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Aug 20 - CD1

Not too much going on with me either. A few af type cramps have started but that's nothing unusual. I'm only 6dpo so I'm not going to get obsessive for another 2 days yet....who am I kidding?! I'm obsessed already! :lol:

babymaybe, my birthday is the 21st hence why I'd rather have af a few days before then if she's coming so I can get over it by then or I'll be in a doubly filthy mood as I'm not a birthday person anyway. I know my mother-in-law is going to make a big fuss too as it's my first birthday as her daughter in law. If i get a :bfp: of course I won't care so lets hope it's that and not af!

How's everyone else feeling?
Babymaybe - Well how did you get on at the docs? Hope its good news :hugs:

Well what can I say Superp123 - think you're in for a winner this month. I agree with Babymaybe, they are MAJOR symptoms to be imagining!!! I'd have POAS...like yesterday ;) Soo glad its looking positive for you :happydance:

Babymad - Oh wouldn't that be the most wonderful birthday present...and hey, if the auld MIL wants to spoil/fuss over you then just go ahead and let her...lap it up chick :hugs:

Kaygeebee - Chin up about the temps thing, I myself have been obsessing over then (you may have noticed :blush:) but there are some articles that say it's not that reliable!!! So you're still in with a chance ;)
Girlies - just had to tell you all that doc says me and DH are normal! Hurray! Spermies and hormones all ok so now we just wait until the new year and then if nothing happens by then he'll refer us to the fertility clinic. So I'm really hoping that there won't be any need.


As far as this cycle goes I've got nothing else to report - just a bit of pressure under my belly button but that happened last time.
Baby maybe that's good news!! Fx you don't have to wait to the new year and you have something to report very soon!!

Superp123 - sounding awesome for you!!! Best of luck!!

angelcakes, thanks hon. I'm trying not to obsess but...... well you know how it is!!! :lol:

Well, things are still quiet here - sod all to report - but lots of creamy CM and I don't usually have this much.
Girlies - just had to tell you all that doc says me and DH are normal! Hurray! Spermies and hormones all ok so now we just wait until the new year and then if nothing happens by then he'll refer us to the fertility clinic. So I'm really hoping that there won't be any need.


As far as this cycle goes I've got nothing else to report - just a bit of pressure under my belly button but that happened last time.

Oh hun I'm soooo glad, you sound so happy, get a good bottle of wine and celebrate with DH this weekend, heavens knows you both deserve it x
babymaybe, yay for you. I'm glad to hear your results came back positive.

I put myself at 7dpo today. Still way to early for symptoms but I'm looking!

We'll all be :bfp: by next weekend! Superp123 is going to start us off and I'll bring up the rear :lol:

I know my chances this month are low but there's nothing wrong with a bit of PMA.

Going home today so I get to see DH after 5 nights and no more travel for the foreseeable future. It'll be nice to get back to normality. I'll try and check in over the weekend but DH has broken the PC. If not I'll see you on Monday....hopefully next week will be our lucky week. XXX
Well Babymaybe I dont want to steal your thunder or anything...but I am 'normal' too ;) Remember I went to see the docs last week to get referred to the Infertility Clinic, well he took blood from me and I got the results back today...they tested my kidney, liver and thyriods and all normal. But they are just basic tests...still have the 'infertility' tests to get...but hey one test down...

And remember ladies, we all might not have the signs that we want (well excluding Superp123 and Babymaybe) but there is still hope, we still have another 7 days to go...so anything can happen, PMA PMA PMA!!!

:dust: to you all this weekend :hugs:

Angelcakes, glad the first tests came back normal!! :) yay!!

Only thing to report here is freaky dreams last night, and a few odd pains down below... probably wind though!! :lol:
Well Babymaybe I dont want to steal your thunder or anything...but I am 'normal' too ;) Remember I went to see the docs last week to get referred to the Infertility Clinic, well he took blood from me and I got the results back today...they tested my kidney, liver and thyriods and all normal. But they are just basic tests...still have the 'infertility' tests to get...but hey one test down...

And remember ladies, we all might not have the signs that we want (well excluding Superp123 and Babymaybe) but there is still hope, we still have another 7 days to go...so anything can happen, PMA PMA PMA!!!

:dust: to you all this weekend :hugs:

I'm very happy to share the thunder with you hun! That's great news and the first step over and done. Isn't 'normal' a great word?! So are you too late to do the progest test this cycle? How does DH feel about his test? Mine was great but I could tell it was bothering him when we got closer to going to get the results. He told me that when he went to drop off the sample there was a guy in front of him with a lot more in his pot and I think this worried him! He's ok now though.

Any symptoms to report?? :hug:
Well Babymaybe I dont want to steal your thunder or anything...but I am 'normal' too ;) Remember I went to see the docs last week to get referred to the Infertility Clinic, well he took blood from me and I got the results back today...they tested my kidney, liver and thyriods and all normal. But they are just basic tests...still have the 'infertility' tests to get...but hey one test down...

And remember ladies, we all might not have the signs that we want (well excluding Superp123 and Babymaybe) but there is still hope, we still have another 7 days to go...so anything can happen, PMA PMA PMA!!!

:dust: to you all this weekend :hugs:

I'm very happy to share the thunder with you hun! That's great news and the first step over and done. Isn't 'normal' a great word?! So are you too late to do the progest test this cycle? How does DH feel about his test? Mine was great but I could tell it was bothering him when we got closer to going to get the results. He told me that when he went to drop off the sample there was a guy in front of him with a lot more in his pot and I think this worried him! He's ok now though.

Any symptoms to report?? :hug:

Thanks hunny bunny :hugs:

Hhmm what is the progest test and how do I do it, and what does it tell?

Yeh think DH is a bit apprehensive about it...although I just have a feeling it might be me. Dont know why I think that but I do :blush:
Hey Angelcakes
The progesterone test is one where they check to see the levels of the hormone progresterone which I think indicates whether you've ovulated or not as it rises after ovulation. It's sometimes called the 21 day test and you're supposed to have the blood taken 7 days before AF is due. I completely messed it up the first month and gave it far too early.
Hey Angelcakes
The progesterone test is one where they check to see the levels of the hormone progresterone which I think indicates whether you've ovulated or not as it rises after ovulation. It's sometimes called the 21 day test and you're supposed to have the blood taken 7 days before AF is due. I completely messed it up the first month and gave it far too early.

And where do you get this test? Can I buy it...or is it a clinic thing, cause I'm still waiting on my appointment for the clinic :(

Oh hun, i've just replied to you on my journal and all I can think about is poas!!! I had resigned myself to thinking that it's not my month however now that you've mentioned buying them all I can think about now is 'maybe I am pregnant, MUST go buy sticks, MUST go buy sticks, MUST go buy sticks, MUST go buy stick'....aarrgghh!!!!

Why oh why do we do this to ourselfs...its crazy!!!
Im gunna test in four or five days.can i join the thread im gettin cramps and tinggley nipples soz tmi. probley af thoy, hope not stay away witch.
Of course you can Princess_t, welcome to you new TTC home. :hugs:

How long have you been trying for?
about 9 months. now had a mc about four months ago. you had any syptoms
Good morning girls! Just thought I'd check and see how we're all doing in this lovely tww. I woke up this morning with no spotting. :happydance: But thought it odd so I went to double check my counting on when I should expect such things. Well as it turns out I shouldn't expect spotting until tomorrow and AF isn't due (according to my ave. LP) until the 18th. I shouldn't be testing until the 18th. I think I'll still be first just not tomorrow. Sorry girls.
Too bad too cause I really wanna POAS!! Woke up this morning with a really full bladder...xxx, the sore throat is back, and I can only describe my appetite this morning as ravenous. LOL I think I ate my breakfast sandwich in record time and w/o breathing. :rofl: So either I'm a big PIG or it's a symptom. :) Also, I've had backache for two days now... this is a new one for me. BBs are sore in the underarm area and on the underside.
So here's to a fertile fantacy life!!
Anglecakes and Babymaybe- Congrats on the NORMAL results!! That's fantastic news. :hugs:
Babymabye- You were saying how your DH was standing in line with his pot feeling inadequate. LOL I've got an histerical story about my DH on the day we were expecting our results. I'll tell you all about it later.. don't want to ramble too long. :)
How's everyone else doing? Anyone going completely bonkers... like me?
Oh Superp123 - I'm way to early still to be testing, but I SOOOOOO want to POAS!! Feel like I'm going crazy!! I know realistically it won't be our month - but I hate the waiting, wondering and wishing!!

Why do we do it to ourselves?!!

Had another vivid dream last night - I'm really hoping that vivid dreams are a good sign.... but probably just a sign of my over active imagination at the moment lol!!
Welcome Princess_t. Hope there's in no witch, just a :bfp: for you.

I can see everyone is getting very tempted to POAS. I must admit that I keep thinking about it but at 10dpo and with no symptoms I'm taking the sensible route and not wasting my time and money....but it's SOOOOO hard! :lol:

I think I managed to miss Ov day but that couldn't be helped. I'm getting pre-af cramps so I'm not feeling too optimistic. I feel just like you do kaygeebee!

How is everyone else doing? Any new symptoms?
AGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH - I SO WANT TO POAS. I'm feeling really wound up by it all today and just want to know. I keep telling myself it's too early and I'll just be disappointed anyway but can't stop thinking about it - it's driving me mad!!!!!!!!

Sorry - crazy rant over...for now!!

Hi All and welcome to Princess T

Symptoms are a bit weird and still could be all in my head. I was quite gassy and headachy over the weekend and still am a bit. Keep thinking my boobs hurt but it's more like a deep inside aching rather than sensitive to touch. I've also got a bit of a runny nose and feel a bit sinusy. Still really hungry but I get like that before AF anyway. Only good thing is that I don't have any AF type cramps so hope these keep away.

Angelcakes - the gp sent me for the progest test so I expect they'll cover it at the clinic

Superp - still looking good and I'm definitely with you with going bonkers. I'll change your test date on the list for you.
Babymaybe - 19th
Angelcakes - 19th (or 20th but want to put 19th so you're the same as me!)
Superp - 18th (1st to poas??)
Babymad - 21st
Kaygeebee - 20th
JayleighAnn - ?
Gabrielle - 19th (same as me and Angelcakes!)
Princess T - ?

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