Kitty I feel the same as you. Apparently there are lots of us who are having our third and really want a boy. I feel mine is going to be a girl though, I don't know why. I guess half is because of my strong female line and also because of Ramzi's theory. My first ultrasound showed that the placenta is anterior, which usually means a girl. I want another boy because DS was the only boy born in my family since the 1980s and all of my cousins have girls so there are no boys for DS to play with.
Mrs. W - So sorry to hear about the test results. Hopefully everything is ok and that their theory about the vanishing twin is correct. I know that nobody likes to lose a baby, whether singleton or twins, but it is better to have one healthy baby than none at all.
Angel and Lilred - Glad to hear everything went well!
1nce - I'm with you there. I couldn't wait for my anatomy scan either so I booked a private ultrasound for this coming Tuesday. Probably won't be as accurate but I want to know as soon as possible lol. I'll probably jinx myself for getting an early gender scan and be like Tani, unsure of whether the tech was correct.
I know, I know. Shame on me after saying I didn't want to know gender at all until birth... I'm a gutless flip flopper
No, really. I want to know because I want to feel more attached to this baby. After three losses, it is hard to feel attached without worrying that something may go wrong at any time. I also want the baby to have a name instead of just referring to it as "the baby". I already told my doctor I wanted to wait until birth, which is why I'm having the private ultrasound done. The place I'm going to has a high accuracy rate of predicting gender from 14 weeks onwards and if they can't figure it out, they'll have me come back for free. Can't beat that! But to the professionals... aka the hospital and my doc... I'm still team yellow.