August 2016 watermelons!

Congrats tymeg xx we would love a boy with this one but I'll probably get another girl, we will find out this time hopefully at 20 weeks though. I'm moving house and I want to sort things out in advance.
Mrs w- im sorry your test came back as failed, thats awful ! Im sure everything is OK though. Hopefully everything will be OK once you have the scan.

I haven't felt any movement yet really. Sometimes I have gas or something I think and I think to myself maybe it's that but there's nothing I could tell you for sure that would say it's a baby lol

Also I'm just starting to notice i am getting a bit fatter. Not really a baby bump, maybe a food baby lol but starting to feel changes in my abdomen and stuff. Also been crampy and stiff this week :-/ and if I get up really fast or turn over fast in bed I get like a sharp quick pain.
Once: I've been getting those same pains, I think it's round ligament from what I've read, just uterus stretching to make room for babes. I'm really wanting to feel baby move but it's still so early...

AFM doctor's appointment went well, heartrate was 150 and I go back in about 3 weeks to get blood drawn for second trimester screening. I didn't do the first but I think I would rather know now so if anything were to be wrong I could prepare myself. I'm more so looking forward to my scan in 5 weeks when I can find out the gender :)
Wow Mrs W, that's quite a surprise! I'm sorry you couldn't get the info you wanted.

I've been getting some of that round ligament pain too, it hurts so bad!! I always have to brace myself when I sneeze or cough.

I feel movements here and there. Yesterday when I was drinking my coffee, she was kicking away! I seem to only feel the hard kicks, unless I'm complete still and paying attention, then I can feel little rumbly feelings that aren't gas. I can't think about it too much or it completely freaks me out.
I don't think I'm gonna make it until my 16 week scan I have planned (a week from Saturday). I'm going to die of anticipation. I wanna see my baby ALL THE TIME lol. Am I nuts?
I don't think I'm gonna make it until my 16 week scan I have planned (a week from Saturday). I'm going to die of anticipation. I wanna see my baby ALL THE TIME lol. Am I nuts?

Nope. Id love a little window. Untill the kicks become an everyday thing its sometimes hard to not be worried about everything being ok
I don't think I'm gonna make it until my 16 week scan I have planned (a week from Saturday). I'm going to die of anticipation. I wanna see my baby ALL THE TIME lol. Am I nuts?

Nope! I feel the same way. I had an emergency scan at 12 weeks and my next isn't until 20 weeks which is 5 weeks away :( I'm jealous of you!! Lol. I want to see baby again so bad. Had another emergency appt yesterday and was really disappointed I didn't get one.
I hope everything is okay fairycat with the emergency appointments.

I got the initial CVS results back y'day. I'm really relieved that my baby doesn't have Down's, Edwards or Patau Syndrome.
I cried with relief and joy.
And I'm having a BOY!!
It's my first child so myself and my DH are just so thrilled and happy.

Thank you for all your thoughts.
For any non facebookers what do you think

Girls humour me here. Oh isnt convinced baby is a boy. And tbh during the scan whilst he was moving around i was pretty sure it was a girl. Now im no expert and if sono says boy then ill believe him.

The pic looks like it could be attached to cord. Now oh has he 2nd guessing so any opinions would be greats
Kitty I feel the same as you. Apparently there are lots of us who are having our third and really want a boy. I feel mine is going to be a girl though, I don't know why. I guess half is because of my strong female line and also because of Ramzi's theory. My first ultrasound showed that the placenta is anterior, which usually means a girl. I want another boy because DS was the only boy born in my family since the 1980s and all of my cousins have girls so there are no boys for DS to play with.

Mrs. W - So sorry to hear about the test results. Hopefully everything is ok and that their theory about the vanishing twin is correct. I know that nobody likes to lose a baby, whether singleton or twins, but it is better to have one healthy baby than none at all. :hugs2:

Angel and Lilred - Glad to hear everything went well!

1nce - I'm with you there. I couldn't wait for my anatomy scan either so I booked a private ultrasound for this coming Tuesday. Probably won't be as accurate but I want to know as soon as possible lol. I'll probably jinx myself for getting an early gender scan and be like Tani, unsure of whether the tech was correct.

I know, I know. Shame on me after saying I didn't want to know gender at all until birth... I'm a gutless flip flopper :blush:

No, really. I want to know because I want to feel more attached to this baby. After three losses, it is hard to feel attached without worrying that something may go wrong at any time. I also want the baby to have a name instead of just referring to it as "the baby". I already told my doctor I wanted to wait until birth, which is why I'm having the private ultrasound done. The place I'm going to has a high accuracy rate of predicting gender from 14 weeks onwards and if they can't figure it out, they'll have me come back for free. Can't beat that! But to the professionals... aka the hospital and my doc... I'm still team yellow.
My placenta is low anterior Lilmiss so you could still have a boy.
All the best for the scan on Tuesday. :)
That gives me hope, Lilred! :) I mean, don't get me wrong, I won't be disappointed if it is a girl. After all I've went through, as long as it is a healthy baby, that's all that matters. I'll be happy either way since this is our miracle rainbow.
I hope everything is okay fairycat with the emergency appointments.

I got the initial CVS results back y'day. I'm really relieved that my baby doesn't have Down's, Edwards or Patau Syndrome.
I cried with relief and joy.
And I'm having a BOY!!
It's my first child so myself and my DH are just so thrilled and happy.

Thank you for all your thoughts.

That is wonderful news!! So happy for you! Were they able to tell you're having a boy based on your blood work?
Thank you babydust.
When they test the cells from the placenta they count the chromosomes and take a look more closely at the sex chromosomes.
The next results I'm waiting for is a full karyotype. Where they will look at every chromosome to see if there is an abnormality. But I'm super hopeful that the those results will be fine. :)
They did take bloods but I believe they were to check my afp, hcg, Papp-a etc.

Exactly Lilmisscaviar, every baby is a blessing. Fingers crossed for you that all goes well.
I had my blood test done on friday, which is called the genesis, they send it to London and I will have results in 5 days time.

They test for any and all abnormalities.

Hoping all comes back negative.
Lilred- congrats so happy for you :) :)

We finally announced our pregnancy and everyone is so happy for us, it felt like a weekend long celebration! Everyone wanted to go out to eat and talk about it and was so excited :)

My anticipation is killing me for Saturday! Hoping everything is developed enough to see and baby is in a good position to see the gender !

5 more days!
I'm glad everyone was excited about your announcement! I bet you are so relieved to finally be able to be open about it.
Lovely to see lots of good news here!!

1nce - glad your announcement went well and that everyone was so exciting, I love how 'special' pregnant ladies are treated!! Good luck for your gender scan!

Lilred- so glad your results came back all clear and big congrats on being team blue!!

Tymeg - good luck with your results. 5 days isn't too long to wait. Fingers crossed. Will you find out gender too?

Lilmisscavier - think your gender scan was today? Hope you were able to find out and looking forward to your update!!

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