August 2014 rainbows - anyone else?

It was clear runny discharge of some sort no smell or anything just clear. Do I need to call the doctors? (they are really rubbish btw I never get a appt with them) and also no scan date through post yet so literally have no clue about anything.
I have my first scan weds...after some scheduling fun, it was finally sorted out for when my mw requested. I'll be 8w+2. Any thoughts on whether this will be an internal or external u/s? Doesn't matter, but would like to give dh a bit of an explanation on what to expect!

Queasiness and vomiting is a funny thing. I'm going to try lemon LL. Watered down apple juice and rice crackers seem to go down pretty well. My mw wants me to record my diet for 3 days. I laughed. My diet is nothing like normal. I'm eating whatever I feel I can eat, and that is mostly carbs and fruit and rarely veggies. I normally eat so well. I had a salad once last week and felt disgusting for 24 straight hours after basically forcing it down, won't make that mistake again ;)

I've had a lot of achey-ness in my lower abdomen lately. Not like period cramps, and doesn't seem to go away. Also feel like I've been doing ab workouts, but have not. Anyone else feeling this?
I have my first scan weds...after some scheduling fun, it was finally sorted out for when my mw requested. I'll be 8w+2. Any thoughts on whether this will be an internal or external u/s? Doesn't matter, but would like to give dh a bit of an explanation on what to expect!

Queasiness and vomiting is a funny thing. I'm going to try lemon LL. Watered down apple juice and rice crackers seem to go down pretty well. My mw wants me to record my diet for 3 days. I laughed. My diet is nothing like normal. I'm eating whatever I feel I can eat, and that is mostly carbs and fruit and rarely veggies. I normally eat so well. I had a salad once last week and felt disgusting for 24 straight hours after basically forcing it down, won't make that mistake again ;)

I've had a lot of achey-ness in my lower abdomen lately. Not like period cramps, and doesn't seem to go away. Also feel like I've been doing ab workouts, but have not. Anyone else feeling this?

Hi Arabelle - I imagine at 8 weeks it'll be internal. Not 100% sure though.
I have also had dull ache in my lower abdomen. I have had this on and off throughout my pregnancy so far. I'm not in pain with it, and think it's probably normal!
Arabelle- my scan was at 7+3. SHe did abdominally and we could definitely see baby! But we did an internal too to get a better picture

Tried the Doppler today and no luck. I'm only 8+6 so I may try later on this week. My appointment is in 2 weeks so if I can't find it I'm sure the professionals will haha
BusyBees- hummm..i have heard of nipple discahrge but not in the first trimester. Did you call your doctor?

arabelle - I have been achy too....I think its totally normal. Our bodies are getting ready to be able to caarry all that extra weight.

AFM, nausea has been the death of me too....I had acpuncture this morning which seemed to help for a few hours. But low & behold it came back. Like Wookie, I find that eat often seems to curb the nausea...ugh...i just want to go home and nap :(
While I don't think nipple discharge (clear) is really common, it's probably normal. As long as it's not smelly, or yellowish/greenish/brownish, I wouldn't worry. A thick, gold-colored ooze would indicate colostrum, or "liquid gold" to a newborn! Best newborn nutrition there is right there! :)
Busy Bee - That is so weird about something squirting out of your nipple. Do you have a pre-natal appointment booked any time soon? I would agree with whoever said it's probably nothing if there's no odour or colour, but I would ask your dr the next time you see him/her. If you are really worried, though, of course just call.

Arabelle - I think your scan could go either way with having to be internal or external. But I would imagine you have a could chance of it being external by that stage (also, either way they would probably try an external first, and they would go to internal only if they needed). Good luck!

I am the exact same way with my diet now, Arabelle! I used to eat fairly healthy, but now I just eat whatever appeals to me (also carbs and fruit). I hate veggies now as well! I try to force myself to have a tiny bit per day, but I don't overdo it. I figure I'm taking my vitamins and eating lots of fruit...the baby will be okay if I wait til the 2nd tri to really pick up the veggie consumption again.

I have some achiness in my lower abdomen as well. I don't have it all the time, but I have it when I suck in, or sneeze or cough. I think it's the fact that your uterus is enlarged now and might feel 'tight' if you're using your stomach muscles. Also, all those ligaments around there are loosening up, so they might be bothering you. I already had trouble with my inguinal ligaments before I got pregnant, and now they're giving me a lot more grief!
I'm achier this time in the abs than I was with Hannah. And then I keep reminding myself that Hannah only turned 10 months old yesterday, and that she was a c-section birth. My body really only just did, I'm sure the achey pelvic thing is just my body bouncing back to pregnancy. I can almost hear my muscles saying, "Geez, AGAIN???" :rofl: At nearly 9 weeks, I'm sporting a little baby bump now, which didn't happen until I was more like 14 weeks along last time. Definitely going to pop more this time, I think.
On my ultrasound results it said I have a cyst on my right ovary. Today I started having really bad lower back pain on the right side. It went away but now I'm having some pain near that right ovary. Not unbearable, just annoying. Could this be the cyst bursting? I never really experienced something like this but I don't wanna get too concerned and think something could be wrong
Arabella I had the tummy one at 7 weeks and could see fine.

Busybee I have googled and there seem to be lots who have experienced this so I wouldn't worry

Mel I was told the same about my left ovary and keep having pains. If it gets too bad I would contact the doctor but I was told not to worry as it's not near the baby
Hi lady,
Yes will confirm with doc once I manage to get a call back from them, no smell what so ever just absolutely clear dries up white on the nipple it's not a lot just tiny leak.
Also throwing up so much bike it tastes disgusting have to be full all the time but I'm tired of constantly eating. If I'm hungry it's awful!

My breasts are less sore today. Not much fatigue anymore just nausea if I have empty stomach, doesn't help being at work as no one knows. No scan date through post still!!!!!! I just need to know if everything is going ok it's driving me mad

Thanks for all the support with my nipples ladies!loooool
I'm the same if I have an empty tummy I get so sick so having to eat all the time! Today is the first day I haven't felt sick and instead of enjoying I have been worrying! Maybe when speaking to doctor ask if they can chase up the scan date
The Pains went away after I laid down on the couch and relaxed. Thank god lol I was almost worried
Arabelle, I'd bet it'll be internal. :) From what I've seen, most people have internals when they're that early. (I had to tell my hubby to expect that yesterday... He was thinking it'd be external, too!)

Mel, could be a cyst... But it doesn't sound like it's bursting to me. Unless it's maybe really small. Bursting cysts are horrible.
Just got back from my scan. Everything looked good! Saw the little heart beating, and measuring a day ahead at 8+3. I know it's still early, but it was such a relief to see a heartbeat :)
Well I finally got an scan for tommo afternoon after chasing the doctors with no success so just bugged the hospital until they have me one! I can't believe it's taken so long but relieved i have one now!

Sadly all my pregnancy symptoms have been gone for the last 2/3days I'm not feeling too positive. Breasts have shrunk back to normal size and no more soreness,nausea or fatigue no indigestion heartburn or frequent urinating nothing it's all gone :(

All I can do is pray and look after myself which is proving hard with the unstable life at home with partner who is treating me like the worst person in the world. It wasn't always like this, I cry every night every morning and had to take time off work as it's been too hard on me. I worry for my babies safety because of how much I cry and how much stress it's causing but I just can't help but feel like I'm losing my baby and my partner doesn't support me, he just picks on me and laughs at my cries. I don't know what to do and I fear that if I don't become stronger I won't get over another MC...
Busybee- It sounds like you're facing some emotional/verbal abuse from your partner. Have you considered talking to someone about this, or getting some counseling as a couple? The best gift you could give to your baby is a strong, healthy relationship with your partner. Of course, if that isn't possible, I hope you can decide the best route for you and your baby.

I hope your u/s goes well. Please try not to worry. I had days at a time where I barely had any symptoms, and baby was still doing well when I got my scan. The stress is definitely not great for the baby, so maybe try to deep breathing exercises and some relaxation techniques. :hugs:

Arabelle - I'm so pleased your baby is doing well!
Well, I thought I'd pop in to update you all. I'm Pregnant. Very early, but pregnant 3 weeks after 5w4d loss.

Great seeing all these growing babies... And if you MC, I'm beyond sorry! :hugs:

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