August 2014 rainbows - anyone else?

Hey ladies I went to the Dr and seen the sac. She thinks im only 5 weeks instead of 6. I have another appointment in 2 weeks to see if we see a heartbeat then. The Dr also said that the spotting is completely normal just so its not heavy. So it looks im still in for now.
Hello ladies, I was wondering, Aug.2014 Rainbow babies, Are these the babies that went back to heaven before they were dun 08.2014??? Or are they the babies that were conceived after the heaven angels and are due 08.14??? I had a MC 03.2013. I'm now pregnant and due Aug.2014. I'm sooooo scared that this one isn't going to make it but I pray hard that it do. I'm scared to go to the doctor because for some reason I got in my head that if I don't go the baby will make it, I lost my baby a few days after the ultra sound. I told myself the ultrasound tech lied to me when she said my baby was strong healthy perfect baby so i blamed her. I'm trying to change my way of thinking now. so, I haven't been with this one because I'm too scared? Any advice ladies? Any help? I'm sorry if I posted in the wrong spot.
Im not as optimistic as everyone else that worries me. I wish the heartbeat was there.
Hello ladies, I was wondering, Aug.2014 Rainbow babies, Are these the babies that went back to heaven before they were dun 08.2014??? Or are they the babies that were conceived after the heaven angels and are due 08.14??? I had a MC 03.2013. I'm now pregnant and due Aug.2014. I'm sooooo scared that this one isn't going to make it but I pray hard that it do. I'm scared to go to the doctor because for some reason I got in my head that if I don't go the baby will make it, I lost my baby a few days after the ultra sound. I told myself the ultrasound tech lied to me when she said my baby was strong healthy perfect baby so i blamed her. I'm trying to change my way of thinking now. so, I haven't been with this one because I'm too scared? Any advice ladies? Any help? I'm sorry if I posted in the wrong spot.

Just to answer your initial question, this thread is for ladies who have suffered a miscarriage (or miscarriages) in the past, and they are currently pregnant and due in August of 2014. I'm sorry for your loss in's very difficult.
Wow, a lot of bad news lately. So sorry for those who are struggling.

Ladyluck - So sorry about your spotting. It sounds very light so it might not be a bad sign. I wish they would do some blood work for you. Nausea definitely comes and goes...try not to worry.

MrsBB -Very sorry you are spotting and that the results of your u/s were inconclusive. I do hope all goes well. :hugs:

BusyBee - welcome here. So sorry about your terrible year and traumatic m/c.

Krystina - welcome

Arabelle - I hear you on feeling anxious. Hang in there. :hugs:

Debzie - Congrats on your good scan! yay!

Wookie - I am so sorry about your bleeding. Have you talked to your dr?

GH - Welcome here.
That's good news, MrsBB. I can understand not getting too excited though.

Hi, GH08.

1 more week until our appointment. I should be excited, but honestly I'm just too tired.
That's good news, MrsBB. I can understand not getting too excited though.

Hi, GH08.

1 more week until our appointment. I should be excited, but honestly I'm just too tired.

How are you?
Mrs BB try and hold onto the positive that something was there and it's in the right place because next time there could be a heart beat. Your still in it. I hoping with all my heart that we all will be right to the end
Hi all,
We got our BFP on the 5th December after our 3rd MMC in September. According to ultrasound I'm 8wks 6days pregnant. I know we'll not get a proper due date till 12wks but we know we'll be due in august!
Good luck to you all,
Kate x
Hi Kate, congrats on a good scan :) really helps you to relax and enjoy.

Well girls I managed to get myself into a right state last night, I was trying to think positive and imaging telling all my family about the new baby...but all I could imagine was telling them I had had a mc :(
I don't have many symptoms and I'm worried that with all these negative thoughts I'm thinking myself into a mc which sounds stupid but I just can't shut these thoughts out. Not sure if my epu takes self referrals, and in my last pregnancy my gp was pretty reluctant to send me for an early scan although she did eventually. I'm seeing her thurs so I will ask, might turn on the waterworks if I have to! I'm just so nervous and I hate it :( yep I'm one big pity party today!

I hope all you girls are having a better day. X
Hi, Tess. I do understand how nervous and anxious you feel, but you absolutely cannot talk yourself into a mc. If it's going to happen, it will, and there is nothing that can be done to prevent that from happening, if that's what was predestined from the beginning. I'm pretty sure I'm going through my 3rd miscarriage right now, although I'll get confirmation of that at a scan tomorrow morning, and if I am indeed miscarrying, I know that this bean was not meant to develop into and become a baby from the start. I just keep telling myself that this is what was supposed to happen, if that is what is actually happening. What will be, will truly be, and it's out of our hands. And I may be having a 3rd loss, but I was also 3rd time lucky...after my first 2 consecutive losses, I became pregnant with my rainbow baby Hannah, who turns 10 months old in 5 days! So, miracles happen, and there's just no way to predict how these things will turn out. :hugs: Take care. I know how scary it all is. You have no real indication that anything is actually wrong, so try to take it one day at a time.
Wookie thank you x
I am so sorry that is looks like things aren't going well for you, but maybe tomorrow will be a day for good news. I am hoping and praying for you.
My mum had 4 mcs (and 4 kids) and her way of looking at it was that she ended up with the babies that were the right babies for our family and her losses just weren't the right baby for our family.

Ok, positive thinking from now on!
Tess, I like your mom's philosophy. This is my fourth pregnancy, and so far, I've had one live birth...and I'll tell you right now, that she has definitely been the right baby for our family. We just love her so much, and if I'm blessed to have another rainbow somewhere down the line, that will be the other right baby for our family. :)
Hi ladies after being on cloud 9 yesterday last night started cramping and spotting. Today it's worse. With blood. At my mam's being looked after doc appt at 5 pm. Same happened with my second loss.
Hi ladies, well today I'm just having sore boobs and back ache not much else. Everything's seems to be decreasing. I haven't had my first scan date yet so this wait is very excruciating! I cried all night worried I was going to miscarry because I had some cramping but no bleeding yet, while I was crying in sheer fear I thought maybe with all the distress I was putting myself through I was making the miscarriage happen. My partner has been so distance since I started worrying about miscarrying it's really upsetting me.
Sorry wookie for what your going through right now, and Debzie I hope you both are being kind to yourselves.

I have minutes of high hopes then devastating crying episodes as if I'm in world war 3! It's quite embarrassing but I just feel helpless waiting.
Debzie, I commented in a different thread, but it bears repeating...please take care. I hope you're wrong, and that this isn't a repeat of what happened before. :hugs:
:hugs: Wookie. Still holding out hope that all is well!

Hi, Kate!

So sorry, Debzie. :(

Busy, I cramped pretty consistently (and quite intensely, actually) alllll through weeks 4 and 5 this time. It did taper off eventually and all's still going well now. It is nerve racking, though.

7w2d. Making it through today without any bleeding will be a record. I'm going to stay as busy as I can today!

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