Hello ladies, I was wondering, Aug.2014 Rainbow babies, Are these the babies that went back to heaven before they were dun 08.2014??? Or are they the babies that were conceived after the heaven angels and are due 08.14??? I had a MC 03.2013. I'm now pregnant and due Aug.2014. I'm sooooo scared that this one isn't going to make it but I pray hard that it do. I'm scared to go to the doctor because for some reason I got in my head that if I don't go the baby will make it, I lost my baby a few days after the ultra sound. I told myself the ultrasound tech lied to me when she said my baby was strong healthy perfect baby so i blamed her. I'm trying to change my way of thinking now. so, I haven't been with this one because I'm too scared? Any advice ladies? Any help? I'm sorry if I posted in the wrong spot.