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Aug 20 - CD1

Well I'll buck that trend...I'm, as the Glasweigans say, 'af it'. Meaning 'off it' - the idea of poas since I'm pretty darn sure that the dastardly (soo missing spell checker!!!) witch has hunted me down this month, although I cant believe thats a month already.

Well at least I can look forward to BD'ing sessions next weekend already (as if I need an excuse) :happydance:

Temps started going down already and starting to get the bloated/tender belly that lets me know SHE is on her way. Although no spotting yet, so there is the very very slightest of chances...got to cling onto that PMA :blush:

So ladies this'll be a tough week for us all, there may be a few tears (prob mostly mine!!!), we need to enourage each other to not poas too early, and if there is a BFN then know that we're all still here for you, and if there is a BFP then we wish you all the luck in the world and go enjoy yourself in the Pregnancy Theads with our warmest of wishes :hug:

Roll on the next 7 days that could change all our lives, forever - PMA PMA PMA PMA PMA xxxxxx:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Babymaybe - Hey just thought I'd let you know its raining, dark, cold and miserable here - yippee!!!

Oh and I had the in-laws over for dinner yesterday and we were discussing the plans for Christmas dinner and since its our turn to be with DH's family this year I've offered to make Christmas dinner, which I'm over the moon about. I can already see the Christmas tree, smell the cinnamon, taste the mulled wine (that I drink even though I dont like it much but because thats what you're supposed to drink at Christmas he he!!) and hear the sound of the christmas carols in the background...ah bisto!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Even though I knew I wasnt going to get a :bfp: I still tested. The POAS need overcame me for the 1st time ever and I was right. A :bfn: I'm feeling pre-menstrual with the tummy cramps so it's only a matter of time now. I feel gutted but it's probably for the best I found out now so I've got time to be cheered up for my birthday on Sunday....see every cloud has a silver lining. I didn't want a May baby anyway :sulk: ....bring on the :cake:

How are the rest of you doing today? Hope your sticking with the PMA and staying away from sticks!
Babymaybe - 19th
Angelcakes - 19th (or 20th but want to put 19th so you're the same as me!)
Superp - 18th (1st to poas??)
Babymad - 21st
Kaygeebee - 20th
JayleighAnn - ?
Gabrielle - 19th (same as me and Angelcakes!)
Princess T - ?
my testing day is saterday thanks hun
hey ladies...so ive tested today and yesterday an the day before LMAO..anyways all have been negatives..ive been using CB digis...i usually use FRER...so idk which is better. ANyone test yet? BFN..BFP....????
Is it too early yet?

whats everyones CM like.
Mines pretty watery...clear and kinda smells werid...sorry TMI
My cp is pretty high but not realy soft.

How bout everyone else??????
Awww babymad I'm sorry hun. I know how you feel!!

Well the POAS need overcame me last night as well. I came home from work with such a headache and feeling really nauseous, so I tested, and of course it was a :bfn:

There's still hope though... Feeling not too bad today, so am going to try and hold off POAS until Saturday now if AF doesn't get me first.

:hug: all round. xx
Don't give up kaygeebee. You're still way early if af is due on Sat. I don't mean this in a bad way but I hope the nausea and headaches stay and result in a :bfp: i'll keep everything crossed.

Where are the rest of you girls? Gone into hiding? Or overwhelmed by :bfp:?
Babymaybe - 19th
Angelcakes - 19th (or 20th but want to put 19th so you're the same as me!)
Superp - 18th (1st to poas??)
Babymad - 21st
Kaygeebee - 20th
JayleighAnn - ?
Gabrielle - 19th (same as me and Angelcakes!)
Princess T - ?

Sorry girls but I think my AF has shifted, as today should of been AF day, but no AF and no BFP, and after 2/3 days of light flow on the 5th-8th of this month, I think my Depo is finally out of my system and my AF is now due on the 3rd Oct
Hello Girlies

After a brief spell of nearly losing it with the whole tww thing (!) I'm back and I've not poas yet! Get that for will power!?! Not sure how long it's going to last though.

Angelcakes - thanks for the words of support. You're right that we need to keep up the PMA and it's so much easier with you guys here to chat to.

Kaygeebee - don't feel bad that you caved into the poas urge and babymad is right that it may be way to early to show up a BFP

Babymad - sorry to hear you think you're out but as you say, at least you can have your b'day knowing one way or the other and with time to get your PMA back up

Jayleighann - looks like you're back on track then - fx for next cycle

My crazy, all in my head, symptoms today are;

- tired, hungry, ache between armpit and boobs, sniffly

but I've also had a few minor AF type cramps so all of the above could be just a sign that I'm coming down with something

Who knows? Trying not to think about it!

:hug: to you all and fx for those of you still in limbo land and PMA to those of you who think you're out.
Babymaybe - 19th
Angelcakes - 19th (or 20th but want to put 19th so you're the same as me!)
Superp - 18th (1st to poas??)
Babymad - 21st
Kaygeebee - 20th
Gabrielle - 19th (same as me and Angelcakes!)
Princess T - 20th
hey ladies...so ive tested today and yesterday an the day before LMAO..anyways all have been negatives..ive been using CB digis...i usually use FRER...so idk which is better. ANyone test yet? BFN..BFP....????

:rofl: That's great - I think you can be the thread poas addict! :hugs:
Hey ladies,

So we are all still hanging on in there then...aarrgghh...i'm at the end of my seat I tell you.

AF due tomorrow/Fri, not feeling my usual just before af, I can normally tell its coming, well I felt like that a couple of days ago but now I dont. Although this happened to me a few months ago, thinking 'I dont think its coming' and then out of the blue it started.

I have had the very very lightest spotting (beige/pink/creamy) since yesterday but NOTHING compared to last month. Which was brown and got darker daily. So that may be a good sign. Temps still ok, although all that could change tomorrow and some cramps (but not like normal af cramps) today...so fx still crossed. Oh also, sorry this is tmi I know, but if I cant share it with you guys then...well went to the toilet earlier and when I wiped it was like I had the cold and blew my nose on the toilet paper, wtaa!!!

(Although all could just be down to af coming...you'll all be the first to know)

:dust: to one and all - keep us all updated with your poas progress. :hug:
Don't you just hate knickerwatch?!

I'm in full pre-af cramp glory. Everytime I go to the loo I hope af has arrived cos I can't stand it when she plays with me. I reckon tomorrow will be the day as oddly enough I always tend to start on a weekend. It's a double slap from the witch because as well as telling me I'm not preggers, she also ruins my weekend.

This thread has gone a bit quiet lately. Babymaybe,kaygeebe, princess_t, Gabrielle, jayleigh where have you all gone? I need to know what's happening with you guys now that I've accepted defeat. Any POAS results? If I can't doesn't mean you can't! Hope you're all keepiong up the PMA.

Angelcakes, I hope this is it for you. I've got everything crossed.

Here's some :dust: to help you along.
Well, I'm still feeling poorly, tested this morning and :bfn: I think I'm just in the wait for the :witch: now. :(

Then onwards and upwards to cycle 4.......
tested this morning........i swear i see a FAINT line when i hold it up to the light and squint....might be an evap.
But no AF yet and its been 31 days....i have a cycle between28 and 32 days usually.......
i shall test agian tomrrow am.....
Does anyone know if FRER are common for evaps?
tested this morning........i swear i see a FAINT line when i hold it up to the light and squint....might be an evap.
But no AF yet and its been 31 days....i have a cycle between28 and 32 days usually.......
i shall test agian tomrrow am.....
Does anyone know if FRER are common for evaps?

How exciting Gabrielle!! I used a FRER this morning - and not a hint of even an evap - so fingers crossed for you!! :happydance:
Hello Ladies - well if AF is on her way for me she's playing one hell of a cruel joke! I've felt really ropey all day - like I had a hangover and worse than yesterday. I have had AF type cramps though but nada on knicker watch. Still time though....

Angelcakes - sounds good hun, better than earlier in the week. Fingers crossed. Are you still going to test tomorrow. I know it's weird but I might be chickening out as I'm scared it'll be a BFN

Got to go, back soon......
Sorry about that - back now!

Gabrielle - how exciting! Can you post a pic?

Kaygeebee & Babymad - glad you're both still in fx fx fx fx

To test or not to test? - that is the question!!!!!!!
Sorry about that - back now!

Gabrielle - how exciting! Can you post a pic?

Kaygeebee & Babymad - glad you're both still in fx fx fx fx

To test or not to test? - that is the question!!!!!!!

No not so much anymore...they were evaps! also went to the dr and had a blood test, it was negative. its not the test that measures the amount of hcg, just the one that says neg or pos...like a urine...
So hoping im still in! NO sign of af yet.........
I had postive opks last tues through friday...hoping i o'd late??? possiblity?
Do i still have a chance?

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