows for 1 hour

4. How many times per cycle did you inseminate and what was the timing relative to ovulation (e.g. 2 days before and day of)?
Once on the night of lh surge and twice the next day

6. Did it work? If so, how many cycles did it take?
Yes it did! Took 3 cycles and first with clearblue digital opk’s. Used conceive plus too.

8. Anything else you think people should know?
This method surely works!
I don't know if I'm allowed to post this here, but we did at home insemination.... I am wondering if you ladies can take a look at this and tell me, is this maybe my success story??

The first one is as it is, the second is tweaked, and the third inverted. This was taken this A.M. at 8dpo with 10miu/ml ic's. The line (that I see!) showed up at about 5 mins. (Definitely with in the time limit!) Take a look!
Had my 3rd cycle of artificial insemination today at home and noticed light spotting and also has some mild that normal and since i had not experienced any such thing in the last two months i am a lill worried :wacko::wacko: lemme knw ur opinions guys who already travelled d same road
Helo Ladies,

Quick question, everyone mentions a "sterile" container. We are using dixi cups. is this OK?
Hi ladies,

we have been TTC for 5 months (last week it was the 5th try) and although I missed the OV day I am still hoping it did work this time.

1. If you used a donor (rather than your spouse), how did you find your donor
My partner and I decided to have a baby and started looking into options of getting some help from a male friend. We didnt want to ask our hetero friends so we went on a gay page and found many ads from guys who wanted to donate or become fathers. We found our match last year after 2 months and first started to get to know him and tried to become friends, we have common programs and he plans to take active part on bringing up the child :) We started the insemination process this summer and have done 4 cycles.

2. What method(s) did you use to track ovulation
I used OPK sticks the first 3 times. Last month I started charting every morning and registered in fertilityfriend. It is hard to keep measuring your temperature at the same time every morning and read the chart but you do learn a lot regarding the changes your body goes through before and after ovulation. I also try to "read" the changes of CM and check the position of my cervix. This is the second month I am using these methods and still need to pinpoint exact time of ovulation somewhere between CD 12 or 13 for me cycle of 27 days

3. What method(s) of insemination did you use
We have tried the cup to syringe method, though next cycle I plan to use preseed as I have read it helps.

4. How many times per cycle did you inseminate and what was the timing relative to ovulation (e.g. 2 days before and day of)?
We have tried on the day of LH surge and the day after the first 3 cycles with no success. This time we tried 1 day before LH surge and on the day of LH surge, will see if it worked. Next time we plan to do 3 inseminations maybe that will work

5. Logistics. Where did you meet your donor and how did the donation occur?
always at our home, usually at night before I go to bed. He does his thing :winkwink: in the bathroom then brings the sperm in a sterile container to our bedroom, my partner helps me with the syringe, I lay comfortably in bed under 2 pillows and we do the insemination. I usually rest for 1 hour before I start moving around or go to bed. Occassionally some leaks out the next day but I have read it is normal

6. Did it work? If so, how many cycles did it take?
It has not worked so far, I m DPO 10 today and will find out next weekend if this time was successful and we can finally have our :baby:

8. Anything else you think people should know?
TTC is a rollercoaster and a real couple tester.. my partner and I have been going through a lot of emotional breakdowns the last few months (more than ever before been together for 7 years), even though she is very supportive and I feel I could never do it without her. One piece of advice really do it if you are ready and really really want it (for couples both of you :)).

Even though you know the person (donor) it is very hard to plan with a 3rd person.. prepare yourself for last minute changes and adjust your expectations to avoid disappointment which is part of the process..
Try to read and understand the TTC process before you embark on this journey but stop reading when you feel you have covered the basics and the must know part... too much information can be confusing and you will feel lost :wacko:

Above all dont lose hope. It it's meant to happen for you (and us:)} it will happen.

:dust: to you all and keep your fingers crossed for us next Saturday :)

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