For those of you who are pregnant with #1, the first movements do kind of feel (in my experience) like farty bubbles, or sometimes like popcorn popping. That's the only way I can describe it.
I too have been feeling some slight movements at night, after I've been laying down. I can FINALLY find him on our doppler now! What a relief that is! My husband is so excited to be having a son this time...having one of each just seems like a dream come true. We are going to name him Oscar Dennis. Oscar was my great grandfather's name, and Dennis is my dad's name.
One thing I can say, having had a little girl first, is that shopping for clothes for a boy (which is essentially all we'll be needing for this baby...we have all of the big stuff already) is really kind of lame! LOL!!! I'm really picky about little boy clothes. I don't like teddy bears, choo choo trains, nautical-themed stuff, etc. I like baby boy clothes that look like big-boy clothes, if that makes sense. I like stripes, little jeans, plaid, polo shirts, etc. Oh, and simple sleepers and onesies... But good grief, there are some stupid boy clothing options out there.
I can go shopping for my daughter, and feel like I've hit the jackpot in cuteness, and my poor son is going to get the fashion shaft! LOLOL!!!!!!